<br />~2=tsti46I.3
<br />(With Power of Ssle)
<br />Amount Financed $1~~1.b1 _ Agreed Rate of Interest on principal Amount of Loan iai?~._`R.
<br />Principal Amount of Loan $~ 111"1.x1 Amount of First Instalment $ ~~-QO -
<br />Total of Payments $ '1 fE;?(~-iX%_ Amount of Other Instalments $-'Qi -~% -
<br />Anntral percentage Rate "F• tt-C":~~ Firs[ Instalment Due Date i'1/~s'? , 19_~-`7.~C
<br />Number of Monthly inatalmenta -_~u_. Final Instalment Uue Date ~,t~ . 19.E
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made this .?7nc1 day of Cr'-n?"'t'r __ , 19~
<br />between 18.t' -' a -~~ - ~ o.• i' •5 n t :•~
<br />whose mai}irrg address ie __f~'~.1'jr'`-'~rt^^ p`-'cr F:ranrl '"rl an:3. .I~' f;~: fSC)'1 ,
<br />as Trvstors, ~a=z:-^`' : *~' - °•-,n~ +'nr* ""?c
<br />whose mailing address is _ "'n^ Tn t r.^- nnrs Tel an~tr ':tG' ::5 ",:7~ ,
<br />as Trvatce, and Uial Finance Company of r'Cp t~rs.~E=a
<br />whose mailing address is ~ ~ Y 1~n -"' '~ TS-"^d, r_ ' `"72 as Beneficiary,
<br />WITNE9SETH, Ttvamrs hereby vrevocahiy, grant, bargain. sell, and convey to Trustee in trust, with power of sale, [he following de-
<br />scribed property in __ " ~7 --------"-'------- County. Nebraska:
<br />~t -~irsnt Cc.) _., Sun>et :^ir3 aubdir'_~ie^t ~e_ r_ a Bart of `_.le sdor+.`t i3s1f of
<br />t9e ,7crt".east %~xarter {~ ~~,TiU;~:% of ~,e_ ~-~ +n ~'erer~ :"I",;, =cwns~-~a eleven (11i
<br />.':ortY, i~a>1-e `"en {1~) '.Jest cf t?=_e ~t:""~ = .., iii? i;ount„ , :de~raska.
<br />Together with tenements, hereditaments. and appttnenances thereunto belonging ar in anywise appertaining and [he rents, issues and
<br />profits thereof.
<br />Thin conveyance is intended Cw the purpose of securing the payment ta Beneficiary of Truawr« promiaeon• note of even date in [he
<br />amotmt stated above ae "1'rrncipal Amount of loan". The agreed rete of interest per annum providtvl for in said note is the Agreed hate
<br />of Interest on principal Amount of Luan stated above, computed on unpaid balanres of Principal Amnant of loan. Said loan is repayable
<br />in the numiier of monthly instalmenC stated above- The amount nC the instalment payments duo on said loan is stated above. The first
<br />itrxl final instalment due dates an said loan are stated above. Payment may be made in advance in ary amount at any time. llefault
<br />in making ary payxtient shall, at Cho Banefictary's option and without notice ar demand, render the entire unpaid balance of void loan
<br />at once due and payable, lees any regwred rehace of charges i intereKi.
<br />To protect the security of thin Deed of Trust. Tritator covenants sod agrees:
<br />1. To keep the property m good vndttion and repair, to permit no waste thereof. to complete any building, structure ur improvement
<br />being truilt or about to 6e built thereon: to restore promot{y any huildirg, structure ar impravemeni thereon which may be damaged or
<br />destroyed; and to romply with alt lawn, ordinances. regulations, cavensns, couditiotu and restritt.ions atTecting the property.
<br />'L. To pay before delinquent ail lawful wzes and ;tsaeasments upon the property; to keep the property tree and clear nC rill other charges,
<br />lists or encumbrances impaznng the secuntY of this feed ai'Trust.
<br />3. Tn keep all buildings [mw or hereafter erected oa the property described herein coatinuoualy [neared agamat loss 6y fire ar other
<br />haaarda in sn amount not less *.han the toLS} debt secured by this Deed of Trusi_ All policies .shall ix held by the Beneficiary, and be
<br />in such tntapanies ae the 8ene6ctary may approve sod have lass payable first to the Beneficiary as its intemst may appear and then
<br />to the Tntetor. The amount collected under any insurance policy [nay br applied upon :toy mdeb[edness hereby secured in such order as
<br />ilia BeneIIoarv shell determxno, Such appiicatton by the Baneficiarv :shalt not cause discoaunttanct of any proceedings to faceclose this
<br />Deai.af 7`rmr: or cttra yr-waive any default or notice of default ur invalidate any act done piusuant w such notice. In the went of foreclosure,
<br />all rtghte-oF the Trttstorin tttsurattce policies then in farce shall pass to the purchaaar at the foreclostue sale.
<br />i. To obtain the wrinea consent of 8ettefieiarp before selling. vnveyin{; or <xherwise transferring the property ar any pan thereat and
<br />any such cola, vnveyance ar transfer without the Fleneliciary's written vonsent shell constitute x. defatilt under the terms hereof.
<br />b. To defend any action or proceeding purponttiq to utTect the security hereof or the nghta ur powete of Benefiaian or Trustee.
<br />fi Should 'Frustor fail w pay when due any razes, aasanamsnta, inaiuancr premiums, liens, rneumbeflnces or other charges against the
<br />property hereiaabovr describes, 8enatlcisry may pay the same, and the amount :w paid, wuh intnrvat at the rate set faith in the note
<br />secured hereby, shall tsr added to and become a part of zhs debt secured to this Ihed of Tntst as permuted by law.
<br />1. [n the event any portion of the property is taken or damaged in an eminent domain proceeding, the entire amount of the award
<br />or such portSan thereof as may be untYSSary w fatly. satisfy the obligation secured hereby, shall be paid to Eieneficiary ta be applied to
<br />said obligatmn.
<br />. Sy acaeptinq payment aF any sum secured hertkey sfter its due date. }leneliuxry does oat waive its right w require prompt payment
<br />when dot of all outer sums ro secur,rxl or to declare default for failure to so pay
<br />3. The Trusses shall nxonvey all .v any part ai the umpeny cnvsred by this Deed rd Trust to the parson entitled thereto, on written
<br />request of She Trtutor am! the 8anetlcian', ar upim satistaction a: the obligation secured and written request for retronvayance made by
<br />t3ae Batieiisiary ta• the parson entitled tiiemto.
<br />get E821NE1
<br />
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<br />4..~
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