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<br />~2-ri?~1~I~~~ <br />TRUST DEED <br />THIS TRUST DEED, made this 26th day of NOVEMBER , 19 82 , <br />be and between: <br />(q) DALE K. GRIM & NELLIE A. GRIM, HUSBAND & WIFE OF EACH OTHER & EACH IN HZS & HER <br />OWN RIGHT ,whether one or more, herein- <br />aftercalted "Trustor" whose mailing address is 2420 VANDEGRIFT- GRAND ISLAND. NE 688n7 <br />and <br />(B} JOHN A WOLF ATTORNEY AT LAW <br />Po BOX 428 GRAND ISLAND NE 68802 as "Trustee" whose mailing <br />address is and <br />(C) FTR CT SAVTNr:S r'6MPATQY <br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is <br />PO BOX 1566 GRAND ISLAND NE 65802 <br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00} and other valuable consideration receipt <br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grant^,, conveys, sails and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sate, the <br />following described property, situated in HALL County, Nebraska: <br />THE WEST SI3:TY FOUR FEET (W64') OF LOT NINE (9) IN BLOCK THREE (3) <br />Itt CUNNING1fAPf SUBDIVISION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAivTD, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and <br />dower, together with aN buildings, fixtures, improvements-and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the <br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property," <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING ff e e~~ variant of Trustor herein contained <br />and the a merit of the rinci ai sum of~A~~~ ~~* i3oTlars $ ***S13.445.38*********** }, <br />P Y P P 0'?T SIVE & Sts/lOD ( <br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be paid <br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and Interest thereon being payable according <br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at <br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner <br />paid, shall be due and payable an the 26th day of November , 19 94 , <br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. WAmanly Ot Tt1b. TrV9tor is lawfully seized of the Property: it has good sigfi[ antl <br />lawful authority to sell and convey the Property, the Property+s tree ano clear ut all <br />liens and encumbrances except hens l:ow of record; and rrasav wm warrant antl <br />defeeM the 11t1e to Ina Property unto the Trustee and its sucCasaors ano assigns <br />fareVer, ega{oat log claims Ot all persons. Tla$tOr, at Cis exDenaa. will rnarnletn aMt <br />prgeerveltre Ilan of this Trust Deed es a lien open fine Trust Property subject vmy fib <br />rtcumbrancea exiatirp as of tM tleie nereol, Win cause foie crust Deed, arw eacfi <br />amentlmenl or aupplemem ther~to,.to De Icietl antl recorded as a mortgage ct !na <br />iruat Properly In such manner end in such place, arW writ take sucn olllor action a9 <br />In the opinion of Trustee may be rapukgd by any present Or tu:ure law in order In <br />perleci maintain and protect fire lien of ihia Trust Dead, as Ina same orgy De from <br />time to [Irtro ementlad or suAplemonled. <br />2. PaymMt W PrlnclpAl old InNrpi Tru9lor shall punctually pat Ina DnrW+pel v!, <br />antl Interost On, aditl promissory rrote intiudirp any apvance9 inavtllo as p:oridetl <br />Herein on the tlales and flt the Alace antl In ma manner Drovidev merem end writ <br />punctually pertarmflll egreemenls, 4ondilions and provrs+ony Or any olnw s0i:ur,ty <br />Instrument giYen In Connection wish this uansactwn. <br />3. PTapryfltlpn antl IMmbMnca of PraParty. Trustor win not commit ant waste <br />upon the Properly and will, at an times, maintain fine same in good or <br />COfrditldn end Will make, from lima 10 lima, dtl repa,is- :anew rapia<anrenib <br />additions arM improvemanls wnicrt s n reasanatNy raqunaU fa Dreyam w <br />impakmonl, or tleterioration CI saltl property. Na bw!dn,g or rmprovemant .low for <br />narnfltter BrgCted Upon Ina Properly shall pe altered, rempvoct p, Cemolrsned <br />without tog prior wtilten conyant of BanegCrery- <br />~. 9aataq toPraparty. in pays of any U&.Taya lo, m deatrucnon oi, the Dnddsngs, <br />improvemgnl9 or DBreonal property constiiut~ny Aa:t o! the trust Properly. wnethar <br />such loss 19-toverad by Insurance or otharwisa, leustor, at rl Ost ano <br />ezpenae. will pt_omplly restore, repair, replacR and rebuild rn0 same as naa~iy es <br />p(aCUCebie to Its Condlllon immadialoly prier (v sucn Carnage or des;ruc:ion or with <br />=U<n changes and alterailons as Trusto+ stay deem apprnpirale Gmvitletl sucn <br />Cnangge ano all9mfi0na CO not maladally iRS98ri Ina ratan a+W ulilr!y Di sucn <br />buildings, Improvemenla and pnrsonallty Irom That ex,sbng immRtlialely prior l0 <br />ueh damflge or dtlanueJUn. Trustor Shell bb entitieU to re+mDVeaament Item Ina <br />TrUSla6 to fine extent 01 the not insurance pra:aatls rncerved by Trustee, buf only !p <br />ins extant of IhB actual sum ezpendad under In+Y prvyisron <br />5. I;Mpa~N Tnratu. t! Trusty is a eprROralimr, u w li t`.o aft tryngs nacessarv le <br />pr09erve its eorpo.--ale a.iatarrCa. righl5 and p'i eriegas Je.URr lee ~dws c=. Intl atata Uf <br />Its IncorWraliol*. <br />17. inaurenpa. T:ueiM. dt ,ta arntan` ;rppr0yyd Uy <br />Etanehtiar nxpernsa, wn~ m ,.rte r..i„uvr, <br />y, InaUranna wrih r0ap0 t - ~ p d I P patty. <br />a antunng Ina PrODarly agate f I t gh g ~ t' Ir. ~+rl,; <br />covered by standard .xtandtvl y- to ~ 1 v -i <br />Iadat- r1a isuM'W On. Cane of Ina- 1 '- 1 1 V .. .n <br />agamat su<:n otttslnuards and ,rstc. ,a <br />end opatatNa i ~ Wmi s t y0 ~- } <br />wat«,bpn t~pa.w . it c~mAly a+~ Ja ra.rc an + <br />hmr LOW to . rep <squost pe Iny r r L,. i+- r r , a, ~ , r rna , rs c c .o <br />especnve Oarlias. Ali insurance Fsrcies meinmrnea pursuant to finis Trutt Deetl <br />me Truslee and Benetmiary as insuretla, as Ineir respectrye Intere4la may <br />aDC~ara anC provide loaf Ihera shall De no cancebabon or mpdrtlcatron witnoul <br />hltaan tlays prior wr+tlen notihcabon to rrustee and 8enecinary. n Ina event any <br />pokey nereurWOr la not renewed on or kelpie nftaen days pear l0 ris expiretlon <br />~_ala, Trustoe or Boneticlery may procure sucn rnsuranca arM me cost thereof snail <br />ve ad0atl t0 inn loan secured Dy foie Trust Deed ano shall bear +ntgrest at the <br />grealnr u+ the mrereat rata apecaiad merero w Ina mgnpst mtergsl rate aumonzed <br />by Ino laws Ut the State of Nebraska.7rustOr shall tleilvar to aeneticiaty the original <br />ooUCfes of +naurance and renewals thereol or memo copies of sucn policies and <br />Is tnareoi- Facture to turncsh insurance Dy Trustor, or renewals as reouuatl <br />wwMfer snail, at the ophon Ot 6aneliciary, consUNta a tlelault. All unearned <br />erebr asvgnntl to Truslee as atltlitlonat security ano a sale antl <br />na.dnce o! the Property by the Truslee Shan operate to convey to the purcneser <br />.ne Trus-vr s mferosl in and t0 all policies o(insumncn Upon Ina Trust property. <br />? Tuaa arW Asaeaamanla. Trustor snail pay eft taxes and sDeciaf assessments <br />lawep yr assessed against or due upon Ina Property before delinouency, antl will <br />danvgr to 8gnsficlary copies of recaipis snowing payment of sucn tdxea artd <br />sReCial9YSassmenfs. It 80neliRlary shall so raouesl, TrUSior agrees Iris[ Inere shell <br />Oe adpaU to each perrotlic Rayment rapuiretl to be made hereunder an amount <br />LalimataC oy Trustee to be sulflclenl la enable Trustor to Da\', ai !east 3C days <br />nefCre dahrtOUanCy. ,ail taxes, asiessrt ants or Diner RubfiC enargas against 'f <br />Trull Propart v. Ina Note secured by:nrs Trust Deed, or upon acvovnt c! the tleD: Or <br />e lien of this Trust Desd. togniher wile premiums for an uranca repaired to be <br />ar~tled un0ar this Trull Dead and n interest s all Uespsrabie to Trustor ~~ <br />ra>pacf Inar@OI, Upon tlemand Dv Trustee, Trustor rshal~ tleliver !o Truslee sucn <br />sdd+trbnai s of m nay a nary to nape-up any Oenciency :n inn <br />amoum_ nx__sary !o maple Trustee t0 pay any o! Ina ivregomg Items. <br />3. Atldliianal liana. Truster snail make nil payrianis of rninrsst aid Principal antl <br />paylntlnis cr any oihar charges, lees, antl axpanaes connected to fro paid to dn} <br />xiabng lien holders ar prior banaliciaries under any poor Trust Deao, Mortgage or <br />other sauutity 8gysemnnl, Oelare Ina date they are delinpuent and to pay any otiret <br />claim winch leopardlzes the security granirm heroin. <br />9. Prplacbon of Bamlictary'a 6acudty. Snould Trustor tali to make any Raymanl, <br />fail le d0 nn~ act as herein prpvitlad, or it airy a ~r proceaomg fie <br />which malafiait} a!1aCig 9en@Ilcrery @ rn ~_ ^e ProparlY. inplutling1 but n01 <br />mitad to, anirrwnl dOmaUr, it aUlvancy. „ eedmga vviv;ng a <br />bankrupt nr decepant, then annahcrery o .r.,! wimoul obligation tc do ao, <br />wdhWt nvtiGb tU or tlernanJ uPVn Tl USiol, a ~d wrmopt releaaing Trustor imrn <br />airy obhpehoh neteunder, !nny rr - o Ines dnd Ivey pby, PUIChbsR, <br />Ump+unarsg an} bniunrU•aPCn, charptl Jr lie+ar, w'n;t:n m Ihu lutlgtlmbrll b! <br />- In rstaPRaara la of I .' 'tl IertY: r a c'siny an such powers ins <br /> Harr pr rraalaa m ; mi,r any Lab utyrand a ontlywnatarg mourns <br />-I '.rr g - b rt -..a bs att. rrny'a +v - t _ n ansvlulo <br />--Y - ihaY T 1 i' f-.i`IO PrO~uea <br />u pay to ++d ~Re~ a' a rin o ant c'aymenla <br />r,q J ~ n ; a r . - <br />y n <br />f- U' r 'd Uv Nnnatrary <br />.. , ,., as ...-.,.,.~a+._r. ,. l..,. , ,, ,..,rr , ,. v,. i. _at +taoa a~~ ,a..v~ad nerebr <br />