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I <br />C~ - ~, <br />Q2 ~'O O ~ ~' 7 ~ ADDiT10NAL TERMS <br />piiFPAY4tF.NT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FINANCECHARGE:Eventhough tdo not have to-pay mote than the re ular scheduled monthly paymen[.l have the right <br />to prspsy the whole amount awing m ynu in'#ptl at any time or in pan from time to aloe: Ifihe lendin~ institution or bank that buys my contract computes the finance charge <br />daa#y. ! know° my finance charge W ill t,e less9f I'makr an taffy payment, std it will be higher itiil pay ate: I also recognize that any ttecessaty adjnsmtemto-my total finance. - <br />cfsatrge wilt be ret7ected in my final bill:l also know that the amounts shown on the mouse side for the Finartce Charge. Total of aymenis. andtheTotat Sale Brice aro cell- <br />trr8tes based nn the assumption char ynu will receive each of ehe pnyntenra exacdyon itv dtce-date:-.std i know that there will be no refund if I prepay btxauss ttiete isttot}ring <br />to,-refitnd if-1 am charged rm a daily beers. li the [ending instimtian ar bank does na compuee the finance charge deify, and-ill ptopay the whole'atnount, you will tefund- <br />tn'xr;r the uneartrcrcd porticm of the tinatwe charge tinerrestt by the acraunting-pra'edure krwwn as the actuarial method;.and the artrovnt of my rebate will befiguted on the <br />sc#aeduled dates and amounts of my monthly payrnem and nM en the armat dates and amoums oFthe prspayrrtents that I pay to you. t know that a refund of less than 51..00 <br />wii# cwt be made. - . - - - <br />IIfIiPORTANT NOTICE; ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(a} We as SELLER-HEREBY DISCLA#M ALL WARRANTIES"' FJfPRESSED OR IMPLIED,=OF MERCHANTA- <br />BI AtdD FlTNESS FOFi A PARTICULAR?PUF-POSE ON AlL GOODS-AND" SERVICES'UNI:ESS SEI.LER.FUA- _-' <br />NISffES: BidYER WITH A-SEPARATE: WRITTEN- LIM17J_D WARRANTY OR-SERYtCE CONTRACT-MADE BY SEL,.- , <br />LIcR ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH;IF MADE,', A000MPANIES TIiiS CONTRACT). <br />. lb) (will and should rcad,~in detail; the separau"LIMITED WARRANTY" which aswmpauics this contract. !t explains thecondiiiores and eireumsttutcea in which.. <br />tlrc-atoaautaetured pradtuts-well be 2paired acrepiaced: ! take rro[ice of the7imitationson rtie warranty, and 1 particularly tecogniuthat anyimplied warranty which applies <br />to-rfae goals lasts only as tong as Ne wananry nrxrvsce ctvntract. - - - - - --- <br />SP'Y-CIAL-C/RDER-GOODS:1wnow that you have measured mvhouse and s[s apensngs so that you can make the ptaducis [ofii city pertievlaC lwase. (take notice That the <br />gcxrds that rice manufactured for my spxifro house probably wilt rim tit any other hnvses. -and under such cortdidons. Iktww Use{ Icannotcarecel this contract at any time <br />oleo the period eftime gsvrnio me, try faw:mwttich [o caetscl. Afterihari pal period of ritnc;d know thatlhavethe obligation topay}mvin fviltbe atnountoived. <br />QI%.IGATIONS PERTAIN#NG TO MY REAL (sSf'ATE: I. 1 promise to keep my house in good repair end m ktxp rt tnsuied for ar least 8fI'b of its replacemsntvattu <br />sn s7rrcandcxteerdedcover~ nsurarxe Inv-`t7xinsuranceca vroust6r ved vou,andthe lie mnsihaveastatrderil <br />try. buy g 8e i pu ~' 't+npaq appm fry. ~ ~ ~ _ g y uustdeed betKfrciary clause <br />vvtasCh-saps that yzm ors m tx Qatdif [here is n leas. 71ie insurance company must agree that it wit! not cancel ti wtihout fast tellln ou. I suthoriu the imuisuec <br />-oraepany m pay you any leis. Yat::an thane to use this insurance puymem to erther rtpay soy arnouhis t awe you ar to lapels my house. 2: Iatsa ptotttiae that <br />l oars nrx oflow amzme dsemplacs anylicm rm mvrraf estamwitlnwt yule written permission,3.lpramiu to pay all razes, assessmentsanitatherchetgesenrmytealeshte- <br />vv#rn due. J- I pramtsc ra-timely make atf paymrnts rm my prwr loans real estate. #aiso promise thaC I will not eveterat, nmw to chstge-prior#oans witfiouf <br />y`~T`wrinen prnertssran. 5. If t do nor insure my horse iv fill my Mher atilt~anoas to mY real esmm, theft yoaea4i do itfor the ifytw watt(jhu[ you noUtave Co#s IEyou -. <br />tfe.~+' any of sehase esbtr¢atsom trtr roe. 1 agree to pa_v you hack on domand pltis iriterat ar an:aanusl rare tlux )zmeatsgapoitns (35b) glmater limn tltcattuval -_ <br />rte. s~oavn ou the rcvusexale. Unfit # pay you back. [heat amzwacv wrtl be added m my data m you wlticli is sicuted by my real estam aqd house. I kttowttutiF <br />to tits'v pnsirrance for methat yew do nor have Mnbtain anylxvmeownrrzx liabiFin~ittsutancx-, - - - - - -- -- - - <br />SA~ OF!NY ROUSE; l prZnniso-txa to std. lease orgive-my Mxise ro amzme anti[ l Iwve frilly. repzsd trio dbbt myou, or, unullobtain your wrineo peruiwwn.lflwould <br />.,tr~aasst to you sotrtttnte Make aver flu notr.,.+ !agree etutvcatrnay.rcvse' heu ~ualificadeas. lfrcm approvethsm,yov canshargemeaservrce teaforcMngsngrecaida: <br />yrv~s-an alsr? increase the iruercsr rau +n thrsz nnttact M as-much as the law. elk s: r' yrw Uo, yew agree not to hold merespoasibia €o{tfdsdzbt. <br />[y1(:'FAUI.T:tv:~ilitz in deiauh uncles this camrac~i,f ---- _ - -~~ <br />~. Icbn't nrakeapayinem when due: to - - <br />2.- Ibrcak any pramuctmaurh yzm in rots ctmtraca,rx - - - ---._-. -..-_ --_. --_. _.. <br />..- Something Nee happens whrchcauscs vrw to beheve:ngzaxt faith thaz tdo n!rimsnd ht pay ynu as promised: or - -- - <br />- d I:lefault an env oMigatwnx for wArchl aen uvng my tvvmeas x~oNatrtai:vr .. <br />~- Something happenswmy Mruse wfirch thrcatrnsvnur rahts.„anv,;n it - - - ~ - <br />[F Z -AIN [N DEFAI:LT: My harx alai teal estate can M vzdrt by vrm err pay my dctn to you. Hefors my huau is sold, you wit{ doeveryrhtng drat fife law jM~*• Aaypae <br />ian.gevehasc my iasuse aisd irdl:esrau ar the sale. inettrdrng vin oral. r zm can grvr thr purchaser a'ilvstee~s Iked without arty warmntits' However. yovagraa rhea you <br />we#f- xxx sell my house anef.rca! cetera rt i pay ah <.verdue paymenrc and . zxrert any aefauit teram-.the sa#e. Ur. hu have the right. to sue me ara4 foralose this tod4aci as. <br />if ix- wu a n!trngage..lE you Eve na attorney w assist you to ><L m} haute. ar, to vue me; ir. to prareet ytatr rights: i agree to pay you for your rcaeanabk attorne}es' fair <br />-aid fiuothec rclaledexpenssx such esrnatTeassY.ntie seanhes and rra+ncy vrmc<pendret topmteat my heatse,•. - - <br />~'~'#€ER-RtGEI'['S: Wept eboave exa-m enfor_r env ns ehe rights urWer this ruxrart i, often aawe want withcwt losing them: Or. we can delay cnsorctttg any of the rights <br />- iviatse`,ut losing them. Wccan also use env rights rarw ruin the fmuee givcnnus b.'taw. _,- <br />i)EL.Ei YS: i knou that you a~s1S use your bey zfftafs w insid# ~ pnx[zwtc i am-pwrhaatngg t~sse, but 1 else understand that in some situations you rna}}- rn000nter <br />de#sys that ale causer( 6y strikes. viradur condiovms,.dcla}sy w: floor rn dhtsimng matsrtals: a }or.atlxr seasons that arc beyond your constaf. 1 vnrierateatf that you will <br />~'}>€lfabtC torsucn delays. <br />p->t[,$Pi'RATION:-tf 7 Have-a dispute w ciarm catch y<w romeeraing rhe. yuanrety, e;uaiity ~rpertnrmanca of the p~roodducts, 1 utiderstandihat sriy Atspute tnaY be subtaitted to -; <br />anc# scstled aceorditeCt to the tnedsaunn-artrvrstam pnigmm that may havr Jexk>Tred m my rrxnmunitycuby uielz±ual Borer Business Bureau. t also know.that any deeisitia <br />.pnv3e by'an a~tbitratorlsl woutdbc eNeredin thecoun having /unsdicticw over me sad you. __ _ - - -. _ <br />- .4AL~ AGE~YALi7E; 7 know-that the witdows;-wadw+rrk: eta whzr raaterra{e thin navy u> ar removed bwyav for iota mstalltnion have NQ salvage vaWe. Whenvou rF <br />nrn~thear:y.~a can have sham COrrrbateverprupirsegvvwant~ - _ ~ --~~- <br />-gpF.E:IALSCCC?A770h'S: t}tu vxche untqueocastu scone o2 ihc.tmxiuets tttatyzm sclC, f understand that m spcrta! sivrauons that yourltegional Office tnsy have totnview <br />and ae~ce~ thisronttau- i aVO uadcrstami that rots sale ccetrmd is mr Mims and drat yzm and 1 may m4 hevehad alt 16e Crrtrscl mtormatson important 1o this transsedon <br />- at ssearfingertijes:lgn~e you mp consemmrixmax env onvirsus trsurs tsar axy have:n°cuteed u°hrn dtr6lariks inthss ccudrast vverecompleted: -.. - <br />-1vl+tr #s11D BROY-SIONS: tf anyy pmvrsian .u this coavact yizrlares the taw and is unetvnneatrk, ehe rest of ehe contract cad} W catid, if wry part of this contrast rsgtUma <br />pay areentot naxe inierast than thalaw permits: then youwi#1 onN'havsthc right to:vliect troia metbcpmaaernf inurestwhichttuc lawaltows you to mlleiK. . <br />C4]iNFl:t'TFiNESS ()r£ IRIS-CONTRACT: icannot rcvske the trust ehtd i havr crested br ehis ciartract '!ills sonnet[ can only 6e changed tf Web you and (rte agree in `-, <br />71st folkrtgsng nutter brsttgs m an' ansatsan the irglttsihat 1 have even when this cannav't rs end to a financial inwtution os a bank: and I ahaukl notice thatiheimpoP l <br />"tea#tFtisTUnviakuiwstrrsasi4 C+v itc annmmmein tea szwm. M,td fine tve,r~ - <br /> <br /> <br />