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UtatPtaaM ~V£N~MIS. Borrower and Lender tovenanE and agree as foltows_ <br />1. Ps)^aaast oY lr~ul atnl lEatereaa. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and knterest on the <br />indebtcdneas evidtttced G,y the Note, prtpaymrnt and {ate charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and ineertat <br />on any'l~'ttture. Advances: secttmt by this Mortgage.. <br />2. IN`tttaitt for T artd-tuprtatce. Sub;ect to app{icable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Len~sr an thG dtry mvnthty i~tatltmnts of principal and interest are payabit under tttt }cote, until the NotE is paid in full, <br />a sum (herein "Rinds") equal zo one-.twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />1t~uztgage, and;gnuttnd r+ttzta on tlxe ~tapetYy, if any, phts one-twelfth of yearly premiere ittszaltmtnts for hazard insttratxce, <br />plus ttaa~twetfth of yearly premitmt ittstallenertts for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />$itte fo nitre by Isndtr on the basal ak assessments and bills and reasnnab{e estimates thereof. <br />21at`Fansts shall lee held in an institution the deposiu or accounts of which are insured or grtaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency tirxltrdingLender if Lcndtr is sloth an ixtstitutiont. Lcndtr shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />impttran©c pt~tntiums and ground rents. Lender may not ::barge far so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />or verifying atxl compiling said assessments and bi31s, un{ess Ltnder pays Borrower interest oa the Funds and applicable law <br />permits: Leader to make sttth a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />k4artgage that interest an [tee Funds stxatt lac paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement a made or applicable !aw <br />tegtaires ouch ittttrtst #o be paid, Leader shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds, Lender <br />shall gtve to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each 3tbst to the Farads wax made. 'tlrt Funds art pledged as additicaal security for the sums secured <br />by thisi+rtortgagt. <br />If tif~ amount of the Funds ht{d by Ltnder. tagtther with the future monthh^ installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the dtte <tatea of taxes, asxsavttetats, imurante premiums and ground rents, shall exceed she amount required to pay said taxes, <br />asacsamnts, irtaurana:c prentaums and grrntnd rents as they fail dot, such exct;: shall be, at Borrower's option, tither <br />prompztgr ntpaid eo Borrower ar credited to Borrower rrn monshly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Futtds <br />Meld Isy shalt noz be setffatarat to pay texts, assessments, insurance premiums and ground elms as tStey fall dot, <br />Bortmver shall pay to Ltnder any amotmt ntx~sarv to make up the deficiency withtn 34 days from the date Halite is mailed <br />by t_eaor~r 4o Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Uptxt payment is full of all sutra secured by this !:+longage. 1_tndtr steal! promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held bI' lfznder. I# Ltnder paragraph lg hereof the Property is sold ar the Property ss othcrwist acquired by Lender, Lender <br />stt:ail aplpdy, rw later than itnmcdiatel}' prior to the sett of the Proptm err its atquisstion krv Lender, any Funds held by <br />teatder at the titnt of applitat%tm as a credit agasnst the sums stturtd lay this Mortgage. <br />3. ApiicaCMaat ~ Papte~#a. tinktsa applicable law pmv¢des othetwist, all ga?~rnents rtteivtd by Ltnder under the <br />Nate atxt paragraphs 1 atsd 3 hereof shall he applied by l.tndtr first +n payment of amounts payable to Ltnder try Borrower <br />::ceder gazagr'iph 2 hs?a!_f. than to inttrtgt payable „n the 'rt.±te_ then an the arincipal ct the Norte. and then to iniutst .end <br />pri[tapat on-any Future Advtsttcea. <br />~ LieaY. bxstzctwcr shag pay all texts. asstsstttents and other ~hargts. fines and +mpositwns attnbutahte [o <br />the Pt~optrty which tray attain a pxiorazy over this Mongage, and ltasthtrid paymtnu cx ground reins, it any, in the manner <br />ptYavidcit Ltnder paragraph 2 hereof cir, it' not patd +n loth manner. lxy Bunowcr making payment, when dot, ditettly to the <br />payee ~. Borrower site{l promptly furnish to Ltnder at1 not+cec set amounu clot unckr this paragrapft, sad in the tvtnt <br />Borr+aavor shall make payment directly, Btatrtawer ,hall prcrntptly lumtstr to Ltnder rcxcipts tvidcnctng such payments. <br />Bomawor shalt ptvrapdy discharge say lien u-hictt has prsoraty over thts !ulartgagt; pravrlcd, that Borrower shall not 1st <br />trtir{mrtd to diachargt any loth {ten w lung. ax Borrower hail agrt.c in v~rtunR to the payment of she ohhgaton secured h}. <br />sttctt Beat in a manner accseptabic to Ltnder, or shall in gcxxf faith .tartest srsth lien 1sy, ar ctcfcnd' tniorcement of such lien in. <br />legal p which operate to prtvcttt the tntorcctntra at iht ;stn tx fttrfeittut oak"" the Property tar eery part therttaf. <br />S. ~iAStfatll [arMeatate. tlorrawer shall keep the smprn+tments ramv existing or htrtatter eratttd on the Yroptxty insured <br />against taaa 1rg+ art, ttaYatda itrthtded wittttn the term 'extended crwtragt~', and such crthtr hazards ax Ltnder may require <br />audio an+.^h arrtounts and for stria perxnds ax 1..tnder may rcqu+rt: , ro, rded, that 1,cnder shall not rtquirt that. the amount of <br />such ttnrtralrt eai°ced that amottn[ <rt c+svctagfi rcgtured ter pay tlrt Bums ux:umd key this 0longagt. <br />T4tc irattransa carrier ptcvidirtg tkr tnsttxattce shall kac hostn ley Borrower subject m approval key Lender; provtdtd. <br />iltat sotto apprtrval shall rat the urttta~tnatsiy witht~ld. .Ali premiums. on insurance politics khan k,c paid in the manner <br />prtrvidtd usa3er paragraph 2 hereof m, tf not paid in such tnannez. by borrower making payment., when due. directly to the <br />ttnttrartce ,an'tm'. <br />lktl~irmuzancn polaeies and rsoe+vats therexa8 sha3{ he in .form acctptabic to Lcndtr and shag include a stansiard mortgage <br />t}atrae in tararof and in forest ata~ptat'sk to Lcndtr. Ccndtr shall }race zhc tight to l+old the pahcits and rtntwals thtxtof. <br />atad.Bonuwcr steal,{ promptly furnish to Lertder all renewal nxrutra and al{ receipts of paid premiums. In the event of loss.. <br />Bermrwcrattatl gave prompt nntttt to the tnsuranct s~rntr and Lcndtr. Lcndtr tray make proof t.E lose it nu¢ made promptly <br />by Batxnwer., <br />E7ntexa Lentkr anti Aartrowar athttwtst agree in writing, insurance protteds attail kae appht~sf to restoration or repair taf <br />else P7apexty daaautgcd; tuovdsd stun testontion &rr rtpatr is ceorwmicasily feastitik and. the security of thus Mortgage is <br />xwf tfarretry itapaitrtd: if sttth restoration or repair is not ca'anomically fcaai#alt or if the stcurxty of this Mortgage would <br />be itatwirtxti. flat inmura~e praatea3s shall be applied to the soma setuted Frv th~a Morgage, with the txcc3a, if any, paid <br />to Botmwer, If ttse Ptapearty is abandoned. by Borrower, or ;f Borrower 'ail. sc~ rcapond to Lcndtr within 3({ days from the <br />date iiorict is mailed "by' L.mdtr xo Borrower that xhe irtaurattxz can7tr otters to sextet a :;.faun fine ir¢surante kxnefits. Ltnder <br />is auUlotitrd to :xrlket amt :apply ttte itisurancc prooeeda at Lender`s option eirhtr to restoration or repair of tlrc Prnpeny <br />or tsi the scares atncured Ery ttaia MtriYgttge. <br />linltss Lirttkr:aent 8artosver otherwise agrx in writing, any such application taf procttds to pr+nttpal :Shall ncx. extend <br />ae postpone rtre dare. ttatt of the tnoxtttely installments rtferrrd to is paragraphs i and "_' hereof or Change rht azuaant of <br />such ttuuiitttextta, tf under paragraptz ;8 hesof the }`ro~rty is acquired by Lcndtr„ all rsgtsf, titfe and interest oY Borrower <br />in and to xn} itastanncc poltdcc asxt in and to the protxeds ti~txof resulting frt:m damage to the Proptay prier to else sate <br />or :r~tursttYOH shall paaa to L.tndtr to tl~ extent oaf ttte sums stturtd by this Mortgage immediately prior to sucks salt err <br />aux}tnsttion. <br />6. .!"nsevvMlats atoll} M at Piroperty; ~ ~trndarnistiumsc Plassaatet ltattt I)eveloptnenrs. Borrower <br />shall lecp tttc t?Ttaperty in goad repair atxt shall sot xommit waste or pe:xtnit impai[ttttatt or deterioration of the Prapetty <br />asxt xhald rcattply wit$'the lxarts~usts of any lease if this Mortgtzggt is +rn leascttold. If this Mortgage is on a unit its a <br />,rm&~urrintum or a :planned :wia cievtkapxntnt, Borrower stta{l perform all crC Barrawtr's otsligations under the detiaratlon <br />err ~-orcnanta crcattiigar governing .^.ltc tonitttini'ttm or pianntd unit development, the by-(awl and rcg¢tia#inns trf the <br />wndorntnitun rFt plkuned ttniz dcvelaprtzent, and tonstitttent dncuxtttnts. 1t a condotrtinittm nr plannttt troll iicvtlepmtnt <br />rr.ltr :s txca:+ktsd.:by Bnrrbsvtr aml. rernrdsd ttr{«tttrer vs•iih thee Mortgage, the covenants and agrtemtats al *:utit ,ri:der <br />shah ix irxprpcarated utto attd slxadt amend and. supp{tmtra the covenants atxl as;rtettrtnta trf this Mortgage as :? the rid+e~r <br />were a pafl htrtof, <br />i. I°ralasnar of lt`aY ~, tf Bonowtr fail3 tcf perform tltc covenants a;ni agreements cuntaatttd in this <br />34trrtgxge, ar t any a~CUCNa t,t pttu:eetlattg is commtnatd which materially aftctits Lender's interest .in the P*apen.~s•, <br />;nrlctdtng but nr># 1tm,ttal ter. erat>rbtnt domain, is~astlvtnty, coda tnfarcerastnt, of arrangtmcnts err prtrttetiings involving a <br />hankrspt nr du:e+Scnt, ~hrn Corder t; Lander°s csptixxn, c~r~an :ts.,tuc~ to Borrower, snag make sua;b a{rptarancrw. disburxe >uch <br />r. ;,ail take ouch s~tt,~n x, rs to prxrirst f ttrdcr`s ~nttrtst~ iact.szling.. trot rtaa lim.ittd. ro, dis{rttrstirxtnt of <br />rrysarrr$ic ietxaetrty'e dtzv auF4 entry +span rtit °'tpK- r -,alze :,^paets. It Lender required nttsrtgagc i,nturaoct as ;,. <br />ixrdr rrrr of nxateurr the ibmtt. a~argtt la} tats. lvto: . ~, lIt -x~owtr mtsall may the prrmiuruvs rcgaarred tt? msrntu+a su:h <br />~aueancz ,~ ~~x~: uhtti r,sc;. that ax tbs. rtqui.~araxtr :,:r ,acts itaxearantt ttrmirzatts in ,atenrdarxxc wsth Itr+rtrewer's a+rd <br />