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' ~- <br />~:a.--i~k~i3~. <br /> (6) To use the tom cvidtaced by xht nou solely for psxrpoxs authorized by the GAVernacnt. <br />d"m" ('7~ To pay when due all texts, liras, judgrntnts, eiscambrancts, and assessments tawfvlly attachsng co or assessed <br />crxainia <br />k <br />d <br />h <br />l g <br />p <br />water stac <br />ts. an <br />aga~:Y the iacluditLg all charges and assessments in connection with waxer, water rig <br />tv as reasotiab aecosstuy to the use of the real property described above, and all taxes and assessments 3evied upon this <br />id i <br />f <br />f <br />h <br /> n- <br />e not° or o <br />sa <br />t <br />znorry~gt ar the note or any iadebetdatss hereby secured or against any legal holder htreaf or o <br />ciebcedntss-uadar the laws of Nebraska, and ptvaraptly deliver co the Govtrnmenx without demand receipts evidencing such <br /> paym~sats. <br />{g~ To keep tFxe praputy iasttrcd as rctquircd by aad under insurance pdicies approved by the Governmcnf and;. at <br /> ifsxcqutst: xa deli+er such. policies to the IGovermacnt. <br />: (9} To maentaia imptovemeats iri good rcpaa and make zepairs required br the Government; operate The property <br /> in a hood anti huslxindmanltltt msnner; comply with such fum costservatson prutices and farm and home tttanagement'plans <br /> az t}a~t Gavcrnmeat faom taste to time may ptcscribe; and not to abandon the property, ar cause oC perrtut wane, tesseningor <br /> impairineat of thr secizricy cowstd Eatteby, or, without the written consent of the Govtrmntnt, cut, remove, or least any <br />Limb+:t, gravel, oil, gaa, coral or athtr mincrais cxcegt as may be necessary for ardinuy domestic purposes <br /> I€1j To comply with ail laws, azdiaalacrs, and regulations afftcang the property. <br /> { 11,) To pas• err reaaburse rlte Gavtrnment for txpcnses reasonably necessary os incidental to the protection of the lira. <br /> aad pnatfry hereof asLd to t!u cnforcemcnt of or tF.e compliance with the provisions hereof and of the note and my supplc- <br /> including but not litrsited xo casts of w.videact of title to and sumy of <br />ctettterL ) <br />a <br />inerttat <br /> , <br />g <br />y <br />the property, cast. of L menu, attorneys' fecx, 3tistees' fees, court costs, and expenses of adver- <br /> tisisti~, sellusg and. <br /> t1~j Neither property nos env portLan thereof or intcrtst therein snali 6e leased, assigned, sold, transferred, ox <br /> wiLilAtli the WTlRCO tonseni aF tliC Gavernmtnt. T'he Gomnn%ent Shall have LheSOit <br />iCatbert`d volnntarnly err athetsViBe <br />{ti <br /> , <br />C <br />n?art~AI~CC htiLtin dCl. SILCIlld47lg 4>iit naC llm2ttd %p t$t pOwtC LO LTIanL CARSCnts, ~'tlat rtlta3CS, Sub• <br />aad C.2CCi1[tAMC t~ ltti aYt <br />e ~en OC anV lK•nCt7C3 <br />[l <br />L <br />l <br />h <br /> ~ <br />l <br />e OL inttre5t m err <br />O <br />rx, tit <br />tmtiiziatinns, and SaLtSfaCLlan, and 6A Insiirtd lit)ldQ' Shall 11avC 2nV ttg <br />: herea}C ' <br /> ;t3f At all reasonac+lt rimes [hr C:ovrrnment and its agents may inspect the pzapr.[y to ascertain whethtr the coy- <br /> ttsaars aad agreements tonta3nea! herein ear in ana• suppitmen[ary agrecmeat are being performed <br /> `sdy The Gavernmen% n:ay cat txrtad Ar dtk"er t'src maturity a€, and zenew and rexheditle the payxneats on, the debt <br /> tvidaactd by the Hate >r any inde`titedness eta thr. (;avtrnment se:und t;v xfiss insaumcnt, ;b~ relcau any party who is <br /> 1caE+h: utrder the note or f<rt the debt from :lability to the l:avernnitnt, (c, rtleasc portions of the prop~'ts• and subardanatc <br /> its {itn, and i3 waive any tu9itr rxt ixs ristiits iindtr x3iis instturnent. Ariv :+>rd all this can a.nd will be done without affecting <br /> . !+r Bar2owtr's ur $ny .e.Y.zr Gel,. <br />LIEC lLen Or xht pr%orl%}' at this 1nSCNrnCItt t:..:.r.; Y ~~k1:il't 7 . ne 4:~'V Crlurtcti[ ` ~ CSC^' ^- „ti <br /> Harr ardeias: secured by Ibis iziatrunitn[ unless [.ire C~vrmmenx sags <rtiierwisc in waling. HC>WEYER, any torbeuance by <br /> the 4,',ovaerntneat--whetiaer nnce <sr Aften-in cxcrcixatg any right or ztrntdv under this instrument, err otherwise atforded by <br /> applseable law, slaali not be a waistr A# ur gzrciude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br /> ;ggl Cf at any tmr to shall $p~star to the C=ovtrnmen[ [has iSarrowex may I,x able to obtain a loan from a production <br /> cardsx aasacatsori, a Fcdtral land hares nr xitner resps~nsibk toonrrative eir i?rn•aee csadit ru~xizce, at reasonable rates and terms <br /> fftC leans far IKirttilair purposes anti pCf ;ads i3F [imC, iiorzawtr '.Wall, :::SAn ti?t r.:AVtr nitient5 CC9L1Cit,. app1X EOr :t34d aCCtpY 3UCh <br /> rJ1n in S?RI.tiCieTiC aei\tiifnt C: ai I r, n4)St and an4 IndCbtEdnCXt 1CCtiICi: hrlri)y anti fA (+~}' '{flT arty BtaCi7 nrCt5S2r?' [O 17C <br />I <br />-. <br />l <br />' <br />l <br />~ <br /> t <br />O~an. <br />. ,nxic~ <br />r.:'-n w1C <br />i 4t3G <br />:'.~ e4GIK )' : <br />purclLased to a CAr3pCtaY lvC iCnt <br /> <br />I. <br />`l~%Yj i7eLa44lT litrCLiiidfi '. ~'.e l . ,. ...!r 41G:f atilt .A ti:]r^,^ '.k.P`.l' htlfEr SCaI C5[-Cl-. Y}* Iind1'[ afiY ptr~Onal pLOpCTtY 6r atliet, <br /> srturit5' instrismcnt htid ;,,,- ., I + : :'.~ nt .tn.% cxE4uted ;,r axsuxnrd i:v linrtnwrx. ;Lied dtiault under any su;;h <br /> i.}tliit'C-FtCAIrttY #nSIr2ZtnC't kndi: ("'l5. C~i:r ,( l ,[ !tifr'AtiC r,', <br />' ' I.'t i.l> :it~F!L f,'I.T 'r:EJr in r . ?. rt~anCC aC itsChartx +;i{ am S}lalig7l tiOn m Tli LS ]n5<tli nLtilI At &CC Uted by <br />~ <br /> 'r~wCr .2K 41r lM` Ltciatedt an tnCAmtLiexen t, fST S}ip4lid any iJriC Oi Cht paCCiCS <br />lafl:C ] ~ ~, <br />tC4 <br />t <br />01+~ t~hf ! at. <br />114.11 us>mttttrLtnt. iir 5 <br />h <br /> } <br />t <br />~ <br />L <br />~ <br />4ipmtrl ai f#t}(raYUeT !~. C~c' Cd a Uans.rLi LYS, +eA 6~: tr . 5p l+~tnt ;tr In aLC an d}q:7j{r1ILAERXS i+3i' L~'dC 'l)tnftYL 47{ ClC dltar5, t}'2C f.zavCr'n- <br /> itiealC, at Lt5 cpL:on, A4`ttb ~ wiil#d*L't ht?t'KC. ,, }Yt.i .. .7CCialC tlifi cnttrt annti Oni :I;tp$id Ltndcr the natE a:nd 'defy ;adibtcdnt:La <br /> :a tNx Cirrvcrnment hrtrlav' stcure.€ Lm-~:~~;iatc li dac urd payatilc tx': isr the ~c'cauna of licxrrtwcr sncur and gap reasonable <br /> upon a,pp;icazion by it and <br />-` <br />txpsnsaa 4x repair :~; rxiaintrnataE c,3 +I~:i t,k .c 5u.n iSX, rttrtla[r .err ztnt t}tc pratF~tp, t <br />- ~ <br />! <br />pC4dpstian Gf t)lii L+1 yCt'iaiiicnt., '+wltn~?i,t .t/ ~IJ<ntc ,IEd sv:l~ragt nw5T7CY +:f1 hear LSL L7{ na14i :ipplecatusn. luivt a LCCe1Wtr <br /> appJNatCdPat tnC peeper%Y. with -!t '.5'.: ;ai ;,.. 'c.5 ~ •• ,^~~11rC'y ."i iilte t'.SfitS. ~ ~~; itMCe•laSe f.nf5 In S%Cti'lrttn,*, aS prnvi dtd hCr Cin <br /> <br />1 , <br />err tr }'. law, Sb C ,.. „•sAt' an5f an+ ~_ .rt bf'.r .n.'. tc1'tr LL'[. ~tre>V SiiCd tsertm C.t UV prestrdr Lb[ tlltuTt 171w, <br /> l tC li i'I (I%ttflilw3n~ d)rtiCi :A into paW?ntnS !'l: l,y~ CA3tCt and iX pdCa~S <br />i~j /' ~ fSC rt la •.,. [,!KF-1txH1 r[ ;lli _ tilll lac t 'j~ <br /> 1~ <br />id2C1,1C tit TO iniu["1Ft }, _ n f`k-'ir ti 't[ Ile F~. b ?tans r3rr a3. laj any C'7riOt liens rC:lulied by Few err a t'.C1CCl~CtCnt Catu'.i t0 l1C <br />f <br />t <br /> infCrial lttns [N <br />[l, -~ C ;.h, 5lilcsfi:.j .T' nt .I~>fiK +,tr„Y .:.1 1 de.te+;JitaS r0 t'he ~aA'#trntntnt 5teured }fefEby, <br />9a ia <br />t <br /> 1 <br />~~ <br />ie('Yirµ tr't3UlSrd Lr5' :a W s ~I ~ ill'[tpetcnt {Oltrt xfi LYC Sa pied. 'CF it tt7.C {overnmcnt't opt}Aan, arr;^ i}thee rndtbtedncss Of $ar' <br /> sravvcr uwmg u> :,r inav rd : tF~r C,t+retuntcxtt. acrd rf, anq balance ra iiur:awrr, .fit forrtlo>sure sir odder sale of al3 In any' <br /> past ter' ti?z prY51h'T y. vltc % vrrrnytiL[and its a}rtcts may bid..itd purciiast $s a suanbttr crud may pay the (;orrcrnmcnt'S spur. <br /> Af t'~he narr6sa rr<e ? r ~rc,.i_:ag b amiwir trrq nay debts r,{ Flnrrciwer t~winx Ln Ar irasurtd iry the Governmem, iii the <br /> eYdCr pre scribed above.. <br /> a~''~ <br />:?~; HU[i^Wt1 ap'ICCS t~]t lhe. a,rt;I FertilfeCnf wtFl not 37C tfound by .ny nrtAent a: Ii1tlLrt State liw :,al pra4idin~j 'Si2 <br /> v'+lruti4 l..npraissrii homtsttad. err es~rxiiair I :{ °ht p:qr-rsrry. obi prodiilriring rnaznttnance of an acrsan Srr a u,:r~titncv <br />! <br />h <br />h <br />h <br />b <br />b <br />l <br />" <br />i <br /> ar <br />..r x <br />•e trine wit to w <br />suc <br />n action must <br />e <br />rou~, <br />it. ci preac:+lainR illy At <br />~LCah iscn: ,,: ?rr,eterL~ Lhe amouxat tlurta <br />+e <br /> st._.[e of 'iri;•..ttxins, {dj alLiiwine'ani ri~l:L ,,; redemption ter pexsaessian fAllbwing any forcclasura salt. c < +et limiting the <br /> ~nn;litiwir which the f7crvtanmtnt in av *.t~--t;_~calat'eon impnat, rac}u'dirt}l the intettst ra2~r i% may charge. as a condition a>f <br /> agc:nrttrR a, transfer Af LiLe proptry to .a -<^w f5orrawer, i3nzrawtr rxpresslp waives the lxritsis of any such State flaws. <br /> <br /> <br />