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<br />fxrtder~ weittea sg[nt or applicab~ law. Borrcwes sha}I pay the amount of art mortgage insurance p2tnitttns in the <br />ntantter pt'ovidcd-attdet paragraph 2 hcxmf, <br />Any aatattnts di±buased l:y Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, she}7 become additional <br />inddatedness=af Borrower secured. by this Mortgage. Unless Horrawer and Lender agree to outer tetras of payment, such <br />amounts shtsll aepayataleupon: noticefrotztLendsrtoHotaowcr requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />date of dfsl;snrtxtftettt at the rate payabk from time to tic:te on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate wtsuld'hs contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest ae the highest rate <br />ptgmisai6de tttxkr applicable law: Nothhtg ectntaintd in this paragraph 7 shalt require Lender to incur any expet[se or take <br />arty s.-zion hereunder. <br />S. Ior~aectfoo. Lender may rooks or coast to be made reasonable entries upon and. inspections of the Progeny, provided <br />that Lender strati give Borrower notice prior to any sash inspection specifyin¢ reasonable cause therefor eetated to Lender's <br />interE.St lit t!x Proputy. <br />9c Gaaaietawtloo. The proceeds of am• award ar claim for damages. direct or canscquential, in connection with any <br />candemnatuxx or cNtter tatting of the Property, or part: thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of candemnafion, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be; paid to Ltttder= <br />Io the event of a total taking of tine Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />with the czc:ess, it atty. paid to Borrower. In the even[ of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />athtrwise agree in writing, thew shalt be applied to the sums secured lap this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is squat to ttlaz prapartian which the. amount of the sums secured hg this ?vfartgage immediately prior ro the date of <br />takirtg.:taCars -F~ the fair martcet value of [he Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid ta.Bontavwet•. <br />If Yhs Proptxty isabandotted by borrower, oe if. a€ter notice lay I.eeder to Borrower that the t:ondemnar offers to make <br />an award ozr setits s claim far damages, Harrower faits to respond ro Lender within 'il dayR after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Fender }s atttlioriztd to corker aztd apply the proceeds. at Lelder's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Proptt'ty car to tlu sums setttred by this lufiattgags. <br />Unkas Lender and Borrower othezwixe agroc in wrzting: any such app}ication of p:ac:cedx to principal shall not extend <br />or pastpatte the. due dare of the maxtthty insta}itttenu referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the. amosmt of <br />such irtstatfrntntS. <br />39. 1hKtrenrsr Not titsleawetl. Extension of then tittae far payment or madiftcatran of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Martgttge granted by i.stxder to any setcressor in interest of BotTOwer shaP1 not operate to release, in any manner, <br />the liataility of the original Bareav+er and Haxrawer's successors i^ interest. I,cndes shall oat he required to camrnertce <br />proceedings against such successor ar rtfttse to ex[snd rime for payment or othtrwiso modafy amortization of the sums. <br />stcutscl by t:tis Mortgage by treason of anp demand made by the original Harrower and Barmevtr's stccessors in interest. <br />33= For3reaetnte~ 3,sairr Net tf'[staisr, Anv fnnc~arar?ce by l ent3er in exerc;s;ng any right or remedy htrarxtdtr, or <br />otherwise. afforted Icy applicable }aw, sha}7 oat lrc a waiver of nr pnxludt rite ezcrciss of any such right ar remedy, <br />The prat•nrenteni of imturancc or rite"payment of taxes car other ?;ens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of 1_cnder's <br />right to ar.[~icntt the trnrurity of the indeMcdrress *ccured lay thus. ~forigage. <br />Y2, Rewdka Ctlve. AIF rrnttdnes provided in uric Mortgage arc distinct and cumufativc to any other right ar <br />tstttsdy ttt[der this ,'*tar[gagc or afforded by law nr equity, and may he c'<erciset} concurrently, independently ar succcssrvtly. <br />33. Sntcsaaars tut6 AsalRss >s+ttesrd: ]ofitt aa~ Severs[ f,la6t~ityt Captions. The covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shall bind, and the rights lrcreultdtr sha11 roars to. the ssspxtive cuccrsstars and assigns cf Lender and Borrower, <br />sttbjtxt to rite pravisiotts of paragraph t 7 hereof, All covenants rod agrecmems of Borrower shall he joint and. several. <br />The captiarts and itgdings of the paragraphs taf this 1Vlortgago are for ¢onvcniettce only anti arc oat to }ae used to <br />interpret ar deRtas tits prmisions hereof. <br />S4. Natlce. Eztsept far arty natict required under app}icair}c }aw to }c given in another manner, (al any notice to <br />Battmwerpravitkd tar in thins Mortgage sfiall tae gavcn tri matting such notice ny certified mail ;addressed to Borrower at <br />the Prapcrry Address or at such other address as Harrower mat` designate by notice to I.cndcr as provided heron, and <br />(b} an*~ tmtitx fo Lttrz}tr shall trt lgtvtn by certified mail. rttum receipt rcqutstcd, to lcndtr's aetdress stated }xrein or to <br />stttlt olio., adds'eas as i.cnder may designate by ltotice to ttor-cover ar pros~ded lxtsin. Any notice provided far in this <br />lKOrtgagt shalt bt tlsemrd to have bcers given to Borrower or 1 c;u¢;r when given in tine manner tkxignated herein, <br />~.~• iLtiaifol'tAMort~t!„^^ GarsntiaK ,5°k'YI,I~ttY. I',r+ i n.M of mortya£c catrabines uniform covenants firr national <br />mot and nozt~uniftatm covenants with iimi*,zd variations tv lilt e,.lic;icrn rc~ cansunate a uniform wcuruy insteument covering <br />t+mf prtxpert:y, This Mzar[gage stall be gavtrned Fay the laev ,~f the jurisdicaraa in wltieh rite Prapetty is }aeatod. In the <br />rtsttt-that ainy provision ar _la,[[st of xhix Mortgage to the °alr,;t cor_flictx with appticsbk law. suc}t conftiet shall naz affect <br />otter proviswiot[x of this Mortgage ar rite ?dolt; which can lac trivet! elltu without the caafticting pmvision• and to this <br />end the provisiiatts of rile MatYgstge and the 'tiote acs rrss`laaeal to t?c severable. <br />ti. ilit+ira~rys Copy. Hrrmwcr shall Ire fumishttt r conformed copy of the l~ou. a»d of this Mortgage at rho time <br />of'czocutiats cu after recxndation hlzr+aof• <br />tT. TirtaMfsr o! Mrs P9o/ralyt Asrsmptian, If all nr any part of the Property ar an inzartst therein is so}d or transferred <br />Icy" HtsFna'wct veithaut Letder's prior written cansetxt, excluding cal the creation of a hen ar encumbrance subordinate to <br />ttta Iltotigage. llr9 the craateat of a purc}tase tuwtey xcurity ;n[erest for hotlsettold appliances, (c? a tratsfer by devise, <br />ddaarnt ar ~ operati[in of law upon the ckath of a point tenon[ yr tdt ttte great of any leasehold interesf of three yearn or less <br />ttot:corxainittlt an option zo puzchaae: Leafier may,,. at. Laettder's rap.scra:, declare aIF tttt sums secured by this Marzgagt to !ac <br />itnme~}iazetp dtte and:payrabts. Leitdu shalt have. waived sveh option to acre#era[e if, prior [o the sale or transfer. Linder <br />.and rhs pt['tacat :ta ,crhom RISC #'rogserry is to be s[al+t ar tl:msferrod reach agrerrnant in writing that the. credit of suet! petsora <br />is sxtisfac+org to Leader atxtthattheituttsat payab}t tan the sums secured by this Mintgage shall :be ai such tart ax Lertder <br />s!ta}t :xqutst, ff LetKler has ar:iwdrt t~ option to ac+~}tratt provided in this paragra{2}r 3"7. and if 9carrower's strcccsaar in <br />intern[ tus execetted a writtttt aaatsmption agt:eemtlrt auepted in wrizirag try f.e:[der, L.cntisr shall release Borrower tram all <br />obligations urx•}ea• this Maztgage. surd tbt ham. <br />If t.snder excreiscs such option to arcxltrate. Lender shall mail $arrmver notice of acceleration in accotdancc with <br />pxnagzapt+ 7 a 'rcr~wt, Such ttotiteshall;provide a period of not less. than 3t3 days from the date the notice re mailed within <br />•xhtch 9orrower may- pay the sutos dcc}ared due. Tf Harrower fails to pay sccrh sums prior xa the expiration of such period, <br />Ltrsticr may. uicttuu¢ further rxttice~ar cternand: on borttiatx~rr, ittvafte any aentedits permitted by paragraph l8 lterect. <br />'vote-liKreroatt CavEr,.;::,,.:,arrostrar and Lenxitr further rnvtrtant and a as follows: <br />tE. .~eratiiss: Assteditrs. except an pr+rriis~d [s par~raph t9 tterrdaf, tapost-Borrstwa°s isresek of nay a»senant or <br />tdP+t~sat atf tliorro+aer u this Mortaaas, iorlott~:ttsecovswaa~ to pay" witMt. Ass nay. srrwu seeaec~ b?'.t&k Mo[•tgags, <br />1;,aaMr prim to aec>,iertKi~r• atMall t~ii erwlcr tzt iioriowxr ~ provlrEcrd. in paatg^apAx 14 ttersof +ytec3fyt ft) tkwr breath; <br />iYl eAt rcibs re~riresi to care »ucY .trreacb; (ry a . not Issr R~ ~ aLtyna t the: date t~ ntKticr ie tsmtHed 6o Borrosrsr <br />`!' t-tairl stsrit trnascb stW [k cared; atrt~ {dl Bart faihrs to cnvr sselto- taseat•# me tar txfone tbt dabs tt~si Is ttu tw,dst <br />r+aatsi[ is tsretskrraisa of liar flttsis s:curM 6w' ttty ~Sot•tgsygr ftlaYCibaare by jiafi~tialr pr>uq and srtk of rise Pto3aettr. <br />T1a rwiirs shit ftsttlan Mfortw ]lmntswcr <rf !Mt tittW to mestale a1V6[tr tmdttte:ri=t+tto assatin. t6e': fttreeFersoae <br />arOa~wd/an FAe ryrw~txitfenct at r dsheit ar asy oltaer tts~Esato xf 3igrtrrw,arka accshraiiase::r~ E~zasgtoaasie, l3 etas ixta <br />is naR awrtl nr err i+rtvte the Bats cpoc[fi~ad Ig the norkw, l.,ratIer ~ Ixnis~s cellos aaYy t}eslart a::! of lttr +[rmm sscrrrsd by <br />t6k.76fest~ ro by t.ratrdtrady Asrt coat a>tya~ie ~itttxx+t[vatbes:ttewwwd a93p0{:tary ftrrsetasctr..jaihiai laeder <br />s~ati is es~tls+! tea cvnrct f~ sack prtaresdt~ rn a:Acarlc-s:~..f,. t E~ tact tiax}tsd trJ, etraEs nt docamsMtory <br />e+:tte~es. rtslrwres awdt tilE~. r. pcxa+t>r. <br />" eft. iftt~er~..etr'!t ~atw Rt•'ktetMe.. `: r.-!-a~rzri!a#ar..}itt~. t.ertdcr's xfx~atitm tsf the 4ums xsc-aued by this Mortgage, <br />r~>wa^r t»a;J #svt rlst ft~}as rc. `.stn:: aoyr pe~r_cditt,~s be~ttn by Lt~rtdct tc* elifwrs liras Mot'tga$e disccnt;nszmd at env irrnc <br />