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<br />82-.~)051i=. <br />3. Grantees shall not discriminate upon the basis of race, <br />color, religion, sex, or national origin in the construction, sale, <br />lease, rental, use or occupancy of any of the dwelling.-units in the- <br />project. <br />4. All advertising; including signs on the Premises advert- <br />ising the sale or rental of the Premises shall include the. legend, <br />"An Open Occupancy Building" in type or lettering of easily legible. <br />size and design. <br />5. Grantees shall not, prior to the completion of the improve-- <br />- ments on the Premises, as certified by the Director of the:Community <br />Development Agency, sell, assign, contract to sell, or in any manner <br />convey the Premises or any interest therein without- the prior writ- <br />- ten approval of the Director of the Community Development Agency:` <br />Any successor in interest of Grantees shall be bound by the provi- <br />sions of this deed. <br />6. Prior to the completion of the improvements on the <br />Premises as certified by the Director of the Community Development <br />Agency, neither the Grantees nor any successor in interest Co the <br />Premises shall engage in any financing or any other transaction <br />creating any mortgage or other encumbrance or lien upon the <br />Premises, whether by express agreement or operation of law, or <br />suffer any encumbrance or Lien to be made on or attached to the Pre- <br />- mises, except for the purpose only of obtaining: <br />A. Funds only to Che extent necessary for making <br />the improvements; or <br />B. Such additional funds, if any, in an amount. not Co <br />exceed the purchase price paid by the Grantees. <br />Until issuance of the certificate of completion, Grantees or their <br />successors in interest shall notify the Director of the Community <br />Development Agency, in advance, of any financing secured by a mort- <br />gage or other similar lien instrument which Grantees propose to <br />enter into with respect to the Premis~;s, and of any encumbrance or <br />Liven that has been. created or attached to the Premises by invoLunt- <br />ary act of the Grantees, or otherwise. <br />