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(l) month psiar to iu date date the arutuaE mortgage insurance pcentium in ardor to provide suett holder <br />with fiiutds to pay suelt premium to ilte Secretary ai' Housing and Urban I?,=.velapment pursuant to the <br />?clationat Housing Act, as amended, and applicable Regulations [hereunder; or <br />(II$ ff and sa tang as said naie: of even date aztd this instrument. are held by the Secretary. of Housing-and. <br />Grbsn Develapment• a manthly charge ¢in 7ierr ~f a mortgage irtsttmnce~remiumJ which :hail be in an <br />amatmt equal to ane-twelfth {1/l2} of one-half {l/~) per centum of the average autstantliskg balance <br />due on the Hate computed witltaut takirsg inro accattnt delinquencies oa prepayments; <br />(b} A-.sum equal to the gnsund >rnts, if any, next due• pins the premtuns that will next becomedue andpayaltie an <br />!~ o€ flee and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged praperty• plus taxes and assessments next due: <br />an the-mortgaged property (all as cstirrrated 6y tlee .Martgageet leer, all sums already pald Yherefor divided by the <br />Dumber. of mantles to elapse before one mantlt prior to the date when su::h ground rents, premiums, taxes. and. <br />assesstnettts will come delinquent, such sums to be held. by ilortgagee in trust to pay seed ground rcnts,;pre•> <br />miums: taxes andspecial. assessrttents: and. <br />(c) Ali paymtenas mentianed in the twa preceding subsections of ttzis paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the rsote secured Itereby shall be added together, and tike aggregate amount thereat shall be paid by the Martgagar <br />eackt month in a atngle paymart to be applied by the htarttagee to the i~allawirag items m the order set forth: <br />{f)` prerrtsum charges under tare canarart of insurance with the Secretary of Housing and liroart Development, <br />ar rtnxnthly charge~tn taeri :,.f trzrxrrgage irutrranee prcnnfum), as the Car may Abe; <br />;U)_ ground rents. taxex,sssesstttents, t"irc and, other lrazurd insurance premiums: <br />{llt} mtetest an tree note secured }ae;rcby; and <br />[IY) anaartuataun of the principal .sf said naie. <br />Any deFtcieney 'tn the amauns •af any such aegrul2ate rnarttzhly paymetst sitai9, unless anade gotxl 6y the hfort- <br />gagarpriar to the due date nt the next sucks pair.c+, _, kcttzuta ast r~enr a.+t der'ault Lander this anan~ge. 'Tate <br />Iitvrrgagee snag cttll~aci a 'gate charge"' not to ca.ecct ~ cur _ :,s i-:,el ~sr csci: daliu iStl of ca;lt ltaymertt more <br />than ftftcen { 3 5} ct: as nk arrears to ca.t:r rite extra ext,easc uas;=9ved su t andtinu ,leiinctuent payments. <br />2S. Than 'rf dt~ &rstal of thr pa4~mrnxr made lrv zhc Slartgat;nr und~•r °, s of paragraph '' cared+>din}; >hal! ext:c~d <br />ilte ra.•nwur:t .~i par-vntmt"~ artuallc mad+~ by tktrr 1k>atgaeFer ftrr traund arnt.~, ta!ie~ and ; -•>atfn~ ar insuranoe pm- <br />toiuaa- a~ the a~a-<, ma} tx•, extort esccxH, a( tltc Icxua ks torrent, .at thx rx>ttsxt at .tk~ iN<,rtv.kgctr- sh.1iC he credited by <br />thr "*1<taigat!~.~• sa wtkh.~~gtta*rkt patrat^rtt.~ to be nurda^ bs altr,< tlort~crr. 3r tcfundrd tae ;.h~ ~laert~agtar. lf, fintsevar, the: <br />^mttshly°°•nt~ rckxle 'w :etc ,4kxta~apztx under ~ + c+i lt:ara3rxlttt .' t,rc.c, sa•== : t,:.:t. +icient t , }'a?' o-cxnnsi <br />rc+nt, t-axar;~ and a.~~:'-~m+•nr• ru in~trr:asssti• prr'maum,~. '.4 rh.• r:r~<• mxv tar.. ;~hett the -•rmc• hall !t<kanmt" due and pav- <br />:able, ~c+ae Lhe ~kxtaaKrrr _£a a{; troy= to thv• ant :a~twrrunt ra+rcr~:~ars Wt m:e3.r up t6~ defic~ienry• on ar befork <br />tlt,lr datr when , <,i -ax•h rremnd mnr; ':.+x=•- a--,"~-ma•nt- car x,=uranra• tstx*mtctrtsff ~sh~alt !xr doer. if at any <br />titan! tlhr'41nr,a;>Fir -hvil tene'3Pr to tFte 11z)tree:~ <•, in :u~.~"man<t• w,;fi ei~,,. prat.€-ir,n~ of tht• mate ~rrzured hrrvh~•, <br />full a'~.m~ttad the •~,ztim iitrieh,adta+.-- rrpn•-<~rurd ~hc;a~~<s. uk ita,r-ars,„ ~-h.,ii.. in ranmputine aht= ~uuvnl ref n'13(:}7 <br />mad htcc3tyc~>, cre~fit ta% ihr dccr~airtt of aht 'di't;s;a,~r•t ;e.,k rnctat+ ,~ rile °_n.l<'r '`a' ixstrt5uxtr, skl ~rsf al (r:ar[tgraplt ? <br />h€xexai wnic,~•t thr ltart,~,;xg+*w hat- ~nrt b+~eome ~'>>at;ate^A az, h.ra t =r.. ^... rt••-,t~~ crf lletu~in~ -rid l"+`ban i~cvtrta}tment <br />urad :arty}' balance rt*trtxiain~ to rtx„ fuudr nrr sntnulatr•sf ktnaiev shr ,., , ~, ,., aei par„t~rapkt l! }+ert•saf. if tfiert~ <br />:+~hali lk a dr(fluEt undt^r ~v ,ai the prrs.3=rm~ r,i thaw ecnrt:: ,_, ,_ ,_ .~ ~ ;subltc -atle of the pr4>sni:~r~~ rornrecd <br />t)crrnt>a~, r+r if the 1k.rtC:al±rr ae•qutr*•* the prapcrit €ethe•rna.. .d~ s ~ta,!t, rh+• lkrrtcs~tvr ,ha4t appl5.:ct the tint{~ arf <br />th«r t•aaanremx~tt „( -era t ,xnx•r~•dtn>•.~<, ,ar u ahc liner- ilrr tangy„+ rrs °- alrer~aa~,= ,aa~gret~d., thr balunrr then rcmain- <br />ing +n the fumi~ .atrumut~ata^d axnc9ot ~' axi partite}rk+ ' pr.•s~,~dinL. ~:~ a + rr^dtt .~aan~-k ahc amount of prsatapal thc~+n <br />remxirvaa~ erupted under ^a,d vtwts*. and :half {xarrpcrds .cdita~t ,cne ps;mrnt^ +. isWl*. -hats hau• iu•eon made uaadr*r lei <br />elf lS;ar-•ai;raph <br />r. <br />.. ih.,s +hr w7r ~,„.~k~ , ~, - ;-,rrtts rcela.. s.acc* .r~r*~enrnrr.. ~., ae+. amt +xt3tcr „u,rernmentai or munietpal <br />r <br />,. h:e•CCV: h•,c~~_~r "Err°,•,rr. .ne. +~t;oxr.r,rs hn~nar trrn a~z:>_dalr:r-r.--.rt~:r._~nd to xlef:xUft i6e^rc+34he ~.tttrt~.a~t¢SrtaY <br /><hc :.~c .-u :.,,k _,. z .Hasp„ a.. ~~ a-r::•,r ~t, ~c17: ~., _. ,, v2 i;. pS;,,L:,l'CC- <br />• ~ ~ , <br />• i nc ~, t,,.~~.> ,~, ti ~ , . .a ~~: ~~ to ~_ , • ~<a upon d '.i „ , ~ m„~ , t a;. -_ud .., rat7nc arni improue- <br />xt~tvr_ ,,*.1 ureter. ~,_. _~ - ~ , ~ ~to~.:. _ , .<., ,:, _.. .°z. c~rk -„~ ,,,,., ,,, ;nc~ extent tb:.+t n,rfi+ is not pmhihit- <br />, C ~ <br />~,},Y }su .ant-` nc~ 'o ~T,t ~ ~hg a .. ,. - ,n. t„ .~, e ;°~u ',iI - ,_ :J!tl jt ,nry, xnc al9ne CuX. lltate r)r I'edor;r 1, <br />imM,.ra,•n~1,,,ip.,yrc.,rx)=:,llhht t+.i.s:-~c.~, .rn, t,,.. . .au~~• ~+ti~nr.'•1~~r;C,,treelp,itswafuttr,ni,fthisundrr- <br />tslLfny.. <. ,r n,e~ ',t :•ga~a ~,,,,;tthiaec ,.,, ~ ,, . .. -r < , ie. .,toms t n. , ~ a: , op U e. F;,,:cr3r anti' pan,ton eke fih¢:$ore• <br />Wll1 i3\~• ,R '!t1+`n St1."iR I[ .l.~f _ v., _,. .t ~ .; {S ~II1~14' :£iC {`.- "t.!Ii ',. i \t. „y.,~;e rr'clr dn~ •.t3ckY /B xeS. i)r It Fa CltiX4i <br />,, a:.zcr [~+:-~: wick rh.,[ .,n~, ,:n,:k,m ~ .,. „z ,he ~ ~~,r~p..c, .r a. .. ,s.i ~.'kc -~ ,rt}~~{kc dcbi, the ~lort~;tt$ee *4ta11 have <br />toe r gi1 , act snrtz :,.,,, ~.stken n, tai. t ;tic . +. ~e- _i :hc =rorat~err~.! }rrer.,,.v,_ .:qutn!t~C the paY~rnent {kf the anottaage <br />debt , - sea«h• ~ groi:r.:1•,r +.akt ~r: t ,1irP, hr.. , .. ,±: ,..,cz~?r ,-J ~,.,i!ectanlc:,t i1`c :•.pkrntKm ui sa~•J rainet;° da+s. <br /> •h~itol.f °„° lace .; w.~ c,n. s~xn, nt tc ..ra ~. , -,uc+ rz..,ilnu tan in thllK tiforEg:rge., the;, •5r ':^"nM,e¢r. at itst+p- <br />•uvn, ns:. pa. ~ r . r,*.,~,,=n ,k..,~cr,t.:.nd .-.,~ ~.<., rn_ iY,,tc~ ..:, m:,ar..h !: r~~ atfd~d:~ihe prntCtpa3 tiutil rr-wrtrc ~ ~r. ktsc ~:F~r?ae ni~tC. <br />c,. ... <br />-.hzh tom- .es't~~ed Fm.a~-~..:nri h..i! hr.: ., _ , _, .zc ::,_ >ct3::n ,}-,e+aidnxrte t.n..: pno-d. <br />Thal !u h,es ct,c -,t.,,•n, ~ ^.~n..-c of .. , h sc :;~: c ra act br a#epiied'.cns+.crd the payment a,f the note grad .r91 <br />~autz< +rt¢rrd h t+':t is ca_r .,{ ., ,tr~ ~. , .n tan pr _a ~,^;:~nx ,1 .,<n .. •he tcrrn~ and cnndinans of thii ~4orr~;,ee .at thr said <br />nat. ail thr rcnt,_ r~,:rnuc, aria ina,rr "r ~ cu ' ,, - tc .u=rac .r.i prcrnnts dunrtit such time as thr mtrrt¢e~~c zndcbtrd- <br />sxch .bait ,r°rtiwn urp;e, ~i: ae~ [!ra° 1i*sttas<cr ,h~.-. ?~a.c ~ tr. ,p~r.: ~i ::na ngcn2 xTr :a~t~ntti kt. m,~.V dCS~re t~~r lY:c putM)s~ad <br />rr~aen rill r;crd ; rrra,.e, n. ,.~ rrntu-g tike v~ct ^.,ilc ~:._,e thr .- -. r~ee~<-rtraew end inuxsmt, and .. ur._. ,,t t), ..<idin- <br />cutr;ex all ce; cat.: •~t rs p.,xr:a~ r„a prenkr•e, '.csi ar~c~.~.. ~akn m.>.~om zntf expcnaen roar triTCdin rent r X~,.r:<i r.~an~gnC ahc <br />came ems c~3 ce.ltce~trxtg rerr-~ t. itrrrrlrern. '%cK M,i;knce rrnnavnraf; °' ties to t:+r implied toward t~ d~ .n:ar~c ,rf ..gad mortgage <br />iS1d~ t~tCY31tC::S. <br />N The: i,c .iiA a :p:r•.zm~c~nla s,.~-ti etr,hr.,>! , r r ~n!ter exe;;2ed sari the mor2ted pr <~~riy. ertMtrred as may fie <br />i.isnte+: t:akrw time. to tcrrc hq :.ha t?rt}~.goc ,a~n.t h ~, tee .issaY eatlact na~atds„ t,usastIIie~ .ai•,, :;ontirtgmnCrocs art sas~th <br />amnuni<ar;u t,x- +uch rarnrds :aa mac i>° rceuarrai b. the *3 rta:uucr aced°crillptty t+rstntptty ~.hr_n ciuk~» any f,remiumc on :~uch <br />~aaurx~akoe r~r :.:~ fit o,at^trn; ,i ....~r ha, :u! ;,rcr rnadc herern~rfare. 4tl tnsuraa.t tiAiii ha oasried in utrapartses,~*ti- <br />ps:,, e;i tt the ltorz;r,tsrr .:uC t~ ;v ,.rt:.. ~rti •c~~~ai; ;i~~ ?F .~aal' be h~^€d E~ ~ the ~?„*t^;, _ee _,.S 6.~se .kCC;rCh~r1 Ckrerr[r~ I~_~. <br />t>xY~hiC C#.iu~';-a ie! f.yx „r e,i rrrJ=n fntRt ~ks..a •=tnFri¢ rn ttrc ~k ~: •~atre~:. !r+ca rr,ta „~ ,.'•+urt_.t.~s v. r! airo~av iSZa md(1iEate nntte2 ^. <br />putt eta the ~~loridcv:Ci. ~~"x' , ~)"rrKkt ,, ,i;t ~ is ~' n •. ",aU: ra:~npdY hF ~,a. ?p;rtaer ,anti c;ti~h sr. dtrr:asrr°i-±'nm~unaa c<•n. <br />,. ~rrrxed hrrr4+ i s r r, e ,{ txl.c v ent r ~ k r a t ! Lf r d r the s rr x~~r <br />tad ta~~}xt neattf~ nftM~. r Ra c.„ra pt-rr,.^ r ,~a {.fi.~F r'~1~~wt,ee..ak s ~,iher <br />~~[tu .aifa'f>tian ri t£ec ,ctlehta<,n..=Here b~ ,. c a,r U _ t,at s .-a„,.,, .a n_.r ? 3.. ~= ,,::r .wc ~ i •.. r.r, ;re-G~- <br />' -e <br />xrro .c..-.-,.,«,.as.e,~r,,trt,:rkr:.eesfr •4 t,^t. ,:, .n_ ..,!y; k ,:.'i. .,-.:r:.,,.t,~,er , ,.. ,,;ea .. :_. _.. :a'.~. <br />rkf3er. ,rat¢ r:aH ialrrc.t ~ .t+, "-tarkti.+r.>- ,_ ,~r. ~ . ~r .., ~, . a~.; i .n .t-;-n r.,..... .it a~ ~s '., ,..~ r i ,. ~;'aaue.'. <br />Via, a+ ~mAu ~21<.'ta) di d?,,:e.:,: ..~, r:a _ .!:r^+a _.,, I,r .c. as, d ,. -. x, i..,.., . t ;.,a;ac ~t_ ...~ %•,ia <br />.t'tee'tTa[r~r.~~~,?~,r,~an;-,~ ~.,e'•'`*e ~a~ ,.s _,s, u,:,Kt ,._ ,. ?rc :. C, ~. ,...,a .r ;. •. 47tC <br />~3s>zr„~~ ... 7 e ae ' . , _n:; - , ._ ..... t r: c r;rrh <.~~er. . _ _ ~ _, ,. ..- .. . ,. <br />?!~,n +~ _, i, ?:i%": :. .- rl. .. .,:iC } is . •;v1tn .,_ .1.. ~ ~ ,_"C '", ei _., ,. ~.C <br />{,=z va ~ r, - _ kt .; rst^ .. ^., ~. ,~ .,y„+<;- 1 mr .__r ~. x _ .._ ,y ~_. _. _,t',_ -.nxr <br />.astir .- ,. M ,[ -- ~. '. t:a-. ... ~seti: <br /> <br />