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<br />- 82°~e004y0O <br />TRUST DEEQ <br />THIS TRUST DEED, made this_____02 day of NOVEMBER , ig 82 , <br />be and between: <br />(A) RONALD-L BADURA A SINGLE PERSON <br />whether one or more, herein- <br />- after called "Trustor" whose mailing address is 715 EAST DEAN r:uatJn rSr.anm NE 68801 <br />and <br />(B) TnurrT a ,.TnrF~ emrrnuuxv am raw <br />as "Trustee" whose mailing <br />address is PO BOX-428 GRAND ISLAND- NE 68802 and <br />(C) - <br />FIRST SAVINGS COPlPANY as "Beneticfary" whose mailing-address is <br />PO ROX t566,s;$ATlp_..L4T.ANn NP: 68802 <br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration receipt <br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sails and warrants to Trustee, intrust, with power of sale, the <br />following described property, situated in HALL County, Nebraska: <br />ALL OF LOT EIGHT (8) AND THE EASTERLY TWENTY SEVEN AND- FORTY EIGHT <br />HUNDREDS (27.48} FEET OF LOT NINE (9} IN DEAN'S SUBDIVISION IN THE <br />SW'ti OF SECTION THREE (3), TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH, RANGE 9 WEST- OF THE <br />6th P.M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, including ail the rights of homestead and <br />dower,togetherwith all buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and ail of the <br />foregoing, Together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property." <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of ea h aqq~~~~g~ ent and covenant of Trustor herein contained <br />TEN THOUSAND S~LY1iUt1ll~RE~ alt***10,630.13*********** <br />and the payment of the principal sum of T!}IRTy & }~/lgg~¢*~='+~'* oilers ($ ), <br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be paid <br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according <br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at <br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner <br />paid, shall be due and payable on the 02 _____day of NOVEMBER rig 90 <br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows: <br />1, Warranty of Titb. Trusty is lawfully selieq of the Property; ll has good right and <br />(awful euMOritY to yeti and convey the Rropbrty, the Property is teat aria clear o+an <br />Ilene and encumDlanceS except liens nGw-oi retard: and T!ustor will warrant and <br />tlatend the lilt ip the Propetty unto Ine Trusiae and hs sucDessors antl assigns <br />forever. against Ine Claims of all persons.?nrsfor, at Its expense, will malnialn and <br />preaeN@ the lien Of 1n19 Tryst Deed a6 a lien Upon tnb TluSt Prgpnrty SUbjeCt Only 10 <br />@nCUmbrdn098 exietinga8 of in@ tlale herdof, Wlq Cetl36 lnIS Trust bend, antl each <br />arrreridmertl or supplement thereto, to ba filed antl n6cOrded as a mortgage cl ine <br />Trust property In 9Ubh manner and irl9ucn place, and will take each other action a5 <br />in ttui opinion of Truatee may be-requiretl by any pre5ant a lulure law In order to <br />pedeDt, maintain and protagt the lien o: thrs Trust Oaed, ae the same may !>e from <br />flirt} [o thne ariieedetl 9r suPPlemenied. <br />2 PayitNlnt d PrirtdWl and IndrseL Trustor shat{ punclualiy Vny inn pnneipat pl, <br />apd Inlareef oe, said promissory note :nciutling any advances tnaratp as prcvmaC <br />iterBln on m¢ dates and at the place antl in tea manner pror:dbd tneie:n and will <br />Dunptually partgmn all agresmema, Dontlilipns and previsions et any Diner security <br />IhSlNment given !n ngnhaCtion W Ilh ihia 3ren9dClign. <br />1 Prwnratton and MlrNianarwe of Property. Truster well net romm~t'aay waste <br />upon the. PiopetlY and will, at all limas, maintain the same in good order arxi <br />CUnditlOn 8nd whl mak@~ lrpm lime t0 lima, all repa:ra. r< rUVlBCelner.,s, <br />atldt4pbe and improvements wni4n are radsdnab:y retquirO(1•to prerani xnste, <br />ipipaiiinent, M datarioreilOn Of said Dropesry. No Duiltlinp a+ Imprpvamtlni nou of <br />irareeltaf. aflC[ed_LLpOa the PrOpsRy an81" OB afteF¢e, ramoYed Or dernOli9nari <br />wltheiit.nepda wihten:'onaant of berietlciary. <br />0. Q119a~ 10 Property. In C9aa bf aPY denlag8 la, br dantr UCiibn OI, t~^a Dartnlr+ga. <br />imprpvamann or peraonel propertY'De5tituiirg part br the?rust Pru'periy, wne[hnr <br />aUCh bay is COYMad by fnaurinDa O ::ther'WS9e, T UafOr- al t! Sala 4 dM <br />axPeose, will pronlptlY raHioro, +epair apletie and :dDUlid' [ba same -as nearly d5 <br />pracliDayb kite ernaition immadta'.ety pe'rtv iD such damage Or dratrtr`^Itan Or wilt <br />Audi changes and atteyaMOns a3 TrUS29r they deem apprOpr<a!a pi UVidad such <br />ebaelQe4 and a3teYatbna do ODI .ma2ertany t9a5err lha-value and ut=lily of each <br />G41YIbGps, fmhfoYamehH artd paiSD,satlty ?ro{p that dxiatx:g [rttm {slaty prVO: #Y <br />adph,danrage w iteevuctbn, Tru9t@! soar tar nnt:t!nd w iaimDursnrnen: trpm ura <br />Truatee tD pye @xlamt 4<tM !ref insueans<pro<-beds Inc:.+vad by Trustee, bµE cn1Y!o <br />tMlS(tgif tit than .'al Sum expnnJM? u^.Olr ifiu :;~+ov~stu:.. <br />~, OatFarab Teueater. tl'TF aiP ~, ~..brPp.ataan. Ir n ~i ~, -r_p6 nece9Twary 1C <br />iHaaervatY6~e@rpoyeb dlltat@n~, tgiltx and:' 'agW Y-.4Vel {,¢ad„b}ih@lidla ~lr <br />da a,coYgwattpn,; <br />d. {naW#a41, try3ipe of :CX fi.p -3. . a. ,1.`:: w:ih s a4vr:.rt.« nr <br />ilet6aiibb!(, J iW a++Dn wdh aapast T .# t Y <br />rYr^ID3?ipifnq qM P'bpe':Y rip r A- r _ t <br />4'4`Ke!~ bT aia da 6 -a vM ten '<a. U <br />ieall? fM4 ^W pe {e' ! -, r 1a .~ei. (aD :. +m Hr ., p..:] ,~~., s. <br />it att'*aS SUifi >+ a Fkw<,. <br />Mid ,,"iNad~.., ~ I - E.n Mrl , <br />4atYi&k!vp. f - _ <br />esp@cllve parties. All insurance policies maintained pUrsuanl to mis Trust Dead <br />shalt name Trustoe and Banbiiciary as insuretls, as their respective Interests may <br />appear, and prgvide :hdi inere 3hail be n0 OenC@IldiiOn o! mptlilicetlpn WlthOUl <br />tiiteen tlays prior written notification to 7rvdee end beneficiary. In the event any <br />policy nereundor is not re ewetl on or before liftenn Days prior to It9 expiration <br />date, Truatee or beneficiary may procure such inswance and the cost thereof shah <br />D@ aaded :o Ine loan sepued by mis Trust o@ed and anau bear mbreat at me <br />greater of lire interest rate specified In'erein o. me Algnest interest rate authorized <br />Oy Ine laws of Ine State of Nebraska. Truslar Snell deliver l0 88neflciery the original <br />Doli<les of insurance antl renewals tnereol or memo copies of such policies and <br />wale tlereol. Failure to lurnian fnsurance by 7ru3tor, or renowai9 as required <br />hareunger snail, ai lha option of beneficiary, constitute a tlsiault. All unearnetl <br />re Hereby assigned [o Trusee ds additional sequrtty antl a sale antl <br />vaya .ce of the P:Oparly' by the Truatee shrill operate to convey IO the putchaeer <br />tnb TrU9tpi s int@res! In and to all pplicle3 OI InaUranCa.Pppn the Trqst Properly. <br />7. Taxaa and Aaeeamanta. Trubtor shall pay all taxes and special essassmonts <br />lernd or assas9ed against c: due upon Ine Prppany before delinqu¢ncy..and wW <br />dntiver to BanaY:ciary copies of receipts 9nowmg payment of such taxes and <br />specie! assessments. !1 beneficiary snarl so request, Trustor agrees that (here snail <br />Oe adCad 10 each periodic payment regwred to be mace hereunder an amount <br />'mates try Trustee rD De sutliment ib enable Trustor to pay, at least 30 day9 <br />bdigr@ delinquency. ail texas, assessmdnts Or Dinar Gublic charges ag8fnal ma <br />us[ PrDperty, the l:ote secured by'nis Tru33 bead, Ur upon apcuuni O) (he dent or <br />t.~e :ion o•' this T!u.: bead, icgem@r with p s (or ins 'Ice r@qu!red la be <br />nrOVICeC ender this Tiust Geed and n ~ntdr@sl shat Od psyaDie [b Truslar in <br />aspect Ine: ecl. itROn demand Dy Tru9tee. Trustor strati tlet~ver tb Trustee such <br />rid+IiOnd! sU s of m neY as ¢ n9xasdrY io mak¢ r:P any detlDiencY In ins <br />a..0unis +:eC@b SdrY to PnaUld T:uslee. 10 peY any qt tea iemgcing IbmS. <br />t Addttionai Liana. Tr'vsra shall maY.n @;, Rayrtrenl3 C! ~nlares[ and prlnCrpal and <br />payments pf any other charg@b. ides. and enponses conirect@tl to De partl tD any <br />xfsting {Ian holders of prior benellciari@s under any Dria Trusi Deed, Mortgage pr <br />Daher aaGUrilY sgrnamant, haigre the dale hhaY are delinquent and ro RaY any ampr <br />:tam which ieopartilZea fhb 3epuritY granted herein. - - <br />`) Prniar:iipn of tIMaHCiary'a YaC 'dry, $houltl Trustor .'ail tq mak¢ env Veymertt, <br />I!'o du any act a6 herein providm}, qr :" ~~~ - on x prgge6tlirp is cgmmnnce0 <br />+:ICn rm av:alty atincis Ranatigi¢rY `s ,i?fin P(@DnrtY', Ingtudfng, but not <br />- f r ant dbma'.n. Inaoiveu.... eni9 •N pra;eadingE Invblvrng a <br />wrk~upt agrAC n'+ent, it'a^ Runty r ~ b.;! w.;houl bbligelicn to do 5a, <br />n:.a pout ruhc ar on!nand upq and wuMrut raroasrnp 7ruetrx Irgm <br />- ;;b~ys(fn^ +: :,:der. rn s o+u h;•ilfve same, and rwY Ray. purcna6a, <br />d y e rCw 15 aigp, i-hargn W Tian, W niCn' n i'.§ jvdgbmani of <br />L - G 4'. Y Y. 1. J-11~ an) .h y.OWar6 lY,a <br />y ... T y -- p` Y "pa M' t 4- L. J nfa. <br />9 a P{ ti i. t} ~~' I b q'nia <br />- t k~ a 'rt f .a= £t a - - <br />..~ ., .Yw x e _. x - ~ a4 rc r) .yen ,.n4ti'a <br />1 ive. ~.- Ertl F' r <br />