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<br />~ <br />e> <br />~ <br />--~' <br />= <br />C':I <br />e> <br />e> <br />C'l <br /> <br />, '" <br />" -fxl <br />,~ <br />"," -i: <br />,..;. ,'-,< <br /> <br />~ <br />.... <br />J:Q <br />1M <br />! <br /> <br />, <br />~..~ <br /> <br />.:' '- <br /> <br />-\ <br /> <br />, .. <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION - Tract No. 47B <br />A tract of It.Dd compriBini" 8. part. or the North1P'olt. (NIl'll.) 01 Sectio:r:L Nilieteea.(lO).T0WD8hip EleveD (U) <br />North, Ranr:e TeD (10) West. of the 6th PolL, 1I.n County, Nebrub, .ad more partlcularlr el..cribecl .. toUcrn: <br />Firlrtto aiIoertaiD.Uae point ofbegiDDiDg, lltart. atthellO~1I'eet cornerot adel NoI'~eiJt.Quarier(l\''''l/''); <br />thence rwnaiD.C eutert)", Uoq aIlduponthe northliJle ot~ North'ri8tQuarter (KW!14). II: iUIJtaJ10e of One <br />Kwidrc(1 ThM..1 ftu, &lad. Se.u.w Nine 1hmdre4tb.s (185.79)!eeti theae. de,xe_u"", nptWSS' j9" lUul ....."'1... <br />southerly. . diatanoe of Tour 1l1llL4red . Elcht..r Nineuul.. '.TWelW Bundrec1th1i(489.12)f~to the AC'lVAL point <br />01 begfnDinc;. t.b.ence,'oontimuIDJ aoutberl.r,' -.}aq &Dd. upon . tie. . pl'evJ.ously' describedeour.e' . a ,4istance' Of ,Sht.y <br />SIx BDIf. F0?t7 Four,HUDdredUu (88M) feet; thence 4eIle~ left 12"28'07'" od l'1IIlJlII:tI easterly,. cilIItance <br />of One HuDdred ~&1l4 'i'Ilirty Two Rundredtbe (103;32) Ilf!t; thenced.efle-ctiqrigb:t.8CMM'2'f'and~ <br />=~~ly;~~~~~*~F~n::: ~O:U;t;~~~IF~~5~e:~ <br />:::;O~u:nd:;~~:~...rltllr;~n8~~':ly;utw~:~~\.~an:'=JDi'w-rman~~29=~, <br />Hundredths (92.31) feet.: theiloll' richt 9O'"G7 U. ,aD4 .~.scMlthed,y.a cti8b.nceotNinet.eeD. and, <br />Nme~ . Two BUDdredtba (19.82). !eetl-t.Jtence d~ left'lW89'2S~ . a.nd%1bUlins~tIle&llleii.j. . Ilcn.tance-- , <br />of 1'1renty Six 8Ild .t'hir~ Six Htm.drecltbie (Za.38) feet:tI1enOe deflectiDCJett.,S'7"24"5a-m.4 '.~, fJUterl;y.,,:- <br />a distI.u.ce of Fltty'Nlnea,Dd Ble-ven:lluDdreclt.hs(58.U) f~ ~co,detlec,~left 18.53'02"8Od rnn'ftl"a ' <br />_ ,_ north~, a dia-tanoe ,(Jf One H~d, Nlneaac1 Sixt7. TrpH1IJ1,CII'edthB (101l~ teet;th8D.e" detlectlD.c left.:,'_ <br />Sg-03'U" and runDir:ic northerl,y, a-diBtanceof Forty 'l'W'enV'hroB:Wi.C!riclth,(MJ.22) teet; thence," <br />detlecUng left 79"21.5fllland1'UmliD.&weBterly.. dis~ot()D.e Bunclrei1l'(lrtj ~and' Ninef.7Six <br />- Hundredths (l.(,2.96)f~J,henoe 'ddl~r.ight 04-~53-tn4 rwunw",- westerl7ra dUtaDoeot TWenty Two ,,','-' <br />imdTnnty One' Hundredthll(l!2.21)teet;tb8nce' defleetiDg:;left 00'"50'25. aIUl.....,"'in, weiIterIy, adi8taDoe ~,; ," - <br />of ()D.e BundredP'onrteel1 and, FittyNiDe IlWi.dredt.bau(u.qe) ,teet.; then~detleCtbllleft. OQ"ti2';rr"' and <br />~ wellterIf. adlstailco of 'l'Ireuty .Sewn' and InCht}' ,..... Bun:dre4th11 (27.82)tee.L; thenCe defleCt,lq 18ft <br />OroO"53-and rnftn~nl1n!lS~.a dI8tanoeof uT1reoty Six;mdTwo Tent.bB(28.21)feet;tbelicedeflect.l.D& <br />richt 00-49'4,2" and l"UDDiD&' westerly, a ~ce o(rut,j'P'oUr aDd, SevoTeatl1s (M.70) teet; thence <br />deflecting rlJht H.o.'02"andr.nmoh'l;&'weste=a;b'~actist&nc; of_ichtJ''n1ree and,Nmety SltVeIl lhirl4iredtha <br />~~;:7~~~d~~:t~t:::::~O::~~fto~.~.8~'l'I~:sc~::r:,,:e:i,.o:e~r:~ ' <br />Sixty Tbreeand Fort)" Three Ilwukedtha (&S.4o'S) teet &0 the ,ACTUAL point 01&."'11111' a:D.d aontafnin, 0.885 <br />acres, more or less. ' ' <br /> <br />~ ' <br /> <br /> <br />- ~.:.'( . <br /> <br />..i:." . <br /> <br />- ....-...-~ <br />4' f ~:-' <br /> <br /> <br />