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<br />~~.: ()~~.~llj <br />end, wn end man pe d d <br />I, Ire <br />Mar interest at iM max mum wnblr eye 1 , a nr•f n, <br />oplldn of Beneliclary or 7rualae auCn soma may ha etldr•d r„ tint a•'r.r. pa nalanre <br />of any rdebtedness secured nnrehy enU snarl bear ;I ass as s.,rH <br />indebtedne9s a^d anellMDayapra rajah-ynv?rmyrymrxrv ^r iyrm tt,e•eno <br />10. Aaalpmmnl OI Rents. @eneritrary snnu nave ^c. r,ght. power and earner ty <br />eating Me conftnuanca )o/this rrus: Deetl to Callecrl the runts rssuys and prof iss o` <br />the Propeny antl of any personal property i0 red tneraon w ul taking <br />poasaeslon of tea property aff¢ctetl n •eby~and Tru.s,or h rehy aDaolulelY an <br />rreorbttionally as9lgns all such rents. : antl profits to 9enalin,arY <br />BeMflCiary, however, nsraby cons¢nts !o ine altos tors c011eciron anti mtentinn rr <br />Uan rents, 19aU9B ana prams a Hey alit and patoine payable 90 Ong do <br />Trustor i net. at such n dafauhu with inspect t e^t <br />ineabtadneaa secured hereby o5 m IM performance of any agre¢m<nr nyeunde. <br />Upon any auto tlBlauf 1, Benelitiary may al any lime. eilHCr in DeesJn Cv agent J <br />ecelver to M appolnletl Dy a rourt, wdnOUr notice and witnou+ rsgard ir; r:, <br />aaegaacy of any secwiry ror ma indebtedness narebv sacur¢a. lal emyr up;;n and <br />take pos9aesion of foe Property or any part tnereot, antl in ifs own name sUe IOr Or <br />omerwl3e collect such rents, rs and prOlits, ihCluding Ir se Dasl Oua antl <br />unpaid, and BPPIY tM same, lessgcosts and expanses of cperah9n an4 collertion, <br />Ine1u01nq re naDle attorney lees, upon an :ndahledneSS s¢CUred n¢rebv, and in <br />ucn order ega beneficiary' may determ,nev IDj per!O: r; ~ :ch acts n <br />protection as may M necessary or proper to conserve the ~ ,slue of Ina Property: r~~l <br />lease !M same or any pan thereof for sucn •ontal. intro, antl upon sucn cnndi:ions <br />as eta judgement may dictate. Umess Trusor antl Beneficiary agree Olharwlse in <br />wilting, any apGUCetron of :e or profil.s to a Unptedness se ureC <br />nnrehy snail not extentl or posttponeglhe due data o! ineinstaliment Oayments a <br />provided In self promissory Hate or mange the amount Ot such ;netalimem.s Tlra <br />enlennq Upon and taking Dossession of the Property. Ina cJliechon at such rents. <br />mesas ene pinata, ana me apvntaron mereof ds afnresaia. anal) not waive or cure <br />any tlelault or nmlce or default hereunder. O alidate any act Cone C'~espabt tC <br />sucn nonce. Trustor also assigns In Benetrciary, zs lurtnar s urity for ihn <br />penor of IRe obllgaligns s re0 n rehy et; D"ypaid rn and all m <br />which may have been or may Hereafter be de GO=_netl wd n said TrusfOr Dy any lessee <br />of Ina Propeny, tp se re me paymem nl a ana upon detaw: it <br />tics <br />penor of any of me provrsmns neryot, t grsto naGraes co deliver sucn •_ <br />and depoana m me Banebaiary. Dmiyerv of wnnen n - - a Ben¢hciarv< <br />rCise of the rigors granteC Herein, ! - cuainngnsaid premises snarl <br />Oe suffklent to reoulre said tensor to paynsa,d rum t0 tn¢ Bynahtia.ry until further <br />notice. <br />11. lMaad PnmbH. Wlmin t0 tleya after demantl, Trustor snail furnish ;d Trustee <br />aphedula certlliee to M true, setting lotto aft la of space :r the Trust <br />PropeAY loan In effect. inctutling, r et ine !a ants e <br />cupantn, a tle9crlptlon of the space occuDiBdgny sucn tenant ana Ocwpant. the <br />rental payable for such space end sucn Other information ant documents wile <br />reapeel to sucn leaeea and tenancies es the Trustee may ra0uest <br />Without the prior written c eel OI T uslea. Trustor seal` n ectry •, <br />Indirectly, with respect to any lease Ot space In :he tloscriped erem,ses, woe:ne- <br />9uCh IBS9B I9 now Or MfBaflBr In existence: (a) accept Or permit env propsymen:. <br />tlIeCOUnt Or advents tent payable iMreunder, IDI Cancel pr terminate tnB Same. <br />ce01 any cancaitation, tarmmanon Or surrantler Inera0l, Oro <br />which Waultl entitle the lessen Inereuntler to terminate or cancel ine same: I<; <br />emeM or modliy iM same so es t0 reduce ine term Ihareot. In enibl paynolo <br />tMreuntler, or to cnenpe any renewal prov,siens therein containBp(Id! waive any <br />tleleult tharBUntler or bream tneregl; te) glue any c0 ant. w approval <br />tMreuMer or Take any oNer achon Inc action :ha9ewiin, o .von a lessee <br />thereunder, wnich woultl have the effect of mpmnnp the value o! lessor's interest <br />merepntler, on the Propeny subject [Hereto, Or of impa:nng [he position or interest <br />of the Trusiea or Benetlclery; or (h sell, esaipn, plodge, mortgage ar Otherwise <br />tllspose of, or encumMr, ns interest In env sucn lease or any rums. issues m proms <br />19auing or arlairtp tMrnunder. <br />12 Cggamnatl0n. It title to any part Of tea Property stint: oe taken in to.^denrnatien <br />proceedinpe. Oy right Of eminenl domain O! stroller action, Or Shell be sold Under <br />threat of Condemnalbn, ail awards. tlamagas antl nrocasas era h mby assigned <br />and atoll M paid to Beneneiary who snail apply sucn a s,a Camases ana <br />proceeds to the some aecuretl Dy the Trust Dead, witR Ina excessait any, paid to iRa <br />Trustor. Trustor will promptly, antl wlm due Olilgance, repair, alter antl resters the <br />metamq pan of Ina Trust Property tq 05 iOrmer COndUiOn aucstamlauy to me <br />a tent iMt ton same may be IBeei018 and 1o ea to cOi'.stllutB a Cpmplele and usable <br />unit. <br />/3. FYlura Advarr0a. Upon request of Trustor, 9enenciary, a: Beneilciary's ophon, <br />Dnor m reponyeyance of the Provenr ro me uuamc :Hey make !wain atlvan9as w <br />IM Trustor. Sucn Iu Wre atlrences, with interest hereon. sn a wind by this <br />Trust Deed when ¢vrdeneeM by promissory notes a tingatnet saitl n <br />aBCUreO Mraby; provided roar et n shall ,n urea p::ncrpantglu <br />atlvance& not mclutlinp s atlvencetl to protect t rty, a Ona <br />hundred percent (100/1q!!ne O iglnai pnncipai amoums sawrao nerepy(C~ <br />ta. R:emiMNe CYmubUn. All remedies provided in Inis Tm31 D¢aJ ors distinct ana <br />cumulative to any artier rlpht or remedy under this Trust Deetl or s1loNed py raw Or <br />equity, aM may M exarcleetl cOncurrenby, Independently or sutcessrrely. <br />15. AOaNrallon; RamWNe; Sala. Upon delault by Trustor In Ina payment Ci any <br />IMBbtetlMa9 eBCUred Mraby or in the penermence or tiny agreement nBreunoer, <br />BeMtlciary mry tlac{e[e all Gums eBCUrBd Mraby imrtaM,ateiy Uue enU payable py <br />Oellwry to Trusses of wrllten declaration a! dafeun- The Trusses snail Warn ihn <br />power Ot sale of IhB Propeny antl li Banaliclary baaues !tie Propeny to be sold, ,i <br />eMll09yoelt wlih Truelee mss Trwt Deed antl all Dromissory notes antl tlOOUments <br />evWencinp expaMltureB eewred nb18Dy, ana mall dehvar t9 TrualBe. B wrVtlen <br />Mt108 of delault antl elsCtlOn l0 cause Ina Property t0 Da 90itl, and IhB Tm$tBe in <br />turn 6MII prepare a stroller Notice In the form regvvstl Dy law, wraith shall M tlUly <br />tiled for record by Tmatee. <br />(a) Alter tM lapse of such time as rosy M raquuetl Dy law !cliawing me re.;oro- <br />.Iron of seta nonce of dafauu, ana tinges p: tlefaue app omits pf sale having <br />Dean given as required Dy law, Trustee, w,ihoui aamanC on Trus:ar, snail sail <br />IM Propeny on the data end el the time and place dealpneted in ealU notice or <br />dab, al public aucllon to tM hipheat bidder, tea CUrchaae price payab;e ir. <br />lawtul money of lM Unlletl Sletas ei ms lima of said. TM person conducting <br />IM eels may, for any cause nB deems axpadlen:, postpone the >aia train :line <br />to time untl) Il 6ne11 M completed and, in every such, Casa, no lice of ppstVOns <br />instil shall M given Dy Wbiic declaration tnereol by auto parson at the time <br />antl plac6 last appointed for Ina sale; prorl0ed, l! the sale id DaslpOned for <br />boyar tMn (i) day beyond iM tla+' des{gnatatl in [M nobcn 0: seta, nOhca <br />therapf mill M givenin tM same manner as ine original ^olrte UI sain. <br />TfUetee nHAli ekacute and tlehvar tp iM qurcnaaar n,s DBea w vaymq m <br />Properly solo Dut wilMUt any wyaf'anl w wananlY, ezPrBSa. Or Iripli9d. TRe <br />ecl4la In IM Dead of any matters or lasts snail M cbnclueive prool 01 me <br />Irulhlulnesn tMreol. Any Varaon, lrk:lutlinp @enaHClary, may purcnnba at Ina <br />Gila. <br />(b) WMn Trustee saga pursuant to iha powers harem, ins TlYa!BB snail epVly the <br />p+OCaada Of tM Sala t0 RAYrnBnt of ine Coale and BxpBneds of axarclSinq ine <br />power ar vie aM of tea aai¢, !i~O ~{'p tie Payment of tea truitae's Fens <br />actually Incurred, tint tq exceed }t" ±'~S f _ pf tHa sa Vnca, and :Ran IJ <br />IM I(ems in eubpnragrapn {r.; In iM order :tore atateC. <br />(:S Anar paYinp tree frame aCeGtad In suDparsgrsFl'ibl rl Ina salt :s Dr Trunlne, or <br />rM Woper aorxt an0 ether coats c! fOrectosu: a and sale :r t ^e Baia 1-s pursuer:; <br />- Yo ju6lcia! tarac:ae+;:e, IM pracaaaa p; ula shall M apc;:e0:r. tea order s:a:eC <br />SO IM paYmen6 ql; <br />(11 Coat of any evidanca ci tltla p•o;,mnU :n cUr.nncuun w:nr »~.:r sale er.0 ":/ <br />any revanu0 stamps. <br />({IS All egmi LMn a0curyd nerapy; <br />Itlif 1M ramanWar,,lar.y.lp ttrtl Parson wpai,V antn:a:: h'nr6Su <br />e. Dub rra mip n _{ -'r' ,one or nmreB <br />.. •,11_e ast Daea and T,uatM <br />sheen +h rrn•!'., •++ aortas untl nbilgations e9 are <br />r: yr(:al •' y - :' dDHgall9na snail pa <br />mpesad app n,al A- '. s!nD _- 1 Snell reoulre Trustee to <br />n oak n - any !i octal obllpatlon In the <br />rr-dr - <br />IaeCrmmenrsa of any n~+~n= du..OS harauntler eo -rrJme exa else of any o11t8 right or <br />pow s. if !, snau have gip Ongc r. , n ins [hat tM raparment of such Iu Me or <br />ndeouare mnemn,ty agalns' s~:[n "sir arrVladility is not reasonaply assured to It; (c) <br />ualne may c with ~-r'.,i•:sal or n:s ,wn rnoosinp antl the sautes or such <br />sal shall :: s;,'il and cnmpl¢I9 Sul Hrantdl tan antl prOteclipn in iha respect Ot <br />any 9ttion taken 9•suf ir?rad :>y ~: nB.evnCer In send lotto and rellanC9 lnerBOn; (dl <br />usta¢ shall npl De !r.d;in IJr ynv action taken ray him In ggod faith end <br />O¢IlBVytl Cv biro !- aainOnted .: witnln Ina dldcrelOn ar ngh13 0l powers <br />roniameA i,nOn II nY to s Host Dead <br />+t.aamaonelseaantyln.bumenta.rrnalor at .m expanse.wiuexeppreanatlenvBr <br />ie the Trustee, p•omoNy ,eon demantl. such security Instruments as may M <br />re0ulretl by Trustee it ~~~ and suDSianca satisfa0[ory to Tru3tea, coverlnq any of <br />the Property c s: Dafld. whlcn s urity In9trumen(s snail M <br />add!honal sac)rl:y4`O,' i•ustr.[s r~aithfu? pariwmanC¢ nl all of the terms, CovBnenla <br />and wnmhons pl rots Trust Daea. m ssory notes 9ecuratl Hereby, antl any <br />a:her s urliy n,strumants a aahon wlln tole tranaectlon. Such <br />nstrvmanls sHDll Da recordeAaor l'I'edrand ra•retortled end reflled, al TruatoYa <br />t8. Mieeerllansaue. <br />iaj n t.^,e yvsrt any Ona or morn of the provlslons contalnad In rota Trust Geed or <br />the proml3sOry note ar any other securely Instrument given In connection wlih <br />s iranaepllon sear r any r n M nele to M i yang Illegal o <br />enforcaame m any reenact, sscn. iwaneny. lueganry, cr unenforceeblury <br />sndli. et the cation of 8enailCrary. no; affect any otnBr prOVlaiOn of tine Trust <br />Desd, but this Trust Daed shat! bo c nstrued as If auto Invalid, Illrpal, or <br />.rnBmomaatnB Grp.isron Had nBVyr D6en concamee nerain or IMreln. <br />:n) This Trost seer! sties Ce cnnsbu6U av<ording to the taws Of inn State o1 <br />VBbraska. <br />{c; THia Trust Daetl spa''! in antl bind the Relre, legatees, tlevlaeea, <br />atlminmtratora. executors sum., rs antl aeslgna of ins parties hereto. <br />CI umor snail pay as taxes levie6supon tHis Truer Deetl or the debt aecUre0 <br />. ¢rehy, togatnor with zny piney to ants wnkh may be levletl <br />ayetnst the Tr;:siaa ar Benafrplary pBiMrlepel Ho!tlar of Bald promissory note <br />,n ..c.,unt c!!ha :ndabwdress m'rdance0 thereby. <br />,e. whenever u !tie a~ngm enau inofuee the plural. Ina <br />s!ngular. t` e9tan~}g¢ndar snalrabP_aGp OCable to all gentlar9. antl ine term <br />-@enehc:ary',sheii :r<'uda rev p !Ina intleptetlngss Mraby aecuretl or <br />a-r . anaryr ;n=ran'.', .a. -a..,. op¢ea ice ai taw or olnsrwlse. <br />;9. Succeaaor irustae. Bann::c:arv :, r me to rims substitute a aucceaaor or <br />rs tc a:,'. -i vsiae n.a:-.~r `- in6 nereu tier to execute tole Trust <br />6ee09 Ucon sucn app9:mmy:I .a a to Ne aucceasor Trustee. <br />me leapt s an Dy . n`IeoV sea duties t9merred upon any <br />astee unde~. acH sucn apDOlnimant end <br />T:~ tie n ^: aC: p Hare _ <br />subsitiution gs'~en a_m made b. w•ilten i ant by @enetiClary. Canti{ninq <br />reterancs :o ;r eep a~:d :!s piacn ottrecerd, wnich w ortled In Ins <br />otlicB o? the aepista 9oryCaeus o* tF.e county or counties in wnkh geld property m <br />5!luatnd snail Da ;.'oncius'va nrc0! i;l proper appo,ntmant of iM auccesaor TrUalee. <br />Tna rorepo:n6 power o stnuttun a d the Orocedure tneretore shall not M <br />tenure Or>vrded for pv law for me euMlltutlon of a <br />'.u rTr„Srees time D:aCe vtrno Trustee. <br />20. ForMannca by Berrobcfary or Truetw Note WaMr, Any foraDearence by <br />Benetlcfary a '. rignY o medy He:aunder, or otnerwlaB <br />afforded Dy aaC'i<aa~ lawP s^ tier be a waiver Of ar preclude ine exerclae of any <br />:!got or remedy nernund¢•. ~ er Sy Benshclery or irustae of any <br />delault O' Trus:cr r•`dar'Ras II'B~ Deed sHefl not M peBmad to M 9 Waiver Ot any <br />otMr o; slmnar deiaura aupsaq'~em!v oecurnne_ <br />t. Trustor Hot Raleesal Extension of ine time for payment or mOtliheallon or <br />r i Ina sums sytured py In,s i rus: Daed pranlsd Dy Benehciary to any <br />est py Trustor sntlll nOi operate to mleu_6, in any m ,, ton <br />p`I Ie199orIHa o'igrnar Trustor o~ irus:Dr's s Interest. Beneficiary spell <br />•:ol DS repulrea i9 lope against autos refuse to <br />oUerw'ISemgdNr amemzauon 9i ine sums eacureq ar <br />xi. i~ ~i Deac parm'm o:r any oemana made Dy me original Trusor ana Truswrs <br />22. Oatauit. II rosin snail tau :;afauit un0ar ;pus Dee0 of Trust or undo: any prior <br />ortgdge a 6anefiriary may c !i dareuil, ene ine arnountY a0yancBtl by, <br />sod o expanses cl~l,netpanaficiary in woos sucn delault, wltn <br />-mares) at the da`aul: rata .Onta!netl in the Nole secured Mrepy from the time of <br />e adventns ar aaymanis seal; ho a9tle0 to the indebtedness secured by This Trust <br />Daed and may ca cpiiacted nureundee a: any tlma after ine t{me of sucn advenees <br />of payments and shaft De Caematl 10 Da secured neraby. <br />23. Option la PmsNOSe. :man tea a<euranta O. any default Mreuntler, 8eneflclary <br />sMll ::ova ma dpnOn to fe~ec:OSe this .rust Deaf in the manner provided by Isw for <br />the toraciosura er m„rtgagas On:aal propenY. <br />a. 7ruetora Plgnb, Abeant Daiault. Un H, any Cafauit In the Cayment of <br />~dapteanass hereby sewrael ar atoll [M breach of any wvenanl herein contelnad. <br />tea Trustor, its succyssore enU assigns, snali possess antl enjoy Ina property, and <br />ecelva ine mots and profits Inernfrom. Upon payment o' ail sums secured by this <br />Trust Deed, BenaRCiary s ruarae t0 ra vey iM propany anC shall <br />ender this ? st CesCna,^.d ah notes bvldyntlnG entlsbtedness aecurnd dy IHIs <br />eat Dead :9 niG,a:ea, . vat tM proDertr wimom warranty and <br />wiinou: t sign e yia[SCns a'a iy emined :Hereto. The Greniae in arty <br />vayanca n':ay p e Ferson or pnrscns ensiled tnareto;' end <br />ihaq n rats tMraln n any ^eatters •nr lads srell be c ncWaive proof of ine <br />trutntulnaas ine:ept. 'deco parson Jr parsons shah pay au costs of recortling, if any. <br />25. Aculamiiua in IM Evert. Of Tranefar. ir, the event Ins title to sold real estate Is <br />,ararra,^.. ar mnbacled m cn cans+e: ran. ?rom tea underslgnad ror any reason qr <br />by any- mamoe m a Drrncipal s and acerueo !nteeest span ae <br />- - n 91 ti a~@aneilciary. Failure to exercise <br />,n,zc,p;wn nscauz=_ 9' Ar : - :area m - nail n <br />nsiltuia a wsive: of !tie rpnt~iaa n~f.~rtlae IY:a seine ;r, tea evgB ,t Oigany subsedUenl <br />irar,sfar. <br />asp ai irvs: -- - - Ip Jne i,aiaa ~ <br />114. Tnrad is iu.,ir.,r _` .~.._..-__. _- <br />exetulap DY torero: !r, _. _. ...._ Trustee, <br />sacuri::Gapr;rt<iPal:~:re l0: _.. _.. .. .. <br />.,oua.e a-w .r:w...,. ~a~xu w-tr, row napla~. a. JidbmlRed as fouuwa: <br />