~_ _ ,
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<br />to~ttlsa witlx all rights, intceats, easements, xreditaments sad appurtenances thereunto bsianging, the renu, issaus, and
<br />pto$ta theteaf' and rsxnaes and intxttaae thrreftaa, all irupmvementa and arrsoaal prapcrxy now ar :star attadtod thereto or
<br />reasanabiyrFwereaaaty to the use t3aeteaE, includiatg, txax tmt iitnixed to, ra es, refrigerators, clothes washers, elotltes dryers,
<br />or- pta~cha+ed arfitsaneed in whale or m }tart with. loan funds. all water,. water rigltes, and wa'tsr stock Qp~~ttwining
<br />tlta:aen. all pa ells at and time oaring to Btarrosver by vntuc of any sate, lease, xransltr, conveyance. or condemnarian
<br />oFzny Frsxt rJtereoEcar intstrst xhereinsil of which are herein c~aiicd "rhr property";
<br />"~ k}/11ttr ANf} "fC) t~I.U tFu property unto tlae t:avernment and ixs assigat fatevrr in fre sunpk,
<br />13a~IkttONftrl2 for Baxrawerx serf, &xrower's hears,. rxecutaaa, admirusaratars, succcasaa~s and assigns WARRAN`fS THE
<br />Ti"1'LE to tlae prttp~tr ra rise +f:ew~rnnsent attaizsat xll lawful claims and a3rmanda whstsoearrr rxctpt any liens, encwnbranrxs,
<br />eaa~uatcs, tresonatiotia, err eoamryasxss spectried haxminabcsvx. and ~c7ti GNANTS AHiD A~ REE5 as (allows:
<br />(1'~ 3ti pate proasptly wizen dur say i.~a.icbudness to the C;trverntnent herroy secured and to indetnnifv aiad save harm-
<br />le~ the t`,aaretnme:,t :gaiaax ir,sa uttdre its insuta.~e of pavmsxst of the note by reasran of env dtfaxalt by Aorrower. At all
<br />tia+~a wlhem rke necr is nrfd by as in~ed t,ckda^t. rawer shad contattue t+a make payments tin the Hate to the Government,
<br />as ealls~ctitic agent for rtx holder.
<br />rsx Tc pav ro tkst C~rrrxtment such ices ward oxhe: chupet as may uc,w or hereatter tae requurr; by regttl2tions of the
<br />F°asnrrrs i~lame Ad.ttzatt
<br />}, If required In' tltc Cwverament, ro make additional mthly p.aymenxs of 3./22 of the estimated annual lases,
<br />auaprua zeta, iwtarauce premhtttts and atbrr ciaugsa ulttan the mcrct~tged premises.
<br />i? 1Vlt~hiot w' Hat the xtate is inxsartd ~~-rise C~oscrnment, the Gowetument may at ang time pay any other amounts
<br />tcaluared hrrcar to be psud, btr R~awes and ncx pud by borrower when due, u vrcll as env teats and expznsea for the:ptt-
<br />setv-atwn, proicctiwn, nx to artetnenr of this !in asa,ivaraeez foe the x-couns oaf f5aravwer. Ala each advaaees shallbrar
<br />intcem sx lac rtatalaarne-try tix pats tsEaich E~ the i,ii{hestinterest tau.
<br />(5; All adt~smcea by the C.®~+eratrcaent a dexxibed in this insttnroent, with intstcsc, shall be immedsauiy due and pay-
<br />abie f'7 Bott:rwsa m the G:a~amunt ivichoaet dcmaxtd err the grace desigstated iaa claw tat-at ruste and shall be secured hereby.
<br />V~ snch xdss,v<e hp the t altal3 tell"eve ti~rawtr rw,Ra lsrestle of &srraxer's ctavenan- ux pay. Such adwutus,
<br />with intszcst, siul Etaaai tht first avat:abie caliectians received Elam Borrower. Chherwise. any gaymenx made by
<br />B«ro.~v mag trz a aaa t3te Hera err aaysndebtadness to tits Cavernment secured iaereby in env order the 4".m.~aament
<br />dctrstraiztaer'
<br />
<br />L J
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