<br />the Grantor, at the request of the Beneficiary, elected to declare
<br />the entire unpaid principal balance together with interest thereon
<br />at once immediately due and payable;
<br />2. That a notice of default was filed by Grantor on March 6,
<br />2009, in the Register of Deeds office of Hall County, Nebraska, as
<br />Document No. 200901674. A copy of the notice of default was mailed
<br />to Priscilla Reyes by certified mail, postage prepaid on March 10,
<br />2009;
<br />3. The Trustor, Priscilla Reyes, failed to cure the default
<br />referenced in the notice of default within thirty days after the
<br />service of the notice of default;
<br />4. Grantor published notice of Trustee's sale to be held on
<br />May 27, 2009, at 9:00 a.m. at the First Floor of the Hall County
<br />Courthouse, 111 West First Street in the City of Grand Island, Hall,
<br />County, Nebraska, which notice was published in the Daily Indepen-
<br />dent of Grand Is~.and, Nebraska, once a week for five consecutive
<br />weeks commencing on April 9, 2009, and ending on May 7, 2009. The
<br />last publication of notice was at least ten days prior to the
<br />Trustee's sale held on May 27, 2009, and said sale was not later
<br />than thirty days after the last publication of notice;
<br />5. That a copy of the notice of Trustee's sale was mailed to
<br />Priscilla Reyes by certified mail, postage prepaid, on April 14,
<br />2009, and by first-class mail on May 5, 2009;
<br />6. Grantor conducted the sale of the real property at public
<br />auction on May 27, 2009, at 9:00 a.m. at the First Floor of the
<br />Hall County Courthouse, ]. ].~. West First Street, Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, as provided in the notice of sale. Grantor
<br />accepted the bid of Donald D. Mehring and Nice Homes, Inc. in the
<br />sum of Forty-three Thousand Thirty-two and 21/100 Dollars
<br />($43,032.21) as the highest bid upon said real property. Grantor
<br />has complied with the requirements of the above referenced Deed of
<br />Trust and the requirements of Nebraska Statutes, Section 76-1001
<br />through 76-1018 known as the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act in the
<br />exercise of the sale of the real property described herein at the
<br />Trustee's sale held on May 27, 2009.
<br />This Deed shall operate to convey to the Grantee, the
<br />Grantor's title and all right, title, interest and claim of the
<br />Trustor and his successors in interest and of any and all persons
<br />claiming by, through or under the Trustor, in and to the above-
<br />described real property including all such right, title, interest
<br />and claim in and to such property acquired by the Trustor subse-
<br />quent to the execution of the Deed of Trust.
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<br />