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<br />200903606
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<br />IllXImlIT""'" rAGE .3
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<br />'" (net Dr. land com~& a J1Ilri or lb. Norlllwest Q1IlIrtel: (I!iW1/4) . ot S~D1l Twolltr Four (24),
<br />Township tJefell (U)NOL1h, lWIgeEleua(ll) We.t f,lfth. 6t1a PM., Ban Coltllf1,Neb~kQ alld. mok'e
<br />:Pa\1Jadarly dbsCl'Jbcd IS follD"..; lIeafnlihla: lit lIle llortbweBt corner or .ald Nortbll'eSt QIl8rtel'
<br />(NWl/4)/ tbcllt'Ct'II'a)lJlll ea.te:I1.lIIoDg nil VpOIl lbe Dortbllllll ohald NROl_t Quarter (NW1f4),
<br />II dJatllllRl or FOQI' BUDcm,d .(400.0) teet; thellce det1.ectlll' n&btS,. 29' 35." ...d l'IlllillDgSOUth. ed)'.
<br />paral\eJ w1ththe_t he of .aldNol.'thwll.t Qunrtw (fWYl/4) !' ifI.ta~ or Sevell H:uudred Forty So""'-
<br />(747.0) teet; i1aellce lIdle<tIDg rlglt.!lO" 30'25" aDd l'UlUIfDI, westerly, plU'llllel "lrith: the Ilol'th IIDe of saId.
<br />Nlll1.~t Quarter (}Wr1!4), . oIIatall~ of Four Hullih'ed (4110.0)' teet to a point QD tbe west liDO or slIld.
<br />N~hwest.~ (NWJ./4); theD~. deRtc:tl.De ttgll.t 89' .39' 3S" nil. 'CU1l1l1DJ Ilort;)aerly, 1110111 and UPOIl
<br />the West liDe or said' Nol'th_t .Quarter tNWL!4), .. dbUDct. of Bevell a:~ Forty SWell 1:f47.()) teet
<br />to lhepolntof beilunllll . ANI)
<br />
<br />A tract. or 1lmd 1:0JDptIlllna apart or tbe Nm-thwett Quarter. (NWl/4) IIl1el a )lal1ot the SODthwest
<br />Quarter CSWJ/4) III Sec:lIoll Tw~ 'Olll' (24), ToWlIIIblp ~ (11) North, Bange Elevell (ll) West
<br />or 60e 6'th PM., alld a PlIrt of tb4l tiorih_t Qlluter ():fW1/4l or 8ectlOIl T\villltr :ttw <u>, TownihJp
<br />Eleven (11) North, Ranee E1evlll. (U) Wert lilt.. 6th l'.Mo, aU be1DJ 10 Hall COlUlly. Nehru" all()lInok'e .
<br />parUcalarl1 de.mllell.. lol101'l'8; lIefIIulllbg at tile southweat eotller: IlljbeSlluthweJt QI1lU1et ($W1/4)
<br />or'lld Secdon'Twenty FoUr ~)I theac:e l:IInln, .ortherlJ, alons alld. upo. itlaeweat IIDtl of Ibe
<br />SoullnmtQuax1tt". ({$Wl/4> .1Ir Illld SeedOD. TMaV 11'0... Cl'9,aillshwce f.It TwD 'IhollSlllld Slxauulfced
<br />FIfty Six .Illd 'l'll<oT,nth.. (26$6.20) rllll'lt bl tL.. sol1tll1l'eBt etl1le%' or the. NortbWettQuarttr ():fW1/4) ot
<br />iald SoIIdlOll. '!Waif Four (24)1 theuce@4cetillg I'I,htoo. 02' 10. llIld rullDlnS DOl1herly, alanl and upon
<br />the _t lln6 lIttlul North\feat Qulrter(}fWl/4) or nld~n TWenty Folll' (;4), ...dlltam.ce of One
<br />Tho_itd NlIl. lluDdJ'ed -n.-Illd 8eTaIlty Thl'ee HUIldNdth& (1,!J03.73) feettrl. polllt whlcllill SeWD
<br />HUlldrd P0t't7.Sela (747.0) teet '016 of tbi.llorih\ftlllt ClIrIIer OftlieNotthwtttQarter (NWl/4) or.
<br />laid Saetl~ . Twenty four (24), thtllce cIdlec:tlllc rlptW 311' Z5". aDd rDIlIdna ealitodi, J}lIraUd with tile
<br />Dotthllu at the Northwest Quutlll." (NW1j4) 0( salcl SectlOll 'IWeuty FoUr (Z4), It dlitauceof Four
<br />H:uDilre4(400.l)} ftet; tlr.eace dotlect.lhtleft lIO" 30'25". nmuJlllnot'Ulerly, parallel "lrilh IhIWllit 111l"
<br />or lh6 Not1hweat Q..art,er (IllMf4)ofaal4SecdoD ~tyJ!'our.(Z4); a dlatallce of,Sm!. HUudred Forty
<br />S_ (147.0), teet to. ;potllt lIlIthl Ilerth I". of thl Northwest, QUI~ <NW1/4),allil.polllt bellll Four
<br />Hundred (400.9)fect casto! the Illlt1hwwt eoml*' of th. North.....t Quarter (1!'{W1/4) of o.lel SectJOIl
<br />. '1WeJIty Fbll1'(:z4); tIllaC8 dtIIectlag r1cht9O" 30' 2S".n4. AiiDlllg ..terlj, lllDil. ~D.d upon the nortb line
<br />or theNo~tQuarler(NW1/4)ot Itllel Sectio. Twenty Four (24), a d1ataDce' or 0111 'lb.oUlllld. 8b::
<br />Bundied Slxteell 11IdFO'<1:1 'l'lro lIunclredUai (1,616..42) reel; thllllC8 d.fleellDll j:'Igbt 8"" 40' 55' illld
<br />l'UllUIDS Joutherl1, a d1stallCeor OIIe 'lboIlA1l4J&e aUDdl.'edSeVllllly Five aildS.vn Hundredth;
<br />(l/T7S.IY1) . teet;.. tbnOll cJe8i:d1l1sripi 8,.53'.25" Bodl'lIDDhiiJ ~sterl" 11 dlstanc.: of One HIlluh-ecJ. Flftt
<br />Two ..llIIdEipl 1'8alh... (152.30) . leelJ . tlaencedelIoetln.le4 8,. liP' 15". llndruDbhig loutherlr, . a . d1atalll:t
<br />01 Ou ThOUSBad S._Hwidred ElahtBe.D IlIdElahIJFfTe HuudR4tll.. (1,1l1.85)~. thtllee deDtttillll
<br />right W 0'2(1'1 lIIlelru.ntit. loutlunaterl)", II distance ill Fom- HlIIIlked Twelal,tNlne IIId SIlq FOur
<br />H1m1lrlldlhl (4Z9.6'4) reeq. .1htllcedAlCled:lDgleftU'.!l' IS" and nillllfllll 80udtiltlt~ I dlllllDC8. of OIIe
<br />'lb0ll8aDd1t'fll l6tDdred. TwtIlt,y Nb.end 'I\nalirElgbt. Hu4redth, (1,n9.%8) kctJ ,thenc;e ~I
<br />WCltady, alODIN"Pon llle ani ora eorte' to the tfJbl""a..~dJUI~HO.S6 tter, .adllltallC!l of'lbree
<br />D:llIlllml~ 'lW9 a:ac1 Elpf;Jl'ite Bun.WtbI Cl:zz.&s) W(lilllJ c::b.~d dlst.&IIC8' io31U'P _ lilbg
<br />cltord dellectlnf right :115"38' 1,3" from the. pnvloul1 d~c:dbed.C:Oane)ltll.t:O \kOeeUlllriaht W 38'
<br />4S"J'tma tAl! dldor theprmoQIIl)" dl!reribod ~ ..4~1l11l& bortlwester1y,' adl.taDce olEl.hty
<br />Fl'fe aDel Six TfDtbs (15.60) feetJ thDlltt.: 'l'Iilmlna llollthweatllt'l)', aloDg aDd up the IN ofa cum loth.
<br />left "h!)ae ",dlllll 11 257.13. teet. . dlala.CO ot Two B~ Twtmly NIue oel. Fl1l1. NlDc.BJllulndth.
<br />(2:Z9.s9) . teet. ,(l0ll1 chorddlslallct- >>.2.07' - 10000ehorddell~llen 2~ 31' I/>' from the lire\1olllly
<br />deKrlbed. tonne) to alloblt. on . the 1000thJlue.. or tbe SouIIlWUt Quarter . (5W1/4) or lalel SBCtIOII 1WeDfY
<br />FOur. (24)1 UleDCOdefl8Cl. tbI11...lett W 31' 40" from the cia.. ord oltbe.. pretl.o.sJ7 desert. I,>ed. eurve .11l.cl l'UlI.. 11111,
<br />werter!,y, aloul and .pOll the loulb 11M of tIlcSouthwest Quner (SWl/4) ot laid Section '1'weAt,y Four
<br />(14), a dlllaUCll of Oal! 'I'lIilusaDdODeW..,are.-. One allel MenteellHuDch'edtb1i (1,101.1'7) red to the
<br />pobtt of bealDllllll '
<br />
<br />""
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