<br />Ihave received at this time an itemization of the Amoun[.Fina Q -Stcudty:.i am giving,a security interest-in: -
<br />~~~~
<br />" ~I',dregoods,servicesandpropertybeingpurchased,and.
<br />-
<br />-
<br />My payment~heduk will trr
<br />. - - : - -
<br />-
<br />real estate and improvements. _ including mY,
<br />-2. my
<br />,
<br />Number of Payments Amount of Paymerus WIKO PaYmena are tTre
<br />house. all at my "Address' designated: above. _
<br />..,
<br />. '.
<br />1st Pa nt. t, Esdaated-to be daysafter the date. - ~..,~" ~y} _
<br />> of [he;GomPkuon-Certificate. ~ Filfng/Recotding -fas S -
<br />Y'^e
<br />~ - '
<br />G
<br />,;
<br />.
<br />S
<br />AIt subsequent imtalimrnts on the same day of Late-Charge: If apaymentai more than tBn I)fl) days--
<br />. ~- tt,~j each-cousecutivs mdnth until paid-in full. late
<br />.~ %~~-
<br />-twill be charged ~S.OO or 5% of. the paymen4- -
<br />$
<br />.
<br />- -whichever is less,-or in-tieu,of-the preceding charge, in--
<br />_
<br />~
<br />-
<br />~
<br />Y
<br />~ ~
<br />-- -
<br />'
<br />Imu['aee'
<br />- -
<br />- - tales[ -may be collected on each delirtqueat installment
<br />-Credit life instirenceand credit di3abilittyy in~surance arc not required to obtarn credit, and will until
<br />eeding the contract rate-of 16%-per
<br />not ex
<br />id -
<br />c
<br />,
<br />pa
<br />:nbt be provided unless 1 sitzn and 'a6~'~t8'i~ i~u additwna( cow: - - -
<br />.Type Premium - Srgnatwe - „~,,,. - :' - .:.
<br />h
<br />-
<br />Cre[fit Life
<br />- - j
<br />1 (wanfcrWi[ life - -
<br />insurance=
<br />Y ave to pay.
<br />spay off eazly, I will rmt~
<br />epaytt[enk If'.I
<br />a penalty. and I ~-may be entitled to a~ [tfund of pall of
<br />_
<br />
<br />
<br />- ~ ~
<br />I!
<br />$ -s
<br />-
<br />"'""` °
<br />"
<br />the: finance charge.
<br />- _ iBruNrt - o
<br />this contract
<br />ilt-review other°portions of'
<br />- 1
<br />-.Credit Abcident - - I-wain-credit accident ,
<br />w
<br />or -additional -information about non-payment, default:
<br />-- & Health-
<br />' and health insuranc
<br />~ta~w -- urn ~ any required repayment in futl hefom ihc~.uheduled-date,
<br />
<br />,.
<br />$ ~:_ t - ~ -
<br />
<br />,. and prepayment refunds: and perrelties:
<br />Property insurance isnquired, but I may obtain. this grope insurance from anyone B'means an estimate. -
<br />' Lwunt. Ifl.obtain this insurance. through you, [.will pay. S._-_-^--~--- . _ - - -
<br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: The finance charge (interest}-is estimated-tq-start on -- - -
<br />(insert the date)ezcep[ in the'-event that you complete the-installation of the goods and-services pit another date,-then the finance charge-(interesU will hesin
<br />-to'ran>on,the.[tate~.that f shall-sign a-Completion-Certificate. The-amount of-finance charge.(interest) maybe more-or less than the amount-disclosed depending
<br />on=thtamountsrt~pay You and.my timelibess in making: payments.> -- - " -
<br />RREYAYMENT:_,I may"voldntarily prepay the `amount f owe ydti, in full or in part, at-any rime. If I make a, partial prepa}'menr,-I must continue to make
<br />rtty tggular payments "vnnl Lh"ave paid all amounts owed. _- _ -,__ - ,- -- -
<br />REQ[JFST FOR FULL PAYMENT: Tf i do not pay when due,, you can declare, withptit giving nonce to me, .ill that 1 owe under this contract payable _
<br />--. at once. I agree W -pay.you~ interese-on that amount; not to exeeed, the.,higttest lawful contract tale of_.16~ unti(.eiiher the amount I owe you is brought
<br />curtain or witilr;you sell myy house if,a have givrn .you a Deed-;of Tmst. L'undersaad the defimtions both-of-what;a "defaulP' is and what your power
<br />- is m sell my house under a Deed'of Tmsc - - - - -- - - - ~ - - -
<br />-COLLECTION--COSTS: If rl'am in-default of~-this-canvact and-you dematitt full payment, I understand thaz you-may send.it to as a«omcy for collection
<br />-and°-enforcerttrn6"If you do'so, I agree-tti pay your seasonable-attorrreys' fees-plus any court costs and'expenses-mcumd by you, that-is, If .you are allowed
<br />to collect such amounts.by law ' -.-. - - - ~ -.
<br />DEEP OF TRUST: As secu_rti for this contract, I grant, bargain; sell, convey and confirm to Thomas _P. Egan. Ir., of Omaha; Nebraska anA as a itxmher
<br />.of"ttie Nebraska-State,Baq.as ~rustee„ in `tmst with`~tlre~ower to selh a deed. to my real estate and-improvements-on it; tncluiting my house all of which
<br />,is'cdmmonly reBetted to &nd::is located ai my "Address designated'on the [op portion-of this contract.; This Deed oFTrusfprotects,you if i do not. pay
<br />-this-contracC as promised or ifl break:any other promise.made.oneither-side of this contract- - - - - -- - --
<br />- REVERS1r,-SITYE: lunderstand. chat~the~additianal leans and piovisrons printed on the reverse stile. pf This-Installment Sales-ConttacC.ate a paR of this huudl-
<br />- ment-Sales Contract and that i am-bound by them -m the same manner as-rf [hey were-printed: on.the front of this very Installment Sales Contract.
<br />_ ' .;C,~ L do riot have to sig:c this contract Ixfore I read,it or ~if anY of the spaces intended for the agireed terms[o. [he extent of then availahle information
<br />-are left blank. 2. [ am entitled to a copy of -this -contraM abthe time-L-sign it. 3:., t may pay -off the full-.balance due under this contract of anz'
<br />.:time, and in so loing I should be enticed to a Cull rebate of the unearned finance and itrsurance charges {tit as ).:4: I-MAY CANCEL THIS AsREEMENT
<br />NOTICE OF RI6NT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AN EItPLANAT!ON-Of TRIS RI&NTJ S. i;understand that this instnimept is based upon a home solicitation
<br />stile=and;hat this instrument is nn[ negotiable. 6. It shallnot`be legal.-roc youtoenter my premises udstvfuRy or-commit any breach of the peace
<br />to` repossess goods purchased under this contrail. -- - -. _ - '.. - -
<br />COPY RECEIVED: 1 acknowlcgee receipt of a completely fifled`in copy of this contact-along witfi two J2) copies of the Niaticc of Right to Cancel Porm_
<br />IN: WITNESS WI3EREOF, this [hail of Trust and Installment Sales Contract has been signed on [his ~-~ day of - .I9 - ~=--• - -
<br />at (city) T.°.~-. -~ ~ - .State of Nebraska ~~ ~J~ ~ ~1~--
<br />PACESETTER~ODUCTS, INtrslvPfrctARn /1~~,.so
<br />/Y/- J R
<br />ay its agent ~ ~~ -~- ~"-~!1 ~
<br />Stale of Nebraska ~ //. ,_ _ ) ~ .. - - .. _ -
<br />~/ 1_ss. The foregoing-instrument was acknowledged_hetore me on this
<br />County of - - - - day ot` , ~ -. ! -~ ~ -. 19 by the above
<br />'~A6iMiMr•NMa•YwW designated Buyer(s)- )-
<br />My commission expires: ` - Natary. Publie ---~------_5.:~ _ :
<br />' -5-101-NE-A/HB.. - - "; - - -
<br />L_.__
<br />
<br />