<br />?Ras nlort~,~ := entE•rea;nw between ~_Arnolel J, Placke and.Dara. J. Placate,
<br />-----_hnsl~{r_1r'I 'and vri fr _~ _ _ (herein "Mortgagor")'and
<br />':f~ C7P~2i,Ai.TI? NATIONAL $AN~ OF i~ttII1- IS7~
<br />.---_-- -_~_ (llerein"Mortgagee").
<br />Slnrtgakor is indebted to 4Ia>•tgagee in $ile principal :sum of"S 15,000_OO' evideneed by Nlartgagor'snote
<br />dated Dec • ~~19t31 {herein ``IeTate'') providing for payments of principal and interest, with the i~tance of the
<br />indebtedness, if not cc.oner gait;, due and payable on Jan. l5, 1Q85'
<br />': o secure the payrnentof the Note<vrith interest as pro4~ded ¢herern the payment of all ather snms, with ateresB,
<br />edcrmced by Mortgagee to protect tiie'security of tats A9ongage, and the perforcnanee of the covenants and agreements of
<br />sue T+lnrtgagor captained heteitt, telortigagar dw:s hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the. to{lowing: described
<br />prolrerty. ~utglted in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />~~ trac;t oP land ccmising a part. of the .Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Qssarter (NE$NE~•)
<br />of ,Sectirn 'Pwe3l~,3; One (21} To~tlship Eleuen (ll} North, Range Nine (9} West of the 6th P'Ivl. ,
<br />in the %ity of Grand Island, I3aI2 Ccntnty, Ne3arasiia, descxihed as Follows:.ta ascertain..
<br />pain of beginning, sCart at the intersection o~ the tuesterly Line of Elm Stret=t with the
<br />southerly line of e3xttta Street; thence rtuuring southwesterly along the southerly line of
<br />9tma SLneet , a distance caf 'Puree iiutidred Thirty-four (334.4} feet to the AGTflAL: point of
<br />binning; also beit~ a paint an the crest line of Cleburn Street as condenmed by City
<br />ordinance !30. 191-c3mted February 2, 138; thence c:~tinuing along the southerly line:. of
<br />Anna Street a distaixce of. Ei~taty Five and Fbatle Tenths {85.4) feet., thence zunni:ng
<br />~uthP3sterly parallel to the 4Festerly .line of Elm Street , a distance. of One -Ftuntired Forty.
<br />{140.0) feet; thence mm~mng northeasterly parallel to the southerly line of Anna Street
<br />a distance of Eighty E?iv~e ~d Four. Tentb:~ {$5.4) feet to a point on tPse Westerly- line of
<br />C:lebuz~n St*_-c-et; t3t~e rut~3.rl~ itorthsw~~-terly ait~xg the uester:ty line of C~eburri Stress a
<br />distance of One Hundri~d Pbrty (140.0) Poet to the point of i3ecginns:ng anait eonta.isiing 0.274
<br />a.t:res,. ti1gA'C' aP ins..
<br />'i`agrther adt}t ~l bs+dd+npp,,:mg~rovrmrnu, faxtumx, xlreeLS. a#te}~s., passagew.a~x• easement;, rights. prix#iegesand: -
<br />nppurter+sac,~ lud thereon s,r;n anywise pertain+nii thereto; and the rents. iuue+ and prxrfits; reversions aml remainders
<br />tlxnatrt; ina-iud,uq, bard nt+t lintite•d ta, heating and ccx,hnR eyuipnrent end such perumai property abatis atracfted to the
<br />itnprc+venienis sa as iti cartsulutr n fixture: sli of which. tnc#udnR rrpiacemerais and addit+ans thereto., is hereby declared
<br />bo be m pan of tire~ t,rd rsiate ,;rcumd by the ticn of tht. tlongaiw• end ail {rf th+• faregoirrg trying rrfYrred to herein astlte
<br />"~Y•' .
<br />!~torgagcrr'furctrt*ra~sverunlx ~d arr+er~a, wttih 4Sortga~^. a~ lixtiaari.
<br />1. Frymesst. '{'o psc}• thr indebtednr+,n rend thr xntenst aht•rrYrn ns prcntdrd to thex 19artgage an+i the State.
<br />b. Title. blartgavrsir to thr* oxnrr of itac Praprrt4, txsa:. the rt~+nt and nusha+rsit to mtrrtgage the f"raperty, sad
<br />s that the Iten ; rrawtf lu~cr~by is a flout and. plirsr iten <.ri ytlrv i"rr,prrtu. c•s:tr•pt as msk rriherwisv rxe sea torah herein.
<br />i~ 'Itve I':;rpariy #s sarlyi. ip a : wnrmtr+ ....
<br />is [hr Mort4alit'r'. n'c+m3++d at tLaak ....._v-.. _ . , ~Re ., t,t r3te ti,nxagr° ttt=enrrz#t c,f ..... ...__.-.. _.r.__.___CattntY,
<br />Nctrrasita, tM111Cif hfr!rtg~e it $ ti4a6 prior to LtrP lsa±sr erE"Ft{Mi ht reh4°.
<br />other pear #ir•resor enetA+sct~.: _. .. _ ~ __.. __ .. .-.~-_.~ ~ _~___._..._..._._.~,_..,.
<br />3. 'l'yres, .tZeaeasrnenfa 'i?'a pay. w3rem dv, d!i taa:es:.pe.,st xsscnsme=irts send a#1 attWr riratges-agailtst ihr Prop,st?ry
<br />and, upon written demand by MorlRagmY, t:x add :;, th, pa,~rneeit~ mav,nr6i,gndet thr date ..-ruredher+ebye suctr amr3untas
<br />may be sufficient to enabEk+ the htortYa~a-ia pap >urh sere+. xss+.~,+rrz.-ann ar aihtr rlrat'ga, a•, ihrY tw•cotlte dta~.
<br />~.. tawvane~ 'ib ke^t•p thr improerrue•siia pax ex iirreai try lex-a,tedcut the rea# z~tate dcr,cribed hen•.tn lrzstrred;
<br />agttatbt clarrtage by flm sad such ,Httec h.ezarcta s5 :Korlga};r-. ma.: regazze. ,s+ atmaunts and xriih campanic'~a~ptable [trthB
<br />Murtga~:c°. and with ltt,.v; pay-ahle t r the Nen*ag+-:•. tr, ,•~,• ..,t ~n•t..::rde[-s,tu`6 poHcsws Lair-..SRortgagYE^ isgit[hOrized to
<br />edj+xr~, ccriit^r:t and compmmitw, in;itx dis.-.rettc~:t, a!i ~•latnu tl,.•reundrr zt ;tt sau• npiian, authrarirxdtoeiherappty~:+„he
<br />prareds ~:.he s•er'toratfom of rhN Profx•rtp or r=pure the irrt.N6:<ar:,se sevu!}-ci h.•e~'by, huflpaysnrntsites>Candi*rshatil ~att-
<br />tinwe u~rttd rhr sums ~.un~3 hreebp are geld m tuL'.
<br />5. `~: E? ~rrv+r pee Titx~t and irc;.urrnss_ '.~acw~tlssi.e,;dink st,ych:rg.•onceined tr. paraBRa1~s ~aatd ~ herr4f.Lv~thtr
<br />cmrttar9',?Ntx shst# ps+J Lo thr alcrigagee st t"rtY imz- of pa .rrg the aee~ntA[y itutatlatenih aS pr#~ncipiolsrxdinlerrsst,
<br />rxie+tx's{tttr of tine ycNUtV fixes, as;v3stnzncu. ca~sr8 iesuraue~ y±r*.ruum~s. and groartd ri~n*_5 tit" anyi w6ir~ may ~P.taina
<br />ptyoiofy- aroer LEeis Mcxi;atie; ai3 ~ r~;vnabfy estimated frran vm-t to since b•p :L*E '~,urtgagr r. Pne ~se,usyts sa paid ShrJi he
<br />'held hg the'YFort~t+r +ritbnut intrmct dun app#iec# tv :hr paym,^.,t Ji thr atr^ra~ in ;rra~:4 to which such atnounls tac~n~
<br />c3rlynetiL~d~'.hn sums pai4 t+a ~rfga iYemunrter am ~;e~agc•tt :~s ~,drt6nna+ SeNeu=ate %~r site tndetsterlnrs5 ~rcw`ed by thi;
<br />~_ 9doatgi-gseraball~y la Matric»•. theanrosnt of xtr~ drf ~zr~y kretutiFwq ct[e at^t,~tt9 tyse•s, asnc^ssmertia, itu~trtnce
<br />l~errsi~trkr acrd {~r+vttderrtdaani-Yh~ d~tl[~+iL.hvre taee~r +eitErr~a it3 dayfi situ ~emaa f !s rnacta upon MGriga~e~r trstiu?sibng.
<br />psg'r~r,; •3t~~uf.
<br />6.. £iRnpate,tst~s;trvunrxeIIEa i:.F. ','r3 pnxrn~ti~e r~~4ir, r.#,un- ar t;x,fl~J:$ s °r:iu±,*. l,rosern~&SSn~awor
<br />rzrnittws res tfee #'rvptric_ ~ Yr>Fp av ?yr[aperty rat ~tx,~l r~+nc9air e, s.ul .••pa r. tlllm~ e~.a, ;xr r§ z ,^`.axzi rs,<~C}rnEtsc"5 nr
<br />,'rt[xt iisKZx next e•~pra'~,.tity ?~fu+rsf;.:rsat=t3 !~., the 7xc- h~rr`et ......:: x~zti<, ~s Yi=.. ,- t~~;--.. .. , .. __ ~ ,,, .rr is ti;man-
<br />;,;#x a5 tznpsEir e:s vatsa' ri' rln• i'*_erp.-rc}, `re ~-ay rrct ar *r};-eqr, _ . ~.t 1 ,r -.. ~., - x~--•'n~rls c*'taw ~'+Fkt
<br />rr~~rrt ;cr ';fne t'r:r+~•.iii~.
<br />