<br />TRUST DEED $~--~°OQ4~3y~
<br />THIS TRUST DEED, made this OS day of ~___ NOVEMBER ____ tg 82 r
<br />be and between:
<br />IN HZS & HER OWN RIGHT _ ,whether one or more, herein-
<br />after called "Trustor° whose mailing address is _ 1517 WEST KOENIG, GRAND ISLAND.NE 68801
<br />and
<br />.~ as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />address is Po sox 428,5=_I~?ND r&iLaxD, N><___b8802 _ ~ and
<br />(C) FIRST SAlr?DIGS COnrvaiav _i
<br />_ as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is
<br />PO BOX 1566. GR,~N~,_ISLAND NE 68802 .
<br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, intrust, with power of sale, the
<br />following described property, situated in BALL County, Nebraska:
<br />The intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, together with ail buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and ati of the
<br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of each a reement and covenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment of theprincipaisumofTWENTY-ONE T OUFT~ D _6IG1;T_Ilars{$~'''~i`t°21,CG2._5'~^**^~*^****),
<br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, refierence to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other place as the hotdtsr may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner
<br />paid, shall be due and payable an the_ ~ day of_ , 19
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Wayranry DtTNN. Trustor rs Iawfu4'y seizep pf the P:Upar ty, is has good right ana
<br />lewtul ayttKKiiy l0 sell and Corway the Flopari>, the Prupa: iy vs tree and aledr c+i ail
<br />Ions and eriCUmdrenc@S except (lens now of r@adrd. and irustor wi;i warrant anC
<br />defend the fine to iha Property unto the Trustee and .ta sugcnssors and assigns
<br />tprever, against N¢ claims of ail pgrsone. Trustor, at its axp@n>e, wilt mantav: snit
<br />Oreserva Inc Igor. of mis Trust Daed as a Iran open the 1'ust Prdparty SuDla~t only tU
<br />eiiCYritbfatlbeS a%r1tlrlg d9 Ot m¢ Cit@ n¢ra01, wiP cause this i:Wl ie¢d. d+id eaCn
<br />aprendment of aupplpmeni lnareto, tb Ce idea and tacordad as a mgrigage et the
<br />That Property in each manner end in such place, and wen town such Olhe: avLOn as
<br />In the opinipn of trWlefl may be requirod by any presser or future law ::~ ardor Yo
<br />pattapt, matnlain and protect the !!e.^. of :his Tfuat DtroU, as the lama may .^,a ittr:v
<br />lima IO rime amantled or BUpptarn0nte0.
<br />2 PaYmNlt W Pdn deal erW Interest. ?luster snarl puncWaiy pay the prince^pa. at;
<br />arM Intetaet an, said promissory hate Including any aJrance3 inere!o as provided
<br />heteMt on ttffi dot@s and at the ptape and :nine rite e: prorrdao `iterate and wui
<br />punctually perform all agreamnnts, cdnditians sad provisions r% any other s¢cu:iry
<br />tnefyment Alvan-in pMneCtlOn wdh this trsnsaaT.cn.
<br />3 PrasanaBpt apq Malntananca of lkopsrtY. Truster win nor comnril any waste
<br />upon ttw PfbpertY and wilt, et alt :i mat~EaLn in n geed order antl
<br />rfdndltitiri end will make, from, lima IoetSme, all spares. re rypnsC.eme~;s,
<br />BBQtttpR4 @rid fippf0¢ementb which dig tne80.napiy r@qutrad to prevent :caste,
<br />t!npait!gPnt, o! daleroratiw; pt said praperry, No buildtng,or improvement now ur
<br />tta'BpftH erlsctiW Upon ine hopnrty Sh81i hr: altered, rembrad or damat:shed
<br />xtttwut the pricy written aonsentot BenenUary. -
<br />4. DaPype t0 PrQp0(Q,In CAS@ p! enY dathaga tq, cl dsst+utt:On qt, I!:n Ut.iidmgS.
<br />site/pvafHOntn Jr peroondl property - MS i." t.ng Par+ o• Ina Trial P(i.pE:ty wDeiR@r
<br />ftrdfl bee in dbreted DY ineurahr,e ..r OltXrvwigE, Tru s!,,.~ ar •5 se? '25' antl
<br />eaperaa, wilt WOTGiIy rests@, r@P@I<, reGiiaa and ra`vu.4 [try Snma 83 nad:ly aS
<br />praGikanM }O {t9 gdrd=iron Im:iwdfately prior to eJCh damage Or dtl3:rur1lan Gr with
<br />Wyh cnangea and attmUWns as Truster ray ,?y rn dpyrepiia[e ~ ~>aidPU 5
<br />C78nt1GS antl alt@ratrOnB d0 nc+s r i ~ I.Y !asst/ 1 : arw ty Of urn
<br />trslFtdltps, tmpr:avarr~i3 and Acre di y i ,m-m _ g im: ,}. t¢...-
<br />SIISn damage Of denINCIWn. YcLLnto: eha;! trt En(iilEd io rdi:npur4pmrn! trOn: i! G
<br />Truftaa io fttu flatent pf tea. net mwran:a ~-ro,roads .eces,>~ ct ": ustew- n+,l .only w
<br />'he extent n! iM setae: b:rm Bvv'eandn:) un;ig::nia:'aviaior,.
<br />5. CgtPerpa ivetrtar t •14r iy ;' y :y .,;
<br />tYeneNe]tH ra~exaw _ tonce,'rilt t.. r,+ ..tap., ... .. ife .. a:c.i
<br />ttS ir`pc".Rr/.et*w+ -
<br />0- Msms!ree ?'eve`n!' ,.nr ,
<br />~al+a'+ICIaSy_ eU?a- - t_ M'W
<br />-sOrm{9 aeq NN PtOpe ty ,tune`
<br />'ctYVa ed by Sttf~aa d 9 • tt! '" 4
<br />t9Nt ris+P 4w^d:dd L " :sf ••... r .. .. _
<br />apiNny{R.tRr'h 9.r Y' 9R .-~;:,,
<br />Bay .fh iYr•x pr ht`s! ~'O+,
<br />prat k -.Lt.rr s"^, }'w•tt y, .~.
<br />.pit '?C ... ¢ >M a. .. <he .. .. t °, _.
<br />espeChre pdriia5- AI. in a paitres marnlain@d pursuant to this Trust Deed
<br />a TtU91oa and 6enal Ciar, a :.:efts, as thHrr rtlspedi We int~resls mdy
<br />aPpeefaa d CrOVide [ha[ !^ 9hai! ,^,- ;shoe J mOdlfrCatipn Without
<br />i,ftean gays UrtUr written notih<ahan l..c i cosies ana BennltCiary. in me event any
<br />pgle:;y nerevnd@r is not renewed On or Uatprd !ittaen Days pndr to its a%ptyallon
<br />ddid, Trustee pr Beneficiary may prp;urtl auCn insurance antl Ih@ Cb9l lhereoi 98811
<br />Oe added tq the loan secured Ry tms Tru9t Deeu antl shalt pear intOrasl at the
<br />eater of tea telecast rate eptlG~hed tR@ram or the nigRest mfernst rate authorketl
<br />Cy l1m Idws of the State of Nebraska. irustor snail deriver to Benaticiary the original
<br />pq:iaies pi mauranaa and renewdl3 thar@pl a memo app,fla Ot 9uCh ROllcias dnd
<br />r@ndwal3 IndrBdi Fdriura tq tumlSn inauranoa by Tips(a, ur renaWdl9 as requiretl
<br />hnreundar shalt,-at the ophnn of 8eneficsry, corishlute a detaUlt. Ali unearned
<br />e na:eby assrpned :c Trusiae as agd!honat security and a sale and
<br />meyargCa e' tea Property by the Trust0e 3hdit 4parata to Cgnrey to iha purchasor
<br />the TrW(pi 5 intera9l .n dnU to all policies al insurance upon the Trust Pro08rty,
<br />> Te%en entl Asaasamenii. Trustor St:ai: pay ail :xads enE1 spexeal assessments
<br />vred or assessed against nr due open (Ra ?rope: Py Oalare datinquency. antl will
<br />galiva+ to 8@nehciary copras al receipts snpwinq Raym@nt of such to%es and
<br />ap¢aia; assessments. It 8Entl1!C~dry sna!i so request, Trustor agrees that there Shall
<br />ba added to ach pengdic ~ayr^.ant rbqu:red to made haraun0er do amtlunt
<br />eshmatad 9y T Ustee in De suflicier.i. t ndDie i Ur 1q paY: al least Jg tlays
<br />a deimgven¢y, a aas¢SSe±ar is Gr other public Charges against tYia
<br />si P:gperty, the Note ecru ed by'hix Trust Daed, or upon aCCOVni p' the debt or
<br />ine'. t leis T sad, together a~th ;, s for it - required io b5
<br />^ar Ini9 " u ~n ~ 5 '<) ~r
<br />'.rgegVU ust Dead and n hail be~payabee uafgr in
<br />+p9Pa r
<br />c? tnareUT. Vlrenrdamanq by ieuSrtl@. tT aster svr;i dei:vIN to T+ustee Such
<br />edGliipnu; 5 n@y a ca5aarv tp rtfghE ;, q OnilciA al 'rn ,he
<br />a 9uunt3 Yt'mr DI - _ce .ay any ctthn- g i.,q items.
<br />4. Addinonnt UBns, iru9lor 9#~a!i mdhe ati R3Yn".anl5 C nr¢rest and prlnCiPai antl
<br />paymor!s of xaY n1tWr charges, foes. and axpenya5 conirncr@d 1q De paid to any
<br />ex~9iinq hqn hoidets Cr prior tl8naticta[ias Jnder dnY prior Trust tMrH1, Mdngdge pr
<br />" •(Y agrearnenl, hetse the petit fFey pre dehngr pnl antl to Pay any ether
<br />4 a,f+wm~h 1@o¢aMtFkg tn8 s@CU;ny grdri*.eq nare:lt.
<br />G PIOteC:tryn c! BBMIf ;levy's $acarity- CtwUlil 5i eit IG mahd any payrnCni.
<br />rvi! to do any a:.l as ne•ei.; prtv4ded. ur :; d!*..,, ; ust v~• • r;>,:eedmg +s ccramancec'.
<br />hitn mater!a':y attaCi§-f7enanYiary'S :n + r-'r 0;lerty.:nyludinq, bu! nai
<br />. step t-, mat. r. ^r'l. +. ,s •r procaoq!nga rnvUlr"r+q a
<br />c•-tUVr6 t qi, P.e~r < Haut obi!gatscn F~ ~c sit
<br />EwnSwt - :•ce ;!.: rsi@aainq Trr,stpr +rprn
<br />u
<br />&. -.1. 'r_5A<rE, aid n+uY paY pr!+: hob@.
<br />sr-~ b-: h i 1. Jf
<br />u rc awn. .au ... y erert,% s a y .. ._ as t.a
<br />m 3-.'
<br />