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<br />l
<br />_ i. ~.irzr~maation. rnihce<enttY.:ePrauertg,nran}spar?(hereof.<h€tlitttta$4nbyeminentdomain,the:"s~lort~tte..
<br />is anm~wated to coltectandrecri.~ al! comnt,rsatlon ~whi(•h may b+, paid for any pmperrty takenor-fardamages to p><operty~
<br />sot tatc,~n. rwd a4oxtgagee shad sppiy such compensation, at iss option, ether to a eednction of the indebtedness secured
<br />iterebu>t Lo rtilpair and. restore the pmpem_,~ so damaged.
<br />~" a. Petfarna>3ce try'rlortgagee. tiiortgagee may, bu. sha1E hate no obligation, to do any-act which the bfiortgugor
<br />has age-d btr? fatksta de, and Atorigagse r,~ay also duo any act it deems neces,ary to prota+~tthelien'hereof. hiot2gagar
<br />agrees to repay, upcm demand, any sums so +~xpemted by (he Mortgagee for ti:e above purposes, and shy sums so exp`nded
<br />bJ the. ~'(ortyagee shah be added to the indebtedness secured hereby and b: come subject to the €iert heeeof.:dortgagee
<br />s5ail ncrt incur arey' ~n:anai liabijity because of ane~~tfiing it rosy do ar omit to do heretmder.
<br />9: 1]afw4t; ?.~igutnEnt of Reps., 'f5me is of the e~enee herPOf, a,+d upon f~iorks+agor'S default:in any covenartt
<br />oxalgv~ernena of this Mortgage, including covcnauG. to pa wi+en ?ue the sums secured ay tb+s Mortgage, the Irdortgagee shalt
<br />be entitled, at iks sa(e option and ttittaont notice. to dectare alT sums secured by this ASortgageta:bnitntnediately due and
<br />payotileand may. ~,^ommence fortv~osurn of this Mortgage by judiriai proreedings;.and, pmcided further; that upon such
<br />default the Mortgagee, or a reeeivrr appointed by a court, may at its optaan and mthout regard to ttLeade4nscy of the
<br />stea.~¢y, enixr upon and take possession of the PrrupFrty and fro€lect the rents, issuts and profitsiherefmm aad apply: Yhem
<br />first. to Cite cost »[ oa€{xtinn and gperaLion of the Property attd :hen upon the indebtedness Secured by this Mortgagee;
<br />mid nrnl.s, isau<~s and pretits being astgre:' is the °,9ottgagee as further security for the pagment of the indebtedness:
<br />secured hrrrbv.
<br />10, 7tanafer of Propertp. if a.'1 or any pea of the l'mperty is sold or transferred witLout the express writtenesrn-
<br />sent of tie Mortgagee, NarigageP may u? its 1ule option, deelare all"sotrts seeurr~ h~F this Adortgege to be i«Tmed`tatRiy due
<br />snd pRpabde- - ..
<br />li. Future Adva~s, lipon.regactkst of ;Nortgagxu, ;Nurtgagee may make additioaal.mnd future adva~scea to
<br />Mori}psgrr. Suet advances; udth Interest thet^?at, shall. be secured by this Mcart$age when evidenced by prpmissary notes..-
<br />stating tt.at said notes are secured hereby. At na time shaft Lhe prineipat amount oC-the €ndebtedness secured by this
<br />Mott(~e, not in+judir,g surr~ ad++atsced to protect the sescurity of tnss Mortgage, exceed the ottiginai Npte.
<br />!1. ~lisedlaneotu Provisions..
<br />ial Anc :'oret>earancr to exercising any right nr remedg• shall trot be'a rca€ver tftereof.
<br />4~1 6i can-rdre-, provided ht*rein are. distinet and currauiatse-e tct any orris: right affordesi by !acv;orequity,
<br />and may tx ex4rcixM'.roactrrrently; ndepeudentiy orsucces.~ve€g.
<br />(cl 'i°te <rovetrants sad agxec~mentc contained herein shall hind, and the rigfts inure' to, the respective
<br />sacc.~ts anti assigtrs of the :Mortgagor and the Mortga.
<br />td) :Ul covenants and ar<reetraen#z c~(the A#artgailar arc joint and severa#.
<br />te} 'The €ctadings of the paray;raFh:: of this ?tlortgagc are" for canvenirnre only and stfal€ not be used txi inter- :
<br />,met m def:se the prgswnn~. herr<,{_
<br />i3 Raieaae. t'p<m paymeni afi aif xumti ~.~Frvn+d by ttti+ Yiort~ege, ~kYUgagr~ shall discharge this Mortgage and
<br />shalt exerutr nod drttvrr a atlsfacYory rc€ease therefor.
<br />iN t-`iT'~FJS.S Wi#f;3tBl~F, ksasrzcE,ut+~tl t9ti, S4<xt can th,~ day cif _._ ...:..____, 19 81 _.
<br />:'~rnaltl .7, Placke~-' uorrai~z-
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<br />~^ SflrrUWCr
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<br />(7n t'~~is _ ~ __~ <tL.___ Dett~7b~Z' _~:__. 2~ ~;brforatne, th8-uusdiersigtred. a Notary Plah~ic
<br />duly cotluaiasiontd and utaliik~d for xaid county. ~~r_.utat+t car,<~ __, kmnid i ...~T1CL_I?dI"~...~I _ ~.~~fw~,
<br />~LLS~SIi~ X551 _;Ql~~'..._.._.__ _'___._.._ _ .. _... _._. . __ -_.._.._~_.~.._~..._.~.:,w....-.,.,_.~;.... tG NB.~Efown tO ;17e t€TC
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<br />to be tlf.S BIICI__~-~T~ votuetxry art and deed.
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