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)[), lltat fitZ 9.dortg~eor wiL t~ep the #tuldings upon said E•xemises in gaud repair, and neither cammit,aar permit waste <br />u;ron saki Sand, exec ~:uffer r~ said prer!ttees xo be used fcr r,ny unlawful purpose. <br />t. Tlta? if s}re prrmis~s, ur any pM iheieu€, rte condemned tender thepower ttf eminent domain, or acquired for a pulslic ' <br />rte; rite damtxges nv:arded, the proceeds fot•Yfie caking of, ar rite-cansidexatron tarsueh acgnisitioxr, to the.extet#t or" the ful[' <br />i:mnsrnt elf indebtednes upon [his n:ongage and the Hate whichtt sgiven to secure remaittingunpatid;.aze hereby assjgtted by the <br />A4artgap;crr to tee lfortgagrc, and chats be laid fnrthtuit_h o said Mortgagee xa be applied by the latter on account bf tee next; <br />rnatttti!>sg irstalirnents of such indebtedness. <br />)2. Tl,r tsfn:•t~or ftrther agrees thaff should tfifs mortgage and. [tie note> secured hereby Hat be e}igihle for in- <br />surartceundo tare thstieenal licuaittg Act wittiiia from thedate hereof twttten statement crf any o@icer <br />of tree fkpnrsrttcnt of Hausirtg atsd Urban lhweiop>iicTt~ af~authotized agent of the Secretary of Housing and Urban <br />tkveb;inrnt datt~i uhsrque:ti taihe. ~ lip ~ time tr<>m the-date of this mortgage, declining to insure said:- <br />txtic and this mortgt~, beitg deemed cortelusivc proof~o~ such ineligibility}, the Mortgagee ar hoiden aC the: nofe <br />may, at its aptscnn, dcc9are act wmt secnrred heralry immediately due and payatsle. <br />1 ~. T`tat if th~° ?,ir:rtga~or fails io make any payments at money when: the same become due, ar fails to conform xo and <br />t~t:pty with am of the conditions•or agreements- contained in this :mortgage; or [tie txtte which it secures, then the enti.feprinci- <br />pal ,-t3rri and accrued in[erdxt ,hall at suttee°becomt due and ptiyable, at the election of the- Mortgagee; and this morte may <br />thcrrtrc~cett tx iu*ectesrci itrtm~tetiiatdy'•or titer w}ruk of said'morrey° interest, monthly payments, costs.. ground sertts, taxes and <br />ttrc cote of rxtrnding nc~ at+atraet of titkr frrtm the date of this laan to the-time of commencing such fareciostuc sort, need a rca- <br />cana?rk~ au xneti'-. fe~x. ate ref ~.~hict: shall he nchrdad in the decree of ~'areclosure: a:td [he contract emtwdied in this mortgage <br />and the note secured Iterehy. shall Hall respects be gaverrted, construed and adjudged br the taws of Nebraska, wtrere ttte <br />sarnt is made. <br />;lee rnvcrtams'herein contained shall bind, and the t~nefits and advantages shall insure to, the respective heirs, ezecntars, <br />ad3ttirtiiYrators. successors and. assigns of the parties hereto.. Whenever used. the singular number chat tnctude the plural; the. <br />plural care singttlax, and the use of any gender shall lee applicable ¢tt all [,enders. <br />T'he toregrping conditions, all and singular. being peeformed accurdirtg to their natural and legal impon, this convepance <br />Khali he void anet said premsesreleased at the expense of the 94lurtg+tgor; otherwise to he sntl remain in full farce and effect. <br />lAi W'fTId~SS WHERE01", tlee'.kfesrtgag~txlsb lea yea hereunto set ~~~~ r hands ihedap• and ytar first <br />above uvritten. <br />Inpresenu o#: <br />,.~,f;,~,.. <br />,~ _ j SERI. 3 <br />t,c r+. t Ii <br />isEAL~ <br />s'-'~ .1 _. •~ .~`i.,y F (SEAL I <br />NINA S. STEIN <br />l ,>,>"E.~ L,1 <br />I s~Ai. a <br />sc~rr ~.~lF'~l~alt~,~xn. <br />7 ~ 54` <br />C: Jlr ltt`C'Y tap I fa 3 k <br />!}tt tlas. day ~ I~Gt'_ttdlEt" A.U, 9983 .before: mc. <br />~ StaL~~ry ptab~'lC tnanddt+rsand{'uuray,pexsonallya:tme <br />Royce ~. Stein and Nina S . Stein., Husband attid4ti #~ <br />:ae ~et.ta~ <br />pcesunaily to me known <br />toEr+.the~ncscaltterwn 5wttar~ruatnr g ~~@ adixedtotttcaboveandfare- <br />gprrtg irtstrusacnt a Mttttgggirr, ar7d V~iO sckrsowiedzed the caul instrumsnt and the <br />ezetution rherecrf to be ~~,~ C .tituntary act and deed. #ar the purposes lhcretn expressed: <br />to tr+~urnunt a#rntnsat»ihavet~r+eurtittsermvhstndandaHlxrdby tt{g~rja~ seaiai t`MdTttf 3~"r38iit~. ~'bCdSk3 <br />ten ilte day atwi dzte iaSt;nbctve w~r'-Tiett. ,.-~° ~ ~ r r f ~` . <br />L1R7Ki A. <br />~i 111M1. <br />jTRT£t)FtiEitR.54K:1 ss, ""~ <br />Filedtvr reccn~d this dayof A:fy., 19 <br />at a'ckx:k "Ni..ardenteredfnHumcricaEindcx,artd <br />recasGCU in Hater of 11€otYgages~. t+n. <br />Pam sef <br />lte$stet of I)eeda <br />tt„ti=~~t#~M k4i~lfil <br />,. rat a«.,s..;.~s <br />