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<br />82 w°~ ~) ti.i a s: <br />SPECIAL WARRANTY llEED <br />The CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, a municipal corporation, <br />herein called the "Grantor", in consideration of One Thousand Five <br />Hundred Dollars 01,500.00) received from Grantees, does hereby <br />grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto <br />MIKE C. BRODSKY and JUDY A. BRODSKY, <br />husband and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship and <br />not as tenants in common, herein called the Grantees, the following <br />described real property in Ha11 County, Nebraska: <br />Lot Eleven (11), Block Eleven (11), College Addition to <br />West Lawn, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska, <br />hereinafter referred to as the "Premises". <br />To have and to hold the above described Premises unto the. <br />Grantees and to Grantees' heirs and assigns forever so long as the <br />Premises is used in canformity with the L'~rban .Renewal Plan and the <br />Community Development Plan of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />and so fang as all the follawing conditions are met: <br />1. Grantees sha7.1 develop the Premises herein conveyed for <br />residential use in accordance with Grantees' praposal to purchase <br />said Premises, which proposal is on file with the Community Develop- <br />meat Agency, together with the final plans Por said redevelopment <br />approved by the Community Development Agency and chief building <br />official of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />2. Grantees shall begin construction of the improvements. on <br />the Premises within six (6} !nanths from the date of this deed of <br />canveyance, and said construction shall be completed within one (1) <br />year from the date of this deed unless completion time is waived <br />by the Director of the Community Development Agency as a result of <br />acts ar conditions bevand the control. of the Grantees. The resid- <br />ential project shall be deemed completed as of the date that the <br />Director of Ca mninity Development r\gency fi.nali.v ~^xamines t(ze <br />Premises anti, £intis it to meet the rec)uireme!~ts aE the p1~~ns and <br />spaci.i:icaC'ions pr<>pase:i, submitted, and appravt:d Enr the-~ -tiidenCial <br />development {~ursuaexC tt. the 1lrban kenewaY 2'lan avid tht Gomm!.!nit~~ <br />17eu~?1-ailment Plan fr;r Ci~~? x~~!si£ianti.dl ,;t,'c:~Uc.t. <br />