<br />82-~ f~04~39~
<br />orb. Wnnout aemiml. assn to rmmrbate!r dpe ana pavem¢ Dy'rswr ,rnn soon
<br />pen tntereei it iM maxtTym slyWary legal rate: provweo. newRVnr •nat at in¢
<br />OptlOn Ot Beneticlary wYrUatde suLF cams may be added tc. thr'vr nr'per belvnce
<br />pr soy ubemeeneea secured hereby an0 sRAI L: ar me sdm. t s such
<br />i!1deDtedneea BrM aMlfxpaYable reraD!y our me.ema ring term thereof a
<br />10. AsNgnmant M RMh. Beneticay seal! navy the ngnt, power and aumority
<br />dudnq Na eontmuance (w IN9 T; u51 a06e tp Collet' tF¢ rants, ,sues and profits pf
<br />the Propnly AM Of any personal Property I.^,cal¢d :nerenn '.vrth w withOUl [ak:nq
<br />pOSaebabn OI tM property affecteC h@repy, and TruslOr nRrehy absnlutety sod
<br />UnPOnditl0nally aMIgM HII Such ren!9, :ssueD and prohts m BenehuarY-
<br />Btmefletary, npwwer, Mreby consents iG •.ne Tractor's <ohe<hon and retentlOn p!
<br />Duch Tents, Iseuee end pr0!its as Iney a and became payable sa IwtG a
<br />Tmetw ie tint, at sucn Eimns, :n defaultuvHM respect l0 payment of any
<br />IrbebletlMne secured hwehy w In tM performance of any Agreement hereunder
<br />Upon any such eelaUlt,Bene1!clery mAy at dny rim@. ellhRr in persprz Ov ag¢nt, Or by
<br />a reCeNer t0 x appOlnlM Dy a ovn, wlma.,t nolic¢ end w+tnevl regard ro ine
<br />adequacy of any 4acurity tw :ha IMebtednes3 nereny secu.etl la r anon and
<br />eke poaseesion Of the Property Or any part thereof, and In I!s O
<br />OIiMNWfle COIIBCI seen 2niS, Issues drb 6rwif<, r lvding tno4e pa9l5GUeoand
<br />Unpeb, orb apPIY the same, Inca casts and expenses nl op¢ration nnC caliecnan
<br />Inciueinq rasonable anomay taco, upon any inaeDieeneaa seG.rr¢a narebY. and in
<br />auto oMer as Beneticlary may determine; :bj pRAOrm such acl5 n1 re
<br />prDteCilOn 88 may x MLADDdry ar props 20 LOns¢rve th¢ valu0 0l ine prapar(y. CI
<br />IMee ine game Or any pan thereof IOr sucn rants!, term, ana upon sucn contl~h.ons
<br />as Ito tudgement may dlLtai9. Unless Trustor and Beneficiary agree ctMrwls¢ ,n
<br />wdtinp, any appgcation of rents. issues or prV'ns !o any :ndamannesa seLUred
<br />nereey eMU nm exyne w posipona me due date m me rnaraum¢nr paYmants as
<br />provleed in sale promissory note or cnange the amount rr .win mstauments ThA
<br />entennq upon and raking pos9eaaion of Ins Property, the r.Onecnon cr sucn rents
<br />Issues eM profits, end the application 2Mreot es aloresab, snarl not wows or Lure
<br />any screw! pr nonce or darauh nareuMec ar mranaate any ar. sane pursr:anr tG
<br />aimh rmttte. TlUbmr also sexless to Benehciary, a 'asset s Unit' ! r !nR
<br />perform nc8 Of !h¢ ODIIgdliOn3 aecUr9d Hereby all prgpd:tl r¢nl.s nL au m
<br />Whkh Tay Rave Dean w may Hereafter x Oapositad won sold Trustor Cy any ix5.see
<br />of iM Popedy, m se ¢ fha paymem p ::eon darawl ... me
<br />peeor o/ arty Of the provisions Mreoi. T ushxnagra Lal:var 5 r
<br />orb eepo91t9 to the Beneticlary Delivery G wntien r:n ant !n¢ Bonet c:arys
<br />Brd38 O{ ine rigMS gmntAtl ne!ern, i0 any :anent oCFUDY'^g sa:0 crvm:s¢s snarl
<br />x sutficlent 10 require sold tenant t0 nay saiC rent t0 rrte Benehciary un: i! tart net
<br />notice.
<br />ti. t.vaaad PramlaM. W Ithln 10 days atte+ demanq i rector shall t'vrnlsh tc TNStea
<br />e acnadwe canltletl to Da true, setifnp torts all I98atl3 of Soo n the T
<br />Pmpmty [ton in etfact, Including, in Mcn case. m 'the to ants and
<br />aDCUpaRtB. a daecnplion Cf tM space occuplrld by sucn to ant antl accupar, t, ,M
<br />rental payable for avch apace and sucn other intwmaiion end aocuments with
<br />respect [O Waco leases ana tenancies as ine trustee may request.
<br />Wltttoul tM prior written c sent of Truelee. Trustor snarl not. tllrectny r:
<br />IMIfeCtly, Witn roapew t0 any lease of space in Ise denCribeO FremisaS. 'wnatnar
<br />weh Ietee /a HOW Ot Mreafter In existence: (a1 accept or permit any PrePeymew,
<br />dleCWnt w advance rent payable Inerautber; (bj cancel Or ;ermrnale the same. a!
<br />accept any eaneelytion, terminatton or iumenOw thereat. or permit any event to
<br />occur whicn wavldennty tea lessee IMreunder to termmale or rencel the same; !c±
<br />amend w modify IM same ao as Io reduce the term iMreoi, tM rental payable
<br />tMreuntler, of to change any renewal provlabn6 tMrein contained; Id) waive any
<br />dslault thereunder or Dreacn tnneof: lei glva any c sent, w er approval
<br />tMrouMer w take any other acifOn in action IMrewim. o ewith a Isaacs
<br />tMrwnder, wMCh would have the elhct of tmpalring the value vl 19Da01s lmernat
<br />tMreuMer, an IM Property subteCt IMreto, or of imDalnng Ina position or interest
<br />OI tM Trualea w BAMtiCiary; or If} sell, assign, -ledge, mortgage w utharwisa
<br />tllapOea Of, or encumber, its interest In any sucn lease or any rents, wanes er profits
<br />Issuing or arletnq ixreuntler.
<br />12 COtlda+tutalWM1 it TIM t0 any part of iha Property sMh Ge taken in OanUemnattOn
<br />prpceadlnpe, try dent of eminent domain w similar action, 6r shell M sold under
<br />mre.t of CondemMilon, all awards, tlamegas antl prac¢etla era borsht' assigned
<br />arM nhNl M paid to Beneticlay w o snail apply such awards, demapas antl
<br />pfOC9eda.t0lRe sum9 98PUred 6t' the Truai ORad, with ins esL0a9, If any, paid 10 the
<br />Truntw. iruatw wall pramFtly, and with tlua dilgerice, repair, sitar and raatora the
<br />roma:lning part of the TNSI Properly to fts format corbtuon substanfally ro ine
<br />aslant that IM 5em0 may x feaslbie an6 so as t0 conalitutn a corselets aro uSaDle
<br />unit.
<br />13. FuWn A:IfianCaa. Upon request of Trustor, BMahclary, at 8metlcary a Option,
<br />prior to reLOnvaYan.:a of the Properly t0 tM Trustor, may make raters atlvancna to
<br />tM Truntw. Such !elute advances. wits Interact !torsos, snail be catered pt' this
<br />Trust D@ed wtwn erkenced Oy Deomissory notes steung that said notes a
<br />eaParea Hereby: prprlaad mar iI n sMU ua Sacuraa pnncnpal, rmare
<br />edvancea, nor Including sumo adva cad to proincl the s urity, a caW one
<br />tottered parCant ti00ri.1 of [he original plnGDat amow,ta.secwntl nereby-
<br />ti. Ba+padlaa CYat+llatlM All remedies Provb03 in mi6 Trust seed ere d14tInC1 and
<br />wmuytiw to any outer rigs! w remedy under INS Trust Deed or enomed by law w
<br />vaulty, and rtuy M Mncleed concurrently, Iridnpendently ar succnaslvely.
<br />11 A:uwMntlar HapNdNa: 8aM. Upon detsul! by Trustor In Ina payment 01 any
<br />Ilq:abtglWS beGUretl hereby w in IM pedarmerice of any agranment Mraundel,
<br />Bvnetclary may declare ail Gums secured MTePy Immediately dub an6 payable Dy
<br />delivery Io TruaNe o1 Written tleClaregon of default. Tne Trustee Snell hpva the
<br />pOWar o1 Day of iM PrOOertY orb 11 BaMllciary daalres tM Properly 10 be sold, It
<br />a1W 1 d:eposlt Wlfn TNttee Iola Truai Daetl and a:: wOm(930ry solos Snd duCU.menia
<br />erWvrolnp e%Uendlturb aecuratl RereDy, antl anew tleilvar [A Truetae, s wetter.
<br />rWtkv Ot Gfautt and alectlon t0 cauM the Property to be sold, and :M Truatea tr.
<br />rum atoll prepare a simile Notice in tM form required by law, whicn anau x duty
<br />Ilkd Iw rr+cwd by Trustee.
<br />(a) Aftvr tM lapse Or avch !tine as may M required by law fPitow:np tfw racy:tl~
<br />atton of Mid MfIG of dafawt. ine nottca al tlatflult and notice et sale Raving
<br />boon given M requlrr+0 by taw, Trvatae, without demand 6n Yru9Wr, chart salt
<br />1M PmpartY wt tM day and at iM mm~ and Flace daalghared In Sata nOtica o'
<br />cola, LL Iwbtlc auction to t+w nignaat hlddtlr, tM Durcna% prim paYapta .n
<br />iaW(ui mOMy of tM United Stataa at tM time of sate. TM Parson wnduFting
<br />iM eAiG may, tw iny f W Se M deems expedleni, d0atpare th! aise from !'n+n
<br />to tkna unitl If sMif M Fortip:etetl aw. In Ave? sucn cape, nutke a' pgstpona
<br />must aMN M pNan Dy puMk daLlaratMn !torso! pt' sucn Dersor, at rnn time
<br />antl p4rm fast nppwnta0 Iw tM M1Y, pravEdad. It tM sate 'b pwt;sonetl tw
<br />lOitg4 tnvn ill day beywb tM day dvalpneted rn tM rvike pf slue, notice
<br />tharoot etyg ba gWan;n tea same sensor M ttw Grlptnil rvt.Le et lira.
<br />Tyuatatl it-rail aSaPUb aM deiwy iP tltip pur4h8aar nr# 9n!+] ~Onv44=ng rnn
<br />Ptoparly NW. out WitMul any COVarUNi w >arranlY, exprAaa,'vr impiyd, Ttw
<br />ruditata to tM lived of arty mortars w facts snail OA conF'LLilre preol Of 1M
<br />iNmfL:M1i ityrWf MY WIpM, !nCiUding 8inatiCreht. miY part RlSe at rnn
<br />aaM,
<br />Tai Whvn Trua9N sett' pU+want IO tea ppWerp rwrem, tM Truilae ani!I ipPly !nn
<br />PtOCavda d fire raft k paympft of IM Oeati and azpansaa Or eanrcleinq 1M
<br />I+oWwr rY` say ar+d of itx ash, ,q~ yy ?1M paTn'ant o! tM ?ruatse'3 Feaa
<br />x2iafity NKYa"'ad. rNI !D axC94i , ~l _ '4 4t thA #ati . IIGa. eM IMn i4
<br />tM IUtsy ui auppbageapn tai In fha :-rda' ;Tan s.a;~
<br />!oS AtlN,piymq'.fS~:.irna apicrhrt:n subpirag:ai:•~ibr tl 2na 3a~v :Y DY iruYlns. '~:
<br />tTre pr0(yr GW>t ine ffetWt cUati et forw'i0aur8 am: ante t fha Rain !6'r'U`YYnni
<br />to lrMtbu!roncyaure.tM pr@tiMa:r, tan arti:, ba ipt,':An:r. +rre Diner exiled
<br />to the pAyeMnt af,
<br />gt CoatMany BVtdvnv.~ta:hyaura3,«crnnacrwn r.,<., a:;c}_sa;a ana -,t
<br />any fraranUa tamps
<br />lg1 Mt wins tree: a8r:u'fat he+eny.
<br />:d Dutlis and pntigvllOni nt Tru+lee ~a: trrr •t,;yes aM onligatlone nr Truaige
<br />snarl he d n v, y - s nr •M tr.:n peal and Trustee
<br />ena11 nnf ae 1 ry .'all i .t~. ~ cn dar r9 end nbl'gelbnA es are
<br />niMatf2 1 y d u Rnanb fl• ObOgalkns atoll Ue
<br />s@e p '~5 TrUSt Ceatl shell reOWm TfU91tM t0
<br />azpand cr ~ISk non ,o •.tnarwts9 incur enY linanclal oOligenOn in Ina
<br />pertorn any nr ua~~ir vndwr c rn ttro exerelee of any dt tie dgnf or
<br />POWera.a~'.i ltnsnall hevn grnU.`'~3 rnarbellRV!ng lost the ropeymnnt al such turbo or
<br />adequate InnemnnY ag8inrt =n% n .:sk ar I,aDihty Is not raenonabiy assured to It; (c)
<br />'ruata¢ may r; with ... s¢I ^( n:4 awn Lnpaainq orb th0 advice OI each
<br />Counsel Snell he full and <;arnpre<R oaths«tanan ertd pmtettlon In the rtlapeCt O!
<br />any action taken or su't¢red by It nereundAr :n gorxl }alto aM rallanCe tMreon; {tlj
<br />Trustee Anall nor 09 •aob t~lr any action taken hY him In gooe fells end
<br />Mllev¢d DY Him to he autnCrrlM •5 Wnnin the tllecrellon or rights ai powers
<br />ean.errRd upon!; Dy in:s T: eat Geed
<br />1?_ Addltlenal BeCUrfty InelrumeRy.?ru!i1Dr. at its exDanee. whl execute and tlelhvef
<br />e the ?rastee. c=mmpny upon 6emarb, seen security Instruments as may-M
<br />required by Tmst¢e, .r roan and substance satlstactbry to Truatne. cpverfnq airy Of
<br />me Property 'nrvny¢;f b+ Ines Trust UeM. whicn security Instruments atoll x
<br />eddliianai 49CUr!ty fn: Tr:;stni y 1aUnful pertOrmanCO Ol all of (M terms, LOVnnania
<br />end cOrb111M9 Ot Ihid Trust iJeed. fha pmmte.90ry natBD aecUratl hereby. and arty
<br />cin¢r sacurltY inspuments <x .".Rd 'r ecllon with ihlD irpnaaetbn. Seen
<br />Inatrum9niS Snell he rrx;Oraeda0r illAd. and re-rrrCOfdBd and rallied, at TfUDtOYa
<br />1a. MliraNlanaoui.
<br />lal rn the event any one or more Ot the pravi3loM canlain00 In Iola Truer peed w
<br />Ise proml9Wry note or any other security !natrumant given In canneetl0n wtlh
<br />:ms bansiwran snarl !~ soy ~@ n x Mm td ba myaua, nlegal ar
<br />enforceable In any r9aPect. sucn invalidity, illepelity, or unenforceabllity
<br />snort, at ine cellos of BeMflctery, Hai strati any o1Mr OrovlslOn of IHIe Trust
<br />Deed, but mix Fn~st saes coati !b cOMimBd as 11 sucn Invsim, Illegal, or
<br />~ MnlorCeable prOwSrOn and nBYer Dean COntalnetl Mrem Or txrein.
<br />;D1 -nix r ant need seen Ge cpnstruaa accwtling in ins laws or the state of
<br />Nebrasxa.
<br />Icl TniS T ust ^.ee0 snail :n o and Dtntl iha hairs, iegafoea, tlevieaea,
<br />admimshelors, esacutara, surccassom and as9ipn9 O} ma parties Hereto.
<br />bi Trustor snarl pay a a4 levied upon iNS Treat heed Or the debt erreurae
<br />nereDy.:nGetner with+anY other taxes or sa5eaamaniS which may M Ievie0
<br />against ine Truatse or Beneticlay Or me legal solder Of sold prpmlaaary note
<br />on c..un. w the indebtavneas sebencea iMreby.
<br />!¢i Wneneve! used n gular number snail InLlude the plural. the
<br />s Ingular. me use cf env Gender small DR appllcabla t0 all ganders. and the term
<br />'-B¢neiicisry~' s ~ciuda any payee of the Indebtedness Mreby secured or
<br />any transfer Ineraof ,wnelher by ODarehOn of law ar atherwlsa.
<br />'g. BUCPeiiw TmalM. Beneticlary may item hme to time subalituta a aueceseor or
<br />uccessors to any T echo tern4d narein pr ectinG hereunder to exeCUle Isle Truai
<br />Deed. Upon sucn appwn:mans and wiinaJi conveyance to the aucceasor TNatee,
<br />[he istier shall ae vasfed with air title, powers, Snd cubes cordemetl upon any
<br />ustae nare:r ~ aCirng r under. Each Such appoinlmenl an6
<br />sub9inuuun snail aDa mane Dy w«ttenelnstrument by Beneticlary, conWninq
<br />reference to lh;s Trust Deed sntl 119 pieta of record. whicn wxn reewded in lM
<br />of}Iro of the Regiatar of DeWS 01 ;na county or counUea In which 8814 propnrlY 18
<br />situalad snort 6e conclusive prpOt of proper apPOlnlment of IM auCCpapOr Trustee.
<br />Tne foregang power a aubstiluiion and the procedure thereloro shall not x
<br />exclusive of the power and Crct'nuura provbed for by IoW iw Ina subailtutlon of a
<br />Trusteeor Trustees;n tnR ptata :n the Tm9tea.
<br />M. FaAaannu by BDMlkhry or TmatN Not • WalYir. Any IorrD6eerence by
<br />88nenGary or Trustatl in mg soy ripN or rnm@dy hereuMter, or olxrwim
<br />allordad by appilcab!a iaw.;snnll5not De a waiver of or DreGUde the exerWse of any
<br />sent ar tamest' dar@under. ! ik5wiaa.:M waiver by BenenChry or Trustee of any
<br />deleuh of Truntcr under IniS Trust ease snail Hai be dseme0 to be a wahar Of any
<br />other cr 3~m+i9r u'alautts subaaqunn:ly o+:cur«nq.
<br />21. Truntw No/ BNNfid Extan5lon O' the trine iOr paymenl Or modltlGtlon Or
<br />moririation c: the sun%s 5acurep Cy mix Trust Deed granted by Beneticlary t0 any
<br />- rnlernsf cl Trustor shalt not pperale Io reysee, In dny manMr, tM
<br />Sehllity5 1 inn aqy+:Hai Trustor U: T•U51a(9 YU<LaS90r in Inlersel. Benehclary 9M11
<br />not lw rtlqui•rb to cornmenca Gracerulinga apatnal euth BucCe96Or or reface !a
<br />sztend mm~ for •„ ayme:,\ Or atMCwlse mO.dy amOnlietion of ine sums secured by
<br />this Trust L'eari L} tosses .;t any dn:nann maoe by tM origins! TfU9m( and Trpstpl s
<br />sUl.~a5aw4 Ih : RlareSi.
<br />22. OetauiL t! !tors snort Oe a beiaurt under this 'Jena of Trust Ur under any Vrior
<br />norigape. rnn ..?ar:aficrary n,aY -_w'ro sucn 6alawt, and ine amounl6 atlrancetl by,
<br />acrd otMr LGatA antl expenses of the benetlciary m ring sucn detauil, wI1H
<br />~ntertl32 ai tea datauit rata conlalnad In the Note stlcuretl hereby from :ne time Of
<br />iM adrences w pay±Twrda cosy b? sdded to Ihs Indebtedness 9eCwetl by rote TrMt
<br />Used Snd mi)' tR pO:~BLtAO MreUnovr at shy time attar IM time OI SUCH edYinCA3
<br />p+ Faynanta and shalt pe dnemnd to De secured Mreby.
<br />:7. Option to FwK1oM. UVCn the xcwancn of any default Hereunder, Beneficary
<br />tai[ nave ins Lphw: to twaco9e tins Trust Dead in tea manner provided by law for
<br />iM toraciasure b' n:Or,GaGns On .sal property.
<br />;?•. TmatOYa Blgtrti, ADian1 7atiulS. Uml! nny datault in the p8Yman! of
<br />:nuebtaOne33 ha:aay SaCuratl 4r until ine weacn U7 any COVenaRt hotels COntelRetl,
<br />M Trustor, its Sutras and assigns. coati Vo6ae65 end enjoy the pmpeny, antl
<br />clue tea :sofa a,-c ~rotiU t`romlrom. Upon paymenl OI ell sum9 secured by IRIS
<br />Truitt Dnnd, Bnrnhcrery shat' rryuant Truslea [o taconvey the property and snag
<br />ender tRia Trust ikad a.^c au netn5 avidnn<ing iMiab[eftnHSa secured Dy this
<br />T trust :laaC Ic T r vat' tn@ prOpaRy wllnaUt Wefreriiy Snd
<br />_ Rat! rotes
<br />ou( chelGa uV n Va•cons !Rgall} astir led inereio. TM Grantee in any
<br />' or parsons Onlitiad mnBto; "and
<br />t au eU!'ab the errs n tray ~iaialers'o'a acts- mall be Conclusive proof or !M
<br />IruthtulneSa Inerp0!- Such person or parsons 9R811 pay ell coats of recoming, II any.
<br />25. ACCatualiwr in tM Eyint eY Tranitar. rn ;ne avant tn@l1110 to said rest estate 18
<br />IranSf erred, or ccnna.:teii t,l pa sancta: red, from tea underslgnad for any reason or
<br />Oy dny 'na1hN,1 wna.5uavnr, '.ha sr-.bra Fran.<;pal sari and aCCIUed inlereat Bhail at
<br />c5 LecOn:A Due art d paYab:s al :he alaC:lwa at me Beneticlary, Failure to flxerCisB
<br />_a.._ t.' r ut:. c a4ov¢ stated 'R one Inalance snort not
<br />dOShtute a wart: o' ins ;IGht t> era:Cisa the corns In,nn avant of any subs0quani
<br />2D. Tnra enact w.ruat la;unicl io One oared ~~~_
<br />axedwaa Gr Truamr w ._ ... ... ... __... __ ..._ TruatN,
<br />iecu~:ng a Fa hit±pii once ra __ __ -. -. _ . _.
<br />w„ire and l.,ac r.,r rated w':4 :aa'Yag!i;.n ~ a.u Identit)Ad an follows.
<br />Iau1 Tew.arniubac.,e any.:u.lv oo•san ,aw!:, ~x,`:t:.io h,ar_i,
<br />