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I <br />MORTGAGE 82 - `~ ~~ ~ i u <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this___. _.13: __. _. day of _. _. DeCeNbeT_ lg $? i,y end between <br />THEODORE J. WEIR AND INA M. WEIR, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />of Hall County, Nebraska, as mortgagor s ,and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association o(Grand Island, a corporation <br />organized and existing under the Taws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand island, Nebraska, as <br />rnortgagtx; <br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor s ,for and in consideration of the sum of STX THOlj4~ SFN T1GT.T.ARC <br />AND NO/100 ----------------------------------------- <br />~_ tbtlars (E_ (i,1110,t00 ). <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by thesepresents mortgage and wttrrant unto said morsgtigee; its aticcessors and assigns, <br />forevtt, all the following described real estate, situated in the County of ___, Ra 1 1 ___ __ <br />and Slate of Nebraska, to-wir. <br />LOT THIRTEEN (13), BLOCK TWO (2) IMPERIAL VILLAGE SUBDIVISION, CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, indudinK scrcens. awnings. storm windows and <br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with said properly, whether the same xre now lncaad on said property nr hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE ANll TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto btu <br />longing, or in anywise appertaining, Forever, and warrant the title to the same. Said morgagor S._. .hereby mvenam with ,aid <br />mortgagee that _ __t he V-. _. _ are _ - , at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner @ of the premises abcwe conveycsi and described, <br />and _dLP~ _seized o(agood and indefeasible estate n[ inheritance therein, free and dear of alt encumbrances, and that t helr_ w-dl <br />warrant end defend the title thereto forever against the claims and demands of all persona whaunsoevec <br />PROV 1 DED ALW AYS, and this instrument is executed end delivered to secure the payment of the sum ut SS$- THOIISAND.- ... <br />_ TEN DOLLARS AND._NOI_100. ----. _-----r------------------ _--- Dollars t3_(x_~910_._Q0_ _ ___.._ .. ?. <br />with interest [hereon, together with such charges and advances as mxy be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and-conditions <br />of tlw promissory notx of even date herewith and secured hereby, exetuwd by sold mortgagor S_ to said mortgagee, payable ns vxprcs.w•d <br />Cn said cote, neat to secure [he performance of all the terms and conditions vntained therein. The farms of said note are herchy incnrporna~d <br />herein by this reference. <br />It is the intention and egrnearent of the parties hereW that [his mortgage ahnll also secure any future ndvnrtes made to said mortgagoc.$. <br />by said motgggee, and any and all indebtedness in addition to the amount atwve stored whicL said mortf,+agors, or any of them, may awe u± <br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by note, hook account or otherwise. 'this mortgage shall renrnLt io full torte mid effect betwaa•n <br />the parties hereto and [here heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, until all muuunls setutrd hereunder, including futun• <br />advances, are paid in ful: with interest. <br />The mortgagor ~__ herehy assign __,_... to said mortgagee all rents and income nosing at any mid ell times from said protxrty and <br />herehy authorize said mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon default. [u take charge of said property end collect all rents and income <br />therefrom-ertd apply the same lu the payment of interest, principal, insurance premiums, truces, assessments, repairs or impnwemenl.s- <br />ttecessery-to kelp said property in tenantable condition; or 60 other charges or payments provided far herein or in the note hereby secure<l. 'Phis <br />rent assignment shall wntinue N force until [he unpaid balance u[ said note is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder shall in no manner <br />prevent or retard said mortgagee in the rnllection of said sums by toretlosure or otherwise. <br />The failure of the mortgagee to assert any of its rights hereunder at any time shalt not be construed as a waiver of its right to assert the <br />same at any later lima. and to insist upon end enforce strict compliance with all Che. terms and provisious u[ said riots and oC [his rnortgage. <br />if said mortgagor S shell cause to be paid w said mortgagee the entire amount duo it hercwrder, and wider the terms and provisions <br />of said rwte hereby secured, including future advances, and any extensions ur renawaL thereof in esordance with the terms and provisions <br />thereof, and if said mortgagor ._S._ shall comply with all the provisions of said note and of this mortgage, then these presents shall he void; _ <br />otlterwiae to reaFain in fitfl torte and effect, and said mortgagee shall be ant tiled to the Ix,ssossion of all of said property, and may, at its option, <br />declare the whole.of said rote sod all indebterharas represented thereby w be immediately due and payable, trod nwy foreclose this. rm,rtgaKe <br />or take any other legal action W proteciita right. Appraisement waived. - <br />Thin mortgage shell be Diading:upon and shrill enwe to thn benefit of the heirs, exacupxs, administ raWrs, successors and assigns of the <br />respsctive'parties hereto. - <br />1N WITNESS WNk:itEOF, said Martgngor S -.. ha ve-. han~antn net th~.lx hind s. :t:. : ,. ,nci year tint xhoav <br />written. ! ,~ ~, I ~ - -.~ - <br />~ --- l <br />/_`:. sC.^r.-Fl."tC-_._`~E,••V,.t-"i {~. ftlfwfL %)~%~r. ~.. (, -_.C.'4~,~_..f~_ . _ <br />THEODORE J. IR M. WEIR <br />