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82_--{}0490(.'= <br />find, wntwut wm.nd, wn•n M immbalately dna ana Paraotn by lr,,atpr a 9nan <br />(Mar InfereN al tM mexrm,Yn illowenh fugal rdta' PmvidBd. n Raf~at rna <br />Opilpn OI BerlatkbrY Or TruettM !V<n Gums mar M eAAM t0 tnC prnln9fippl MI3ntC <br />0} anry rndabtadn%s BecUrad nareby enA snbh Yryar ine s est as SUCK <br />IndebtedlMas era sMn M payibis ratably over the. remaininge Crm 1nerCOl <br />/g. ANIpMranl W pirrM. BsnNl<:ary shall Mva the right. Power arw aulnority <br />Ounrtp ine cOr!Nnuance for ihra Trust Obnd to collect the ren!l..s and Ororis pl <br />tM Property and of any pera0nel ProplrH to<atad fnarapn wool O~ witnou: ,a4,nq <br />poeaMalOn of IM progeny affected nareby. and Truniar Hereby aMO:ufaiy antl <br />urwOndlibntiry aa6lgna air w[n rents. I arw 'v slits in $enerGlarT. <br />BeneNUary, however, nereny co fie Io 1M irusto: s cone:.non ana retertnOn :~r <br />a0h /anti, Issues era Prafira aleNev accrue and ba0onre oayaDle so Tong as <br />t.uator Ia Hoe, at Sucn time!, m Aetaun won respect to payment m am <br />IMebtedrieaa aeprrea Hereby Or :n ine pertormance of any agreement hareondar <br />Upon anY SUCH deault, Beneficiary may at BnYnmr_nlinbr in person. Hy agorae rr by <br />a (eGNVlt f0 be eppOinted by a CWrt, wrinOUt notice end wiihOVl •egard iG the <br />adequety of any security for iM irweD[e0neaa Hereby secured. idf CniC^ upor, and <br />take ponaenNOn of tM Property a any pan thereof. arw in ley Awn name 5u9+nr ¢r <br />Oiherwhe Golbct wth entb, ISBUea ant prplil5, inc!UAing tn0ea past auC enA <br />Unpaa, era apply the same, 1e59 costs and Hs Ganaea n! Operaupn ann <onechon- <br />iraludinp rBaeonable attorney fees, upon any rnrleDtCdneas seruraA heresy; and in <br />Such armor an Beneliclary may tletermine: fbi abnOrm such a repair o <br />PrOteonOn sa may M rtttesaory a proper to <Unaarre NC value cr the Prraperly: rLi <br />Bala tM Sims IN arty Dart tnBreot for Burn rental. Brm, enA upon sUrn -^and~xlnns <br />as Ill lodgement nraY tlictate, Unbna Trvslar ana Benefithry apse pinarwrsa in <br />wdlln9. any application 0} rents, ;a nrafits to env ;ndebbdness secured <br />nxeby Shan not extend-ar pwtponeStrrC due Aale of the in.staiimanl paYmen <br />prorwee m Baia atomifaorv ooh or cMnga rna amount o, sr,Ln ,n Iaumams~ me <br />Mlerlnp upon enA liking pp99e5srnn OI the Frpcerty, ! CcraC r! w <br />haves ant pro(((s, ana ine apprcahon tnereol as atorCSaid. shall ~Ot wa va or cu e <br />any aelsuit or rp[ICe of aelaplt hareuntlar O rvral;ddte any act danC nursuanr to <br />auen Mtfte. irUbtOr ciao assigns to BenehCldry, a unhp. s urrty fpr the <br />pertOrmance al ins abigation! securBC hartoy. ar n+epaid ^e s antl an m nabs <br />whwh mry Mve been W may nereatbr De deoosACO w:t". Sara "r~:s:nr by any lessee <br />of Ne Property, t0 beeure !ne Hayman. ,~ enA open d 'he <br />wrtormence of any of iM pravrS:pns neap'. ir:rsmrnapreaz to <br />era depwlts to me Beneliciary. Delivery of wr,nsn pt u!ner f3enahc aryls <br />erciBe of the rtgM! grantetl ne~etn, to soy (coast act- w~yrng sa,o p;em;ses snob <br />M sutncient to reomre saw tanam m ear sa;d rem tp mp Benehnan ;ma: ipnnar <br />natfee.. <br />i/. lasssd Pnmlasa. Within fig ¢eya roar deman0, Truntor shall turnran to Trustee <br />e acnetlub certlfbd 10 M tme. sethnq tOrth all ieanea of speco in fna Trust <br />Property then In effect, rncludinp, to each cane, tM na 0! IM !e and <br />otcupMta, a dsxtfptlon Ot fM spats OcpupleC by such tenon; and occupant, rna <br />rental paysbla for such apse and win oNar wtormanon ana Aocumenta won <br />rmpaci to auto beeea enA tenanc;ea as me Truatae may requsni. <br />Wlitaui Ne phOr WrlttBn consent of T(astee. T(a9tar snail n01. A:rect!y Or <br />Irwirnttly, motto reepett to any leans of space rn iM OeacrlbaA premises, wneNer <br />wph INM la rtOw M hmeafter :n BxlShnce; (dl acGepl Or pOrmif any Vrepaymen[. <br />Cixount or advance rant payable Mareunwr, (b) cancel or Ysrm:nata ine same. pr <br />accept soy cincsibhon, terminatwn or surren0er (Hereof, cr parmlr any ^_vanl io <br />occur wnictr wouw enNle the lessee iMreurwer fo lerminete or cancel :he sane; Ic) <br />anien0 a modify tM same a0 a! iD re0uca ine Term }hereo}, the rental payable <br />1MIeunOeq or to stooge any renewal prwialona merein <antametl: (d) waive any <br />defwit tMreunder Or beaeH thereof: lei give any coneen!. w epGrOVeI <br />Nsreuraer Or [aka arty OtMr action In COnnBCtlOn ihBreWnh, ar motto a eases <br />thereuraer. wmcn would Mxe iM atlas( al lmpeidng the value of 1e68or's interest <br />lMrauraer, On tM Property subject Nerea, or of impairing iha pperilon or interest <br />o/ IM Truatae or BenaflClery; a (fj sell, aletpn, pledge, mortgage Or otherwise <br />dlappee ol, Or BnW mbar, Ira Interssl In any Such ledge cr any reran, ISaues Or prollta <br />lawinp or arfalnp tnerwn0er, <br />12. COf1dM10Nkll It title to any part of Ina ProOerty snali be taken in cerwemnalwn <br />proeesdinpa, by right of eminent domain or stmt Wr action, ar snail M soltl under <br />Nreit O( ConwmnNwn, ail aWarda, damepeb and proce9d3 are hereby assigned <br />era atoll be paid to BlrteliGary woo Shill apply auen nwarda, damages a <br />proceatla to tM soma assured by iM Trust Daed, with the axcesa, if any, paid to IM <br />TNatar. TTUator win promptly, and with sue diligence, repair, niter antl restore Ina <br />rertWninp Pirt of IM Trust ProlYertY Ip fib loaner Gpndltlon substanuauy to Ihs <br />extMt tMI tM gams may be faeaibie enA eo en to consnlub a <pmpleta and viable <br />uNt <br />13, praWra 11dYarswa Upon repuesi of Truntor, BenNiclery, et Benehcrary's aplion, <br />Armor t0 raCOnvayance N ine Progeny to Ns Truntor, may make lulu:, advanCas t0 <br />tM Trust«, Sucn future advances, won interest marepn. snNl M nacu,ed by tins <br />Trust OMtl when evidenced Dy promissory notes staring lost saitl rotas e <br />axured Hereby; pomae0 Nat it no hme soar ine sxured phnmPN. !u <br />atlwncea. rat Including coma aCVenced t0 prole, Ne s curtly, a 'cad one <br />nunaretl potent Ago'61 or Ne arlpinal prlnclpat amounts secure0 MrebR <br />1l Nitnttditt Cutrlrllaiha. Ah remeA185 provi0etl in Ima Tru51 Deed era aiaUncl and <br />ar(w4ttva to any at1Mr ripnt or remedy unwr fns Trust Dead a+ afforded by law cr <br />epufty, and toss M axerclsea cpncunently, indepen0ently a euccessiveiy. <br />t4 Aacslaration; Barnaalas; s.u. upon aeteuu by Tresmr m IM parmim of any <br />Irasptadrteis secures Mreby or In the performance of boy epreemeni nereuntler, <br />Bwwikttry may OaClire 311 aume ascuratl hereby immedlahly dub antl payable by <br />ONlvsry to Trwlie d wrlttan tleCluatiOn of detaWi. TM Truales sMll nave tM <br />DPWSr al ails of tM Property atw It BeneHClary Qeelrs9 lM Prowrty la w sow, 1! <br />stall OapOiil Wlih TNatee Nis Trust Deed ant all promissory notBS end dceurnants <br />mtOSralnp axpetMlturba lecuretl Mreby, ann snail deilvar Io Truatae, a written <br />calks of dalault arw e{ecikn to ceuaa Ina Progeny to M ,ofd, and tM Truatae in <br />Sum thNl pnpars a Nmibr NOtica In IM imm required by taw, wNCh 9na11 ip duly <br />Bisd for record M Truatae. <br />(i) After iM lapse of such lima as may M required br taw foliowinp iM retain <br />ation of Bald rtotwe of dNaull, arA noilte a! defauii anC nolke of sob having <br />Dean piton b requlrW by law, Trustee, without tlementl on Trua:ar, snail Gore <br />tM Property on tM date Tna et tM time antl plaits daaipneteA In saitl roues or <br />arts, K pubik wctlon to tM hlpheei bltlCSr, Ne purchase P+ICa payable In <br />IaWtul molly of tM UmlaO Sleti9 sl IM time OI sale. Tnb pOrsOn contluctipq <br />2M MIB mly, for any cwaB M dtrema a%pedlbnt, poatpOnB iM sate ftOm time <br />lp thrte UnN li ahHl M competed ana, In scary wcn case, notice Of Vaetpone~ <br />men[ aMh M gWert by pUbilc tleciaBtiOn IneBOt DY such person et rna hme <br />std plats lilt appointed to tM sets; provlae2J. It tM aaVe In yobtporrad for <br />tongar roan (7) day Dsyontl My day deaipnat6a in SM notke of sale, nodca <br />Ittara0t coati M plum }n IM aims manner ea the original whce Ot sale. <br />TruNA shag 2ascuia arw deiirw is Tna yurcMe& hb Gestl conveYlnp :h9 <br />Prnpstty r,:0. poi without anY taran3nS IX warranty. exptaaa, r !mpileA. TM <br />rscluls in tM Oaed o9 am matters of fish aMli De carzclufive prat of IM <br />tNNfUIMag iMreof. Any parwn: inciudkp Binefltiiry, maT Put<MeB at the <br />seta <br />(!y WMn TrU3tM sans pUnUant tp iM poweia Mreln, IM TruataF ,hail apply tea <br />peorxedt Of SM data t0 payment of Ns Goats Tna expanaaa of exercletrp the <br />pOwF of YN ant Ot tM tab, 1~~1tt Ud~g1~~pp}M pymMl of '.M Trustee a Taps <br />ectuakr ftrwrrb, oat m axpead ,'3.~.L~l:i_. t;,, of tM aa+e pn<:e, ana roan w <br />iha Itamaln wDpiragrap`. (CI In tM order (Hera S2A;la <br />WI AtiN p[ytnptM Mm~iwphiae to wbparigraph (Ol't rna sib+a by, ur <br />iM psatS! ddLLri and tyttNr Cnali 07 2Pract08uea and safe ~t tnq 0aia i~yvrauand <br />- t0ludkfa! tWM:fwura, iM pepcuedb of sale anal! M atw:ied in ine v:d9r tllatsa <br />to tM payman( of: <br />SF Cwt N arty ntcynte u' ih•s precis as - ~~e•necx;;y. with auto sa7a ana of <br />anY+svanw NifnOa. - - <br />{q9 Afl aumt ihar•'aaGUrad hairaby; <br />- fan 1tYe iatnaSrtOae,narW. wiTi parson `agiTy ani{UMl hrorel.- <br />?B DUUas ant Obhpan¢na u1 'rua1N, ~nt my noose and omigetbna a1 Trustee <br />atoll M ONern:naA Splely ;..., nrnrnss s Ot foe TrUfl Deed and TtUSlee <br />shell opt bw 3robh yrca0t I~r irs,-.~.~rrlormanna pi suCn duties end oblipallona to tre <br />neCilipa:ly 9e[ tOriF, rt n mprad cpvenanta or OMigitl0na EHNI M <br />~mpoee0 upon Truatae ~,Or N•. nrO,ne t~rn cif fink Trust Deea anal) reyulre Trustee to <br />expend Or nsN His cwn !..ens r arty tlnarrCltl oDilpanOn In iM <br />perinrmnncp of any of its dairee nerau n0ergor InxiM exertbe of any pl Ile right a <br />poweB. 11 It SHNt nave Grn.;nds for ballev!nq final the repaymem pl loan IUMa IN <br />aAaquNa Indemnity agn'nsi auto rnk or llabilrty is not rsaeOnabty assured to Ib te) <br />uahe mt.y to wli wrh ^,a of h!s own enooninp sod iM adults o1 auen <br />neN lndll GE Iuii and C,imphfe etlihOrila(iOn acrd pfOteCtiOn w IM respect O} <br />any action taken O^ sulferCA by i[ hereunder r-n good faith and renance IMreon; (4) <br />Truatae snail not M IlaDie !or any acilan taken by mm m yooA faith arw <br />ae!ieved by Rlm In UC authorized Or wmm~ NB dbcrBtlort rH rIDMa of Iowan <br />cpnhrreA upon!1 by this Trust DaM <br />t] Additional Saa,My IntVUmmb. Tn,gtor, at Ile expense, will execute and deliver <br />fo iha Tru3tne, prOmptry upon dement, suCn ! curtly InatrurMnta ee may M <br />requfrM by Trustee, in loan and subs Bnca lahnfactory IO TfusiBe, covering any of <br />lira Pmperty conveyed oy ihh Tr•,rsf DsM1. wmcn securhy InetNmenta atoll be <br />addltwnel 9000rity (Or Truslor's +3lihtut pert Wmence Of ap or tM lefma, CDVMNID <br />ant caaitiona of ihle Trust Deed, ins Dromlaaory notes secured Mroby, and arty <br />gloat eecV/Ity instruments a cuiBn Inc action with tots frMaictan. Such <br />Inairumemn snail M racordetlnor IreA. and rerecorded and rattled. at Truala's <br />expense. <br />IS. MIaeNNnaous. <br />jai In the event any one or mare Ot Ne orovralona contained In Nn Trust DseO Or <br />tM prpmlesory nme cr any other securtty Instrument Alvan fn connactldn motto <br />mis hinaa<hpn anNi roc any reason M Mm to M !rnana, ul.pal or <br />entorceabla in any raspe<t. such invelldity, Illspillty, or unentaCMDlilty <br />anon, al tM opron o! Benehcfary, not affBCt arty other prOVielon of Nis Trusf <br />Geed, but Nla Trutt OBed aheii De conntmed as It such Invilw, Illegal, Or <br />unenforcaaDie prOVislon nod never Daen conhlnetl Herein a (Herein. <br />!0) Tnis Trust Osatl sneA ba conatruBd according t0 Ins lawn Of tM Stan eI <br />Nabraaka- <br />(cl TNS Trust Deed shell tours to and bind tM nets, legatees. devleees. <br />aaminlsira2aB, axacutoB, sUacessors end asafpn9 Of tM partiBa Mreto. <br />fitly Tn19tOr shalt pay all :axes levied upon this Trust Deed Or the debt neCUred <br />nareby, topelner with any oNer taxes or aeaeeamenb which may be lavled <br />against IM Truatae or BanNlcbry or iha lapel nOlOer or aald pramlaaory ooh <br />ana¢G¢unt m Ne Indemeanflsa evlaenced rnereby. <br />(e) When used r the s:nqulsr number shalt Include the plural, IM <br />singulatreine use pl any gander snail be appiiceble to sit geraere. ant iM tens <br />"BanaduarY' span mtluoe env payee or tub mdemednaae Mreby sapuretl or <br />any (ranter Ihereoi. wnelMr by pPerelion of law Or OthBrwiae. <br />t9- Succaaaar TruNaa. Ba:,alretary may Tram Ilme to nme substitute a aucCBSlor or <br />re to nnY irusfan named Harem or acting Hereunder to sxacute this Trust <br />Dead. Upon Sucn appan:inen: antl wXlnoui conveyance to ine eucceas¢r TNetea, <br />the tatter shell ne ra wrin art hhe. Dowers, boa dukes conlened upon any <br />e herein nama0 up echnq n under Eech auto OpPOiniment and <br />aut:9•ntution sheii be made by wrntaneinalrument by Beneflclary, conteininp <br />ralerence :¢ tots That DBBA anC Its pbCe Of recortl, whiCn when racortl00 w Ina <br />a/lice of the peprStar of DeaaS of the county or counilen In which saitl prppeny le <br />aituale0 snali Oe conclusive uroof of proper eDPOintment of tM wcceaaor Trustee: <br />Tha tOrsgolnp Dower of aubstlNlivn an0 tM procedure theretors shell not M <br />exclusive of me power and procedure provitletl for by law Im the subahtutlOn of <br />Truatae or Tmatae3.n Ina prece c! Tna Ttuatbe. <br />20. ParMannca by Bawtklary or TruNM Not a Walwr. AnY torebsennee OY <br />Bene4101ery or Truaaa In exarclslnp anY npht or remedy hBBUndBr, Or otherwlee <br />eifordeA by aOPlrca0ln taw, aheii not bd a waiver Of Or prsciutle 1M exerolee Of my <br />right or remedy hereunder. Cfkewlse, [ns waiver by Benafic{ary or Tmalae Of any <br />dBfauit of TNSIOr untlnr ihB Trust Deed Shalt not M deemed to M e waiver Ot any <br />other or similar tletaura subsoVVently occurnnp. <br />2}_ Tnafor Nol pNaaaad. E{ien9iUn of the tlmB for payrrtBnt or modlllcetion Or <br />mortlzNion of ine sums 4uCUrau' Cy ih:s Trust Deed granted by BBRBIicbry to any <br />interlat Of TruatOr 9na11 not operate l0 release, In any manner, iha <br />:laail:rysci rM er;ginal Trusror er Trustar's successor in interest. BBnatitlary shall <br />no: be reVUlreb ip commence proceetling9 bpalnat such succeeaOr or retuea to <br />extend r ~Yra ;or payment or alherwlsa modify amOrliiatlon of the sumo aecura0 by <br />m:9 TruN Deed by reaa¢n ct any demand mesa ray Ne aapmal Truntor arw rock: a <br />au~„63aura,n mwraai. <br />.'.2 paiauit If mere snail Oe a Aetauit unwr [his Daetl of Trust or unaBr any phor <br />^.orlpaDa. 'na Benafictary mat =ore such default, and Ina amounts advanced by, <br />and Diner tosb era eNpan6es Of Ne OenenGbry m Curing such dehull, with <br />!nieroat at ine dbfauii rate tonlaineil in ine Note securetl hereby from Me time of <br />iha advances er payments aheii ba edtled tp the Indebtedness 9acured by Inca Trual <br />OBetl and may M curetted hereunder at any time after the time of such advances <br />or payments and shall M daamatl to b9 secured harebY. <br />71 Opllon ro pweNosa. Uaan the occutance Ot any default Mreunder, Beneliclery <br />snail heva the oDiion la forecloaa Ihs .Trust Daed in the manner provided by law for <br />tM tW 0GIG6ura of niilnpages ¢n real property. <br />2a. Trusiae'a flights, Absent Dalwtt. Until any dalauit In iha payment of <br />ndeblaCness nareby secured or unit IlW OreeCh of any covenant herein contained, <br />rna Truster. its successor ana assigns. shall pc39ese antl enjoy tea property, and <br />reCeleB IM nob and Vr¢!its therefrom. Upon payment o1 ell aume secured by finis <br />Trust Dead, Bane!ICbry sMII request trustee ip reCanvey tM property and shall <br />9urrenaer ihig Trusf Daed end nr Holes avidanclnq )raebtBdnea9 eecuretl by iota <br />Trust Oaed to Trustee. Truatae shalt recanvey the RropBrty without warranty antl <br />wltM;ui cMrgE. :p !?w ;s~rsans legally antihad thereto. TM Grantoe In soy <br />nvayante may Ge dastr!bad as "the Aaron Or persons entitled Nereto," ertd <br />Meoracrab !MBin of any mniters or facts shall be conclusive prv0! or iM <br />uulhluinegS 7Mraaf. Such Parson es penpna shaft pay alt¢ONS of recOrOlnp, It any. <br />25. AocNaralion in tM Bvent N Tnrtaler. !n tea event She flue tO seta real 9alalN Ia <br />iransbrred, aT cenvap:ed to ca IranSfenBd. tram iM undersigned for any reaa¢n or <br />by any malhW.whatsunre?, Inc Cntrre principal sum and accNeA interest shall a! <br />ca MtCpme tluC ana Da; nU1a ai iha eiechon of IRa BBneticigry. FBIIurB SO exercise <br />rNS ophan rwCeuse n! ira:;ste: o-' :ilia es Bbov6 lleied in pnfl Instance shall not <br />narluie a waivCr.ri inB rigor 10 CaCrc:se the name in FM event of any aubSequent <br />irenblar <br />ttl. Yule dasd pt irw2.a junror to Ana .+atea. -. N/A <br />3Yepulad by Truet¢r 10 ,,,_,__ YfUatN, <br />ah:wing i pan<ipa! Dote tce <br />Dotla;aa~,3 hiaC for ,aet~rd motto t+s -ia~- .mots ana.dantlraq as ialowa. <br />