fur 4' , a ` i r,? ''r vx+.r P ? t~ +ae. °°7c7 Y,ysih r..Fta"f t rv'}:.',iF 1r'r .
<br /> iY. - 1 - iM . s> t w~dl S' t~tradwV~~r °`rr b} ~i+k'7W t~ ke' Al~ ~ilrkrrt'!ipr s'7I ,iv--~~:
<br /> rA.e v } s } i v} 4 •'1 ~t z~iY ~7A sly r F l y, r 1e t.1+k.", ° "i r..~'"~,3 t . r,
<br /> ~(t1
<br /> 1~q~r't ly` ✓ ,ly'Y.~ P• atirtl,tl`' . '.w., a..,
<br /> r•
<br /> •
<br /> 9. Q'trM+l«aru1.W6&. TilE )vttw'leedrr df aray .o,•ara Of, ac_.f;ni fur duce. or 1.00"weM.wri; in te+rtneCtian with any .
<br /> a ^~rel:ry aMstVr~
<br /> C~~rniet~tatt=~, of rrlivd t~wiu6 01 tine t'tt'pe'itX. c►r pakrl tlt+cit~irf Kit for ratt.~'ra<rC" f;t 1'sia, vt tf>gtdemit~tiet 4; h
<br /> and "ball be pail t., ;.reader„.. .
<br /> 7't>1s1,-
<br /> be ,.•e:. rd to.t3r+ tsuYrA seitrte+~ 1 4tia t creel.of,
<br /> In the tvKSer ,I 't'tAnt tsakin of tram P;;tepcttln pr-,icowk 4"
<br /> winh the excess, au, maid to horrowmr. Di thee; rveat *f :tie ,partial. lakin,3 the toilets D .t'crWt~ oral L:errd&
<br /> otberw,sr..tip: i, t:rata . *Ftii sh:r11 he ap rtir~."ta the sutits sri-tvrel by that." rk-ed of'Izmtstag rrcportion rat the pstc+rdls
<br /> as is egU4 t:r t4tr,; prropax- whirlt the amcont,of the rums sec atced'l y dik Cited, of 712eu irnnt!"disttely pric►r ;e. tfsc-dA?t of
<br /> is-king bi an t a the fair m2tl.rt value of the Property irnrrtrdsxte ly psiior t!rr date of talc'aag, with the oslanct. of tl~r-- ytrrc'eeAs
<br /> pall( to
<br /> If t'rc Pot ;"erty is ahnnridrted by Xvr, wer, or if, after- notice by L_-,der to P grower.hat the con k-►u; r utter: ->o :ma'l:r;
<br /> t1111 wooed or ~:t'fc a claiT!, !(>rdamages, Bonvi6_r fails to respond 'to L.etrkr W'35in 30 days after the, dat : 5u: ' .^otke is,
<br /> m-:51rr;, Lender x auth::rrcms to rou=t a d apply the protce ts, at Z.etuier'k ofsion. either to tenorxt:on or repair tir_
<br /> Propen. or to t'te sums secured by {.his. Deed of `;.'rust
<br /> Un! ,.t 7 .;der acrd .B(rrrox'er othctwrxe "1a rte; in wrrti ty;t, ,v suxb tppPication of proereds'to Principal :shad not extend
<br /> or postp^:+r- tier due da.te'of the 'monthly irr,tallntents rcfcr~-:zN • :•rr p;aragtiaphs!.l and I hereof or ci;anf;e the arnoun,t of
<br /> stx.'x insz-R'Imerr
<br /> 10, 1.+U;rrnnr•: Nof Released. Exttns.;ofJ C& the tirric for , a #r; or modifization of amortisation of :he sums secu;r(1
<br /> bt- Yhis D-ed of Y-ust gxa:ated by Lender to ariy rrsr icessmw intem z • Bovi-rower shall not operate to reltasc, in any mauri r.
<br /> the Lability of orienal Borrower and Rormwer"s succmu)m in fender shall nGt be required :o cornmetyce
<br /> prccfrdin~*s agsin.st SL+el successor nr refusL. to extend ti:'tx: for pxyim-vii or otfscrva+ise modify amortization of the sums
<br /> secured by this D-cd o! Trust by reason of any drum( mad.: b} tine Original 130tT1Z0*.Cr and-BOsrower's successors in imerrr~st
<br /> 11. F'orhtaranct i-y Lcndcr two( rw 1r idycr, icy f''otbeira:nct by Lender to e,%c.rcising any tight or remedy hereunder, or
<br /> athcrvvisc afvordcd ~ ,.p`cchlc Irtw, shall 'sot tat? a waiver rul or p:-eclule the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br /> I-hc procurrm!nt of it rarrce or the -ptyrneva of taxes or other lams or chargges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br /> right to x,=Ic'atc sir.: n ir;rity of the indehtedness secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br /> 12, ttemedir'a'Cvi inlatlvr. All rerned'ies prcvid,d in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br /> or remedy un<_cr t'r:is (~t cd of Trust or af)br -Jtd by law-or equity, and may be exercised cornntrnntly, independently or
<br /> suc( rssively.
<br /> 13. Succt'rsom ar.d Arzsigm Round; Joint and Several Llabilitw Captions. The covenants and agretment: hercio
<br /> zutai. s."s shall bind, ;.r . the rights here,r;tdcr shall inure to, th,; rc;pcciivc 4uccessorS and assigns of Lender -ind Borrower.
<br /> sub)'.c i to the provlsirrcr of paragraph 17 hereof. Ali covenants and agrecrtieuts of Borrower shall be joint and several,
<br /> -The ca; bons `anc' hwadinp of the: paragraphs, of this. Deed of Tn-nt are for convenience only and era not to he used to
<br /> interpret or dcfrrl tl.rc revisions hereof.
<br /> 14. Notke, xcert for any notice required under applicable law to b- given in another manner, (e) :try notice to
<br /> Borrower provided for :r1 this Deed of Trust shall tv given by mailing st.ch notice by certified :nail addre. d to Borrower at
<br /> the Pro;pcrt:; .MM&--z c r at such attar addnms as Sorrow,er !nay designate try notice to Lender as prodded h:rein, and
<br /> (h) any n:. ti°c'o Lender °hall be 3ivcn by certified mail, *eturn receipt rcnucsterd, to t,en;ltsa address stated 'tsercin or to
<br /> such other .tdt:res~; as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided hertin; Any notice provided for in this
<br /> Deed of Trust shall 'bc deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner dcsi, fated hertin
<br /> 15. Uri`rm Oted of Trust; Governing Lsv ; ,reverabilify. This form of deed oaf irt-%t combines uniform covenants for
<br /> n.uional use :test non"ur:iform cnveriants with limited variations by jurisdiction to catrxtitute a uniform security instrument
<br /> covering renal ,,volx•rty. 'Bias Dred of Trust shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which the Proptr►v is beater(
<br /> In the event that arty provr.xion or „clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note conflicts wino; applicable law, such conflict shalt
<br /> not affect other p-v+ isions of this Decd of Trust or the Note which can be givers elect without the conflictt g provision.
<br /> and to this end the provisions of the Deed! of Trust and the Note are declared to be severable-
<br /> 16. Rorrow<ss Copy. Bornaw_r shall ':c furnished a :onformcil copy of the Now anti of this Deed of Trust it the -,me
<br /> of execution or after recordation he inf.
<br /> 1.7. Trstnsfer of the F'roperil; g, axumpttvn. If all or any pact of the opcity or an hii.crest therein i °old of transrl rrcd
<br /> by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (ati the. creation of a lien or encumbrance subordirae z to
<br /> this Deed of Trust, (b) the crea;ti.on of t -+urciraae money security interest for household appliances, (e) a traiaJer by taevisc,
<br /> descent or by operation of law upon the JQth'of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of any leasehold interest of three years or i+x:
<br /> not containing an option to purchase, L,endr.-r rr.t?, at Lender's vptinn, ri:..:acre all the surr'o secured by this Dc. -d of Trust r^ t^: ~
<br /> immodiately dur- and rtayable, ;vender shall waived such optic a• a, acc^leratc if, prior to the sale or transfer. L-end.:
<br /> and the person tow ;orn the Property is to he sr: Id or transfeetrrd •e.,cl" agrrMment in wnt1n6 that the credit of such person
<br /> is satisfactory in i, ender and that tote interest pr.yable on the •u-is s.: e.ted! by this Decd of Trust shall be a: such rate as
<br /> Lender shall rega:ra:u. if Lender has waived the option to accelerate pro, „}led in this paragraph 17, and if Borrower's successor
<br /> in interest has exect"ted a written assumption agreement accep',cd in wrlinj by Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from
<br /> ,all obligations under this Ixtef of Trust And ih,-- Note,
<br /> If Lender rx,:rcistis t,uch option to acreicratc, !-cotter shall n1a:t ,'ryrrowcr notice of acceleration in accordance with
<br /> ;Tara raph 14 hereof: Such notice shall provide a periocti of not kiss th.:n ;17 days from the date the notice is mailed within
<br /> which Borrower rusty pay the sums declared due. Borroxr.r tails to pray such sums prior to the rxpiration of such period.
<br /> Lrndcr may. withcrtt furth:rr notice or de'm,and on Borrower, iovolre army remedies pcrmhicd by twt;ragtoph IR itercor.
<br /> Note-L;Narurtrt f (WENANTS. Borrower and Lender funher covenant and aigrcc as follows:
<br /> 18. Actt:lerw i.?n; remedies. Except as provided in pat°irgrnaph 17 here of; upon Borrower's brtuth of any covenant or
<br /> agrcernent ref Burrower 'in this Deed of Trust, including the covervantx to ivay when due any sums. srcurrd by thk Deed
<br /> of Trust, Lender Irrk,. toe accelerttion shall mail notke to Borrower as provided In paragraph 14 hereof specifying: (1) the
<br /> s reach; t!ne section required to cure such breath, (3) a dhkc, not less than 30 days from the date the notice k mailed to
<br /> 1; irrower, h. whkh Duet." breach must be dared; and (41 tiutt faRure to cure such breach on or before the elate specified
<br /> ;n tt, notice maw result in acceleration of the sismc ::cvtrd by thus Deed oil Trust and sale of the Property. The notice
<br /> 4satl further inform (Borrower of the right to reinti<are after acceleration and the right to brlrig a court action tO .r'rsert
<br /> fire roan-t xi tt ice of vi default or any Ollev„-r defe-mr, cif Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the breach h not cured
<br /> nn or btforr rt:c erase :rprcified in the notice, Lender at Lender's option may declare all of the sums secured by this Deed
<br /> of Trust to Is ediarte ly due and payable without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies
<br /> permitted by 2M1csb1c law, Lender shall be entliket to collect all reasonable costs and expenses incurred In pursuing the
<br /> rrrntdirs nrmided in this paragraph 19, includin%- but not limited to, rrtxonable aftorney'it fees,.
<br /> If the power of s;ult• is Invoked, Tmtrtte shalt word if notice of default in each county' in which the Property or some
<br /> part fherrrr" is lrrKmed and shall mail topley of such notice its the manner ptelieribed by a plieabke law to Aorritwer and to the
<br /> rerher t►eratrnr pvc--cribed by spirlicable law. After the lapse of 'r<rch finis as may be required by applica"re flow, Truore shall
<br /> s,ive ptiblic nolkt, of salr to the parsons and in the manner prrscribrd by applicable law, 'Trustee. withouf remand on
<br /> Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auction to the hlghet.; bidder at the time and place and tinder the terms designated
<br /> Ili flat notice or Route In co" or more parcels and In such Order an TnKtee may determine. Trustee may paitpone scale of roll
<br /> or any, parcel of the Property by publlfi ann'ouncrctncnf at 'rht' fiat- a td place of any previously scheduled sale. I ender nr
<br /> I ,ender's dr-Ignee may purchwie the Property at any stair.
<br /> Upon rerelpf Of payment of the price 19111. Tnrtlee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Property
<br /> send, The rec•ihili in the Trtklee's deed thrill be pritmil luck. erldence of five truth of the statements made therein, Trustee
<br /> Moll apply the ptoteeds Of list sale In the follgwlnnp older; (a) to all reifonable coot ■nd expenses of the sale, Inchoding, but
<br /> not ihnittd to. Tr race's fees of not more than I i of 1 "t of the Xrasr sale price, reasonable attorney^n. fern avid rants of
<br /> title evidence; (b) to allstems wcured by this Deed of 'L"nu l; and (c) the excess, if uny, to the person ur germom legally enNtlyd
<br /> thereto.
<br /> 19, itorrower's Right to iteinstat.e, Nolwith,atrnding Lcnder's arccicration of the stems secured h;, 1 k1is f]erd Of 'rrws,
<br /> Borrower shall hsvc the right 1O have any prmeetlittgs begun by Lender to enforce this D"A of Tretr .ti•acontinttrd at
<br /> env time prior te, the e«~rlrcr to e%ccur of (r) the fifth clay tM:fore, the sole of flit: Property aunuant tr► the power iq sate cons: ,,Ord
<br /> in this D%-cJ of Trtv.t of (iii er:try Of a judgment enforcing t'rsis Decd of Treat If. (a) Borttnver payt 1„ender all sum- whic)t ttou:.l
<br /> be then duc under this tired of Tru.%t, the Note and note,., woiring Rourt Advance.;, if any. I',nd not accelcrrlsrnt cr:cuortrl;
<br /> (b) llorrow•-r cur:. of brcachet; of am other covenants or agreerrents of llornower t.onts.incd in this th,rd rvf 1 rw,c.
<br /> (c) Burrower pays ail reasonable v%rN.,nar,:s incurred by l.e utrtr and Truttee in enforcing the t.rwcnants anti ;,igrrcrtunts Of
<br /> Rf.rrew•cr cor,tai'reet ire thi• Deed o: ' i r, st and ifs enCorcirr Lender's lord Trustee's remedied w; provided in paragraph I R
<br /> h.cttof, inc;udinh, but etc. I :Ai 7d t. re::t',omble at:orrrcy's card (d) Borrower takes such action as Lender orlon rt:aasonably
<br /> rea.airc to assure that rte::,. n rf thit Jrec! ot.Trrtsi, Under"s imerest in the Praaleny and liirrtolrer"s Ohli;rari:sn to pry
<br />