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200905357 <br />The parties hereto hereby acknowledge that the proposed transfer of the State Fair from Lancaster <br />County to Hall County has been authorized by LB 1115 as enacted by the Second Session (20U8) of <br />the (hte Hundredth Legislature of the State of Nebraska ("LB 1115' and that there is currently <br />pending in the District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska, the case of Roger "rant, et al. vs. The <br />Gity of Grand Island, et al. (Case No. CI4$~964) (the "fending Litigation"); that the City and <br />Fenner Park are parties to the Pending Litigation; that no temporary restraining order, preliminary <br />injunction, permanent injunction or other order restricting action by the City or Fenner Park has <br />been entered or is expected to be entered prior to the time (the "Anticipated Commitment Time's <br />when execution and delivery of this Lease are expected to be required in order for constxuction to be <br />timely completed; that the City's authority to enter into this Lease for the benefit of the citizens of <br />Grand Island, independent of the provisions of LB 1116, is not questioned or challenged in the <br />Pending Litigation; that the Pending Litigation will not likely be fir-ally resolved before the <br />Anticipated Commitment Time; and the parties hereto have determined to proceed with entering <br />into this Lease without respect of the validity of LB 1116 and in order to serve the general <br />governmental, purpose of obtaining a recreational facility for the benefit of the City and its citizens. <br />Each of the parties hereto irrevocably waives any right to claim invalidity or seek other equitable or <br />legal relief based upon the doctrine of commercial frustration. <br />17. Authorl .Former Park, Wells Fargo and the City each acknowledge and represent <br />that it has the right, power and authority to enter into this Lease and bind itself hereto through the <br />party set forth as signatory for the party below. <br />18. Indemnifieadon. Nothing in this Lease shall be construed as an indemnification by <br />Fenner Park or the City of the other far liabilities of a party or third persons for property loss ar <br />damage or death or personal injury arising cut of and during the performance of this lease. Any <br />liabilities or claims for property loss or damage or for death ar personal injury by a party or its <br />agents, employees, contractors ar assigns ar by third persons, arising out of and during the <br />performance of this Lease shall be determined according to applicable law including but not limited <br />to the Political Subdivision and State Tort Claims Act. <br />19. ~ vernin_g Law. Tl-is Lease shall be governed by and construed in accordance with <br />the laws of the State of Nebraska. <br />2Q. Effectiye_D~te. This Lase has been dated for convenience of reference as shown on <br />the initial page hereof. <br />ATTEST: <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />By: <br />RaNae Edwards, City Clerk M ornady, Mayor <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />Dale M. Shotkaski, City Attorney <br />