<br />
<br /> f w "
<br /> J t v ~i PY aJ 52,477
<br /> -1 '~t,SAI J 7",
<br /> Ir1.1rt No.
<br /> NIA
<br /> v T
<br /> ~ Je C~J200 1
<br /> 21--;t yhrv 'ril
<br /> fiTHIS kJ O TR (•S"I srtaair phis . SUd t
<br /> d 3 .}3t)sr M. rf~1e-~>~ r ~ ~ ~ a :glt~,1.?x. .
<br /> l9 . rr,°utx' g the 1'ru or.
<br /> htwrt in -Borrewct") .
<br /> ktrncf, , rn'.
<br /> icsr t "r3. i3atl r (ht:rcira - Cruxtcc,), and the
<br /> r s F T i~Y w; 1, ►L SAVl.NG!; AN]]t)l~fkl Wo poration or ;an,rcd and
<br /> i t, tt
<br /> lIT1l. 'Id afR1 '.97t7T .i9t:lE C~ w,?%C. ptltrYwaS ^ti...1 ~ ,nl.
<br /> 1= rxi:.ting tt.nr)cr lne la~vti ~f ..xlri~ - " (herein "Undev")
<br /> Nob,casira . 6350B _
<br /> C
<br /> 3r,~p,~rwrtJY, ir. Crt,SidC'r3tittr; of 1&!c indchtcdnc<s h=:rein recited and :ley tr'.'.t hc.rcil Cr;:.ttcd, irrcbocal ly +rar.tw
<br /> .r,l conveys to Tn.t.-.cc, in tr4srst, with .tis~~wer of sale, thi following dt.!a rit+ct3 prt~pcrty located in t5u: C%ctunty t>f
<br /> 3a.:3 3 . . yt~s to pf lr cl^rt ,kar
<br /> 7TKI Ws,-stea:ly id: fv_- (9) FF-vt of Lett right CF) at'x:i
<br /> all of Lot Niml-I (hi) , B10 'K lrz (10) , in Ire l rd Subdivis;.:i'x~ w an Ac3d i.t -Dn to .he +r i_ •.,I, of
<br /> Cuarid Island, i1 11 r --,Mtr, :vt-b rwcja
<br /> i
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /> I
<br />
<br />
<br /> 507 0,~_st Okl; 3 Grand IsLarr1...... .
<br /> which h," the address of... ' tc. .
<br /> tspr,,tl
<br /> N+~:."d5lta f788Q1.... . (}lcreln "•P.";Jl~l'tey l~GrireSS.,);
<br /> • Istite and Z,r+ Codnl
<br /> jt.1t !crrtLtt with atl the improvementa now or hereafter erc(ned on '.he property, and all cAicrnvnh,, rights.
<br /> appurtenances, rents subject however to the rights and authorities ,wen h•!rcin to Lender to collect avd :triply such
<br /> retvs . royalties, mineral, oil a:td gas rights and profits. water, water right,;, and water stock, and all fixtures, now or
<br /> here::ftcr attached to the proptny, all of which, in-lulling relr(acemerts and i,dditions thereto, shall hi: decmed to br
<br /> and remain a part of ib! pr':YYx'rty covered by' this Iked of Tr+vt, and all of the foregoing. together ui h swd prorwrtN
<br /> for the leasehold csttltr if this Nod of Trust it on a lcascholt:t,t are herein referred to as the "•Pro rt
<br /> 21, 198:3
<br /> Tu Set ut>.t: to Lender (a) the repaymt,ot of thv,- sndcl`tc frtess evidenced by Borr4iwer°s note dal,-d.
<br /> 'I~h t r r 'Tl~ottst=u~ . /I.--
<br /> (herein "Nate".), in the p6twip,sl swri or.
<br /> AX11larrs, 'With interest thrretan, providing for monthly installments
<br /> 0 principal will interctit with the balance of ilic indebtt•dncss, if not sttioner paid, duo: and payable on..... ,
<br /> ...IVY P, 1413..... ; Vx payment of A other sums, with intcrrst Ihcreen, adtancc+f
<br /> in s+ccordant.c herewith to protect the sceurity of lhi•. D cd of 'Trust; and the performance of the covviants and
<br /> agreement!, of F3ot•rower herein containcJ, and (b) t1w rcr+nvinctit of any future advimccs, with interest thereon. 1-title
<br /> to Barrow,tr by Lender purxurnt to par;gv,- trfft 21 hercof ( lit-rein "F eture Advances'):
<br /> w
<br /> Fiorrower covenants that Borrower is law(ully w-istd of the esow hcrcbv conv+;ykti anti hitM the r;p,ht to grant
<br /> convcy the Ptorl,vty, Chat the Property is uncncutnlrcrub, and that Borrower will warrant xnd defend gcncnilly ;!.t t
<br /> title to the property against all clairni and demand,.; ,u. ,jet:t to any dcelYritions, caternent, or restrictions lilted in a
<br /> .whcdule of exce••,itions io aaveragc in amy till: instrraw-c policy 'insuring Lender's itticrest in the Property.
<br /> NEBRASKA-- l to t F v0r--1116• •101MAIFMIMC UNIFORM INSt9tOWAT
<br /> 84 5
<br /> J ell d t r
<br /> 1 !S' x
<br />