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<br />$2~'t~~ri~~ ~',, <br />/rid, witMut demand. anal! M Immpmat@ly Cue and Dayabin by Truatw arvC anal! <br />bear inlereet al IM maximum allo'waole rape ra1P. VrvvrCBtl. however that al lee <br />Opilon of RBneliciary Ur Trustee sucn soma may t>e aodetl IO ina princlFa! balance <br />of any Intle6ledne9a securaC nnrPny antl shall near ;he s interest as sucn <br />Intlebiedness and anau be payable : stably tear tea rnmainrngatann thereUl <br />td. Aaslpmnanl of Rents. Benellcrary Shari nave tan `lent, power and aumpht'y <br />tlurlnp Ina continuance lot tors Trust DeiC to c01iec1 2M rents. Issues and DrOtlls o! <br />Ina Properly and o! any personal property rotated thereon wiin Or with0ul :ski-^~ <br />poapee9ion of the property allected Hereby, and TruslDr Hereby absolutely env <br />ncoMitlonally assigns all sucn rents, r and Proofs Ib 0enelic!ary. <br />eenenclery, noweyar, nareby consem9 m Ina `meters tnuearon and retention pi <br />uch teals, is and profits ps iney a antl become pays Ola so lane a <br />TruslOr Is onto at sucn times, in tl@faulluwiln reaped to payment of any <br />Irbebtednens secured Hereby or in the performance of any agreement nereunde. r. <br />Upon any sucn tlelault Beneliciary may at any nine, a`rea` in person, by agent.Or by <br />a rxaver to be appoiniatl by a tOUrt, wimoui nviice and wrtnout regard to the <br />adbpuecy o1 any s«unty for ina Inpebtedness Hereby secured. (a1 enter -,rFOn a.^.tl <br />take posaeufon o/tap Property o. any Part tnereol. antl in its Own name sue icr or <br />olMrwina coo«I alto `area, isapas and Pmru, inupaing nose past doe aria <br />unpaid, and appy me same, less coal anc expanses pf operation and cotl¢cvon. <br />includlnp re sable allorney 'eel, upon any rnoebt¢dness securetl neraby, and in <br />auto OrMr aso 0enel;ciary' n m: perro.m such a pl repair c <br />prof«tion as may De necessary Or proper to conserve too value oleme Propany: (ci <br />lease tM lama or any Fart tnereol for 9ucn cOn1al, term, antl upon sucn Conditions <br />as Its lodgement may tliciaie. Unless T usror and Ben¢Ircrary afire otherwise In <br />writing, any apphcatrOn of rants. fa U'•ts !c Indebter)ne9s se tired <br />nmeDy snail not extend Or PostpUne the duaclale of tnPnins:aliment payments as <br />provided in said promissory note er cnang@ ene amoum or sucn :n <br />entBring OpOn and taking pp59essmn e1 Ina PrOD¢rty, fb=_ CGiechnrz'Dirsua'+gems, <br />blues end prolita. and the aCPHCanon tnereol as afomsald. snarl not we`re w cure <br />am aefaat pr notice of aerawl nar¢unaar. o ahaalP any a tip aurspam ~o <br />ucn notice. Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary, a until for !tie <br />performance Ot the obugatrons secu.e0 Hareny. a erespaJ:•ryenl seec <br />which may nave been or may nerearter tie depbsdPd~win sn in Trusrc by anyTP <br />OI the Properly, to se a !M payment O any ,a n -f¢rau•' ~^ • <br />p@rtormanee of day of (he DlOVislOns n e0t ^aGr es .o JF.I eve' _, <br />and exposes to me aenalioary Derrfert~ ,; .15~~:, n _ - n~ia;lery~ <br />or me ngnls grained He'ern t - n <br />ee su~ticlent m regwre lain tenam ;o Par sya~o~=„ m ,~~ rea~ela~ gay ~: ~rPranne~ <br />nOIiCB. <br />i/. Leaabd Pnmdaa. tNltnln i4 daYS alter Camentl, rruatar snau !urnipn to Trustee <br />xnedule cenltied to ba true, sailing brth all leases o space .n tM T <br />Property Ines In act«t. inciuelnq, i ace C a, then DI (tie m ants a <br />accupenls, a deacdption of me space OccupiedsUY sucn t Want antl ocCUpant, the <br />rental payable tot such spate anc each Pinar fain` marten and documents wl,.~ <br />reap«t t0 sucn teases and tenancies as ;nB Trustee may r«uest. <br />WIIhOUt me prior written consent Ot Trustee. Trustor shall n <br />indir«tly, with raapect to any lease of space rn iM descnoad D <br />such leaps 19 now Or Mreatlar it evbtenc@, ja) accept or Fermat ant Prepayment` <br />dletounl or advance Pant payable therauno@r'. Ibl cancel or terminate the same. Or <br />accept any cancBibilon, rerminallOn Or surrpntler ;harepf, or permit any event ;o <br />r which would entitle iha 1899BB iMreuntler :b rarrnlna:e v: cancel ;na same; Ic, <br />tmM Or modity the same s0 as l0 retluca the rerm mareot the ramai Dayable <br />mereuntler, or to cnanpa any renewal Provrslore tnereln cOntametl. ;di waive any <br />default Ihereuntler or nreecn tnereol; lei give ary .: approval <br />mueuntler Or lake any pine` action In action merewi!nµai eW '^ ~ <br />IMreuntlar, wnicn would nave ma elf«t of Imparing me value Of Iesso:'s :merest <br />thereuntler, on LM Property aubj«t lnerato, or of impairing ina Position cr'mi@re91 <br />of tM Trua[ea Or Baneflciary; or ($ seH, assign, pledge, mortgage c: olhBrwise <br />mapoae or, or enepmber.129 interest In anY aern;eflae or any meta. bsuea ar p:orns <br />Issuing or arising mereundar. <br />12. DontlbmMtlon. if title to any part of the PlCperty snau De taken :n 4UnCBmnatiOn <br />proceedings. by dght of eminent domain Or 9imitar action, dr snail pe sold under <br />threat of condemnation. al awertla, damages anc proceeds are Mraby assigned <br />end atoll M paid to Benahclary woo spelt apply Such awerda, damages and <br />pr«eetla to Ina sums s«ure0 by ina Trust Dead. wiin the excess,:' any, paitl .a the <br />Trustor. Trustor will promptly, and wiin due tlllipanCe, `opal`, alter antl restore the <br />remainmp put Oi the Trust Property to Ifs loaner <ondillon su05lantia;ly to ina <br />eztant that the same may M fearible and so as to <onstl!uta a tom Pbtaand usable <br />unit. <br />t1 Fulun AdYanW. Upon repass! Of Trustor, 0aneiiclerY, at 0anelielery's option, <br />Door to raconvayanca of ina Progeny to the Trostor, may make future advances tU <br />eM Truaror. Such future atlvances, wan interest thereon, shall be secured by this <br />imst Deed when evlCancetl Dy promissory nci6e stating ina! laic ^otas a <br />secured nemby: prDVldetl roar at no tine 9neH the s« nape!. +uture <br />advancer, not Includlnp s advanced la pr0lact ire s unty. a ce« OM <br />huMretl percent (10p°°/Sl of IM ohg!nal pnnvipai emcunts secured nareby. <br />1a. RMrIWNs Cumulatln. Ali remetlles previdnd to :his Trust Deed arB distinct antl <br />cumulative to any other `tent or remedy under this Treat Deed Or attwded by law Or <br />«ary, and may M ezerolse0 concurrenfly, indepantlanny or successivety. <br />Is. Aealar.nom RNMdi..; seta. upon aelaph Dr Truaror m Ise parmant of any <br />Intlebtedness recured Mraby Dr !n !na p@rtormence of am eprhxmant nareundar, <br />DeMflclary may d«bre all sums secured Hereby immetlletely due bM payable by <br />delivery IO Trualee Of written dxbletion of tleieull. Tha Trustee anau nave ina <br />power tit sale of [M Prepery end If Benptlclery dearea IM Property to M sold, it <br />atoll tlepdelt wiin TtUaee mts Trull Deed and ail promlaeory notes antl tlocumenta <br />evWanclnq expendlWroa a«urad Mraby, and anal! deliver to Trustee, r written <br />Mtkal of tletnuft end ei«tlOn 10 cause the Property ro M sold, aM Ise Trustee In <br />cum snail proper a almllu Notice in Ise twin r«uirep Dy law, which snail M tluly <br />/fled for r«ord by Trustee. <br />W Attar tM !epee of `ucn time as may tm ragarep 6y taw folio»inp rM racortl~ <br />tllan of tad notice of default and apace o! tlefauit and notice of sale navmp <br />bean gMn as required Oy law, Ttastep, wrtnout demen0 On Trustor, Snell sell <br />lM Property On iM date arW at ina time end place tleslpMletl rn Bald notice of <br />ear, at public auction to [tie mghest bidder, the purcneae Fdce Peyebb in <br />Iswiul money of me United Slates et tM lime ct asie. Tne person ContluC{rnq <br />IM Gale msy, for any ceaaa tie deems @xpetlbnt, poelpOM :nn sale nom time <br />Io Ilme untlf li anal) M completed antl, in every sucn case. notl0e of g0atpone~ <br />meet Mill pp plven DY pubic d«Inlaion lMreof pY' auto person al the time <br />antl Piero lint appalnted for iM sale; provitled, it Ise sale is Postponed for <br />IOnqu :Han (1) day beyon0 me day tlealgnaled in the notice of sale, notice <br />tMr«t nMli be given in IM came manner ab tM wipenal nodes of sale. <br />Trubtae shall execute and Cellvnr to :M Purtnnu ors DovO Conveylnq ;tie <br />Property Bold, out without any covenant or wafrenty, axwesa, or Implied. Tne <br />r«Itals in tM Deed bl inY martin Or facie ahri! Da eOnCiusiva proof of the <br />Irutnmmera IMr«i. Anr pemm:, Incimm~q 9enan<iary, mar per<n.aa at 2M <br />sae. <br />(p} Whan Trualee ealis pursuant to !M powers herein, tM Trustee snail apPtY (M <br />prpceeda of the sale to Payment al IM caala erW ezpenaea of axerclelnp the <br />power of ale eM a1 Ise ante, rr!~udlgp (pa payment of me Truateti s Feaa <br />aetueily Incurred, not 10 ezcee0 __ ./ 1-7 X of tM aal@ Fnce, antl roan Io <br />tMltema in aubpuapropn (cl In iM crdpr there slated <br />lC) After paying IM Items epeclllatl {n d me sale ra by Trualee, Dr <br />1M ptOpBf Cpu('. end pine` costa OI tplecmnUre anc silo i4 ene Bale b FurauBnt <br />' to iudielaltw«IMUre,iM proeaede of plrlaaMll DS aDPiI@d rn lee Ortler slatW <br />to tM peymanC oh: <br />(I) Coal of any evltlenca of title procwedmconnecnbn w!tn sucn pale and of <br />any revenue anmpa; <br />(ill All `urea then a«ured neroby; <br />lilt TM romstntl@r.dany. col Ie perwniepauy emUlav tnereln <br />15 Ou14a are ODilpbtlons of (yslee. gar 'HS auuan an6 UDilpatlons Of Trveten <br />nail b@ dntermm9d 9ut01y'Jy' tic expr0ad : •OyrnrOns OI thtl Trust Gntld and TlUetBe <br />anal! not Mlia0ln a*r:Opl for !n.e unr'orman aoi .such dunes antl oblipatlOns as am <br />9p«Iti[sily sat fOnn n n mU'ietl C ants o ODilgellon6 nheli be <br />ImpOSeC upon T!Vai95: b~flo pr ~~iismn o!±ms io~s~ Geed anau require Trustee IO <br />expend or risk his ~.s day financlnl ophgatlon in ma <br />perormancn OI anY rf its tlul9esfi!9rbuntleg~or In lee exertle@ o/ any of Ice rlgM or <br />aowus. 11 :t sMU nave grou^CS 'or balievmg coat the repayment of such luntln or <br />ad«uate inddmnlil agalnsl sucn :•sk Or!:abulty Is not reaaOnably eaeued to It (c) <br />Trualee may c salt »Ilh ^_ Cnoosinq and Ina advice of sucn <br />l snau tier full anc cOmp!8te au.hbn~ellon and Prot«llOn in the respect o1 <br />any action taken or SUtf¢roC bV n nersundp. In geed fails and reliance eMreon; (d) <br />Trustee snail nOl be ila D:e foe env actl0n Idken by aim In good tallH and <br />Dadav@4 by aim t0 ba autnonze0 c within Ina discretion or ripnle OI pOwera <br />conferred upon i! by Ines Trust Deed. <br />1T. AddlHOna s.ppdty imtrumentb Trustor, at IIa axganae, will execute and Mlivar <br />to tea trustee, p Ump:ly v n dBmdnd, sucn s«urhy Innerum@nta ae may M <br />requlratl by irnslee. it r, rm and sups?ante Batts:aclo7 to Truslae, cwerin0 any OI <br />?tie Plopeny c nvny@d Dv :: oat Geed, which a«urlry inatrumenta snau M <br />additional sec i:aty mr Truam's laitn!ui pertwmance of an or Ina terms, wvedante <br />and condiliona Of lots Tn:sr Daid. !r spry nolea a«urbd Mraby, arM any <br />Other 9«uritY 'n eniE L a'e0e=o action wiin this IranBabtiOn. Stich <br />rnalrumenis snars'voTecwd@dew flied. and tar«orded end reHlad, st TmetpYe <br />expanse. <br />18. M:aallnMOUS. <br />tai any onB w more of (M prwmlona costal Mtl In left Trust Dead o <br />Ina promdieaory nuts or any other security Instrument Alvan in coat!«NOn wiin <br />Isis Iranpachon snail !Or aan eon M Mttl t0 M ImaiQ Illepel or <br />entwceapb in Bspect.~a n IrnenClfy, illapairy, o enforceablllty <br />snap, a: ;tie Opttcn n+?annlinary. n eft«t any olhu provision of this Trust <br />Daec, Du: ;ors Trust Deed Snell M construed as If such Invalid. Illepel, or <br />n. rcedtrw prOVsron Had never Dean cantalnep mein or merofn. <br />lei ust De@O snarl by :Onsiruetl accwdinp !o tM !awe of IM State of <br />nai5raska. <br />.,! Tab T usl Deed shall in a Lo antl bind iM heiro. Iepeieer, devisees, <br />admim9l:BtOr9. dxBCU[Ors, 9u Wend d991pns U}IM partial Mretp. <br />itll usi0r snail pay alt 'axes lavlednopOn :his Trull Deed Or iM debt a«Ured <br />dreby. rOgetner with err{ other tazna O: assessments whim may f» ierbtl <br />aganst rbe Tr,aree or canarclary or ma iagal Hower of sad pmmbsDry note <br />an ac-o- tit of !he:ndebtedeess ay,dercatl maraby. <br />el '.vHenever v n, ina 9ingular pumper sMil Include ina plural, [M <br />singular ina tie oesn~y q@ntler shall be applicahle 1o alt genders, antl IM term <br />"-6anafiC:an"' snau intrude any payee b( lee IndeDlednssa Mraby 9eCUretl w <br />ary transfer `ne`at' wne!nar by ODeratioR Of few orotherwlae. <br />tp. $uttaaam Tru/W. gener>.'a ay IrO:n time [P time 6UDnlituie a SuOCBbBOr w <br />nv T+u ^'fad harem Or acting Mmunder to a%eCUte Ihb TtUal <br />DBBd. UDOn'auCn apPC tit . an! 3rrd wl.npUr ConvByaneB l0 tDa eueeeaapr TNStea, <br />the latter shalt M ;ntl w fi ntfe, pawars, antl dulled conferred upon any <br />uatea hereto n acting ^ antler. Each auto appointment antl <br />subaututldn s li aneB made nv wrrttenainstrument by Beruflctary, conianlrp <br />nferenLe t0 mil T•u=; Deed and its elate Df record, wnicn when recorded In iM <br />ofllce Ot tM Rapislar ai Deeds Df ina county or counbea In watch Geld ptdperty la <br />9ltUeled 9t'.eli M cpnLiUSiva praOf pf proDBr eppOimnrent Of IDs BUCCenaOr Trustee. <br />TDB foregoing Dower at xbs[ilunan and tea Pr«adure tnarotoro shell not be <br />ezclusiv@ of the pew@r and Dracedure prpvided ivr ny taw col Ne subatilutlon o1 <br />Trustee pr Trusreea In :tie Plata o+:ne Trpaiee. <br />3g. ForWaroMb by BeMflclary or Truatab Nof • Warr. Any €orolyearsnp by <br />seMnclary ar r.usie@ :r. axarasmp any deco pr rorrredr MreunMr. or otMrwbe <br />arroraoe by apoucabie taw. ma+: Hoc De a wayer cf or pr«mda ma Bxemlae or any <br />Went or romaar nare::n+a,. -: e, ;ha wary@r Dr aenenciary w rraet@e of am <br />da!ault o' Trvstcr under mrs 7r~sl Dail loaf; oat M deemed to De a waiver at airy <br />OIMr O: simfbr pe'nulra 3uM&lUenllY OOLUrfinp. <br />21. TrUaw Not Peened. Exlana:an Of the :3me !or payment w maldlutlon or <br />amonizat:on o. the sums s«ured Dy tole Trust Deed prant« Dy Beneticlary fo any <br />or I-n intarast a! Trostor snag not operate to reveue. .n any manner. tM <br />ia6'.IltYgof the o~ip:.^.ei 'ru510r Cr TrustOr's sec<a0.Sw In rnterebt. BinBlfCiary shall <br />or M r«ubec Ic to proceedings apanst sucn successor w refuse to <br />BxienC ;imn to+ Daymant a o:nsrwiss modify amor:IZatiOn of ina sums s«ured py <br />cad C} *eflson o' env dement ^ada by iM origins: T ::sew antl TluatoYa <br />succes90rS :n rnw:aaL <br />22. Daiavii. !f there snail tie a detautt under ;n s DaeU of Trust or under any Pdor <br />mOrtpage, ma 9enenprary nay cure sucn default, and Ise ameunla etlvnnced Dy. <br />end other cOet9 dad a sea 0! .tie bBnificiary m Unrq Sugn tleiBUll, wiin <br />lnteresl at the dalaul! raft containetl :n fM Nola a«urrM narapy Iram tM time of <br />2M advances Or payments snau bP aCCed t0lee irKteDlatlnese 9«ured by Inls Truer <br />Deed and may M cphectad neraunaer al any rmn anar Ise time of auto advances <br />or cermen;a and snap DB deemed to M sec:~retl Hereby <br />29. DDtton to For«Ipse. Upon ina eccurenc@ of env default herountlu, BeMIlCiery <br />shall Here the option to tarecicne Inls Trust Daea m IM manner provided by lbw tw <br />IM fOroclnaure o!mortpageB pn cal Droperty. <br />2d, Trusloya Rlphb. Absent Oelnult. Unlit a v default In IM psrment of <br />Mebtednas9ltarebY SeCVretl Df unlll the weden Of BAY cOVennnl Mleln Loniiined. <br />na Tru Sior, Its successors and assigns ail poasens antl enjoy the property, end <br />and profits t'reratrpm. Jppn Paymani of ail soma a«uretl by mlr <br />Treat Deaf, BeneflCrary Shari request T*usta0 to reconvBy tM property aso Snell <br />Ender this Thai De« and all nOrea evrtlencinq ImdableOnela sxuretl by mil <br />Trrust VE9C f0 T aMii : e vey iM prOpBrty wltnOUl wafrenly end <br />wnnput eipa trtae '~egaily entitled [Hereto. TM Carantee i any <br />may be aas~ ~oeanan 'ene Paraw, pr peroons ammea mereto~~ and <br />tha0rocita eC therm, . r tetra shell be c ncluslve prep! O( tM <br />tNlhtulnBSS che`ap`. Such p9r5UnrOr p@raOna ahdtl DaY dll cOet9 of tecOrding, li any. <br />Z5. AcenNronon In IM Ennt of Tranfu, in ina even) :M title IO Bud real Mace In <br />transferred. o onlractad t0 De !ransbrrx, +rom tn@ undarolpnetl Ior Bny reason or <br />by any meihoOV'wna{sOPVnr, the omira principal sum and accruetl lateral snau a! <br />n0 PayaCie al the ai«%lon of the 0eneticbry. Failure !o exa`ct`a <br />this optlO.nnpacaesa D( +ransrer bf :i above .siatnd In One inSience shall not <br />Muicte awaiver of ma rignnp axaru came `amain the eyem of any suMepuenl <br />namfar. <br />xi,Tn!ndeed of trustbprmwmonemted ____._nYa -._~. <br />bx«uted nY Truetnr to . _. .. .. .. ... .....__.______-_ Truetn, <br />necurinp•Prlncipbl nola for .. ,. ... .... ______-_ - _..__.. __-.. <br />Dol!aro antl lliM; tw ieborp won ina Nppisis: and ldentilled ad follows <br />_. __ _ _ _. <br />