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r <br />82-- 004946 <br />policies contain a clause to this effect that this release shall <br />not affect the right of the insured to recover under such <br />policies. Such clauses shall be obtained by the parties whenever <br />possible. <br />11. UTILITY BILLS. Lessee agrees to promptly pay all. <br />bills rendered for water, gas, electricity or other utilities <br />used by him on the demised premises during the term of this <br />Tease. <br />12. TERMINATIOPI. At the expiration or termination of <br />this lease, whether by lapse of time or otherwise, Lessee shall <br />without notice, surrender to Lessor possession of the leased. <br />premises and property in clean and sightly condition, ordinary <br />wear and tear, damages by fire, flood, act of God or casualty <br />excepted. <br />13. OPTION TO EXTEND. Lessee is hereby -given the <br />option to renew this lease for five three-year terms on the same <br />terms and conditions. The option shall be exercised by Lessee, <br />giving notice to the Lessor, at least ninety {g0) days before the <br />expiration of the then current term. The extension period shall <br />be-under the same terms and conditions as provided herein. <br />14. ASSIGNDtENT. Lessee may assign this lease or any <br />interest therein and, in addition, shall have the right *_o sublet <br />the demises premises or any part thereof without the written <br />consent of Lessor.. <br />15. TAXES. The Lessor shall pay the general real <br />P,.~csR, Gtobewit. <br />~,{I{yi1M1GgY t ~YR1f3AT <br />arrtx~? <br />wts~y€YkY~tar <br />CSA4+itY,Rt q6~T <br />estate taxes and will pay all Special Assessments for special <br />improvements including, but not limited to, water, sewer, and <br />street improvements. The Lessee will pay all taxes and assess- <br />ments on machinery, equipment, and leasehold improvements located <br />upon said premises. <br />16. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. Should Lessee fail to pay <br />the rent or any part thereof, as the same becomes due, or fail to <br />make any other payments required by the Lessee to nc- made under. <br />this lease when they become due, or. if Lessee violates any ether <br />tezm or condition of this lease, other than anP nrc~v~.«i.nq for <br />payment oP money, LesSOr may Take demand in wri'.~irc; ror such <br />