<br />_ t have receavM at this time an itemi~xtion of the Amount Financ ~{) Set't1'Ity; I am-giving a security interest-in: "
<br />. ~~ `f.~~~ i. the goons; servicosanttproperty beingpumhased: and^
<br />'~-h}Y-payment settedule"wig be: - ~ - - ...
<br />~- - ! 4imM of Piy~nientr Amount d. Piymmr when Payments am, oue Z. my real - estate and : improvements,' utcluding~: [iiy ::
<br />- house. ailat my Address'. destgnated above.
<br />I st.PaYment I i:sumated to be.~:~_ days after the date f,~= ,~~ - .
<br />R~ - -$:,. <~.- of iha-:Completion Gent ficate._": - ~ FllittglReeording~[txa S
<br />--i .~ .:,y ___L__Lal sutisequem installments on',tj)e same day of Late,Chttrge> lf:a payrnent'is. more than-18(1 (}Q)'days
<br />r ;;r each tnttsecutive month umd pau( to fail. y
<br />$ -late,- 1 wits be chazged $S:QQ or J.~ of the pa mbnt,
<br />Irsrr~ece ,~ a-- ` , - - -- ," : - , - ~ whichevef is less, or jn lieu. of the preceding cltargC. in-
<br />Credit.life insurance and cedit disability tnsunartce ore nd: required-to'obtain credit. and--avtU [Crest ''naY. t>e collected on•:oacb-delinquent instal#rnetn
<br />-' net-be;pmvidaf "unless:1 sign and agRessa pe}"gia-~; djtiona}-CO5t, until "paid, ntu exceeding the'-contract late of 1696 per "
<br />- '~~~ , - `- Prcmum `, S;gruiiire~ - "annum. - -
<br />i Credit l.ifc 1 want credit life,.'' ,~ _ Yceppymtata tt7: [-pay orf early Y ~„en „a owe [o :pav
<br />- ~ - ! insurance- ~ ~ -a"penalty, and I-inay-be endued +_ -a retnnd of pan of
<br />.:- • i $ ~.~ ~ - .. ~" - - vyu -~ ~ - the:fiiiaoc'e charge. • - - - -
<br />i -- ;~ _ - - sue.=~`_'~ - _ -
<br />Credit ~ Acciderxt ~ ~ f want credit aciident _ - ~ " "`-"-'-~ 1 ~^If- review ather poTtiritis of this contract
<br />&-Health I "end health Insursrce:- - _ _ -for additional-~inforntatian •aliout non-payment, default,
<br />" ~ " $ any required repayment in full-before-t{te .scheduled date;
<br />4 cr~'f1 - . 3 ! arid"prepaytnent'.iafunds and penalties:-
<br />" ~F!mPMY,insurattce is ttquind: twt l may obtain this property insurance from amrone 2~mcansan estimate." ~ ~ ~ -
<br />~;~1 weal: lf.Cobuia this itisttrmtce thmugh you. # wi6 pays- - -
<br />"CQMMIs'hItCEMFN[' O6. TFIE FINANCE.CI#itAGE:-11ie:finatia"-rh5sge fintnesti iz estimated--to start, tin - -
<br />{irssert the.ifape) exespt intlr evetn'thu you ~~mpkte the inxnltation of [hc goods and. services on atrodter dau..then the-£iaattcecttarge {interaq will bcg#n
<br />tci taa on dte:data dot-#"shall s+yt~atbaap#etM tas Ceriitkate. The amtwnt-ot Firmnce charge-iintattst) may he mote or-less"than the amount disciosed'dependtag
<br />_-on~dtts~antotrms:#-payyoa.-ard toy-umaiitsesa in-rtud:ing. payments.. - ~ - - - -
<br />PR1kPATMiPNk': kmay, ~votutkuily, prepay-die an'raent t Cwe yim. in-full or in pan, et any time.-if-1 make apartial PrePaYmen[, t must Continue to malty
<br />_!oy-etsgnWr#w;nttettts ttntti i ltaarc part["ark-ataqunes ovard. - - - - -
<br />REQ1`.€f3R FCPt.[:-YAI~s`ffl tb-ntit~pay:wren due.-yW can-dQiare, without giving:nWice to""-me, ail [hat t owl under this'con~~act payable-: -
<br />- at-nrleC. }-sgtra m~Pay year tntesest _on that-atrtotinr'mx to 8xtxed the-highast Iawtiul amtract rate of [656 unlit other the-amount 1-owe you is t
<br />current ar uati!-yam"sad my hoax d-F-have glum:you a Iked-of True. i unders[atd ~thc dciminnns bntft afwlrat a "detau_)t".is-and-what ywtr
<br />_ u-to stti:my.lrwst undo a ;ot-Trust. - -
<br />GOGC:&C[7ONCfl3[Sr#f# amio`ttefaolt atth~'°coraraet'aeet yaude»rard tut{ paymrnt, i andetttsnd-that yewinay sendirta anattartiey for mlleettoti
<br />sod sofarx4xnattt tf yns da so: i 9gtee m pay vnur reasonable-: antn+teys' fete pins- any avert cos[s and'expenses irtcnrrr~ bv. vau, that.-ss. if'wu an: aibwtd:
<br />'taatulleet nwir atrtntttnx bl?-lava: - - ~ - - - -
<br />DEEp O>7`TRIIST: As seauctty F~ Hits cat~t f giant, ~tgam. sett, aretcrv and ronfirm-to Thorttas P. Egan,_ fr., of Omatia~ Ntbraska and as a membtr
<br />_ _ of-[he ?dtbras#ta S`tala Phr~ as Trtts6ne, in_ et~~gvk[!t t!~ ~ioarr to xli. a ur my real. estate atxi-: impravometus -on u, ietctudittg my - htwse. all-of-which- - - _
<br />-- id-mtnnwn#y refttmi to and is k+caied at my.'Address designated-cat the.. up pomon of this.. amtract, This 1]etd-of--Trust-protects-you if t do; not pay
<br />this rruuract ac promised s> rf I txtak any other pttnnise made on either side of this ctxitra:t. -- - - - ..
<br />IiEYt?RSE5IDE:..1 uttdristand drat tlte.atWiiiaad-ternu and prt+vesinns~ptintedon the rtvtrse side of-this Installment Sales Contract am,a part of this-install-
<br />meni Saks-Conba[t andthaE-! am boundby thtm in the saint manner as d they w~err printed rm the form t+t this Ytry Installmem Sales ContraM.: -
<br />t..~. 1 do rot have to-sips [his contract -bdorc t rtmd it or it say of the spaces intended tor. [he agrxed terms [o the exttat ~o[ then avallahlt in&lrmatbn - -
<br />atY--tt[t Mari[:. 2: -i am :eaUtied-;tn a-copX of Yh6-: sontnet at tht timt-i_s#gn it. 3::.# inay.:pay bff ihe.fitil halanet due-u[tder dtLs'eontract::atans -
<br />idta.e, sad u w - 1 shoaJa be ew;dxd u a [rH rebrie of t~ utlearnad gnastce ant! ttssuradct ca.~g~ tit aov)- 4. I MAl! CANCEL THIS AQREEMENT
<br />NDTN:E OF RNiI{T`TU CAIICEL FORM FOR AK-EIIPIANATION QF THIS R16HT.} g. 1 underxtnnd that this iq~rumeot fs based upon a home snBdtat#on
<br />- sde and ttat'tMa~Lutruest k trot rrrgmtuhk. ti._' Tt"shag iitit-be-_~ for you #o enter my~:-prembes-mdawi'nflr ar comma aay:brcach of the peace
<br />. ia- Roteh»ed radrr this coruatt.. - ~ -
<br />C.QPY RE4 k?kYED: I ledge tcmtpz .,[, coaipktely £dlyd to opt rd t#ns ;cmtract -akmg xvrth-twt t?i copies-nf the Nvaee of Rrght [o Canrel Fptm,-_
<br />tpf ~WITYESS WHF.R ~ 'u i}ttd at~TnuY ~ 1mtm Saks German het i+ttn vgnni on, tht, _ aav nt _ - ,19,_~_ - -
<br />a; #Crty t - -'~._.-~,__ ~-'`_" '~. ~ Y[G .ef \CM'sa-i /7 - 7 i -
<br />By ns a•_atnt .__,.-~_: r'" °t.F3 ! t -~ . -• ,.a ~ •~ ~~ ~~
<br />.._._. -~.-..._..._._ _..., ~ ...... _.. ....-.. _~y~~.
<br />_. -_
<br />Stair t ,Vent }-- `~" - -
<br />.~j/7 F?tc r.mtgcvna m>tnmxxu u.b ackm+wledgtd fore m , n this -e;_,..__._
<br />Caiirtn of ..C='k'"~ ~ .._..... - ___ _ ,
<br />- -- ~MotMtiYatr .idl =H _ ,J.,_, #+Y itlf 'al?nvt
<br />~1!'Mi IAA R /YIN JR:r,+anateei Huttrte+ . T Ton s
<br />MtAna q,As~ 11~ ,,,i'-~~'
<br />-bty a+mmissitid `txpved°,';:.,_,_ .,.~,.~ __,~,_ __.. v+darv Puhbc _,_,__ -_.._.,_ ..._.._._
<br />S-101-tiE~A=HA
<br />CG1~FtpENTtAi C:ro-dlY FENRNC(Al 1t=5'+ftUflc;~V :_,~_:•~(
<br />
<br />i
<br />_ _._.~_;
<br />