<br />l3tatt~st Cmaxnes-ts. Borrower attd Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />i_ ~'a~et~ pp Yrissitgt std IaietrsR. Borrower shat! prompt£y pay when due the principal ~f and interesa an the
<br />indCtlxe%fnr~4x evidenced. by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provtded in the Nore, and [hc principa3 of and interest
<br />os+ aeay Fttturc Advances secured by this f3eed of 'finest.
<br />Z. 1t9wirr fvr T*ss titd Ittet.aatttce. Shbject to applieahle lsw or to a wnttert waiver by Lender, Borrower shat] pay
<br />to Ls;asder an i[te day monthly itystalttttents of principa# and. interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a slam ~lterein °'Funds^) exltsa! to one-twelfth of the yearly taxer and asxessmea[s which may attain priority ever this
<br />Dixdof Trust, and ground trnts onihe Property, if any, plus are-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />pTuso~-twetfxti of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, slt as rcasanabty estimated initially and from
<br />torte to tiatm by Lcatder on the basis. of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />TFie Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits ar accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Feder[! ar
<br />sta~tagpticyr(ncittding Lender if Lentler is lulls an institution!. I_erdcr shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments.
<br />ittwratrce ptemiuattx and Firound rents. Lender may [toe charge for so hoft5ing and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifyitag and compiling said asxssments and bills, unless L_cnder pays Bormwcr interest on the Fonds and applicable law
<br />permits (:.ender to locks such a charge. Borrower and tender may sgree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Deed of ?f tvs[ Phaf interest on the Funds shall be paid to Horrower, and unless stxh agraemen[ is made or appticab£e law
<br />requires such interest to 6c paid, Lender shall not tx mqu;red to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. [_ender
<br />shall give to Borrows, without tharge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing crdiis and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose fssr wLitlt each mix to the Furrds was made. The Ftmds are pledged as additional security for the sums serurtd
<br />by this Deed of Trust.
<br />ff tlrc amount of the Funds bald by !,ender, together with [hc fututr monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due Gates of taxer, assesstnenrs, imtarattcx: premiums attd ground rents, shall excess! the amount required so pay sold taxes,
<br />acsessnren4.x,. it>,surartee prexniunts and grauntt rents as they fall due, such excess shall tse. at Borrowers option, either
<br />promptly rtpaid to Borrower or credited to l3arrowcr an monthly instalitttcnts of Funds. if the amatmt ctf the Funds
<br />hdd tsy Leatds stuff rat be sutFrcient to pay faxes, assessments, insurance premiums and 4round rents as they fa31 due,
<br />Borrower shalt pay to I exxfer any amount necessary to make up the dt~iciency with,.-: 3b days from the date notice is malted
<br />by Letsder to Borrows regttesimg payment tharcof.
<br />Upon payment in fut9 of alt sums secured by thss Died of Trust, lender shah promptfy refund ro Borrower arty Funds
<br />held ley Lender. if tends paragraph l8 hereof she lsmptny 'c utid car sire Property tx othrrw•rce acquired by ]..ender. Lender
<br />shall apply. tso later than immed¢afely prior En the cafe =~1 she Pn,~rty ar its acquisrttasn h}, l.encicr, any Funds held by
<br />!.ender of she brae of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Lke:d ai 'Trost.
<br />3. Ai~ieatloa saf Pa}vtexreo. Unless apptu:abie law provtdcs c,thrrw+se, a£I payments recetvrd by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall hr appltctl h}' !.ender first rn payment of amounts payable to t_cnder by lorrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereat, then to interest ps}-akste on rise ;vote, then to the prrncrpai 4>f the Nace. aaad then to interest and
<br />psi ;pal on arty Futnrc Advttucex.
<br />C"h>te~ [.oleos. Botrowcr shat[ pay all taxes, asses~smcnts cad c,thrr ;.~.hargcs tines and :mpnstrions attrihuta6le to
<br />she Property which ttuy atxapt a ptsarity mer thox Bred r,f Trust. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the
<br />maottcr provided unds paralttttph 2 hrttrtf ar. if not pard in sr~h manrrcr, by Harrower making payment. when due, directl}.
<br />to the.p vex thereof. S3orrowcr s.`ra:l ttr~stptlY flu .,h is : c .der all uu, c. }f a. ,s d; t der ibis parsgrsplt, and in fhc
<br />evestt Bnaroerer shalt tnakt payertent Giteetfy, Bttrmwer shalt promptly tarn sot to [.ender ncESpxs evidcncrng such payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly dtsehargt: ally 4ien wlttClt seas prsoftty <,ver shay f)ecd of Tntxt; lrmvrdrd, that Harrower shall rat 6e
<br />required !o disc#taryc anY stall lien so long as Harrower sisal} agree m +ntsnc st> t#se payment of the ebltgation secured b}•
<br />stash Bets in a naann:v tu-txpfteltle to (.etsder, rx shalt to gtxsd loon tartest ,uses !ten hs. nr dcfenci rnforrrmenr of sorts lien m.
<br />kid p !~dtngs which aperaxe at ptrv:rni the rnfarcemcnt ,,# the iirn r; torYciturc of the Prtalx~ny ar any part thereof.
<br />S.~ Gt>i#a~url lawt'altte. 8orrawer c#ealt.k~ep the +mpravrrnentz rxtu. rtrsteng nr trercaftrr crectrtf on the Property' nsgtrrea
<br />aylaiirrst #szszby fire, hartxds isaclvded wuhsn the term 'extended zuvrra~c ,and such rrthet hazards as l ender may regrurr
<br />and in such tntounta and fcsr such perrr,lds as i:encrtr mar rcqurrc, prov,ded, than ! enricr ,hall not requ,re that the amount <,[
<br />xsxlt coverage tatceed ihai atnoturt of tnverarrr r~ a ~ +•d a.> pry the arum .ruartti hy` slits t"Iced at `truss
<br />Theutsctritcat`c carritr prnvtdittg ilia tnsa,r.,~.ttc r~all hay chrwtn #+v #3orrawrer strbiec~t i„ approved by !:ender: prav,drd.
<br />flat[ .aucis approval shall not trc unrcuatnataly wrthhci4 ill p emtums an onsurance {+o{tcirs shall hr patd in the morose
<br />pRSVrded uaader ptra~tapfa 2 isercof or, s2 ntst pasd :,+ sw h r, art»:•r, .hy Borrower making payrncnt, when dtte, directly to the
<br />imswtmste caroler.
<br />Atd inxutr:atsee potet'ies and canewah tl,erect shall k,c +n 7 n .,°c;aahic e,, lcnctcr and .hai3 tnciude r staatdard rnangage
<br />elattse in favor of and in form aucptabtr to f.ettder t r~dr+ _~u have t#tc right so both ilia palydes and rrnewaks therea#.
<br />a®d f3ttrtxmvtr~ sltaH prompxly furnnsh to Lwtnder al3 resmrwxi ,t€as..es artd ail rrcetpss r»i pa~J ytrcrnn+ntc to the ever=t o£ loss.
<br />flotrower sfralt give prompt tuslrctc to tlst insurance seer;cr an.i { ~ rrder £.ntttcr may make prrsat C.f I<xv rt rwt trade prompt[}
<br />by Btstrowt=cr.
<br />f.;ntan Ltstrd+rr and Btrrower atherwtse sFr-c to ur:tang, ,ttyurattcr prtreedx shall hr applied to re+tcx orlon or rrparr art
<br />the Przspetii* dafnagect, lrravided such r:-rlntau=,ta a °cpau ,s ctorrtuni,nfio te:rshle rttt U,r. cur,{ny <tt rFatc f)ce+I ,af ]'eery r.
<br />swxtherelry rrczpa,red. !(such rettaratrottor repair r. ns=s ex~n<=mwaitr 'oavt+te s+ f~ x;,~ua ,y n>t~thsa 1)eeal r.r (,rest ,.-nxr3d
<br />be ttrapaan5d„ the rmstra~e proceeds shall he ;tpptresl to the sums ~urec by thtt i ~krd of T•u+a, witty for ctcrs~+, at env. pass!
<br />to Fiorruwer. If ale Property is abtutdonrd by rtavver, +>r tf 1L',*t,~wc 1. sa rrsfxstwf tv l order wntun )0 dues leant the
<br />dolt: ¢wn,~r n mailed by l.cruier to Borrower that she rrtsuram.r ;:carrel .r s ic: serfs d ~da,n, isle znst+rance £scaeti.#s. i carter
<br />tx aarz#sora7ty3 to u>fklct clad apply ttte insurances perxeeds at l.cudn's ,,. te,~u esther tar rt'storrttratt err rrparr erf ahc Property
<br />tx to the stttrrs sattaed by zhas lleed of Trust.
<br />Llntess T.entkr~ and BtKruvrer athrrwtac agree en wrning_ at . • „ti is rpTtreare,an std prercrects t,a yntrrcr~i shall ntrt extend
<br />ar pcmtpr:»ze the dtx date of the nxtnthly rnxxafittsents rCicrrc=t .; ~r. paragrap#ta f :end ' herrall ear ~itange chi amount of
<br />stxls itxtafitrtertfs, ff under paragraph 1 ri htxeod lire Pra;+rm , - e.yurted 4a{ £ tinter, ail rsq,tft nttr cad rrvtrrrst of 13orrrvwcr
<br />in and2lx any inwraxra;c pt~cies and in and to the pracreets ttmCrrnt resuliin~ iresnt damage to tln Per,peaty prior 4r3 the sale
<br />.-r acquevfrott <_hail pass to !.ender [o the czicnt of ilte sursxv •.coured h's shn f:>~cd c)f Trust +rnmediatcly prtar ice such sale ar
<br />aCgtNSrt+Vts..:
<br />6, lkerrrael~ awl. MaiMepvice cA Pte~ty3 t~easr-atis: f , .vacs; P'laated t.'~ f)evewpateots. f3ttrrawer
<br />shall keep xhc E`ropcra} to (leers! rclrrar a>ai stasis ac>i d,vf9rurt ,.,,fie ~,t '=rrrn+r is+tpaanuret r urcr+wxrarras, nl the Property
<br />as'shalf rplywrih alts pro'asxrwtx of sty lease ,r ehr ikx~tf t•r I lent t, zuz a lcascho(d. if this Deed cal `frost ii on :r unit m a
<br />ctserdtmvnitmrtsr a planrrcat tenet deveacpxnem, l3arrawer sta+'~ rxtrfazm ,i7 of f3nrrawcr'e asMtgatfans under the deciaratsnn
<br />t~ cm~cnsnxs cretttittg or governing the candamrttium or p;anr,ed ecru development. zhe #,y-laws and rrgui'ata<rns c>i 16tr
<br />aortdotaitriusn or planned txart develapnrtnt. and s Crrtxirttaent d~+c urrt¢rnzs. d F a rnd<anaraium t=r plaitnrd and deve[upmaat
<br />tides itc'txtetaied by Borrower atul accorded t+agtthcr utth t,ir. [}i..ed r,# Trttst. rhr crryrnants and agrrrtnents of such ric#rr
<br />shalt he irtcrxrparatx+silnns and. :hall attxrsd and sxspplerrscnt ter:; ::rsvrnants calf agreements of this l]ecd of Trust :=s i#' the rider
<br />rrerc a part lseneot.
<br />7. ! ~ Levie'r's 5aeuky, if Batvovrer fad' to pc i:=rm ttre covenants anti a+~reemcntc ..~nla..,ned in this
<br />TAeed of Time, ar :i any acrtan ar prasee,drng is cxanrsrtrtrcd n + "~. matcrrallp atiarts Lender's smrrest :n the Property,
<br />tYN~b4w}itig, fmr toll Lns+Ced t€a„ .Emiirent domain., irootvenr}-_ :~*tie Cntarerrrrent, car arran>p:rttenis or per •e,f,-rs, ,nvrt;v,ay :,
<br />htxdsavrpt or detxdcta. !heat ltCrttkr ar Letrder"a tspxtan, upon rouse us Borrower, may tnake loth appc:ararn, , _ ,cruse ueh
<br />xursq~.veadla4te such s-dion as is rncessarp to protaei T..cader's rntertst. ,rtciuding. htri nos i,mited .~.+; r:~ment ,_,
<br />!4:~tiH7at> artta~t'nya s fees and sorry upon the Property to make rrizurs.. Tf Under requr red rtoatxpattr.~. -.,utsucc .,.
<br />eamdition of makiailt the Iesau s2psrcd by this Decal of Trust, f9orrcrwrr shaid p'ay the prcrniur*:s recluxrcd t, ,.,asntarn ,,,v<ts
<br />tiurrt€tssec ire eftezt srtrihstrcft time as rho rcqu]rrmtnt tar such rttsuran:r terrsrnates ue :f.,,,, a wuh fic,err>wrr'k , ^d
<br />lrmdiet'.s written sgr~rnettt or applipbfe taw. Barraw.er shall *vay she arssaunt ct.l ail roof ~,:;>;r ~nsuranec p: rrnaums +:, ~Ihc
<br />math ;srnvidcd uxtdrr'paras~i ?hereof.
<br />r5nv mrtraunts rfis!aetttrd tw lerdeP pcrt'sxtaut ie'r this paragraph ', wit is 4nYerear thcarisn_ s}^ati tv.came additoatr,,~
<br />ttM}e;hRt•IIrsect itt trcrro^a•er ss.:ur~ bs- etae f! of Trull. i~nt,e~ &MrrTwer creel l coder agree :~.~ cghes trretn +,f txrvmcnr. '=uci~
<br />vrtss~n*tn yltaik F:a p.1VabFC urn :,c,t,ce tr,-nt L,3•ntier tc+fSrnrrawer set;tis~strzsg payms°:~ :iisr;:nf. and ,:half ~:ar ,r,srrrst sr-not the.
<br />rfate «[ dinavrxma;tt as _tee : o-se pss able (ran sittwe to titatc an osrtstandin,~ princsp.,: tender tM, `rra#rc srnie5s pagrnent of intrrect
<br />»t lash rate ,e-csrdd he ;: ,.mtrh. r ~„ ay~,r:~aitie :xvr, irY w!tieh Evens a ;h caeca<:^~ ; roof! dxeeaa• :,rierrvt rt [hen: h,g!xt~,., >~atr
<br />jtrtt:naas, hde rrnler afipe.,_~f,'c taw. Vv,h„-+~,;airneal en ztxis paxa~apts °vt~i :,_ ;~c i er~dcr tc~me:v~r env expense c+r raise
<br />any ~.'iac=n srrtRrn3`s
<br />!!. fna~vtisws. ; snrd>!+r may rnslcc :u r:.xxx tr. bx ms~e r£a7n<3nakae ~ t Ms .. r, ti » = krrsrx~crrc xis of hr. P:,:;,psrtr ~ ,~
<br />shat flee.-lee <,na.i gore 3i~tt•Crrr, s,.~t,ce ptm: to env stae#t trspaa`F:a~n 'a'pt a. rc ,3a sole c.euca thrr'¢tn rrintcd ~ t , a..r,_..
<br />krttErt~ en'.'te~ Pr,xgertr.
<br />