~2+~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ TRUST DEED
<br />THIS TRUST DEED, made this 3rd day of November , 19 82 ,
<br />fie and Netween:
<br />IN HIS & HER OWN RIGHT ,whether one or more, herein-
<br />aftercalied "Trustor" whose mailing address is _ r ~a~ rrTAx AvFrntF rxnrm rcr,axn NE 68801
<br />and
<br />PO BOX 428 GRAND ISLAND NE 68802 as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />address is and
<br />PO BOX 1566 GRAND ISLAND NE 68802 as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is
<br />WlTNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof is heret,y acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the
<br />following described property, situated in ~-L County, Nebraska:
<br />The intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in tee simple, including all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, together with all buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the
<br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING ~pQfNe rid covenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment of the principal sum of~~~E~ FbRT~*3~n~~rs ($ ****47.049.78>*******^** ),
<br />as evidenced by a Promissory note bearing even date at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner
<br />paid, shall be due and payable on the 3rd day of __November , 1g 83 ,
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />t. Warrant' pl ilt4. Truswr is lawlufy seizac m Ine Prupen.. :. as gcgd r[gRt and
<br />tawfpl authority l0 abik end convey the P[upertY- tea PnrDertY is :'ea an0 c:ear dl all
<br />um+e aqd ancumDrancas except i~ans now Of racOra. and Trustor whi wanant and
<br />tleleiFd the tltb to the Property unto tDe Trustee aria hs sut<essbra ana assigns
<br />tarsus., dgainst lM ciaime OI all pBlsOna. 7rue[Or. dt its napensa. wu! main!arn and
<br />preserve the ban Ot iota TfUSt Deotl 88 a lino ppUn ,Re Trust Property subi@<I ortty Ib
<br />MCUTWinCga @aiSting orb of Ine date nnroai. wlii cdu}a tTa Trust Dead. arNy each
<br />amerMment Or auppRmenf Itwr@t0, t0 ba 7ibc entl re00rdad as a marlgdge Gi 1ne
<br />Trust Propetty In sucn manner anb in sa.:n pace. aM writ take sucn oiner action as
<br />in the Opinipn of TruBlee maY DS requued by any present or future law .n order to
<br />perieci, maintain end prOleat IRe ikon O! rM5 T!u$i Deaf. as ton same may DB tram
<br />tirrq to pine atrrandad or suppbrtrenled.
<br />2 Vglaartl W Prfadlpal artd hlhtzaaL Tru}tpr span Uunttuafiy pay F h pr:xipat of,
<br />dnd inieraat Orl, Slid prOmieeOry npiC inclgping my edrantas Lher0l0 dS ptCVid@d
<br />fwein On the dates ana al Itw place arW in trq manner pruv:dod therein and wb1
<br />purrcwalty perform au agrcemants, contlibana and prov:yons o: any otDar security
<br />innlrumenS giren fn connectbo with trio fransactipn.
<br />3. Preaarxatian ana Malltlwnea Ot Property. Trustor writ rbt cpmmit any waste
<br />upon tM Property en0 will, at all limos, meir:tain tea sans in qoW cider entl
<br />t»Mltion and wib make, Frain ume t0 trine, dN reps+r s, ~s - -
<br />aaWtbna arid ImprwertMnts wnicn a reasonaDiy redwretl to prevent waste,
<br />krpal(mmt, d deterbratlOn OI saki propa(ly. No quiidmg of imprOrement now M
<br />tNfYlter eructed upon the Property shah De alters::, remavap or demolished
<br />witlwutiM poor wrlttM iwnaent of Berwtfpierk- -
<br />@. OarlYpp b PwPartY. in case o} anY d8mags :a. pr des:<u0tbn o', the building;
<br />Imprweniant6 or parsoriai propartY conebiuting part or ins Trust Rcperty. wnefnar
<br />such bas is cprged ny rn .I:S9rwisq. '- :.aYf and
<br />aspeneD. Wla promptly resiMargBpair~replato dn0 ra0ui:a Ine semaues rise; ly es
<br />@racbcabfe £O R'a aofWNia,t immadiafeiy prior t0 a;a-n damage Or destruchan ur w:i1
<br />wad. M.aagea aria aliarat'ierta W TrusiIX may team appropriate Droveded sucn
<br />Cix:iligel- ar{d aftslalianb do [qt s,ateria)ly iC88an rt' find unnty of such
<br />A5i{iafnga, irnprgeOpeta aM OehJOnagfY from Thai e~slinq¢rmimdaiatelY Dr%pr to
<br />arKh damage Or paatru0tan T m bnali Da ¢ntllfad la eQimEUraSnMn! trem ins
<br />Truilae to tPfe asteni 04 fie oat mauraz+cB GtoOaedS received by Trustee. hul Only Ib
<br />ltie estem W Iha aC2uaf Sum mtpwWetl undbr ifm prVVi3e0^.
<br />5, t`Nrpona* Tglat3, fr Trxixfar _. d wrpCCat Hi:*, ~1 wi!i do a!I ~~~: ^i;{!~eCBSVaty *o
<br />prawrve rte dOrpprita axiaiaMa. rynib anU Dnviisges u^ vas iris :xw_ c. Itm sta:a ut
<br />its iM'ptpp}atip0. - -
<br />s. bra,nap4. Twalor, a! its b%pnnaa, wu a _t - piOVab Sy
<br />Behefi^,iai'K ir~,3ansa w.he •espeC:. to rryr-_rx-a sin ,is a^e.: a yu:.arly.
<br />whaT.rw.mg the Pq,l,agy -xqa.. x xb aT .rr q ,...-.q .,
<br />4ouarad Et' axanaara 4;'an4Kt cv+arapa eMS --~ w t Miua ar ,
<br />Aaaf err! nuPtlrad b@R.an1 C i ik3.:ac er# y
<br />aQiiryM w-_'.h MrMM !gYerlix a!~d- ustu.n.a- dr dY norAa
<br />aM. epee al 'a `t v F .
<br />p+niaviS di yry-StW rfi .O .. >nu+~~aa 644 ar-,w•'t.r-
<br />hfim bM to R:wb fbkaex rrr~ r ., __. _ y x:-a in --a .+~. era3, ..r Yfra
<br />^gspactire Rarties. Ah insurance polici¢s marntained pursuant to tots Trust Deed
<br />snail name T;uStea entl fieneiic:ary as insureds, es it'sir respective mmresi9 may
<br />appadr, ana pravbe mat m e shall be no canceilarion m mpaincaiibn without
<br />hftaen tlay9 pries written nvlelieation to Trustee and Beneficiary. In the avant any
<br />pokey ner¢unbar i5 not ten@wed Cn or Cebre fifteen tlays prior l0 Its expimbOn
<br />tldt¢. Trustsa ar Bena11c1arY may Procure Such insurance and the cost mare0l shalt
<br />Oe added t0 Ihq ban securrHl by tots Trust Deed aritl snail bear interest dt Iha
<br />greattlr of the interest rare SpeClneC tnnfairt W Ine nignest interest rate euthorize0
<br />DY the laws of me State of Nebraska TrustOi snail tleilvar to Beneficiary lee mlpinai
<br />polies of insurance arM renewals thergol or memo cop+es of such policies and
<br />vats iMreot Failure to furnish insurance by irusror, or renewals as required
<br />nereuntler shau. al the Vpibn of B¢neliciary. constitute a delault. All urreamea
<br />premiums a ereby ass%gnetl to Trustee as adCihonal Security and a sacs and
<br />nreyari<e pl Ne Property by fns Trustee shaft operate tb convey to lee pureness.
<br />:he Trusb~ s interest in entl l0 all policies 01 insurance upon Ine Trust Property.
<br />T. Taxes ana ASflumant3. TruStOr snail pay ail !adds and spacidl d8SeS3menf5
<br />ewetl cr assas5¢d zgainst Or Cue upon iris Property Datore dgiinpuenty, arM will
<br />delirgf to B¢n¢Ilcia+Y copies Of recaipt8 stufwirtg payment qt such-fazes entl
<br />spacial assessments. ii Bene/iciary shat; so rs0ue5t. Trustor agrees teal mare Snell
<br />Ce added b seen periodic payment required to be made hereunder an amount
<br />estimated CY Trusie¢ to Ce su!tici¢nt 10 iMaEie Trustor to paY, dl least Jb days
<br />be(ar¢ O¢i~nqu¢ncy, ail taxes. assessments or Other public Chdrg¢s against the
<br />Truss PrOD¢rty, the Note seturatl by'his Trust Dead, or upon account Ot the debt or
<br />,}¢ i~ of [his Trust Deeil, together w!th premiums tOr it urdnce regiive0 tc De
<br />.ended urMar :his Toyer Dged a^ :nte~est snail be~paydOle 10 Trus!cr in
<br />,¢sp¢c' In@e¢ot. Upon demand by Tnrstea. Trustor snail tlelwer to Trustee sucn
<br />addiiloaai 6 s Oi m nary !a mdkC up arty datic,ency in iRe
<br />Dmbv~..S ngc¢65dry lC enable Truseee Opdy any Oi tnb !OrggO!ng 1[ams.
<br />8 Aifdltbnai LNra. Truatar sna:i make a!! pa>ments Ot interest aiW OrinCipal and
<br />payments of any a!rwr cnazges, tea@. arw a%parsas OUn'.ract@b to bq paid to any
<br />gxistinC lien holders or prior beneticiariea urafu any prior Trust Dand. Mo!tgaga or
<br />Otlrer security agreement, Oelwe the data Mey era delirpuenl arsd b pay any other
<br />elairn whi.:n ie..pardi_as tea xevunty granted nerain.
<br />3 Protaeaat Of 9ane11Nary'a Saeudry. Snbuld TruatO/ !all to make arty Fayrnen:,
<br />sail tIi tin boy dCt a3 Fier'ein Prbvid80, M it anY dcfiryn d pracee0ing is ["OmmenCeq
<br />which marerxeily arises Benelictary 5 interest rn a Property. 'nctuding, but rid
<br />inirad to, Cmusgnt Oarnain sdiventY- a ~ - rn,i O: procaadmgs volume a
<br />c@ban:, ingn Sena'itarY _-a!Inovt Obiigatinn to Oa su,
<br />xi:ieoul nubt8 to of tlgman;SUWn Ti U_~',.. n~~:rears ra:easirW TrusiOr tram
<br />any nhugation ^ u Sai. i"+ mdka .• ~ - arc] may pdY. [ r: naae.
<br />- - vmbranca. sfiaigq ;, wn!tn irv ins lutlgarnent ni
<br />P trier aVRaars _t saib "oT'arry .rte any s - ;.^.t
<br />alla_'
<br />dare ° pi Trus.aa a env !•eGr:b a~rrtc ~nxpend wrss a~..x xwn acts,
<br />aLu ae*rani} .A nshl6 atla"nay a iaxa- wfirCn ;n i+la aGSUiu:9
<br />nrlc ., i n.aY bq .yt , V prxura
<br />•.:su a ~ .
<br />r+aka ..~ u W ~ i Tor let.., try
<br />_-r ,x an a_.._ ~ r1 t. l r ~ ... s -i.i r }rn] -a ,r. /C.3 f+e~oEr
<br />