$~--- ;~~.iE~3~~'
<br />9. C .The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in contsectian with any
<br />conderr_nation or other taking of the Property. ar pan thereof, or far conacyance in [ieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />atxt she}! he patid to lxnder.
<br />fn thrc event of a fats! taking of the Property, the proceeds shall t?c applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />wth the extRSS, if any, paid !o $orrower. fn the even€ of a partial taking Of the Property, unless Borrower and f.endrr
<br />catfxrwise agree in writing, theca shaft be applied to the autos secured by this Decd of Tnrst such proponion of 4he procceds
<br />as. is equal to ihas proportian which the amaunt of the sums secured by this feed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bean ao the fair market value of the Property immediately puler to the date of taking, with the balance aE the proceeds
<br />paid to $orrower.
<br />Yf sloe Property is abam3otud by 8arrower, or if, after rtaticc by Lender ro $onawer that the condemnor offers to make
<br />un avtard or sett}t a claim for damages. $orrower Eails to respond to Lender within 3~ days after zhe date such Halite is
<br />mailed, fender is authtrrized so coltxt and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restor?tion ar repair of the
<br />Property or to the autos secured by xh}s 6~eed of Trust.
<br />tJnkss Lender acid Horrowtr Otherwise agree in writing_ any such application crf proceeds ro prineipat shall not extend
<br />ar postpone the drre date of the inanzhly instalimenrs reftzred to in paragraphs i and Z hereof ar change the amaunt of
<br />such }nstattlrrsenta.
<br />tR. llotroarn Not Rekffied. Extension of the time for payment ar rratiiftcatiors of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Dt:ed of Truax granted by Lender m any successor in interest of Bormwer shall not operate to release, in anp mentor,
<br />the tabi}izy of the original $ot3ower and $arrnwer's succeswrs in ,merest. tender shall not Ire required to commence
<br />protxedings agaitux such sttccesserr ire refuse to extend limo far payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by mason ref any demand made by the arigiaai $orrower and $arrower's successors in interesz.
<br />l i. Fotbeataace by fender Nat s 4Yaiyer- Any forbcarancc by Isndcr in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, Or
<br />Otherwise afforded Irv app}icabit law, shall not i}e a waiver <+f ar prrctude the exercise of any such tight c7r remedy.
<br />The proeurematx of insurance ar the pavmrnt of taxes or other liens or charges by t..ender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to aiot:t:.9erate the maturity of the tndehtedncss secured by tMs Ikrd of Trust.-
<br />t2. Reaedies C.attter~tfvr. 111 remedies prOVrdcd in lifts Lked of Trust are u:. :tact anti ctmrulativc to any other right
<br />or remedy u€sdcr this Drell of Trust ar afforded by law ++r equity, and may tic exercrsed iancurrently, indrptndenily or
<br />saccessivrty.
<br />f3. tiaeraaors asd A Eoaadf .6airtt sad 'ievrrrd f_iabfEky; !'aptiaas. 'f`hc covenants and agreements herein
<br />cantairud shall hind, and the rights hereunder shall enact ic,, Lire rrspect?ve xn'ctssi~rs and assigns of l..ender and $orrower,
<br />su6iect to fhe prosrisiaru of paragraph !? Irrtrof t',t9 covenants anti agrcemrnrs of $orrower shall Ile joint and several.
<br />Jlre captions and headings of the paragrapiaa of this t:)ecei of 7`atst are for convtnrcncr anh and are oat to he used to
<br />interpret or defirxe the proviswns hereof.
<br />14. NeNka- kzcept fiat any notate rcqutrrd ender appiuaiiiz` taw to tit en'+,.n sr.:anozhcs manner, fa) nay notice to
<br />$rrrrowrr provided for in this Dent of Tent shall fie grvrn t?y nra,ting stx:lt notice by certified mail addressed to $armwcr at
<br />the Praprrty lddress ar at steep Osf€er addrrxv rs $zrrrawer may des?gtratc l+y notice to I:endtr as pnn•ided heron, and
<br />tb) any flatlet w f.ctxiv shall Ire given try crnifted mail, return rccetpt requested to }xnder address stated herein ar to
<br />atrch aftrrr address az I,xatkr may destgnatt try nahc:e ro &xrrOwtr as provided herein Any notice provided far in this
<br />fkxd of Trust altaii I*e dcrmrd tO have 'title given ice ~arros4-cr ,~r ; n.:c; w;.c-a :.:rte.. ; : zh:: ~.• Hoer dtsil;n_tssl herein.
<br />, ...a
<br />15. Uaktatwt )F)eetf tat Ttmh Gsarrnfreg t..aw; tirveeshiiky. This farm i3C decd cif trust cambrnes untfornt covenants for
<br />etatirrnrtt ttse and Harr-taniftrrm snvrtranu with limned variattans by 3urisdiczron tc? constitute a uniform strurif}° instrument
<br />coverng real property. 'Yfiis Deed of Trust shall f>c governed Icy the Saw of tht funadiction in which the Property is located.
<br />In ihrcvent that any prm*isizrrt car clamtse of this fferd of Trust or the Nate canAicis wuh appisatbic law. such conflict shall
<br />ncN affect other ppriavastama of thix f~:xi Of `f~rvst os the Note whneh i-an he green ttTcez wrzlrartt the confEicting provision.
<br />+nd tcr:this roll tfx prrsrisiaas vl fhe f7eeri xtf Tnrst alai the ~rrte err dtrciarea3 t.i Ire srvrratr}e.
<br />°^"lftr~w~.,.$grr xiwi{ Ixt hrrnishtd a c•anfnetnc6 c,<spy of the Nate and of this Dyed Of Trust at the tittle
<br />al earcWitsit cur after recordation hereof.
<br />t7. 7'raader of Hr ~ttl; Aasrwpttta. if alt rir any part Of zht Prrspetiv ter an interrsz thtretn is sold ar transfetted
<br />by Barra+ser withrrut f,cnder's pritx writinn eansrnt, ezcttrding tat the crrauon crf a Dien cw encumbrance sufxxditute to
<br />this fked of Tame, fts) xtre creatitrn of a purchase marry srxrurity tntrrtzt for hactsefwfd appplaanacs, t c z a iranxter by devise,
<br />tleactmt ar fry oprcattan of taw open the death of a la,mt ttnam or id7 tau grant era env leasehold mtrrtist of ihrrc years ar less
<br />not ccrutaming an option to purc#raae- l.cnder may. at 9 entlrr'z opteorr, dectart alt the soma stcureci fry thts f)rrd t~rt Trtrxt in Ire
<br />rmtttediatady dot and payahk. tender spoil have waived such option tr arcrlcratc ef, prior to the lair ex uarnsfcr, Lender
<br />atx5 Cfu person to wfwm ttte Property is ice tsc scud err trarnftrrczl reach agrrcmrnt :n wrrting that t}tc crcdrt of such petal:n
<br />is gati4fae~tat"9^ ta°, ferakr atoll that iht attterest payahlt c+n ttre sums uxurrd liy thrs Ihx.ti tit "!-rust shall ire tit such cafe as
<br />l tntfer stnrll regatexi_ tl f.ctsdet has waivexf the .>prrtm tc• acceler,ttt prxrvrdtai in this paragraph i 7, and it` $orrcrwer's xocccssar
<br />in irrtrrtst has cxBGUtral a written amstan~arrn agrerrncnt accepted .n wrntng try finder. Lender spoil release $orrOwrr from
<br />2il oilli~tatr(Nm UtY{tC7 tht5 1~]CCY1 of Tr7af afxi rtrc ~`2rte'_
<br />is }_rratdttr rxt~cises stxh ciptian fir asv:rferatr Lender shaft rrrai9 ll~arrcrwrr' tactile of acceleration rn accordance with
<br />paragraph 14ltcttxsl, Stroh Hauer stralE provide a prriad of ix*t its open tG days from the afaze the ncrncc rx meafed within
<br />r.hi~Si Borrower max pay the aurm drelarrd tint Y! thxrt:wrr Earls to pay sut:h sums prior r.n the expiration o'f Such period.
<br />Lender mav, without Iurtfirs raatta ix derstartd am ffarrcrwer, tnvOke env tcmediea permitted fry paragrapiti 1$ horcof-
<br />Nnn-D rtrrxxa t tlttw,rt+l,zirrra ttarrtxwrt and Lrrsder further eavrartant and agree as tolirrws
<br />t8. Aati~deeaaysaC ttetaa~ies, tsrast as'tortiei fa parapsp6 t7 trerrof, epee ttarrowet's brracte of ray cavemtd or
<br />srwt of Itaartewrr fa ttNs tlrrtl a6 Trawl.. Ischtdtry~t tkr tarraaNS is pay wtets dot any swan snared try thla [hell
<br />of Trwb ttatdar prsa• W ~ sAati wsiD etrssiaa to Barrawer r provi/rd fa pataRrapi t4 frerttd sprcHyialr; tl) the
<br />ftta~elr f2) titre atiiiaa ~ to c~srtr saeb breactr; t3) a date, oat for thtet J9 dots [row ttre date #be ttoticr is aarifed to
<br />•stneater, h9a wftiete swei lirrrsr>Y coat he rte: cord ti} ttm fs~rr to cart sorb 6ra"atc/e on oar trrfarr thr date apectified
<br />is tbewetioe war rawb. ~ msieraiiaw sf ttte cants secared by tats f)etd nt Trtat as1 talc at t"btt taroprrtr. 'fAe Hoffer
<br />tltaitl 1'ntl6ar e~arsa 8rrrotter at flee riitlH ra remakatt after Y.~rst3ow awd ifrr riR1a is tarfaR a caurf se.-fLaa to saseH
<br />tYa aatrrsisteate of a drttuit ar oar offer de>frwr ref ttorraarrr fa isrcelecalioa .and s>dt, tf the orrac6. ~ not carte
<br />ea or Aelart tYe dtt~ sptat3ied fat ttte asttire, t.eader ai C,redtr°s opraaa our tlecfnte aN of flu srtirrrd fly. the ILred
<br />ofTraiR h tie- ekes furl psrtt-ir a,.ItYaat tartYer dtrrtuttd and mar ia•olte tltr pawn err sitdt and toy deuer rrmedfea
<br />~` ~ taw. f.tader sfulf fie eatided w r,tNtct sN reswaaile coetbs staid rzrrwtas fatarnd iva parsoiaR the
<br />eeasediu proafde# ~ aria t Ile, tYsd.iY,K, Erse eat fhad-ert to, r+rsseeakit trttewarr's toes.
<br />H kttr pstncr eel' sptk w 6tsriter. Tinraer t nett a aatfcx arf d.faat[ fa cash terrarr u wtdtlt the Pro*reYy ar nomr
<br />pr!'tlasteaE » iftrKasrd aai atrY'tult aalies of tascA arMfce fa the araaaer presctfbei nr aprlFicaiifr fear to Aarrowrr and to the
<br />otMr pesrresas pzerrrsf~ai ter atrRffeaiit bee, Attu thrt tartar o€ iwci tfate as ~Y br rr~~atit br few; Trssrtee shsff
<br />t(#va'tttWe etaBtx st asta to l6r ~te+esyists sad is fhrt aaraarx prtearrfbed 1rr ap}i~icahle taw. 'I'raafee. s.itfecart dewaad am
<br />~, stlsdt llelra*tergat>gblf[ ssetiiss {o tMe A~treW bider at i4r[iate stall ptacr clod ender tlK teraar dealrprsted
<br />let tlac artier of sate ~ era or talas+e pwr+eh sal >aw earls. order m Tevstrr mtear tfrteraei®r. "t'ewMr near ptrstpaat sde vt aN
<br />a srlr:tatsicrf of fife r br pt~c rwessarrsseea ~ fhe^ tiwr a~i pfsre ad sap Prra'fotsir acbeatrted sate. fxader ur
<br />k~ttadrers' tttwr> dMe F~eey ~ oar eakw
<br />E1t+a tteret~rt aC ttisyrws9st of tic price ft~ti. "fie aMrlt efrYsn to liar yarcharter Trsrgax's deed toaaerfuR lira. P rty
<br />soli: The recitrls to toe Tttrue's dced rlaY ba prfrtu faefe ewdem of the traR# at the stateweats made tbtxeia- Tr~oster
<br />>tlrslt optic flit at.r~e sdr itttse lottawfa; oreMer:fad to aR reetaow>kic tar~!s aai rtirneraas of the code. issrtnding, hat
<br />~ar~frt.i6dsa+,"~fet4roenaeteeseikfaa ~~}y55 3cuttA~rtyawaair)rr&ee,.rawowitik~-aftnrary'xfrra:ad«tsiaat
<br />ilie.ttrldetsrr; ifrf a al) saw a.ctwrd R]' tkat+i',aPTrust: sect tct iNar enccesa, ff afar, to the prrsaa. ar petmtsr leXatfy ratkhd
<br />t;ttgttlta.
<br />l1. fbrrrrwer'x Rfgfrt ea Ret 'ye?rz=dthstatrding Lender's acccltratan of xhr sumo srct;red try this L)etd oaf Tr+-sx.,
<br />ttrtr•uver +tasll hair the right €.- Barr ,r, •: pr.na.-Ca3trgs k+rFturr by }.rndrr ire a:nfotce t±ti;. fyced arf l'rtrst cfxc<rntnutd ar
<br />any t?rat prtctr tic thr_ carti~,r tc+ «-car.7i r;i she ?ii:h 3tiy hef<~s t_ ::Fe o4 the {+r-,tb9rYv porsuant is rtxe powcx• of ~:xic aYsrna,rrrd
<br />.n the [.ref o> Trz ct c-.; {+:)..-ntzv r*' a i~.w,pprenf anf rn t1:6 flee+d of Trost c crF £Sarro`h K der-. Lr..Odtr all snow white w.xrltt
<br />!rr: tTrc`rr drat arv3cr rhos ;kxr+t E Tnsr. t?;c Krx>- 3n:f ~»eatr~ vets' ring f=ix rr 4:f,ar}c`~. rr ^+si y, '-~.yd na> scetierarrcin +!ecuttesl.:
<br />.'r:! Hearrnwrr carte arl .hr.a;-3xe <,t r=ny c+!fre~ v_n~e ncx -. ;rx;:+ ,r% -l }T r.o cFnta+rarc) in this fisted cif "t'rrzst•.
<br />.c+ FY<xsr err ;wrv art rrarcc,nuY.ir c+. r:cruv me:umd by 3 sntic_ z,:zt ~ r.aez~ ;., F. t.-~e cc+u+es3sps and agrrementx ~£
<br />lb..wmwtp",~rnsurn..¢ ::r >rxa i)crn9 +~' Tru,t and an e tart Ind ! eerdcr'e a+rxt '1-r=,>.i . text+c:4~ as. rr'rmsiczJ an ~raragra;?h 3 fs
<br />hcrrr-:t ;ra,: ierahryt- r ,.~>i tirn+r., r1 s,r, +ra~x.Nt_ik an-~rnc v_'a ice-., artrl iJ'r fkrrnrwcr :.,trs <-arch a<'rrtrrs ax l.rndtr rnav rcrecin-rt+tx
<br />y'gq.~,re ?:= Ws.,xtc - , r. .. , •,i ~'n~, i>eca ,~( "i ~rrsr, lxnslrr's crnrrcxa sn e'-Tarr Trc~rge~ty arsri kk~rrawcs'x rh3i#~xran '•+ :,av
<br />