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<br />t' <br /> <br />200902453 <br /> <br />Exhibit "Ail <br />Page I of2 <br /> <br />2002069.11 <br /> <br />Pilrt'el 11 Part or tbe Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) of SeI;tloa SIJ(tellD (16). Townsblp Tea (IQ) North, <br />RallS'! Ten (10) WI:llt of the 6th r.M.. HaU COUllty, Nebnska more particularly described 1IIl.J follOWol: <br /> <br />Com_llclng .t the Nortbeast COnw" (NE) of S""tiOD SIxIeen (16), TlI\TlllIbip Tell (10), Ralll:l= Tea (10) <br />West of the 6tb PM., Hall COUDly, Nebnub. pro.ued.lDI West OpOD. the North Ifne of lludt SectiOD. . <br />dlstaaec of One Thousand Thl'ft HUIldn:d ElghtecD llIIel MAl! TeRtbs Feet (1318.51'), thellCC pr_wll& <br />due Soutb 'Ihirly-three teet' (33') parallel ",itb tbe East lue of Aid Section to aa lroll plpr, thellee <br />proceeding due South para.l1d to the East line or suck Sect.lOD a distaDCI! of HiDe Hundred Twaty Seveo <br />aod Five: Tcoths Feet (yl.75'), to aD IrOIl pilOt. thence prom:diag due West pal"llUel to the South nae of <br />such SectlOll a dlstaDcc of 'l'Iu-ee Hundred Thirty .ad Thffi' TeDUas feet (330.3')' to au Iroa pipe, theaee <br />prCH:CI!diq due North. parallel to the Wat Iia" of such SectlOIl . dl.cau<:c: af NIIIC Huadred TlftIlty-EigIlt <br />Feet (m') to an Irvn pipe, thea<< procnillq Tblrty.Thtft Feet (D') due BOrth. parallel to Ih Wat tine <br />oC said 56t1on to . point Oil the NortIli ~ of such S<<tiOIl, thence prueeedlDe due East Rloll!; the North <br />line of said StdJOJl a dismace of Three Hundred Twtnly-NllIe Bad Sll'Yca Tenths Feet (329.7') fo the <br />original polut of dcparture from such North IlIle of .such SectlOIl Simea. (Hi). <br /> <br />P'J'C'CI Z: A front ., Iud located. III the Ncn1hc.sf Quarter of duI North_5t Quiiircer (NEl/4NW1/4) <br />oC Sectloll 5btlHn (1(1. Township Ten (10) North, lbmge Ten (10) West of tbl! 6th P.M.. HaU C011.BI;y, <br />Nebraska, and JIlGnl PlIIrti!:uJarIy desa1bcd .5 foUowa: eom.IRelldna at the North Quarter (N 1/4) <br />Comer 01 laid SedlOD Sixteell (Ui) ;tbelU!C lID all IISsumcd be'rIDe or S 02;'O!l'49' W along the E.lSt line <br />of laid Norlhloaf Quarter (NWl/4) a di,taac:e oC 33.02: Iftt to the cO\U\fy mad R.O.W. UII"; tbenc:c <br />CODflown!; S CU"09'49' W aloag &be East Line oC said Northwest Quarter . d1S~DCC of 166.55 fed; tbcacc <br />S 90"00'00' Walong . UDe that I. panlllellritb the North nile of .ald North~al Quarter (NWl/4) . <br />dUlblDc:e of 654.40 feelr thCll" N m"09'49' E aloag . Ii.... that Is parallel with East line of said NorthW\lllt <br />Quarter (NW1/4) a di.tR.ace of 76655 feet to the COUDt)' rOlld R.O.W. li.uc; Ikm>ee contillublg N 0%"09'''9' <br />E _10lIl a IiDe that Is pa$lltl 1dlh the East liDe of 1.ld Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) a cUstallCC of 33.02 <br />feet to the North IIDe of said Nortblmit Quarki' <NW1/<I); theaee N 90"0iJ'OO' E along the North line of <br />..Id NDrthwest Quarter (NWl/4) . distaaw of 654.50 red to the polal of bepunlllll' <br />