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<br />TRUST DEED <br />THIS TRUST DEED, made this 26th day of <br />NOVEL IBER <br /> <br />,1982 , <br />be and between: <br />(A) RICHARD D & DEBORAH J AGUILAR HUSBAND & WIFE OF EACH OTHER, & EACH IN HIS & <br />HER OWN RIGHT _ ,whether one or more, herein- <br />aftercalied"7rustor"whose mailing address is Its >:asT art,, cuamn raTanmYy-Eb880t <br />and <br />(g) JOHN A. WOLF ATTOKNEY AT LAW <br />-._. as "Trustee" whose mailing <br />address is PO BOX 428, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 and <br />(C) FIRST SAVINGS COMPANY _ <br />PO BOX 1566, GRAND ISLAND, NE <br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is <br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration receipt <br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the <br />following described property, situated in HALL County, Nebraska: <br />LOT SEVEN (7), BLOCK ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-NINE (129) IN L'NION PACIFIC <br />RAILk'AY COMPANY'S SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, including ail the rights of homestead and <br />dower, together with ail buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; arid ail of the <br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property." <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING p rformancQ of each agqCCB8ggmggnt nd covenant of Trustor herein contained <br />FIFTEEN THOUSAND N1NE HU~;~ED *** 75,417-~F************ <br />and the payment of the principal sum ofg~,:R,~,:,.t ~ ~yTlgg***** oars ($ y ), <br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be paid <br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according <br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at <br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner <br />paid, shall be due and payable on the 26th day ofi_ November , 19_82 <br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Wamnly of TIIh. Trustor is Iawluily sexed of the Proporry. rt Has geed rigor anU <br />lewlul autnonty to sell ano convey the Property: the Properly Is Tree ano clear et au <br />liens and aD<umbranCes except Hens raw ct mcottl', and Trustor will waerant and <br />dBland the title to Ine Properly unto Ine Trustee ano 1; ccBSSars and assigns <br />forever, against me claims of ail persons. Tru Stu', at !t3 ex Dense, writ maintain anU <br />Dresane the ben of this Trus! DBrM as a I:en upon the Trust Property subject only t0 <br />BnaumbrflnceB @zisling a4 at the delta het«f, wU! cause !ors ?rust Dean, anC Bdcn <br />mendmem w supplement mereto, :o oa hle0 ana r«orded as a mongaga <t Loa <br />Trust Property in auto manner ana in such place, and will rake such alnnr anon as <br />in tea opinlgn of Trustee may pe required py any present p• lutu,e law ,n elder ro <br />pan«t, malotam ana pror«I m@ Han ni tors Tmst Decd. as t @ same may pe bam <br />tlm9 to time arlrended or supplBmented. <br />2. PaTmMtt tN PrIrtClDal amt Intaraat Trustor shall punctually pay the pr lntrpai ol. <br />arM Inlyueaf on, saM prom,ssary nose lnclutlmg arty aavanuos Inereto as Provided <br />herein on the dates eM at the place and m the manner p.prded therein ana will <br />punctualty pertorm en agreements, conditions and Provisions of any Dore: seumty <br />in9lmrtrent glean in DonneOlion witR leis rransactian <br />3. Pmanatlon and NalnlenanN of Property. Trustor wet not c any w <br />upon Iha Property antl will, a1 all t!mes, m ,slain Ines n gaol ortler and <br />ondltlon antl will make, from time to ume earl :epa~rs ~ rsplacemants. <br />atldltlam and imprO+remenb wRicn a aoly raqu+ea ro ant waste, <br />impWrrnBnt, or daleriorallon of said prOParly- Nv bu~iamg ut rmprOOVament n <br />tlereerlBf er«/ad upon the Property snail ba alteraU, removed Or d@me! shad <br />Wltnout Me pror written cpnaBnt M Benerwiary. <br />a. DamaW M Propany. In CesO at any damage to, o• PeslrocUD:• et, rnR puifdrngs. <br />inrprovamants or personal property Conslituhng Dart of tns Trust Property, whether <br />aucR loos is eared by Insurance a nih@rw-u@, r ustor. al ,+ ost antl <br />ezpenaer will 9 ompilY rsslOre.:Bpai:, rrapla;,@ antl repu:rd !ne san,eaas „ear:y as <br />Drficlitable to Its eoMOlon Immbtl,a!ely Onor to soon damage or dnsleu<(idn o: wile <br />suen changes and ellara:ions ds .Trustor -r. apprOpr~aie proridsd ._.,.- <br />Cnangafi and erlarehOns Uo ncl materlall'r iv - value a ut:t:ry o <br />bulidmga, Impravemems ana De, svoanly trnsm,t mFSrng ,n~hmately pr.o~ w <br />suen damage or destruction- truatcr enan be Ponuedxu ens r• , tea <br />Fruataa }a InB extent of the rNi :nsuianiy prtieaus re n oy trustee. taut only to <br />IIW evterll DI tn0 aCtvat sLLn exp0ndao untl0r Ihia Gror ~seCn* <br />5 C+grpprara TrWlp, :I :fiato --a:iu - <br />+ye Vt. <br />Drosarve nsrxpwatea.latanc „ -I..,.v u~ev ma,~„ ., ,,i,hP !a; I <br />ifc u,awpp:dhrm. <br />8 Inaaianaw t , s E~P~xaa_ n,~ ,r,lrr~n n ead r <br />BNMNCMtr t. ie p 'F -J xrly <br />cw,atrtu _ ~ ~. <br />y s a U tl wx g I ., lu a; <br />i 16 n+ , <br />ag ats _+•ztM I d <br />v ya I z <br />, Irv P., <br />testy, , my Y ,u Mri~af ++ r K. .... . s .-.r , n .. e~ r <br />espe<nve parses. All Insurance ponc,bs mamtamed pursuant !o th,s Trust DBBd <br />re Truatea ano B@neli<,dry a3 ,nsureUb, aS Ineir respecllva rr:mresls mdti <br />ri - shah c lahon a modihcanOn wrtnoul <br />~ardayS peer wnlltRnt nOtri cahon tJ Tmstee and 8Bn@h Crary. In Ine evBnl any <br />ponce naraundar ,s not ronewaU en Or belOre fllt@en days error to its @xpaahon <br />Jata, Trustee or Bbnelictary may proCUee such msurenco and tn¢ cost thereof shall <br />be aUdetl tJ Ine loan 5«urao by ;hrs Trust DeeU antl shall pear rnlerest at the <br />greater of Ine Interest rate sp@<rflatl therein or IRB highest interest rate aulhorrzetl <br />er tea laws of Ina slate a+Neoraswa. uuatw shall dehvar m Banaamary orb ongmal <br />oolicies of insurance and renewals Inereof or memo copies of such paucies antl <br />Ovals Inereut. Panora to turmsn insurance by Trusloq or renewals as required <br />under Shan, at the option of Benelicidry, conshlute a d@lault. All unaernetl <br />, ra hereby assigneJ t0 Trustee as atldihonal security anti a sale end <br />vnya ca of !ne Properly by the i rusl@e snail operate to convey to Ina Durcnaser <br />the Trustor's Interest In and to an policies o! insurance upon the Trust Property. <br />"! Tszae antl A>ssaamenla. TraslOr shell pay ail taxes and special assessments <br />vied o seU against ar due upon the Properly before delinquency, and w:u <br />Celrver to l3enanciery copses of receipts snowing Vayment of such taxes and <br />spec,dl assessments 11 pBnonCiary shall so request,Tmstor agrees teal meta shall <br />be added to oath cerivdic payment required to po made hereunder an amount <br />esnmataC oy Trustee to be sulhciant tv enable Trustor to pay, at least 30 tlays <br />Oe1 re delinquency. all Inxes, assessments or Diner ^uphc charges against tn¢ <br />rut Property, the Nate secured by'nis Trust Deatl, or upon account of the debt or <br />n et [his Trust Dead, together with premiums tar insurance ~egmred tv be <br />ev,UeU this Trust DeeU anC n. inleresl snail pe payaLle tv T.ustvr u <br />Ineraoi. Upon tlemanU by Trustee, Trustor snail Uehver tv Trustee <br />Abdo ions; s of m ary t~ up any daliciency rn Ine <br />make <br />amount¢ necessary to enable TrCS2ee to pay any of ine fnrago,ng items, <br />8 Addlltenel Ilene. rrusaar Steil make ail payman:s vl intarast ano p:lncipal and <br />payments Ot any other Charges, fees, a d axpan ontracted to be peltl Ic any <br />ing iia or Uricr benahcraries under any prior Trust Deed, Mortgage o <br />ether saCU+Ify aprarenrant. before Ina date Ih@y are tlamrquent dnd tU Day any other <br />Claim which ieoparUlzes Ine s«uri:y granted neroln. _ <br />3 Proteciinn o! Banalltlary a S«urlty. Should Trusty lad In make any payrnenl, <br />tp do am uCl ofi n@ra~n crorided. Or it an,~ ;;~ . >r pi«ernlmg Is cvmmen<ad <br />mai0nally alfects 8er,ehclxry,'F r^tar-.- - n. PreNarty, VnC:UUing, Hui not <br />n Heel Fo. s nt Uomaln. insUiventi. _ - rc procaaaings involving a <br />'opt cr decode r:. than Bee di cmrY v, ~ w snout abhgepgn w Vu so, <br />dad wr!n,,ut n,tnCa n> Or OaiifdnU uVa^• ' witROUr r. s':ilg 7rustor from <br />vbligal,on n and n v paY. Vurcnasa, <br />umf~ra~rco, ~nergd Pr Ilan, wtr~Ch ne too lutlgen oni o! <br />APnel t{. d 1 ~ne'iY-a 11vxar5J -,nnU widlever~eie Ihw <br />Y tt <br />d al a <br />y pay : <br />'r F3 >Dy Y3ata <br />- - t e. _,.,... ni - .. :.: ~. }x e.n irrrl c. etv <br />