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<br />
<br /> 1„lNtFt7lt.xr C.0vFNA%7r. Bortcw m' rind '.f rh~^ss covcnant lod agree as (thews
<br /> .1. Payment of Pirink4pal And Initrto :borrower shall promptly pa~y ,:hen due the principal cd and uit,v-,%t w.t the
<br /> indcl-,tedryns, evidenc:+t'd by the ,`lute, reptir rF. and rpm rhargt:s 'rz ptt•viaied in the I%Vi c., sired the princirtsl vi and interest
<br /> ot, a:r Futurc Advanc;_- :Ltvorcd by this f? to of `fntst.
<br /> Fun& W "i"ris said Tavurzam 5IL,xt to apsltc;zbit luw rz tc, a, itTtllcn waiver ~y t.rSid.`-r, Rzirrvurr shall pay
<br /> to Lend,-r on the d.a r rrt, rrab.'.' ansaa2i,rrtr t..ef prrncil,a? and inte~,tsi arr. (r;r} a"vle. vndcr the Note, until the Not,,: is paid in full.,
<br /> a surin (herein Fa tic! "r egt;A tai tune tt.ri.'st :f the ytarly taxes c,nr1 ;,ssr,srsen~s whic''r may attain r.rirrhy over this 9
<br /> L>ed of "rru!•.t- znrd g, a^d r*'nt+ nr the Fr ,far.+v;r, if ai~ty y plus ant •tsveltth u'. yearly pr:ttsium %nsfalTanrntt fop' hazard insurance,
<br /> plus one•twclftt. of y carte: premit!m :ad4atllc+t °.s for rncartgng•° 1:115trratrc, i( ary, J?I ,,c reasonably estimaled initially ar.d from
<br /> time. to lime by ).c•nccr on the tutsis of as .~etxrrcncs anal bills and sr_^so .aril, cstirn,atrs thereof.
<br /> The Fundti Khan be held if: an •rnstituuo.i the ,iem'ssi!s oT accoun's ~,f which err, insured or guaranterd 'oy a Fed:ral or
<br /> a><s:ssmc!sts•
<br /> 1.1atc agcrsc.`y (in!•: uJing Lender it Leader is w.lr.h in instiluti-an). Lender si :ill apply the Funds to pay sai(: tAxt-s,
<br /> nss.ursntc premturrs :tm: ground ; cr-%, L emir r rn:sy &.,n tharge for vi .holdit.k and ipplysng the Fords, analyirng s.ud account
<br /> or -vr.rifying and compiling sai<l a;~c;sc,trn.s snci b l,c, unless L.enCer t,:Lya Borrewty interint on the Funds arid ap •lic2bic ikw
<br /> permits ).ender to make -,rich a cha.rg,.. B,Irrrr,.r *.nd Lender may agixv in writing at the time of .xcc•Mt,.;...., of thi%
<br /> !i>cd of Trust t?tat inrctcst On th,. ,=tan is shrill >,r: paid to Borrower, a,nd unle:;s 5w1i a;rtcrrt!nt it; tna,dc or api^ilcablc law
<br /> rcquircy such intr est'.o be paid. ?'_c ndcr shall not bt. mquirc'. to pry rleorrowcr any iclerccr or car;. i"tgs an t` ec Fvrtd: 1_t,ud r
<br /> shall give kp Borrower. without co. rgc, ao Anntta; aN _cauntinrt of Ih> Funds c r:d:t,, tie. de ,'pits to the Fund% and, the
<br /> purprxic for which each debit to the Vuries was msdte. Tlsu Funds wt pledged w a.Jditir,,„r'•; tecarity for the sums secitrecf
<br /> by it:,, D-- rd d+( 'T'rust. i
<br /> If the amount of the Fttrtds held by Lcridtr, togellwi, with the future monthli :m;,tilr`tents of Funds payable prior to 1
<br /> th,s due datts n' taz,_-S- af.sc~.srrc:rts, insurarscr lrtrntiums trl ;;rotund rents, ±hzll exceed t:!re amount. required to pay s_-id taxes,
<br /> 9ssessrrv t t.s• in r•r2.nce p emiur-ns and pro ",l rents W1 clue, cu: n excrc•s x11911 11t, at Bc•rrrtwer's opt on, either
<br /> prompty rc;.a .f to Borrov.cr or crcditcd i'% rrouc. o v i.-io+ )thi i"a•dailmcnlx of Fund. 11 the amount of the Funds l
<br /> htid by rvoer^ .ha`, not swrlcicnt to 1••,.,y` t.txci, ;,!tic Tw{°nts, insurance preriums and ground tents as the,, fall due.
<br /> Borrower r.h,~!pay to Lender any ansaur f ,nec:c>4;ary tr. nt-il s +jp the cfef`:iency within 30 duyt fr.mi the date noticc iL mailed
<br /> by Lt.nde to forrower rcrlsrrdtilig payment thcreoi'.
<br /> Upon pa;mcni in full of all sung scorned nv this Dee•3 of Trost. lxoder shall promptly rcfand to Borrower any Fundi
<br /> held by Lender. 11, under 1),i: tx^.tph 1, 8 !hcrro' the Property is send d-r chi, Property is otherwise ti; nuimd by Lendcr, :Lender
<br /> shall apply. no Inter than irnrae,.4ately prior io fhc s.-Ac of the Prol.ert}Y o:' its acquisition by lender. any Funds lwlcl by
<br /> I.endrr at "he time of appiicrutior. si r„ ~n!dil ati rinst the sums secured'. try this Geed of Tr,uvt.
<br /> 3 Arrpi'rcallon of Pa+met14- Unk~s ar•pfic,tbk- law providcs 7ihcTwise., all pasjlrtent.s received by Lender under ter
<br /> Note. and ; ar.~graphs i v ,f Z (c:s Kit snarl tx vpplied by Lender tint in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Brrrowrr
<br /> under paragraph 2 hereof, thcri t(interest p.ty'abble on the Note, than to the principal of the Note. and then to interr:tt and
<br /> principal on ,t,), Future Adva.ncem.
<br /> 4. Charges; C. cw- Bnr.;owir shall pay all taxes, assessments end other charges, fits and impositions miributablc le, , '1t
<br /> the: Property which may att,im a priority over "his L)eed of Trust. And leasehold paymc-rts or ground rents, if aitt , in The
<br /> maurn!cr provided tinder paragraph 'r. hereof .)r, if not paid in su& manner. by Borrower making payment, where due, directty
<br /> to the payee thereof. Borrower hi11 promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the
<br /> went Borrower shssll make payment diractly, Hortowcr shall promptly furnish to LendcT re`=Vs evidencing such payments.
<br /> l orrower shall promptly discharge ssny Tien which has priorty over ti,is Deed of "'C'rust; provided, that Borrrwtr shall not be
<br /> required to eiwharge any such lien sa long as Botrnwcr Sh,20 agree in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by
<br /> such lien in a manner acceptable to fender, or shall in good faith cr.rmest such lien by. or defend enforcement of such lien in
<br /> !Crai pproceedis whisk. operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereci.
<br /> 5. 11axxng lnsue•tasare, Borrower shall koep the imprewvrments rww existing or hcre. Ate-: erected on the Property insured ~
<br /> / against loss by fire. h;sxards inciu&d within the term °c,.`ended covers a:ad such other hazards as Lender may require
<br /> and in such amounts and for such periods as Lender may require; provided, that [ender st t11 :tot require that th- amount of
<br /> ♦uch covMragc exceed that amount of coverage required to pay the sums secured by ti:is ['r'eed el Trust.
<br /> The insurance carrier p.'ovidling. the -nsura.nce shall be rhos .n by Borrower subjec' ire approval by Lender, prnvided.
<br /> !hat such app o•i•al shall not be unreasonably withheld. Pell premi:.t:tts on insurance policies shall be paid in the manner
<br /> provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in such manner, by Borrcivcr making payment, when due, directly to the
<br /> nisorr.uce carrier.
<br /> All insurance p..rlicie; and renewals iherwst'!( shall be in form acceptablr to lzickr and !shrill ir.cludc a standard mortgage
<br /> clause in favor of and in form arccptable to Leader. Lender !ehali have th' rigsst to hold the policies and renewals there+uf,
<br /> and Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lvrsder 211 renewal rttr:'i+:es and all rece:i,ts of plod prentivins. In the event of loss.
<br /> Borrower shall give prompt notice to il?c in,wrancc carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made prromptly
<br /> by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lt.nder and Bor.ower othetwirc agree in wrrtinp;, insurance proceeds shall tte applied to restoration or reppair of
<br /> the Property damaged, provided such testoratie:n or repair v economically feasible art+l tiee sccunty of this Eked of Trust is
<br /> not therrby impaired. If such restoration or rtpuir is not economically feasible or it the security of this Deed of 't'rust v,c:.ild
<br /> be impaired, thd- iniorancc pr•arecds sha:i b: ap-slied to the sums secured by thew Deed of Trust, with the excess, of any. paid
<br /> to Borrower. If the, P olerty 6 labs boned ay Lotrower, or if Borrower fails, to respond to L.endc•r within 30 davs from the
<br /> date notice is mailed by C.rndet To Bcrrourer that the insurance carrier offers to settle is claim far insurance benefits. I tnder
<br /> is authorized to collect arid apply tilt insaurati p.-oceeds at Lender's option either IT restoris6on or repair of the Propemy
<br /> or to the sums secured b this Ae:d of Trust.
<br /> Unless Lender arsd Lrrower other\,, ise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not, e:xttnd
<br /> or po^~tporie the due date of the monthly installrnen(s referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amoviv n1
<br /> such installment!;. If under para,traph 18 he:reo, the Property is acquired by Lender, oll right, title and interest of Rorro,vcr
<br /> in ane to any insurance pohzi ,rs and in and to the proceeds therr:of resulting from damage to the Property prior to the sale
<br /> or acquisition shall pass to Lender to the ..tent of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior !v such sale or
<br /> acquisition.
<br /> b. Preservation acid Maintenance of Property; Leasehaldr,; Condominiums; Planned Unil Developers^nsit. 5ornmer
<br /> shall keep the Property in good repair and shaft not commit waste or permi; impairment 4r detchorati:zin A .he Properly
<br /> and shat{ comply with the provisions of any lease if this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold- If this Deed of Trust is on» unit ire a
<br /> condominium or a plarsned unit development, Borrower shall perSorm all of Borrower's obligations under the declaration
<br /> or co%rrcants creating or governing the condominium or planned unit development, the bylaws and r:,golations of the
<br /> condominium or planned unit development, and constituent dvumcnts. If a condominium or planned unit development
<br /> rider is executed by Borrower and recorded together with this Deed of "t"rust, the covenants and agrrcrn,tnts of such rider
<br /> shall he incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and agreements of this Decd of T nu-,t a% if the rider
<br /> wired a part hereof.
<br /> 7„ Protection of Lender's Security. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this
<br /> Deed of Trtist, or if any action or proceeding is cotran'emced which materially affects Lender's intetesl tin the Propcrly,
<br /> including, but not limiter; to, eminent domain., insolvency. code enforcement, or arrangements cr procett:ings involvtog a
<br /> bankrupt or decedent. then Lender at Lender's option, upon notice to Borrower, may make, such itppcarnnces, diibtirse r,uch
<br /> sums a.nd take such action as is necessary to protect Lender's interest, including„ but riot limited to, di±sbursentent of
<br /> rcas,)n:tblc attorney's fees arid cnlry upon the Property to make repairs, If Lender inquired mdwngtagc insurance as a
<br /> condilic-i of making the. loan S+:cwrd by this Deed of 't' rust, Borrower shall pay the premiums roq::ir:d to maintain such
<br /> insurance, in etlozt until such time as tare rcdtuirement for Stich insurance lermlnatcs in accordance with Borrower's and
<br /> i.entirr's written agreement or upplicaNt, law, Borrower shall pity the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br /> manna provided under paragraph 2 hercol.
<br /> A,nv amounts disbursl;:3 by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with srrteru,t thereon, shall become additional
<br /> indewArv s% of Borrower Secured by this eked of "Trust. Unless Borrowv,^r and lender npree to other urms of paymerd, rµtch
<br /> amounts shall he payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payrrient thereof, and atrall hear interest frond the
<br /> date of disbursement at the: rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note etnicv!. payment of interest
<br /> at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amt•unts Otell hear interr:t at the hightrsl rate
<br /> permissible. under Applicable law tlorhing contained in this Laragmph 7 shall ! equire Linder to incur %ny expense or take
<br /> any action hereunci44.
<br /> C Ira ""ton. Lersckr may make or gnome to kw.. mark rtttsciwil-tle entries upon and iesspectioo% of the Property, erovided
<br /> that Lender tshall give, Rarrovser motice prior is any such +mspection specifying :c.xsonabbe cause therefor related to ,.ender':
<br /> interest in the ProrwAy.
<br /> r
<br />