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<br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION - Tract No. 478 <br /> <br />A traot of land com.prisinc & part. of the North....ellt Q1IU'ter (nl/f) of Section Nineteen (19). T01rI18hip Eleven (ll) <br />North, RaDle Ten (10) West. of the 6th P.ll., Hall County, Nebrub, aad more parUcularl7 delCribed u tollon: <br />J'Irst to aacertdD. Ule point of begiDniDa. start at thenortb:".t cornel' of laid NortJnrat Quarter (b1l'1/4)i <br />thence ROsine e&8terl7, eloq and upon the north line of ~. Northwest Quarter ("111/'), a diBtaDce ot One <br />--- ------ Huuclnd 'l'Idrl, me, t.n4 Seftnty Nine Bmulred.the (136.78) ----feet:----theDee---4et rlcht &5-56' ~.. uuI 1"1......,... <br />southerly, . dlstanoe of Four Hundred IIchv Nine and T1re1ft Rundreclthll (489.12) feet to the ACTUAL pofDt <br />of berfnninc; then~' oontinum, 8OUtherly. alma ad upon the p,maul)' described eoUl'lle, .. Balance of ~ <br />Sb: md. FortT Four Hundredths (88M) feet; thence defiectiDI left a:r'28'07* and run.nln& euterly. . dietaD.ce <br />of One Hunclred ~ an4 'lhirt;y Two Rundredth8 (103.32) f~t; thence delleetiq rid1t 86-o.l'21- and ~ <br />lIOuthel'ly. & distanCe of Thlrty Si.z and Seven 8uD.dredtha (98.07) feet; thence deftecUDg left 90"23'51- and <br />rwnn1n, easterly, adi8tance of Two Kundred Forty Three ~d Bighti}"' One Bund.re4th8 (243.81) feelo theaoe <br />defteotiDa left 9CrUi:; and. ~ northuly. .. cliataD.ce of 'heat., Nine an" Slzty Two Hunclre4tb.a (29.82) <br />teet; thence deflec richt. 90-22 08- and ru~ easterly, .. diet.ance of NInety Two lUld Thirty One <br />Hunclred.tha (92.91) teet.; theD.oe defteetin. richt 00-67 U. aD4 ~ IJOUthed-y, a distance of Nineteen and_ <br />Nlaety Two BUDCIredtlu (1~.92~ feet; thence deftectlDc leftlCr39'ea"' and. ~ing eoutheuteJV. .. dt8tance <br />of TweDt)' Siz eel 'l'hirty Six Rundredtbe (26.38) feet; thenOe defiecti.D.g left. ,37"2-''63. and ~ euterJ;r. <br />a distance of FIfty Nine and Eleven Hundredths (59.11) teeti then~;ic leit 18-53'(12. and I"IlDDI.Dc <br />northeuterb'. .. di8tmce ot Ooe Huiidred. Nine and Sixty Tn Hundredths (l09~ teet; theD.~e 4efiectmc left. <br />8"S'U" and rumaiD. northerly. a distance ot Forty aIL. benty Two Bua.dJoedths (40.22) teet; thenee <br />cleflecUD.e left 7S-21'58- and rwmiog: .....esterly. a dis~ of One Bundraci Forty Two aDd Ninet7 Six <br />Bun4r&clths (142.98) f~tb.ence detlect.lnc right 04-a3'53.lD,d r'"ftft~ W'eIlter-l7t-- & dbtAmoe ot Twenty Two ._ <br />8D.d Twent,. One Hundredth8 (22.21) feet; thence defJec~,left 00-5025- an. milftift, westerI,y, . diIlt&nce- <br />of One BUDdred !'ou.Tteen and Fifty Nine Hundredthll (U~&8) feet.: thence deftectiDg left. 00"52'3'7"' and <br />~ wettterly. adIstaD.ce at Tlreaty Seven and l1&hty Tn Btmdred.tha (2'7.82) teet.; thence 4ef1ect..lq left <br />OZ-09'5S. end rnftninl westerly. a distance of Twenty Sbr.ancl Two Tenths (28.2G) feet; thence detlectln& <br /> 00"'40'42- ...nd rnnn(n. W'eslerly, a distance (If nttt Four and Seve.. Teaths (54.'70) feet; thence <br />defiectln, ri&bt 11-0.'02" and rnnntn;c 1feBterl,y. a cUstanc, ot Bieht,. Three and NiDety Seven Bun4lredtha <br />(83.97) feet: thence detlectiD, rla:l1t 08-14'10" and I' westerly, . cJllltance ot Ii,bt,l One and Forty <br />Pour HUJLdredtl18 (81.") teet; thence 4enec~ rl8ht. oe-d'04- &Dd ru1U1S.DJ D_orthwester11. a distenoe of <br />Si%ty Three and Forf.7 Three Ruadredtm (8S.43) teet to the ACTUAL point of ~nnlnl and oontaintnr 0.885 <br />acres. more or leu. <br /> <br />J~, <br /> <br />. i " <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />...-t <br />0_ <br />.~.. <br />~.. <br />Q- <br />~: <br />= <br />Q <br />~ <br /> <br />.I"l <br />~ <br />Po. <br /> <br />.., <br />,;: <br /> <br />l!-< <br />..... <br />,c:Q <br />..... <br />::: <br />:l<l <br />I"l <br /> <br />.\ <br /> <br />\ <br />(, <br />