<br />200903212
<br />
<br />Five Hundredths (10.65) feet to a east comer of Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake
<br />Estates Fifth Subdivision; thence S68043'47"W, along and upon a south line of
<br />said Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision, a distance of Sixty Two
<br />and Thirty One Hundredths (62.31) feet to a south comer of said Lot Two (2),
<br />Paradise Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision; thence S81 o23'OO"W, along and upon a
<br />south line of said Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision, a distance
<br />of Seventy Five and Eighty Seven Hundredths (75.87) feet to a south comer of said
<br />Lot Two (2) Paradise Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision; thence N8r 17'45"W, along
<br />and upon a south line of said Lot Two (2) , Paradise Lakes Estates Fifth
<br />subdivision, a distance of Ninety Three and Sixty Two Hundredths (93.62) feet to
<br />a south comer of said Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision; thence
<br />N75056'19"W, along and upon a south line of said Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake
<br />Estates Fifth Subdivision, a distance of Sixty Five and Fifty Three Hundredths
<br />(65.53) feet to a south comer of said Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake Estates Fifth
<br />Subdivision; thence N 57048'41 "W, along and upon a south line of said Lot Two
<br />(2), Paradise Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision, a distance of Seventy Four and Six
<br />Tenths (74.60) feet to a south comer of said Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake Estates
<br />Fifth Subdivision; thence N43 0 13'52"W, along and upon a south line of said Lot
<br />Two (2), Paradise Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision, a distance of Sixty Two and
<br />Eight Hundredths (62.08) feet to a south comer of said Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake
<br />Estates Fifth Subdivision, thence N08 058'43 "W, along and upon a west line of said
<br />Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision, a distance of Forty Five and
<br />Eighty Nine Hundredths (45.89) feet to awest comer of said Lot Two (2), Paradise
<br />Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision; thence NI7007'27"E, along and upon a west line
<br />of said Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision, a distance of Two
<br />Hundred Sixteen and Seventy Three Hundredths (216.73) feet to a west comer of
<br />said Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision; thence NI0053'22''E,
<br />along and upon a west line of said Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake Estates Fifth
<br />Subdivision, a distance of Eighty Six and Seventy Seven Hundredths (86.77) feet
<br />to a west comer of said Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision;
<br />thence N09003'35"W, along and upon a west line of said Lot Two (2), Paradise
<br />Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision, a distance of Forty Six and Fourteen Hundredths
<br />(46.14) feet to a west comer of said Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake Estates Fifth
<br />Subdivision; thence N3r 12'10" W, along and upon a west line of said Lot Two
<br />(2), Paradise Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision, a distance of Thirty Two and Ninety
<br />Four Hundredths (32.94) feet to a west comer of said Lot Two (2), Paradise Lake
<br />Estates Fifth Subdivision; thence N81 o50'57"E, along and upon a westHne of said
<br />Lot Two (2),Paradise Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision, a distance of Fourteen and
<br />Forty Three Hundredths (14.43) feetto a west comer of said Lot Two (2), Paradise
<br />Lake Estates Fifth Subdivision, said point also being a comer on the east line of
<br />Lot Four (4), Paradise Lake Estates Third Subdivision; thence N7r52'07"W, a
<br />distance of Fifty Three and Forty One Hundredths (53.41) feet; thence
<br />N89030'27"W, a distance of One Hundred Forty Three and Eighty Three
<br />Hundredths (143.83) feet to a point on the west line of said Lot Four (4), Paradise
<br />Lake Estates Third Subdivision, said point being Fifteen and Eighty Nine
<br />