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- - , , �` _ <br /> .�...�..�--.., -- ,�;. <br /> , `-�_ _. <br /> � . . �..t,vw '"' �'. :��L' _��.'�- _ <br /> ..n <br /> ! I <br /> ul�-��' 92_ ' io0i5r1 <br /> th�Propay It a 4k�n a dan+��d,�►�h�ll lu�v�th�optlan,In ib�ot��nd abaolut�discntlon,to�pply all sueh Proc�, v <br /> �IMr d�duetlnp th�rNrom�II eoKs�nd�xp�nt�s Inourr�d b�It In con��cdon wlth woh P►ocNd�,upon any Ind�bt�dn��ocur�d <br /> h�r�b�r and la weh ord�r w L�nd�r may dwrmin�,or Iq�PpIY�II tuch ProcMds,�ft�r wch d�dueUons,w u+.�..�a.aon a a�. <br /> —� tM��dat�of�inY P�Y�n^�s�ndn th�Noti�or aur*�y dsl�ult iha�i nds o Mr�u Inde�A�y unappl�id 1 nd�sh� b�� -- <br /> _ Trwtor. <br /> _ ,__ __ , _.. _, __,� e, p�p��nc�Ihr��nda.Upon th�occurnnos of pn Ev�nt of Wl�ult h�r�undor,or II any act I�tek�n or Ip�l p►ocMdlny <br /> comrrNnC�d whlth n�brNlly�flects L�nd�r'�Inter��t MI lhe PropeAy.L�nd�r m�r in Its own discrodon,b�t without oblipatlon to do �-- - <br /> w,�nd wlthout noUc�to or dsm�nd�Pon Trunor�nd wehout rtitqtinp Trusta lrom any oblip�Uon,do any act which Tru�tor h�s <br /> aprNd but falla lo do�nd m#y�Ho do�ny othe��ot it deamb n�c��sury to prot�ct th��ecurfry hereot.Trwtor�Ifall,Imm�dlaqly <br /> upon d«ruod tMrefor by lender.p�y to Londer sll co�re ancl erpsn�es fncurred and�ums expended by L�ndor In conn�ctlon wlth __ <br /> �.:� fh�exaales by Lender of the foreyoinp riphh,to�ether wilh fntsrest thsreon at ths detault rate provlded fn the Note.whlch�hpll be � <br /> .._,-;� added to th��nd�btadnQSa s�cured hereby.Lfnder �halli not Incur pny II�Mtly boc�us�ot onythinp it m�y do or omlt to do _ <br /> M►eunWr. <br /> - �=�� relaUnq to Indt�aAhy� p�le e oruenvi onmentel p o eCtlone(collectivelyl'eierredtlo herele'asbEnviwonmen�tUlnLaws�Tf rus o�shpll _- <br /> — -°°•�1� keep the?roperly tree Irom a�!sulutancee deert�ed W be hazardoua or toxic under any Envlronmental lpws(collectively relerred to _ <br />_ ��---_�. .,. --- <br /> _�._� herein as"Hazardous Materiels").Truator her�by wa•rants and reprosonts to Lender that there are no Hezerdous M�brie s on or ,_ <br /> -- under the Praperty.Truator hereby a�rees to fnAemnihu and ho!d harmlesf Lender,its direcWra,oNiccra,en'�ployeea anda�enb.and <br /> __ ��_� - <br /> 'R j- any euccesao►e to Lender'a intere��irom and a�ainet eny and all clafms,demapas,tosses and Habilities arlslnQ in connacdon with �! <br /> the presence,use,disposal c+r trenapoR of any Heaordous Materials on, unde�.Irom or a0oul the Propery.THE FOAEOOIN(i <br /> _''�."� WARRANTIE8 AND REPRESENTATIONS,AND TRIJ�TOR'S OBUGATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FORE(iO1N(3 INDEMNITY,8NALL � <br /> '""'�=Ir'� SURVIVE R�CONVEYANCE OF THIS OEED OF TRUSL �- <br /> mt�n,,,'�•',���� �p. �pbnmMt ol Rmb.Trustor hereby asalgns W Lender the rents,issues and profits of rhe Property:provfded that Truator <br /> `���'"�"-'= shall,uoUl the occu�reace oi an Evant ol Defeult horeunder,have the ri9ht to callect and retain such rents,tswes end prufits as they �_ <br /> :�:�;;•� becom�+due and payable.Upon Ihe occurrence a�a n Evet►t o1 Detaull,Lender may,either in person or by agenl,with o�whhout -�-- <br /> ':.r,��Y� y,,r: brinyk�fl any aation or proceeding,or by a�eceiver appointed by a court and�vilhout re�lard to tne adequacy ol its securUy,enter ���• <br /> ""���_���"�`::;: upon a�d take posseaa�on of the Property,or eny pah thereot,in Ita own name or in the name ot the Truslee,and do�ny�cb which it -- <br /> -���''''`�?;���?,� deems neCOSea�or de9lrable to preserve the vetue,marketabllity or rentebfOty ot the ProDe ry,or any part thereot or interost therein. _ � <br /> TM -""�=� i�c�eaee the Income therefrom ar protect the security horeot and,with or�vllhout takinq posaeasion ot lhe PropeAy,sue for or <br /> '�"�i°''`�' otherwlse collect the renta, isaues and proflte thereal,Including those past due end unpaid,and apply the same,lesa costs and <br /> =�°"`' ' expensea ot operaUon and coQectlon Including anurneye'lees,upon any Indebtedness secured hereby,all In auch order as Lender _ <br /> an•tSe .- .,. <br />