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<br />. . <br /> <br />200902601 <br /> <br />EXBIBlT""'" rAGE .3 <br /> <br />It. bet of land. compdsbla a part or 1M Nortbweat QIIa,* (mVl/4) or Set#oa Twoty Four (24), <br />TOImsblp Ekml (11) North, ltaDp E1evcA (11) 'West of the 6th PoM., HaD Couaty, Neb~ .hel hlOk"e <br />lHU1kUIarly dNcrJbcd III (01""": Bf.&Iallha& It the n~ cor,. of said North_t Quarter <br />(NWl/4), dleDc:e t1DIJdlll ealterl1, along gel UPO" the DOl'th line or said NIIl'IhITMt Qaattt~ (NWl/4), <br />a dbfalal.1l of Fl\ar Bunmd (400.el) Ieeq th_ defteetlllll riPt S,. 19' 35" and ruuniDg southerly, <br />p....1IeI with the WIllIt Dae 01 ,-,d N"rthwat Qumr (J:1.W111J a distance or 8e'rna Rundml Folty Sevp. <br />(747.0) teet; tIIebU ddl<<tIlIlI rlpt 90" 30' 2$" ucll'llllllml. westft'ly, plO'&llel with: the DOrth IIno 01 aald <br />N..-tbwest Quarter (NW1/4), a lII$t.tll.eb ot Four Bullilnd (49o.t) feet to a po....t on lbe west UDO of ,aid. <br />N'at1blftlt QW1l1er ()SW1/4); tbell~e dellec:tlb.e right S\I" 39' 35" .ad roDDI.. aort;herlf, along and UpOIl <br />Ihe 'IfIlstliDe of Ilald NortbWllllt ,Quarte'l: (NW1/4), . dI.lance of SeveD aUll.Cb:ell Forty Sl!'I'Q (747.0) feet <br />to lha poiat of bqhudn, AND <br /> <br />It. trac:t of Jaad COJDJIl1IIa8 a part of tile Norlhlfttt Qauter . (NWlf4) aad A )1811 of the Soathwut <br />QIlllr1er (SW1f4) lu Set:tlOll 1\feldJ Pour (24), ToWllllblp lJevtD (11) North, J1aqe Elevell (11) Wot <br />~ die 6th P.M., and a part .r Cbe Northwest QII.rter (NWl/4) of ScctiOD. 'IftD,ty f1.... (U), TOWDlIhip <br />:Eleven (11) North, Range Ellmlll (11) Wl:lIt vi tbe 6tIl P.Mo, aD bGJI& lD Hall COlUlty, Nebraska aDd more ' <br />partleullrt1 tkKPkd All roUOl'lJ: 1lea11l......a: at the situlhwe8t ~~ or the Soutlwest Quarter (8M/4) <br />of ..Id SeclillJl TweDty Four (24)1 lbeac:t Raldne nortbedy, alClllll aDt upm.i Ihc west Iboe (If tile <br />50ullnmlt Qulu1er (JSW1/4) ollllld Sec:tloa 'I\ftDty Fo... (%4), . d1ataD.ttJ t4 Two 'IhollSlllld Six UUllclnd <br />.PUl:y Sill" ..d Two TeD.tII. (2~UO) (Bet to the 9OlItb_t cel'1l~ ot &be N'ortlo_t Quarter (!WY1/4) of <br />!llIIld secUm. 'lWuty FoDl' (34)1 tlleace ddlec:tiIlC rlpt ooe 02' 10. lIad run......& northerly, alOIlI aDd UpOIl <br />the west )lUll of the Nlll'I.Lwe8t Quarter (NWl/4) of satd sec:tloD TweIlty Four" (4), . di,taDce of Oae <br />Tho_nil N'lDe flaaclretl 'Three IIDd Smlmty ~ Hunclretllba (1,9Q3.73) feet to . polht whIch II Sena <br />Hundred Forty StTea (147.(1) feet soutb Of the,north_t eOl'ller of the Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of <br />'aid. Sedllllm Twenty Four (24)1 t11ll11ee cIdlec:thIt: riPt 90" 30' 1ro and nmnine ellStedy, pal'ldld with the <br />Dorth line of the NorthWMt Quarter (NW1/4) o~ said 5ectlOD :I'lrftty Four (34). a dI,taace of Four <br />Duilred (400,Q) Ceet; tlenee left; 90" 30' 11' uul nmlllllg aOl'tberlr. parallel with the wett lIue <br />of tI1e NOl1hwest Quarter (NWl/4) of slid ScedOll 'I'tMIty FoUl' (24), 8 dbtallce of Seyea BUlldred Forty <br />S_ (147J)) teet to. polllt on the north I", of tIla Northwest QuIUWr (NW.1/4)i .&id polat belaeFour <br />Hmuked (400.0) feet east of IlOr1hwest eomer of the Nol'lh_t Quarter (NWl/4) of .ald SeetiOIl <br />'lWellly Four (2.4); th.,ce dllllec:dag rlcht 90" 30' 15. alld nnnlllg'ly, lllloag and upoa the nortb line <br />0( the Nor1hwut Quarter (NWt/4) of latd SectlOIl Tvreuq. Four (34), a d1alallce' of Olle ThollSaDd Sb:: <br />HUlldred Shteell alld FIll11 TIro R""c'Ind.lha (1,616..0) reet; tlllllce deOedmll ""gbt SjlD 40' 55' alld <br />ranDlag south~y, a distaDce of One 'IhollS8D.1l NIne HlIIIClred S"VlInty Five aUd S_ Bundn!dth. <br />(1,'175.07) leet; thence deOdllg ricJd 8,. 53' 15" alld rGllnlog westerlJ', Il distance: or ()ne H\IID.lked F1l'l1 <br />'l'II'0 and Elpt Teaths (IS.UG) feel; tbo:~e deneetinl lell: 89" ~' 15" Blld ruhldlig southerly, . dldance <br />0( OIl" Thousaud Seve Hualh'ed FJahreea and Etshty FIve BUllmdtb. (1,711.85) feel; tbtller dellect.illg <br />right 39' &' 20' lIlJel rualll_a: IOUtmre.te:rJ:y, a dbtaD(:ll or FDIlI' BUllclrtd 'l'wI!n1,1 NIDe alld S~ Four <br />BuIld.-l!dfhI (429.64) feet; theace c1e0edhla left W 51' 55" .1111 ro.........C 50utJ.<<1y, . illatallCll of One <br />ThOlUlllld Iilw HIlIIlIred. Twtbty NIbe a:bd 'l'wfIIlty Eight Huadredth. (1,5211.28) feet; thelI<;c runllinc <br />westerly, .JoDI and upon the art of * i:QrVlI'to the ~t ""011 radius Is HO.56 tee.. a c1Istallal or Tbne <br />:a....lked ~ 'l'w9 pd EIPt1r Mft Bundredtlu (322..&5) l&et (I1l1l; claord dfs~1ICII . 312.1'1' . long <br />chord cIelIecttllJ rlgh111So 38' 43" from the pnvlllU!1J' deacribed coone); lhtllc:e ~ec:ulla ript 15" 38' <br />45" from tht chri or the ptmoll8ly cleserillcd curve and ~1I11la "~WIl5ItmYi a dlstanlll! ot Etjhty <br />Fi"e and Sill: Tenths (85.60) feel! tbl!llC(: ~lIDlai northWll8terly, along aDd upon the arc or a curve to tile <br />left Wh(lSe l'lIdius It 251.13 reet, a dI'lauce or Two Bundrfd Twenty NIue tmd Filly NlDe Buudeedth, <br />(1211.5\1) reet (IODI chord lI1staDClI . .212.07' - )0DfI dao~ cJelIec:tiDe left 25'" 31' 10" hOlD the lftVlously <br />deJeribed coune) to a potllt on tbe IOUU. Dlle of tbe Soulbwtlt Quarter (SWl/4) of said SectlOD 1\feDry <br />Four (24)1 tlleDce dcOcdlug lell 2S" 31' 40" hili tbe ellord of &be prefillfily described curve aDd noaallll <br />lmiterly, a)ong aDd 'POD the .oulb Dna or the SouthWt$t Quarter (SWl/4) or said Sc:ctlon Twellt)' Four <br />(14), . dlslllDl'll or o..e Tbo....Dd Oue HlIadrto) One ahd Se'venl.fJen Buuch'edths (1,101.11) teet lo the <br />....lnt Ilf Iqbwln. ' <br /> <br />/" <br />