~O11~0 ~~Q"1 200907125
<br />(h) Any shutters, awrllnc,]s, winclnw 17oxas, cloorsieps, stoops, porches,
<br />balconies, patios ailcl all Pxlerlor dc~,nrs anc windows or ollrer fixtures
<br />c:lesitned lc~ sc;rve a sinelle unlt, l~ul Icx,;atecl outside that rrnil's boundaries,
<br />are limller_I cnnlr~on elemerlls allocated In that nett,
<br />.,, . ,.
<br />A ICt_~ V):_~P~CIAI D~[;I~A_~~N~PlGl11.~.A~fa I~GV~LnPME TRIG i.. ~
<br />_~_ _L_. ~- ~~
<br />^eclarant shall reserve and have the fnllnwir7rd devt~lnpment rights:
<br />(a) Declarant shall ronlrn) the Assnciallon and may appoint. and remove thF
<br />afflrars and members of the kxsc;rrtive [ward of Direc:lors until Iha earlier of;
<br />("I) ~ixiy {60) clays attar conveyan~.a cat rrir1el
<br />Iho (roils which maybe r:rr;~atec;) Ica unit owner otl etc lhaunplttrr
<br />Uaclarant; or
<br />(~) Two (2) years after Declarant has ceased to after (.roils for
<br />sale in the arcJinary course cat kausiness.
<br />Not later than sixty (en) clays after corlveyanra cif Iweniy~tlve percent (25%,)
<br />of the urrlls which rYt~y he createrl icy c.rnil nwnc:rs other than the f.~c~clarant,
<br />al least one (1) men-rhet- ar-rd not less (Ilan twenty five percent (~5%) of the
<br />members of tyre ~xeculive dnard of Direr:lnrs shall be elc~r:te(t exclusively by
<br />urlil owners tether ltrart ifte I]r,r;laranl• Nr.~k Inter than sixty (Fg) days af(r:r
<br />conveyance nt Idly t~errent (6t]"r~) (,f the units wltic;fr play kae rreal(~d to unit
<br />owners other than the Declar-ru1l, not less than thirty three anti one Ihird
<br />percent (33 1/3~/,) of Ilse nlerr,l~er-s of the t:~xectrllve fi(aard of Directors shall
<br />k~e elected excursively by unit owners other than lha Declarant.
<br />Nnt lacer than the terni(natlort cif the perloc) of the nerlararll's control, the
<br />unit owners shall elect err Exer,utive f~caarrJ of al lea5(thre~ (3) memhr;rs, at
<br />least the majnri(y of whom rnrrsl he unit owners. l~i1a (=xeculive ~ioard Shall
<br />elect the nfflcars, j-t1e Execnllve Hc~arc) nleml~ers ~1nd nfflcers stlall take
<br />office upon election.
<br />(b) ^eclarant reserves, without assent. nF nwr-tars nt units, the ri jhl In establish
<br />easem~;nls, reservatlnns, exc°,af~liuns arld extensions conslsterll with 111e
<br />c.gnclnrninitun ownership and for llle t.~esl interests of all ltle owners in the
<br />cnndon~rlnirrrn, and tQ supplement nr amend lhls Hasler Deec-1 and
<br />C)er..laralinn, or as arnendacl, ar Ilre, allarllt~d L1y.t_aws r:~r as amended, unlll
<br />1]eclaranl releases c;nntrr?I of the Assoriatlcrrl as set forth in (a) of this
<br />Article.
<br />(c) r]eclarant turiher reserves the rlrlht to adcl tta the condominium up tca
<br />seventy-.seven {t7) rrrore units and a r.,lrlt.rhouse to llle candor~rinlum.
<br />Dac.larant frrrlher reserves the rlc~ht to adci additional larlcls or lots, teeing
<br />tots Two (~) throuclh -IVwerlly-erne (2t), Incl(lsive, Villdcfe ~f~hlyd iul~divislnrl
<br />to the Cily of Grand Island, Hall (~nr,rn(y, NeUraslca• In lha event the(
<br />Declarant exercises lhls rlghl, ills reallocation of rormm~n elerr~enis and
<br />expanses shall he acror111~rlished by (.rsincl the fnnnula set forth in Arficl(; VII
<br />herein.
<br />(rl) Declarant reserves tila riplll to r.tse any units crwnecl kiy it as models„ sales
<br />offices, and nlanacdemenl offices. Until can11-rlelion of sales uy L7er.larant cif
<br />all anlicipalerl units in the rondorrliniu-7~, the rc~sarvatior- of rirll~rts in this
<br />paragraph shall lie applicable to any uiri(s acldeti to the conrlominiurr7,
<br />(e) ^eclarant reserves the rirlht to I1aue~slclns of any si~a and whatever nature
<br />arlvertistnrl the candc7minium and easements lhror.rc~h the cnrr~n7on alernents
<br />far the purpose of r..or7structlna aclcll(icnal netts,
<br />.1
<br />