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:�� .,,.�, �,�,.�. � . `;a�� <br /> � -, ps�. . ., ... <br /> - �� : � :� <br /> 4 ,I ; _ ------ --=— <br /> ��h_.o...�...� <br /> =- 92-- 1 uoi�o <br /> ' TO(iETh6R WI7'H�II Ihe improvcmcnt�now�hercofter eroc�od on the property.+uWi all casement�.uppuncnwucr, � <br /> = eind lizturcs now or IKrcsdter A part of the propeny. All replacements and addi�ions shall al�o be covercd by�hir 9ocurby <br /> �� -- Inwument. All of the forcgoina is refertcd�o in�hi�Securily In�Ywment as the"PeoperlY•" — <br /> .� <br /> �. SORROWER COVENANTS that Borrowcr�s lawfully sciced of thc es�ate hereby conveyed nnd hos 1he right t�i granl =_ <br /> _�._ �nd canvey U�e wid Uwt�he Pm�ny is unencumbered,e�cept for encumbrnnces of record. Bcxrower wArronw wnd <br /> -• � will defend Qen�title ro thc Property agdnst All clalmr and demands,subject to nny encumb�ances of rccord. <br /> "'�`. - ��. <br /> 7'HIS 5BCUR17'Y WSTRUMEM' combfnes unifortn covenants for national u�e and non-unifiHm coveaumtY wlth �-__ <br /> limitod variations by Jurisdiction to conr�itule a unifam�secu�ity instrument coveting real propeny <br /> �'* b UNIFORM COVENAM'S. Bomower w�d L.ender covennnt and ag�ee as follows: - <br /> ' Pro P Y P �'f,.- <br /> - - -- _` 1. Paymeat ot PrL�ctp�l�ed loterati�W9�a�a���CharQes. Barower shull m d ay when duc ihc �,.,: <br /> - � •� princi of and Interest on the debt evidenced by lhe Nwe und any prepayment und lote chnrges due under the Note. <br /> ��K_� ��lupds�a 7�a aa11��apce. Subject to applicsible law or to u written waiver by LendeG Barower ahall paY tu <br /> ------�. ---•_;_;r. - Lender on�he day monihly paymcnts sue due under�he Note.until Ihe Note is paid in full,u sum("Funds")foc(u)yeurly �_ <br /> tues and assessmenta which may attwin priority over this Security Instrument as a lien an the Propecty:lb)yearly Ic.ASehald ____ <br /> --`�'=�='� . .�••�i payments or ground rents on the Praperty, if any; (c) yearly hazard ar prc�perry insurnnce premiums: (d) yearly flaod _ <br /> � �:...:d.' �f:.�'`._ insurw�ce premiums,if siny;le) yeorly monguge insurance prcmiums. if any; and(� uny sums paya6le by Borrowe�to <br /> - _ -=—=r-� i' Le� accordance.wiih Ihe provisions of paragraph lieu of�he{wyment of mortgage insurance prcm�ums. 'I7�u: �,. <br /> ��=;f-""��� ��� items arc callzd"Escrow ltems." Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in nn amount not to exceed Ihe maximum �.• <br /> �Y=^s�:'' amount a lender for a feder�lly rclated mohgage loan may requf�for Borrower�s escrow Account under the federal Rcul <br />