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<br />STATE OF~NEBRASKA, <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF_~~1 ----- <br />BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this _.181<.-__~__day of .__.__,_;~gge~~g~ __.__. A. D. 19 _..._g~, before me-, the <br />underaigned.aNotaty Public in and for the wanly and elate aforesaid; came,_.,__.___.__Shea2dns E_,T~ I•loir ar,rl .jna M _y~~ <br />husband and-wife <br />who are personally known to me [o be the same person _._-&who executed the within mortgage, and such person _,~_duly <br />acknowledged the exewtion of the same. <br />In tes ' Q'6RflERdTS! and and affixed Notorial Seal the day and y ar last abo writ i. <br />~MIMfM--IIaMMYwMa - . <br />ISEALI ~~- ~~~ mod- Nntery uh ~c -~-~ <br />My Commission Expires: _.__~-=- 4~ t? "_~ ~? _._.._____ <br />SATISFACTION .4ND RELEASE <br />The debts secured by this mortgage having been paid in full, the Negister of Deeds is hereby authorized to release.tke same of record <br />foRhwith. <br />Dated a[ _ ___ _ Nebraska. this _._______.___ day of ...._ __ _ _..._ _ _ _____.._____.-. 19 _._ <br />fl_v <br />ISEALI <br />e <br />~ n <n <br />~y m `i m N <br />_` <br />v~ 3 -*, <br />^'tl r-T ~ A ~ ~ o` Q <br />n V <br />4 ." .... ~b.-I <br />' ~, a <br />V <br /> <br />i <br />r~~~ j I I I' <br />I ~ I ~ <br />i ( I ~ !~ a '! ~ I I i s ~ g~. <br />' i a !4~ <br />b j i I o ~ <br />1 <br />I <br />~~ ~ <br />i~ _j <br />` <br />~ ~ W: <br /> <br />~ ~ ; I ~l <br />I r i N <br /> <br />a <br />~ <br />! ~ i 1 ~ ~ m ~ <br />o ~ '. .1 ~ m <br />W ' '~ <br />~ p <br />~ <br />I <br />`~ <br />\' ,~ <br />~~ G <br />~ <br />~ ~S i i i <br />~ <br />~ j , ~ '~ 1 0 ~ <br />~ <br />z I <br />~ ~ ~ ~ i ° - i <br />' <br />~~ <br /> <br />n aa <br />t ~' ~~ <br />~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <br /> <br />~ij 4 ~ ~ a 9 <br />j <br />z <br />i v I m ~; a r <br />'^A~'','~Q~~ §~ Q~ i j {~ ij ~ ~ 9 - w F <br />__ <br /> <br /> <br />, 3 a <br />F <br /> <br /> <br />" ~ ~ jl Q <br /> <br />i V! .! ~ a R ~` ~3 <br /> <br /> <br />4 C <br />.i <br />~ o. <br />rri <br />a. <br />Ql <br />b <br />D <br />n <br />C <br />tD <br />