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<br />I <br /> <br />200902453 <br /> <br />Exhibit "A" <br />Page 2of2 <br /> <br />200206941 <br /> <br />A Tncl of wd CO/Ilprisiac aU at Lob SWT.Fi~ (65), Slxty-Sb: (/i6), Sbty-Scnll (67), Sidy-Elpt (68), <br />Sixt;y.NIoe (69), Sc:n_tr-ScvcD (77), Sevm/;f-El&h& (18), SeYCDl;)'-N1De (7'), Elpty (80), Ei&bty-One (81), <br />NIIiety-S1x (96), Nlae/;f-SCVu (97), Nlady.Eapt (!J8), aad One Huadred 111", (103), aIId Par1 at Lots <br />FortJ-5u (46), Fol't1-Bevea (47), Fon;,.Elght (48), Fod)'-NIl1e (49), rilly (50), Flfty-Qae (51), Si:dy.Four <br />(64), Etpty.1'wJ) (12), Ninety-Five (95), _II Oae lIull4rtd Four (104), all fa. the bdustrial AddltlOll '0 <br />Ole City ar Graad lllalld, Hall CoUDty, Nebruka, lAd I1II1SIa the SOUtllMI& Quarter (SWlf4) orslldioa <br />Fourtetll (1<1), T_lblp E~1l (11) Nom, b. Nincl'1 Well a( the 6th PoM.. Ibll COUllf1, Nebrasb <br />aDd mlll'e ~mlarll described.. (oIlOWS: <br /> <br />BqlaalDI at ~ poln' Scvcoty (70.0) fm South and "Thll'tJ.'I'Iu:ff (33) ket East or the Nortmsl Corner <br />of said SOU~.d ~er (SWlf4)j theD~e I'UlUdDI talItcrly aad parallel tll the Nortb line of .ald <br />Southwest Quarter (SWl/4) a dhitallR al ODe thomaod aiDe blllldred thlrty-sevea. ..d fiYH.enth. <br />(I.937.5) feet: ~CIlCC nPlIILag IOlltflerl)' alld parallel to ake WQt line allald SoutbMSt QuaIVI' <SWl/4) <br />a dlstaD" elf aile tI10usaad .b: buadrcd tbirty 1011 thI~ huuclrtdtlu (1,6]O.3Z) fcet to a potDt 011 <br />the llortbmJ' ript of way U.c at tbe C.B. &: Q. Rallroad Company; thtoce I'1IDDmg aorthlmlter'" aloae <br />.ald risht or ny . distaace of 1ft'P blUllfred ddrty-rDlR' aa4 Illllel)'-dsbt fulDilmIth. (73-4.\18) reet 10 <br />a polo' 011 tbcEast Iflle or tIu! Quarter <lr 0.11' Soutlnft.t Qul'lrt=r(SW;/4SW1/ <br />nail...... lIoriJlcrly alolll the Ealt JlDe or ONI SDlIthwest Quarter III l!Ic SOUth_It Quarter <br />(SWl/4SWl/4) a ill_taD':' of tblrty-tllac aad .~.eI&ht huodmltb. (39.68) feet to tile Nonkalt torner <br />of the S..tI1",," QII.rter or ClIe South..t Q~r (SWlf4SW1/4)1 tbe~ ",.bill., Wtllcrly .lolIC the <br />North Hae of tbl: SllUthwtd Quarter or the SOU~lt Quarter (SWlf4SW1f4) . diltaoce 0( icnal;y-lIlx <br />BDd Wrt7-1tte11 lumdftdtbs (16J7) rect to a poIDt III ~ DortHrly right of way llae or the CB. " Q. <br />RaIlrOlld Cum,._,; tbellCe nallnlllg aortln.ataf)' aIoIlC ,aid rlgbl or WBT . distul('C or 'Ile tb oU'aDd <br />tbree: bndred ,cytIlt)' I.Dd fi~lx buudredtl1. (1,370:.56) f"t to a palat thirty-three (33.0) reet Eut ar <br />the Welt lIae of said SauthWKt Quarter (SWlf4); thuce ru....... North lUlll pantlel to tbe W~ Uae <br />.r IIIId South1l'C1t Quarter a distaace of.b: bUlldml ainet_ aad tllrcc-telltb. (6193) reet to till: pollt <br />of bqIllaJog EXCEPI'ING. Clertala Inct IIIOnI particularly described la Wamlllllty Deed m:1Il'de4 .... <br />DocullRnt No. 96-1OZ9Z11. <br />