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<br /> ' periods�hnt Lender rcquirer. The insurance carc�.cr providin�the insurAncc ahall be chosen by Borruwcr subject ta Lenderh _
<br /> appruval whicl�shall not be unrc�-�onably withheld. If Bortower fails to maintain coveraye dc9c�ib¢d above,lxnder may.�t
<br /> lxnder's aption.abtain cavera�e lo procec�Le�wktls dRhta in the Pro�erty in occordnncc wilh puaBt�Ph 7.
<br /> ' All insurance policies and renewals�twll be acceptnble lu l.ender�ud shail include A swndard moAgage ciuuse. Lender
<br /> �hall have�he right to hold�ho policles and rcnewals. If L.ender reyuircs.Borrower shal!promptly give ta Lendcr all rcceipts
<br /> of paid premiums ond renewal notices. In �he event af loss,Bcxrower shall�ive prompt noth�e w thc inxurw�ce cwrler u�d
<br /> -_ ---_�=-,� �,ender. Lenckr may make praof of loss if not mude prompdY by Barrawer. �
<br /> Unless L.cnder wid 8�rrower Wherwlse o8roe m Wn�ing,msurancc pnKeeJ+shal�b�aPP�icd to restomtion or rtpnir of
<br /> �P��nyr danwged. if the neseaution or repair is ecanomically feusible and L.enderk securfry is na lessened. If 1he
<br /> rcs�oration or repsti�is not economicully Feusible or Lender�+securlty wauld be lesxened. the insu�ance proceed.c shall be --
<br /> � applied to the suma secuted by tbic Security Insttument.whether or nw then due.wi�h nny excess paid io Bomawer. lf _
<br /> _'�� Bomower abandons�he Praperty or das not w►swcr within :;0 duys a naice from l.cnder�hat the inxumn��e carrie�hag -
<br /> - `� •,� ofletcd to seple v claim,then Lender may collect the insuronce proceeds. Lender may use the praceeds�o rcp�lr or rcstore
<br /> - :, _�-_--..�,
<br /> the prope�ty ar w puy sumc cecured by�his�Secudty Instnunent.whether or not�hen dua. The 30-duy period will begin whan =_
<br /> '=•:1.� the notlee is given. --
<br /> -�� Unless l.ender and Borrawer othenvire agrce in writing, any appliculion of proceeds�o principal shall na extend ar __
<br /> - post�xx�e the due dute of the monthly paymeMR referrcd to in parng�aphs I and 2 or change the amount of the payments. li
<br /> ��_ - .-:� under poragraph Z 1 ihe ProPeny is acquired by Lender. Bor�awer a right to any in�urance pvlicie�ond proceeds rcaultinR �
<br /> —:�� �damegt�o�he prope�ty pdar to the acquisition rhall pBSSf to l..ender to Ihe extent of the sum.g secured by this Secu�ity
<br /> �— Instrumentimmediatelypriortolheacqui�sitlon. g�ro�rer's L�wa Applkalbni
<br /> ---=- 6. Occupaacy� P�erv�Non, Mpintenance And Protectiou ot tbe Property:
<br /> �_� __ T__� ���& g��wer stwlt accupy.e4tabliah.end usr the Propeny+�Bortower�principul rcsidence wiUtin siaty days after �
<br /> _�._�� the eaecu�ion of this Security Instmment and shall contiaue to occupy tF�e PropeRy ux Bormwer�s principal residence for ut �
<br /> ` least one ytar after the date of occupancy, un�ess Lender othenvise agrees �n wtiting, which consent ahnll not be
<br /> w='""°'�_�� un�.���y vvl�hheld.or unless eatenuating c�rcmmstcinccs exist which are bayond Borrower's conud. Boerower shall not —
<br /> desmoy�damage or impair the Property�+d�ow the P►nPertY to deteriorate,ar commit waste on tt�e Property. Borruwer shull
<br /> -��`►r.r�� be in default if smy forfelturc acr ion or proceeding.whethcr civil or criminal,is begun Ihat in L.ender�g�wd feith judBment -
<br /> •�-���>�:a could result in forteiture of the Pnopeny or otherwise materiully impair�hc lien created by this Securiry Instrument or _
<br />- --��� Lender R security interest. Borrow�er may cure such a defaul�und reinatate.ns providecl in parngroph 18.by causing the ection _
<br /> -=�k"'°'''�'�•; ar proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling thut,in Lender�goal faith detertnination,precludes forfeHUre af the Bomower g -
<br /> ="����r����:� interest in the Property or other mAterial impairtnent of the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or Lender's securlty _
<br /> �---�� interest. Borrower shall also be in defnult if Borrower, during the loan applicution pracess, gave muteriolly fulse or `
<br />��_�'�'•• � inaccurate information or statemen4+to Lendar(or failed to provide Lender with any muteriul infwmadon)in connection with
<br /> --==- the �oa�evidenced by the Note,including, but not limited to, representutions conceming Borrower�s accupm�cy of'the �
<br /> `�"`�-�"�' propeny ax a principal residence. if this Sc�:w iiy in-utsmcnt is on a leasehnld,Bcwmwer xhall comply with ulllhe provisions
<br />-.�`:�t.��-��b-;�. ', .
<br />;�;.,�,,; .{,,��. . af the lease. If Bo�roweracquires fee title�o the Property,the leasehold nnd�he fee tiAe shall not mergc unless Lender ag�+ees
<br /> f,., ;�, •. tathe merger in writing. _
<br />�•�^l�.,.y 7. Protectioa oP I.ender's Rigkts in the PropeMy. If Borrawer fals to perForm the covenants and agreements
<br /> contained in this SecuritY In�aument,or there is a legal proceeding thAt may sigmflcanlly aifect Lender x rights in the
<br />�s�_*��n� " p r o p ert y(suoh as u praceeding in bunkruptcy,p�obate,for candemnation or forfeiture or lo enforce laws or regulations),then _
<br /> - c�n t��.�� Lender may do aad pay for whatever ix necessary to pro tec t t h e v a l u e o f t h e P r o p e r t y a n d L e n d e r's ri g h t s i n the P ro p e r t y. _
<br /> 'SY''`� =,� • Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which hus priority over tfiis Security Instrument.Appearing _
<br /> ,��'�� -..
<br />_�•,• 1r.:�H;''".:� in court,paying reusonable uttorneys'f�es nnd entering on the Propeny to mnke repairs. Although Lender may take action
<br /> .+�+1i�, .�.�a�: under this paragraiph 7�I.cnder daes not hAVC to do no. __
<br /> ;�r��-.; :a�ia•' :• pny sunoun�s disbuned by l.ender under thi.paraQ�uph 7 shnll become addi�ionul debt of Horrawer ssecured by this �
<br /> �[:`�.,�'' - Seeuriry Instrumant. Unless Borrower and Lrnder ugree�u��ti�cc t�:r.:�^�Ya)'ntent,these imnunts�hall hear interegt from the ___
<br /> =F�'}:�;����.:� date of diabursement at the Note rute and slwll bc payable,with interest,upon naice from Lender�o Borrower requesting -
<br /> �'K";�" payment.
<br /> :•�'Ra�- 8. Mortgage insurpnee. If Lender reyuired morlguge insurancc aK u conditiun of making the loan secured 6y this -
<br /> .;��.,��,� -
<br /> Security ln9trumem, Borrowcr shull pay Ihe premiumv reyuired to maintain the mongnge insuiunce in effecl. 1, or i►ny _
<br /> r�-r:r,�-��, rea.son, the mongage insuru�xe covcmgc required by Leixfcr lupse+ or ce•rses to be in effect. Barrower shall pay the _.
<br /> " �'�'•`� premiums required to ohtpin covernge�ubxluntia�lly eyuivulent �o �he mortgage in.urunce previuusly in efiert, at a cost
<br /> '��'�?}�'=•�� � substnntially equivalent to the rost w Burrower af the mortguge insurunce previously in effect,Gom an nitemate morlgage `
<br /> =:�1`�t�!•', -., _ .
<br /> T;;y�,. . . insurer approved by Lender. If substunlially equivAlent mortguge insurunce coverage is noi uvallable,[iorrower shall pay to
<br /> -=_._.�_ - •:. Lender euch month u sum equot w one-twclfth of the yeorly mortgnge insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> 7��":x.�,�Y insurunce covemge lapsed or ceused tobe in effect. Lender will uccept,u�e und retuin these payments w a loss reserve in lieu -
<br /> �i ', of mortgage insurance. Los���serve ppyments muy no longer be required,at Ihc optiou of Lender,if moAgage insurance
<br /> ��-�k� � � � covera e(in the�moum and for the period thnt Lender reyuirexl provided by un insurer upproved by Lender again becomes -
<br /> _�.:.�.,�:;�b: ' S
<br /> r �. �,„�. uvuilnble and is oMuined.Borrower shall pay the premiums rcqui�rJ tn muintuin mongu�e msurunce m effect,or to prov� e u
<br /> ' "". :`=':'•�: loss reurve,until the requirement for mortgoge insumnce ends in ucconianrr with uny wri�ten ugreement between Bortower
<br /> ��'.: .- - und Lender or upplicuble luw.
<br /> � ;},�i.,.!� q, �nspeC�iun. Lcnder ur its i�gcnt muy mukc mu�onuble cntric.up�m and ins�x:rtions of the Property. Lender shall
<br />� ,,;;n� � give Borrower notice at ihe time of or prior to:m inspertiun.r•}xrifying reuxonuble rause li�r�hc in�Exctiun. _
<br /> , 16. Condemnation. The pnx�eJ.i�f any awurd��r claim for damuFe..direct ur conuyuential,in wnne�:tion with:my =
<br /> '_ • Smgk F+mily..F'unwlelfaelFYeddierlarUhlFO1tM1\tiTRl;�1F:\T•-UwlormCovcnmi+ 919p rpuer?n/n�k�.��s� k
<br /> .. �.ral w►rn euuoeex lu,�r.�nc.■ �
<br /> To�kder Call:I#ODd'IPY39�C7 YA7l BK7Y1•1171
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