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7/1/2009 4:38:55 PM
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7/1/2009 4:33:49 PM
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20090535'7 <br />tlae Building to the condition existing prior to the loss, the Ciry shall provide funds for restoration <br />beyond the funds available from such insurance if it so chooses. If the City chooses not to restore, <br />the Lease can be ternyiuated if at such time the City has Legal title to the Building. The other <br />provisions of this Lease shall apply as to any such disposition and surrender. <br />$. Assignment and Sublgtting. Except as may be provided in the Lease Purchase <br />Agreement, City may not assign this Lease or sublet, in whole yr in part, the Leased Premises, by <br />operation of law ar otherwise without the consent of Fanner Park. The City shall have the right to <br />contract for the use of the Building as it detex'naiaies appropriate, consistent with the other terms of <br />this Lease. The Gity has the right to charge admission fees, user fees, and to enter into usage <br />agreements for its purposes for the Building. <br />9. No ~4 nation. Upon the prior written consent of Fonncr Park, the City shall <br />have the right to grant a mortgage ar deed of trust upon the leasehold interest evidenced hereby <br />subject to and upon the condition that the mortgagee or beneficiary shall execute an <br />acknowledgment in form acceptable to Former Park acknowledging and agreeing that: (a) any such <br />mortgage or deed of trust shall be junior and inferior in all respects to the interest of Former Park in <br />the Leased Premises, (b) upon any foreclosure, such mortgagee or beneficiary shall be subject to the <br />terms and conditions of this Lease, and (c) the expiration or termination of this Lease shall <br />terminate any mortgage or deed of mist and such mortgagee or beneficiary shall cause the mortgage <br />or deed of trust to be released and reconveyed upon any such termination. Former Park agrees that <br />it will provide written notice of any default by City to the holder of any mortgage or deed of trust <br />afwhich it has knowledge. <br />10. Lfmftation on __Termfnation as _ Aaaittst Wells Far~a/D3strositlon of Pranertv. <br />This Lease shall not temtinate until the City has acquired full Legal title to the Building from Wells <br />Fargo. Upon tenninatian of this Lease, ar any extension thereof, the Leased Premises shall remain <br />the property of Former Park. The Building and any other structures or improvements or <br />appurtenances of the City that have been constructed or installed shall remain the property of the <br />City. Former Park, upon termination of this Lease, may purchase the City's interest in the Building, <br />other structures or appurtenances for the Fair Market Value of the same. "Fair Market Value" shall <br />mean the value of such vnterests, as determined by agreement of the parties or by a board of three <br />(3) independent licensed appraisers chosen jointly by the parties. The City's interest may be <br />purchased as deternuned by state or federal law or by agreement of the parties. If Former Park <br />elects not to purchase the Building, structures and appurtenances on the Leased Premises, the City <br />agrees to remove aII buildings, structures and appurtenances an the Leased Premises at the City's <br />cost, subject to any remonstrance requirements under applicable law. <br />11. Default. In the event City shall fail to observe and perform the terms and provisions <br />of this Lcasc, and such failure continues far a period of thirty (30) days after written notice from <br />Fanner Park tv City and Wells Fargo (provided, in the event the nature of such faihu~c reasonably <br />requires mare than thirty (30) days to cure, such thirty (30) day period shall be eactended for as long <br />as it is reasonably necessary provided City comza~ences to taro such failure within such thirty (30) <br />day period and thereafter diligently pursues the same to completion), then Fanner Park may <br />terminate this Lease, City shall forfeit atl rights, titles and interests in and to the Leased Premises <br />and City shall remove the Building within ninety (90) days of such termination and shall <br />immediately vacate We Leased Premises except for purposes of removing the Building. Wells <br />3 <br />
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