<br />t~
<br />82 --= n ct ~ t? ~ <3
<br />and. iathOrtt demand aeon ry „nmwutntr Aua era u - . -
<br />war interact at Sne mari'num arlowanta !Ngbl •at« n+n'+'ne*' '~~ - -.
<br />Oplgn Ot Berta--':cwry 0, ee Surn lama may t~3 adABd ! , GYlanaianoe
<br />of .try ineemeeneae , ~aa * >qnY a n F s sp.
<br />irrdetafedMaa dry anon to cayaDy'axaMy,:mr the rema r n a~ er,., mweN a
<br />10 .aabnwant of Raab. t3eneftciary saner nave the r,gnt, Dow :na auto:+,r.
<br />doting tM CPntinusnee (pt mts T'uat them tc toetbet the rend ss . ana proms c'
<br />tM Property aM of any p°r3a^ar nrone~ty IrxatpA t!:erenn -»itn „ !ai mg
<br />ppgaeeabn Ot iM prDperty attested nereDy. inA T-voter Rerepy aMmutarv- ar,a
<br />ftneDrtdi(ipn•Ity asalgna a!1 avCM1 ienla. Is6rten eM proms to B•'-=tncyrY.
<br />lienenNary. However, nerebr consents os the rrunro: s .-auer:unn ana ra
<br />auto (antl. in3Ue3 and Drools as IRny ar a arrA [y me ppYAbM apl~:ng a
<br />Truator r MI, al sucn n deltlu tvwtln r
<br />utwbteeneee xcurea Harney o ,r, ine pedo.manca a~ ens a
<br />upon snY SUC~SefaaV Benehciery mayarany t:py. ertha+^v - emPV agPn'na
<br />ecNvel to Dd aDpointea by a Dort- wtinbuf notice a w'fn!+I:t rr -Ina
<br />etbquaeY of any actuary }Or thO lrMebfetlnesa nereDy sacd•a^ :a r°uC~^n ana
<br />take posaesabn of the ProplanY Or any part thsreol and In ,•s ow'^':ea^e sus'nr or
<br />otMrwiae colyct sucn rents, +awea ana Drpnts.:riudrnp 'n anC
<br />UniHid, aM apply tM same, lase tos[3 anC evpense5 pt opera: in annacoha^!:or
<br />trfciwinq reawnab+e attorney tees, ypen any Indeotaanasa sr_,,,ec nereny. a ...
<br />aucn order sn Benencia.y mar aetermrne. !b! . acts er 'n
<br />protection 83 may M necessary or proper to conserve Inc slue Of the P•ppe ~y. ice
<br />lease the same or any par, tneraot fd: seta lento: t ana r,pon sucn cpnmtrcns
<br />as tb judgement may tllclete. Unles< T•usto. ana 9e eticiary agree ntturwrse :n
<br />wallop, any appllwtion of rents, cr prpra.s t: maebteaness se urea
<br />hereby snail not ertentl Or pnetMM°tna tlUa ante nl to ~staument
<br />provided !n sold promysory note er change ine amount r_-t sucn m -
<br />entenrp upon aM taking pOSSeesion of the Procerty, the couec(iont~r s <r.,5enis.
<br />laawa era pronto, antl Ue apPiicahon tn0repl as atorasaa. snah nci waive cr tyre
<br />any tlebuU or nonce of tlelauh nerevnaer_ M :nraitaetu any act tlene pursuant to
<br />ouch notice. Trusfor also aaa+Bna ;0 8enencrary- a urity tot tab
<br />pBrfwmante of tM oo!lgauons secures .ngrepy. a .,repo n treats ana art m
<br />which moY nBVe Dean w may nernftar be asuyzltaa'wv;h aar0 T roster by any :es=_ee
<br />of the Property, to sec ne perinea; :. n ]alavl; -~+ ".he
<br />pertwmante of any of ine prov'smns n : ra9'r`ac f,etlal,+sr s
<br />era aeoosaa to me Benetrccary Gerrrenpe »nner~ nonce nr ;n -oat ~,lan~s
<br />epBfLlbe of the rightg grdn:atl ne'em, : - sold Drgm:ses shall
<br />Da wttitwnt to require sarC tenant !o paynsarv rer~.t cJ !n0 Scrtetrt,ary rani !.;rtnar
<br />notice.
<br />11. LYaad Vrambaa Wltnln 1g tlay! one: Comahd, Trt;ator snail turmah to T: UStM
<br />a sdMtlula certltletl to bet S, setlrnq lean all !s of space ! the T
<br />Prtperly teen .n eNxt, :ntlvdtn9, l ecn c tMSe of ;rte to ants a
<br />oecupanta. a aeecrlptlon pt fha space eccuwttd by sucn t near ono eccuDar!f- the
<br />rMUil payaDy }w auto spate ono ]uch Other !ntormattOn. d C a«uments with
<br />respell to aucn Ieanea antl tenanuas ea the Tmstee may request.
<br />Wnhout lM poor written c eel Ot Trustee. Tr'JStw anti!! not. D '*
<br />Irtdltactfy, won respect to any lease et space m the aescnMC Rramisaa •« nether
<br />wen !aloe Is rtow or Mreafter in axiswnce: ta) stceDt o: permit any prepayment.
<br />atsew,m w advance ram parable ttyrwnaer; !bt tanoel pr wrmrnaw Ina name, p
<br />aCteDt any cencellaUOn, tBrminatlon or wrrantler !hereof, w permit any evar;t to
<br />r which W Wed enUtb the Iansae thereunder to tanvrinay or cancel ? ne same; Ic)
<br />amend w mptllty tM same 50 as to reduce me term tMreot. ice rents: payaNe
<br />tnereuntler, Or to chenpe any renewal prorislons inerern Contained: ;dl'wawa any
<br />Default Iherwraer orb ecn therBOt; fat B+re any COnaent. w o• aDPrr»'al
<br />tttpeunaer w take any romar action in ecnoa therewtlq at awrtR a ien6ae
<br />tttareunar, wench would nave 1M eNecl Of fmpavinq tea''vaive of !elect's mtereat
<br />tMraurWSr. on tM Property 9ubtecl tRereto, or of imPeirinq Ina PaSFIIOn ar venereal
<br />of tM Truates w BeneflclerY, or 1~ Sail, anSiBn. MedBe. mprt9ega cr otnarw+3e
<br />tliapoDe ol, or encumber, Its Infereat fn any wen {ease er any rants, Issues or Pro`ns
<br />Iswinq or erlsin9 tMreuntler.
<br />12 CPpedamnatlan if title t0 any Pan of the?roPerty nnan be taken :n ~conoemnation
<br />woceedM9n, try rtpht of eminent domain ar similar ac Lon, dr snah De sold under
<br />txreat of eondemnatfon, eH awards, tlamages ana proceaos sea hereby assignw
<br />antl sMll t» paid tD BMefitiery woo sMll apply aucn awards, o ma9es one
<br />prdceeda tO lRe num36ac1xed by the T'pnl DBBp, with IM dxta95, It enY. Ce:d Io ine
<br />Trustw. Truatw will promptly, artd with due onigence, repeu. alter aria rBabre the
<br />ramalnlnq part of tad Trust Property to I!s fwrtyr curWltior, suDStaniwlry la the
<br />etttMl loot iM name maybe !allele ana 90 as t0 CPnynlute a cpmpteta and Usable
<br />uMt.
<br />13. Faturr Mrartoa. Upon requeal of Tveiw, wnenclary, at Benefician a option.
<br />pUOr Io reconreytnce of the Property to the Trustw. may make lutura advantas tc
<br />tM Tryalw. Stith future adrnncea, wan interest tM:bon, snah M secured cy tars
<br />That Dead when araenceo by promissory notes etatiny teal sdid n
<br />saCUretl Mreb>; provided lost a line s urea p c~paOtB
<br />fi6rrirltes, nci {+fcludtng s a:Y.'antad t-~ Dra+x-t n ~ c:x
<br />npM(W parcenl (i904ri Oi try Regina prrnc'pai pmOUnls aBCUrbd RtlrBbyxt~
<br />1a. PaptadlM CumuwlM. kll rerneUi01 prOr,Ceo in ir!tl Trust Dead ere O'i:tncf ana
<br />armuwtM to any oiMr rtpnt ar remedy under tMS Trust Lbb. Or altwoeo by taw cr
<br />equtry, atW may a Bxsrclaetl toncurzenny, tndeperWentiy or wccasarvaiy-
<br />16 rkaoalataNOrK Naotadlaa; Lk upon aelawt by TrustOr m :na caymem of any
<br />ItMabtetltfaae aacurad Mreby w in iM pertOrmante of any apredment nereurraer.
<br />BINNfieWy may tlecbce an auma secured Mrdby Immeaiatefy due app paypble NY
<br />ttalifraly tp TNaTM pi watiM OKiaratbn of default. The 7Netec atyii niye the
<br />power of nab of tM Prolwrty arts II Beneficiary deatrea try Property to rya wed, .;
<br />atop Aepoelt wife Tru6tae mb TMSt Oe&] eM all prpmisaory nolea antl tlacumoma
<br />eYldaoclnq exparftlnurn eawrad Mreby, era chat! dourer t0 Trustee, • wrnian
<br />notice a atagn .ltd election m c:pea tea ProParb to oa win, ana tn, zti--area rn
<br />cum snail INepsre i slmfW NOUea !n :M twin required Oy law, wn,cR snail M Cury
<br />tlbtl iw recatl Dy Trunin.
<br />W kttaa the !epee of aucn drM as mar t" rdgdirea cy taw fcuow;nq the rbtort-
<br />atbn of said valise of Default, antl notice of aehu!t and notice of said navenU
<br />Oaan given n required by law, T.uetn. wemout OemanC on Trusfor, anal YnU
<br />tea PropaRY a, vy eats ana at iM time era c:ta designated to bw0 nP;ma p,
<br />saw. at pubUC auction to the npneat Cladw, tea purcnasa pried payaole m
<br />Awful mOMy Of try Unitas States at try !erne p! aaia. tM parap++ coralutnnq
<br />ttw qN miy, tw arty cause he ooama aspedlmt, pOStpoM tRe say from tiny
<br />IO tltne uttU[ H shall i>e cOmpyled aver, in every auto ta86, nobca cl FwlPOna-
<br />mfnt dlWl tw 9tyan by public dectwanon merest D> such person sf IM ttyw
<br />atM pAcd fast ippdntaa fw iM safe; provided, rt Inc sale ea postpVnetl to
<br />>on9K roan p1 ear Oeyora tad ear aes;gnate0 i,^. tM Dptice Df sale, nabca
<br />ttwitYOf strait De given to the s.mo manMr ss try wigina, notce pt saw.
<br />TNatN atuf: nKUta aM aetFver tp tfy purthesdr Ma Cede tanveymg ine
<br />PoOpagY aOld, put wnhout der poYettanl a warrahC-, exprdsa, pr rmpirea. Tae
<br />ratiWa /n IM I)aW Ot any mature Or !ells ana'.i De Ccncivs:ve prwt o! ;M
<br />[ruShfulMSa Snere0l, AM1Y peraJ,., `rccludtnp BBMts: y, ;nay pv'cnasd at ttb
<br />saw.
<br />tbj Wffan Trwfee aNb Aurwartt to end POw6ra Reran, 'ty TNSwe ana+i i0prY try
<br />PIOrledd-M tM nay t0 payment or ine poste an4 expe<ads of dxertiatry itro
<br />poleM tit Mw a1M pf fhe sill, i. r#'t'~p~j. aY f tfw sale PnT n. di~ i%yn fo
<br />ac'-wtY lrrcuna0, rat tp exceed ~._s Uz1~ :•
<br />tM IiwM 6 auDpera9rspn ic; u, tea wrier ify,-e 3tatfd
<br />tit kftV paY+rW md+Tdma bpdGityl;:nb,:PPariprspf rP}it sty ay+a.3 P('n,FwB. a,
<br />tM prrtyt taunt and p6Mr s:+ratk a! fwePlaau :C gala :F ="te saw =a f..srdoam
<br />tgiad^gtat IDrdDifgyta.nd T"Otddd3 of aatb Ehan v_.a a>J:iUJ'.n'.'y INdar atatdC
<br />w tM P8Y'rMnt qf. _
<br />pl cdatwarrr aYidxtc•ea t.tw D+rx.:•ac «,:;~nrur. Th auC^ .n ana+,•
<br />any rerptUa btampe;
<br />rift kk RUrteaFMrtlK.vtak ro*n7y,
<br />ii#Y Ttq eaT.a%naxa,!fpr,Y. fGtty Pe'a:~r: eapkt:. ».n,:ad tne:arµ
<br />!9 Dunn pad 4}Diigatinrva pf T1•tN (al Tne pptya antl CPpgalmne pf 7ruetn
<br />Ao ne aqM>'+"'+N" 5•'I..'. r~y :nq ~. Presx prnvrolrms o! I!fa Trual Deed and Truslrb
<br />snail not 6m :=aD;e a..rwrr '... - -an+sucn duheaaM Opligiltons ae era
<br />apeCir'ca:ly s " - cued ~ lots a pbllgslbn5 snail w
<br />Pp3ed ,:-.,, tnla T..,4tDged anal! reqube Trustee to
<br />erygnA o a v hnpnciai pWigaNOn in the
<br />peA^_rm <eaot am :~n,= undar9or rn Me exxtrse o! any of ns right a
<br />pOwery a npi! nova r: u.: r. s 'U - vtng that tea reMYtnant o1 wcA furtde or
<br />adeoua mr,Ry a!iarn':r suer. %ani epnabntty is not reasonably assUretl to IP It1
<br />vstce m sun » Pt His awn cnrxying and the etlvkb of aucn
<br />- oaf mall .ce tut! snaA~.ampln 0 autnwi[elbn eM protembn in tea reaped of
<br />any ecliCn ie4en nr ]utfarea by tt nnrnunder in good laith erM rellanee thereon: (d)
<br />Trustee anatr nci t» taD;e !pr any etlWn ta~an Dy Nm In Rood faith eM
<br />Delierba by ni'n !~.~ bb bu(norizan U w:tnin (ne tllacfetiOn or rtgnta Ot pOwera
<br />_an_erred upO^'t N fora Tryst Road r
<br />Addlitonei 5•eudty In•trutmni•. T:usior, a[ its expense, w111 execute aM Oe11Ver
<br />a Truetn, prpmDtly ::non Camand, sucn security Inatrumente Hs may M
<br />WrAd by hasi0e..n lean inn suDa[altce satisfactory to Trvate9. eovmlrp any of
<br />ne Property c raved by tMe `^asl Dace, which security InaWmenta anal! w
<br />additional loco: fY '"±> Truatat s faithful oeNwmance of eN Of IM tBrmd, COYManta
<br />anE c.pnamm~s ; till D6PA. ine Rremisaory note eeeured narsby, aM arty
<br />mMr s nsnq!-,ears a urea In connecnon wnh tale tranaaenon Suer
<br />natmmenia'snau P_ reccrdad a Hied, ana ro-recorded and rolled, al TMaMr'a
<br />expenaty
<br />19. Mlapilatyova.
<br />;ai 'n tea avant any One cr meta ct tab rnovlalona contaiMd In Iola Trust Oeea w
<br />?° Promyw) rote or tiny otnar security Insnurwnt Riven In CMnaglidn villa
<br />s innsacucn s .ate Yny reatan De het0 t0 De Imalltl, Illegal o
<br />BnlorceaG%e er any reeDect sucn invalldlty, Illepallry, w uMnbrcadDlllty
<br />snail, at tnB OPtIOn :>! Henefict8ry, not at{act any OtheY proHebn of tole Tru1i
<br />Been, but !n s nwt Nee ehen Ds mnawea e° if auto Inra1M, Ilypal. or
<br />,nanfomeabie erovrsenn Had never DBen conuine0 herein w IMreln.
<br />-bi Tni9 T tilt =.eHt snarl DB rorstr tied accoralnp to foe ewe of the State or
<br />NBnranSa.
<br />cr Tn:s Trvat Dees melt in a to dM bind tM nelre. lepeteea, dnieeea.
<br />a0mintstrators. evecutors, succesaora ana 83s19M of the parties hereto.
<br />sal ustor 5na!I Day alt tares +eviea upon Ins Trust Deetl or the tlebt eeCltrr%i
<br />breby, togatner wan env p[ner tales or assessments which may M levletl
<br />a9amst ins Trustee o: 9anehciary o: the lapel holder o: wltl promsaory note
<br />.+a ..count et'_ne InasOleAneas evlUanced thereby.
<br />,0. ^bra!n, tea singular number shalt inttutla IhB piurel, tM
<br />s~~~~iac me ~ e o: err gerwer spat M epoucame m au yeMere..nd Inc tarn
<br />"9aneflc!ary" snah ,ntlu0e env Payee o' tea irasbtednesa Hereby eecuretl or
<br />an..ransler ,ne. ea wna.Der by oPereliOn Of 18 W or o1nBrWraB.
<br />tp. Sueunar Tnrafn. Benaiectary may from tlene to time wbstitUte a nueCeaaww
<br />ra to any Trustee hameo nerem or acting hereundM t0 execute this Trust
<br />D°60. Upon such apV~r^t•rent ono wirnout cOnveyence l0 the OUCCenwr TNatee,
<br />the tatiet sne,t t+s 'I tote, ppwers, erM dutlen cOnfarretl upon any
<br />ru]tee n eau :. ~ng r under. Each soon appointment ono
<br />sv0afnution ana+i'acE mope by written°trytru_me.^.t Dy eeneflefery, contalninp
<br />•a}erence fo rn,9 Tru3t Deed and rte Dace Ot recorq, WRICn WMn recgm8tl In Inc
<br />onlce u+ tM NBytster pI Daads of the ODUnIy w countwn In wMCh ssitl property In
<br />aituatw snail D6 CVncMSna ptpOf Ot prOpBr appalnimenl p} (M aucceewl TfUeiee.
<br />Tea torepomq Gower c stituhan erW the Prxe6ure ttyreforo snail rrol be
<br />ne a war antlu^~vicedure prvrtala fa oY law for tea wbatllvNOn Of e
<br />'%ustse o+ Tmstee5 +n the D ace e! Ifia Trustee.
<br />?O. fomaarerWY Dy HanellNar} ar TmatN Nat • WIhM. Any iwebeerarfcs by
<br />aeMtK.an, o+ Tr„sya rn n ine a ncm p ameoy nxeunaer, w otMrwlaa
<br />aiiwded by aPpiita0ie !arr. Snaliinot Pea -waiver of Or praclutle Ufa eaerclsO 0f any
<br />:tent or remwy n under. l!aewrna, the waiver by Benetlciary w 7Netee Ot any
<br />aefauit of Truato urrraer Ines Tvst Deco nnan not oe daartea0 to De a waiver of any
<br />saner v' similar dataurts sub3e4uantfy vtcurrinq,
<br />21. Trwlor Nol R•wa•ad. Extenseon o! ine i+me fcr payiMm or matlnlcallon or
<br />molt:zn:•on v' `.M1e suns secu•ad Cy iMS i roar i)e6d prentao by 8enenCiery to any
<br />:merest pl 7rusro+ snail not operate [o release, {n any manner, iM
<br />9ao~~Y°p1 the wrp.rw. 7".+sto~ a• '~ +ntereai. Beneficiary atoll
<br />rot Da reVVired tc nca 'ocaeaings age net sucn avcceawr or reluee to
<br />ens lime IO: pay.nami~ ::Inerwlbb mo-~lfy nmOritiaUOn of ine 9UmS adcUrw by
<br />: st Geed Dy:anson _.: a^r ,:er"anJ maul by ine orep+nai Trusfor an0 TMSIOr'a
<br />Z Delauil ~' ~ r_ ~ agar tars Dent o! TrUat or under any p:tw
<br />,..a lUiga. ^ra Bar. a'ayu:~ Ceiaurt, ana mb amounts atlrenceo by,
<br />usher - falfie~baneticrary , urirfp even Celauii, with
<br />At the cBta~l recta ~ag6ae ao !n try Note 5etureC tyrebY irpm tea limn of
<br />c' Parmbn:s snarl D= added :o tea Indebtedndas secured by ihh Trust
<br />D6Wl`anti mat Pa Ca'+la<la: hnraUnd61 a( any hme anar the tlene Ot auCn advBnGan
<br />pr pay meals dnq 5r:pi: pa anbmbe .o tu! 9P-tired nBraDY-
<br />i3. Cptian to Foracipa•. Unan ine ctcu:ante pr any default hBrwn0ar, 8enetitiary
<br />snag: nave :he cc+tcm t Ir,!s Trust Deno in inn manner provides by law for
<br />'M !wecmnu:e vt mvaUat,'aa ~u_SBaai Property.
<br />2l TN•ia'p Npnb, kdi+rtt DalautL Jntu any Caleult In tea payment of
<br />ndeblaCnaas ^.a: e:.> sw:u:ed ~~r ~n;t; the D:eatn of any cOVeNnf MIBin contained,
<br />the : rubta~.::s wccasams an;; ass:Una, snot! poanse a:6d enioy the property, aM
<br />'ecalre tea tents aria profits ineratrom. Upon Peymont of ail auma secured by Ihis
<br />trust De6d. s rsai:ciary snarl raqu,aEt Trustee tp raconvey Inc property an0 shalt
<br />till Dew: and an octal ertdenclnp Inaebteaness aecurW Dy tole
<br />T,uet,Geec snarl racvnvey Inc property wnnoui w ants erA
<br />»:tnwt :. srUe~. ;agony a ,tied Inereto, Tha Grantee in any
<br />e+Da0°ns p! persona entitled ibewto," and
<br />tM rbt srtlnbretn J asry m ova !acts shall De c nCiuSive Groot of eha
<br />nvthtuinaas Insra:.:.5uc.^..eracn+u: psrscn] anal: Day ail costa pl rncOrolnq, if any.
<br />25. AttetaiUon in the front Ot TranalN..n tea bra..^.! IM Ilt!e to said real allele is
<br />sled :~ Da fret: a:errea, 'tom try u.^.tlerslpnw for any reawn or
<br />by aa•y fmb'noCywnal6oPVb'~, !n n pr:ncrpet sum iM d ruaq Iniareai ]Hall et
<br />to Datna.a t~a;t^A naya0'a a ~'c a+ee::on pt fns Benaucary Failure to exereiae
<br />this .,Roca e6 - - ~ i above stated rn nswnca shall nci
<br />- tvta`awaav-a~oiYena ai:gnt.u axacrw tea sama!h tea areal of any subaegwn[
<br />~@~~ 7 ~~ G': °`t3k'"~Sa141if4 s~izrs~--~rsLE~"'z~ ZrHr
<br />axacptnd pv Tr,;atond _ _J.Q$I9_.A. _ wSf~ _ - - _. _ _. ___ Troataa,
<br />.Syr.ngaa,n<:.m:,o;aro+~l.>4g4x_32._ _
<br />x,wp ant ,:.,ad fo''a:.o. a w In I:re ~«p..n:*.., -+ewAa ana a•nnnad as talgwa.
<br />LLTT SIX {5) C'elPt':'fit. ;~5 I':ICHT'k St~ti17IV15(t;^d
<br />t'It1i.L CUli\'TY, f:E$[t~15}G:
<br />_ . -... _.
<br />