l~t1g, t a G'.; S ,r,,+ i~ ae. ~atx Rr 'iAld 1s,~;; a ✓~r rr`r1 y i ,7k4_t , r 1 Fqh q a F; I t r
<br /> , F^' s-, ~vw..~,~L.+ f..+.~ro: v i4/„hw+' ~ ~ ;fir, ♦ ,Y1'^~t ~ ~ s y.. + - ' '
<br /> if fiy s y. <'r r ' I,t~'r 4, Id ~,FfF A. 7
<br /> . .r: _ ~`f ...r..~~~~)~'~,..:«~~ ~ ~~~~ll~w. 7d'' ,~maty;S, Via..:s xMwR•y~.tiwraf~„~,~w.
<br /> $
<br /> Utttrtwaa CervP.1'x-4 a rs. Borrower vnd Lender covviwt t and aE' aws (call ws: t I
<br /> .1. Pad:t NSO of Prladval,NW Inteserrt- Botmwtir all v j~ratnp:ly 'px►t !A*j, due the princirW I ttid on lFr
<br /> l"40AWSW.11 vokk-'z v,4 by the 14a ft, pre ya'"Oll and late charges aras.lprco"'ij4 w the Rtst~ and tlrr pry:scipril o . u'ad iiilcm' t
<br /> cx» art Future ;Atlvanc rtxvrcd try this ~ed of Trust. ;d
<br /> Funds for Traces aisdInmraswd:e. Stlbj Ct'to ;1fr'ata~ I>iw. isr bu rr. •u zr w;tlrrC>' 11y. Ltttt3et. Gorr s W"c: shall F*,,,
<br /> to Lcnde- on the eay writehly irastatlrracnis of prxneipail and inlerect art pwyw:lM'r under llte Notes., trial! i 'Mcatr a+ yrasc in '(Cell,
<br /> a stria Oert'in F-mt .i rrjtral tt' ore-tsstlfttt of ttw ltzrhj NI(cs' a:n t 4"_r" UM-As 'which may altaar• p,.i, rsty a•Mr thK.
<br /> r.ko:d cif '1w rart, wed roan! rents a.,- t vw Property; 'if any, klus' d*57tAwelfth cif yesady premium instaHmertcs r 1 , ray rn:.trrr•nce,
<br /> F.ltrt uric t+rtlfah i yearly prc> iurn ir~tu'.l a,ents for cnn.t ige'iiasutxracr if an}•, all ass reasonably eslimaler" h :tl, eta., f`cxrt
<br /> tams le tint.:, by Lirreier or, the ►:asis o! a'tsenrinctwts and hills. and tatasonalik eti•imates thereeof.;
<br /> The Fund% , _Al be. held art an inttitution the &T,(m ss d9: aercwtitwi of which are insures('or'guaratnim •:1 lAJ ti Fedcrn. cw
<br /> Male agencv fircltxii.Vg lx-. dr:r if Lender it such an tmtitutimil.. Leader shall apply tla,: F.-mils to pay sail va to 'strs~'air rz.
<br /> ira,urar+xe p,trnat,nss aril grcHinrd rr_sats. ! c:adcr may arch charge for yu holding and applyiaa, j the T undlt, arnatn;t;g •.Sid :u n err:
<br /> cr verifying and compiling said assm=cnts and bills, tailless !•xrus- r pays Bormver interest on t' is f'rtrrdls .,rt;; z ~+lirr:z:>ie t .0,
<br /> permits Icx•drr to make such a charge. Borrower and Leiser may agree in writing, at th+: time of rs.w~:tt ;net r( t!'a''
<br /> Deed of Trust tt•at +:nteres: ate the Funds shall be paicl :o Borrower. and unle% such agreement is made cn a+ attic;slafe iav,
<br /> requirt-a st: ch W. ierr ;t to be paid. Lender shall not be rtrluoJTA to Faay Barrowcr any interest or tarnrrip, = r'hs: ;r it-ds. 1"ender
<br /> i- all give %n Llorrowcr, withou- charge, an annual accounfing N! the Funeo, slv)wing crud'., and detests to th- !f' oidli and th-
<br /> 1111-pose for wht -h ,-.ah debit to tf^rr f=unds was install "flue ',1 wads ire. pledaeJ as additio :2i scc:ur"rty for t.',e oirm secraree
<br /> b.r this Det:d A ' r° ,Ist.
<br /> If :hc arnoum n; t4e Funds heid 1".y Len&r, togethrr with the future. monthly instaflm:ras of Fungi: sa tlwl prior to
<br /> to ,rK,
<br /> th :tic ci. !e, n` ta.xm assa_~sme acre, inssaranrr_ premmorns wrid ground rents. -shall txcced the am,i+mt require l -c Pay ;,vd
<br /> assc.smcnts, insurance. prcmium-, vn-1 ground rents as t:aey fall due, such excess shall b(-_, at Borrower':. upri.',.r. e..?a
<br /> promptly rcc-=iil tc Botrca+rmr or cr%dllcd to Rorrowt.r kv monlhlv f :s.'slhndntz c` F'tmds. If thr amwrat cif it.. 'i rl
<br /> hetd'I by Le:note shall no, be sufficient to pay taxes. aayessttrt'ttts, iintiram.e premiums and Flamed rents wi they fall dv, .
<br /> L'arrowrer shall nay to Leader any amount necrosi,;, to n►ake vp the: deli ency withit. 30 days from the dzte notMY • r. rnaile'+
<br /> by r-tinder it) PAirrower rcgtresting payment 'dhercof.
<br /> Ofyin p.,-,,w nt in full of all sunat secured by P.is Dc-d of ' 6"ivst_ Lender nhaP promptly refund to Borro+vcr ar y Ri'uli
<br /> held Ley i. rr der,. If under paragraph 1 S hereof the p':",rerty is sold or the ProW iy is cdhcv%ise 3,:quircl by I ender Lender
<br /> ihail apply, r,o later than immediately prior to tit: salr of the Property or its acriuisrtic-n by Lender. any Funds hrl:4 by
<br /> '.ender at the time of a.pplacaraon as a credit against the sorlm smurorl by this Deed of True.
<br /> 3. Applies Lion ar P$1 rats. Unless applicable,la,et,_rypooklides otherwise, all payments iieceived by Lender under the
<br /> Note and paragra hs i anti 2 hereof shall be a liod by Letader first in payment of amounts payable to l-ender f fr Borrawd:r
<br /> under parag apt: 2 hereof. then to 'interest playable on the Note, then to the principal of the Nate. arid then to r•+tere4t nrad
<br /> primppal on any l=utum ,Alt--pnccs.
<br /> I Chjtrgea; Liens. florrnwer shall pay all taxrt, essiesliments and .,,,her charges. Canes and impositions avtibutahle to
<br /> the Property 's'melt may attain a priority aver this d}c: d of "Tri►st, and leasehold payments of ;mind rents, if any, in the
<br /> rrtzmner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in'duch manner, by Mrower making payment, whin due. eirectiv
<br /> to the payee Ihereol. llorrow-r s6„Il promptly furnish to'i.eit&.r all vertices of amounts due umer than paragraph. lend in the
<br /> event Burrower 'fsO maJke payment directly, Borrower tthall'promptly furnish to Lender receipts'evidericing such payments.
<br /> llorrowk r shall pmmptfy dischar~t aany lien which hws priority ov^r this Deed of Trust; provided, thvl Rorrowrr i,hall not tic
<br /> requiredl to discharge an?' such lactx %o long ,.as Borrower shall agree +:n writing to the payment of the obligation vi-cutad by
<br /> such lien in a manner acceptable to L.cnder, or shall in good fnaith condtst such lien by, or defend enforcement of such lien in,
<br /> legit r':slxeedin- which operate to prevent the enforcement of t*,x lien or forfeiture of tl',e Property or any part thrreof-
<br /> 112=- in wrar.,•ts. Borrower shall keep the improvements now exisling or hereafter ermted on the Property insured
<br /> aga;nst ',cot by fire., hazva: d; included within the germ "extended coverage", and such other havards as !.ender rraay require
<br /> and in rs,r~h amounts and for such periods as Lender may require; proyi(ted. 'hat Lender shall not requirc that the amount of
<br /> wuch cn,r:ragr_ exceed that ar'.ount of cever:ige a:quired to pay the rums st:t•ured by this Decd of Irust,
<br /> 7%4c insurance ;airier p:,)virling Ow insurance shall be chosen by Porrrottrer subject to approval by Lender; provided,
<br /> ibst such approval shall not ';c unreason.ibly withheld. All prcnriunts cm i;taarrance policies staa,ll bt. !raid in the nanner
<br /> provided under pr.r;agrtai n 2 hereof or, if nix paid in such manner, by Borrolk-et r,4kirq; payitient, vhvi clue, r!irrcily to the °
<br /> insumnce :arricr.
<br /> All insurance poli.cir_s and renewals thereof shall be in fo-,m aicccpuihlr, a:, Lender and shall include a stand;ird mortg2-ge
<br /> t:lau,C in favor of and in facie acceptable to Lender. I.entL-e shall have: the::°ight t-.: hold the policies and rerewailt• thereof,
<br /> and Borrower shall promp!ly furnish to Lender all rt:netw+al na;.toes and ,ill receipts of paid premiums. In the event of lc s.
<br /> Borrower shall give Prompt notice to the insurance currier an,l Lemicr, l,cntlc:t-may make proof of loss if not made prrom$y!ly
<br /> by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writin~„ insurarmux proceeds shall be applied in restoration o: repair :if
<br /> the Property damaged, provi:lcd such restoration or iepvcr is er ovennically feasible and the security of this !tied of I . mist it
<br /> not thereby impaired. If,.uch restoration or repair is not ecdmcimic'ttlly feasible or it the .4ccurity o this Dred elf Trrm,w wrould
<br /> tie impaired, the ins,urunce procteds shall Eke applied tea the sums se:ured b) thin Dwd of Trust: vlth, the excvis, if :Ivry, paid
<br /> Iv L:orroµrr. If sate 11,'operty is abandoned by Borrower, or if Borrower fails to respond to Lander within M, drys, frc)rr the
<br /> ,la:~e rolice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the r:;turanee carrier offers to settle a claim for imurance b1:nfflia. tXnder
<br /> is authorized to colhrct and apply the in-rurance procte:ds at Lenders option either to restprw;un or repair of the Prop-itv
<br /> or to the ivms secured by this Herd of Trust.
<br /> Unless Lender rind Borrower nihrrwisc agmc in writing, any such application of procee6 to rrinci?al :,'hall riot extend
<br /> or postpone the due date of the n:onth.ly irutailtnents referred to in paragrappIts 1 and : h-:eof or changr! the amount of
<br /> such installments. Ir under paragraph 14 hereof the Property is acquired by bender, all right tivie and ~nvItrr,~t of Borrower
<br /> in and to any insuranx policies and in and to the proceeds thereof resulting from damage ?o the F'rojxrly ?-rider to the sale
<br /> or acquisition, shall pass t., L.cridr:r to aw extent of the sums se.:ured by this Deed of Trust immediately p,liar to such sale or
<br /> acquisition.
<br /> 6. Preservarlan and Mahatr nawc of Property; Leasehold; Condominiums Planned Unit tae, Sr;rmenR Borrower
<br /> -.halt keep the 1"roF.:rr•' j in r,:pair and thrall not commit wtaste or permit impai-ment or deli f i; ra!ion of the Property
<br /> and shall comply with ahc pf nv,^ions of arty lease if this Deed of Trum is on a leasehold. If this Derrr A "f'nAvt is on a unit in a
<br /> cendorninium or a planne`~ a•:it :levelopment, Bo=wer shall p dorrtr all of Borrower's obligati,.:ir►s under the declaration
<br /> Or coveneits creating or gwve-rung the condominium or planned unit development, the bylawlt and mgulations of the
<br /> cer,domiml.7m or planner u.ti! d-.:vclopment, and constituent do.: amcals. If a condominium or planned unit devc1.7pment
<br /> ride: is executed ley Borr-as cr irnwl recorded togethdar with this f.: ced of "must, the covenants alnd agreements of such rider
<br /> shall be incr~rpdaratcd into and 0..,tlll amend and svpplement the covenants and agreements of this, Deed of 'Trust as if the rider
<br /> were'. ri parthr:rd•of..
<br /> 7 Protection of tAndler's r:rrity. If Narrower fails to perl'otm the covenants and ligicetlacnts contained in this
<br /> i?eed of Trust, or if tiny Actior, or ,arocceding is commenced which materially affects Lender's iv ..rest in the: l*rapcrty,
<br /> including. but not limited to, eminent domain, insolvency, code enforcement, or arrangements at piozeedittgs involving a
<br /> bankrupt or decedent, thin Lender at Lender-'& option, upon notice to Borrower, fray make such s,ppearances, diratwume such
<br /> sums and take such action as is necessary to protect lender's interml, incha.ting, but nirl limited to, diwbuatcment of
<br /> reasonable atictinley's fete and entry upon the Property to make wp,ain, If Lender regtdred rnortgase inswirrx-e as a
<br /> condition of making the loin secured by Chit Deed of rust,- harrower shaft pity that premitt.nas required to maintain such
<br /> insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for stash insurance tertninatei in a,wordance with Borrower's and
<br /> Lender's written agreement or ap}A tcable, law, Borrower shall pay the arnot►nl of all nwortyiite insurawx premiums in the
<br /> manner provided under paraRtarn 2 hereof;
<br /> Any amountrr disbursed! by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with lr►terer' t.aetcon, shall tiecome additional
<br /> indebtedne,s of ftorruwer secured by this Deed of Tnxft Unless Borrower and Lender rop" to ntI•, r terms of payment, such
<br /> amounts shall be riay,rhl" upon notice from !..ender to Pinnowcr requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the
<br /> dal: of dhNirsement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal nn&r the Note unictrt payment of interest
<br /> At such :rate wot,16 tic contrary. to applicabk"low. In which .event such amounts shall bear intermit at the highest rate
<br /> priinissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall rettuire Lender to incur zany expecase or take
<br /> any action hereun&r.
<br /> S. iasprctleax. Under may make or cause: to Iv rude rctwabk ent" upon and impeet;ons of-the Property, provided
<br /> that L-trider shall give Borro'er notice prier to any each impectidm sperfying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br /> iwt:tf,:rt in the Proo:rt,r.
<br />