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<br />82--xO46].5 <br />! }) nnuulr prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Lirban Development pursuant to the <br />National Housing Act, as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder; or <br />(FI) If and so tong as aid note of even date grid this inswnrent arc held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge (in lieu of a marryage insumncr premiunrj which shall be in an <br />aniumti equal to one~twrlfth fl,±l'_--) of one-half 11[') per eentum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without [along into account delinquencies or }repayments; <br />(b) A sum-equal io tttc ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable oa <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />an the mortgaged property ;¢!! as estimated by rite eLfortKaRee/ te,s all sums aheady paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months zo ciapse brtore one snondt prior w the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />assessments will bccunte detinqucnt, such sums to be held try Mortgagee in trust to pay' said ground rents, pre• <br />tniums, taxes and special assessments: and <br />Cc) All paynreuzs mennoned in tJie two preceding subseetiuvs of this paragraph and all pay72tents ro lee made under <br />the note secured herehy shat} be added together. and the aggregate amount thereof Mali be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month ir. n single traptnent to be applied by the Msrteagra to the tidiawing Items in the order set torth: <br />iI l premium charges under the contract of insaance wnh rile ~cretary of Housine and l'rban Ikvetopment, <br />nr month(c c(tarac fir? ireu of>n,~rteaectrtsarancr prerrtitrrrt}, as the rase umy' be: <br />III) na.mrd [eats, taxes, azsessmcrts. free snd other hazard insurance premiums: <br />tlil) interest on the mxe secured hereby, snd <br />(It') amoriizetlon of ilia princtpaJ ufsatJ cure- - <br />Any drticiancy ter ttte amount ut anu suet; a~reeatc mmaitiv payment sita}t. allies, made good by the Mort- <br />gagru poor to the due date of the next such payicse~~t. a:nsn[ut.r as event of dri'auk under this mortgage. The <br />Mortgagee niav softest a °'latr ciiarge•' not ro rxerect r;w; c=;nts t3yi for cash dollar tbJ) trf cads pa}=rnent more <br />than of teen l t ~ t ,~a'.s it arrears [:r cuvti;r tare rxt;a exnease involved in #tand}ing delmqurm payments. <br />._ fltat it the total of the payments made by rho ttrrrtgstor under ? r ~ of paragraph Y precadin~ shall exceed <br />the amount of payrtt7ent= uctuath made' by the 1}ongaeec fair ,round n•nt~. taxes and a+=es-menu or insurance pre- <br />mium, as the ca.~e maz tr', -uch esress, if du }i><vt is Curren[, a[ zhe [:}roan ut The Sturtgagor. shall fee credited by <br />the tlori¢agee un +uhaet}uent paiment.~ ter tri• made he the 11nr[gattur, nr refunded err iho tlurt>_+afror. {f, however, the <br />'nunth}i pxvmemr mtsde ln~ rite Murtgag[x un[ier t ~-. of paragraph _' preceding +it:tii n+x i+e .ufficicnt to I>.ag gtatnd <br />rent., taxe.~ and axse~>ment- nr in.-urattre premutm~, a= the r;t-e mat nr. ,+rien the game shall hetome due and ptey- <br />ahle. then the SkrnKal!ot ,hall pa} u, the tionguetvr an} atrnwm pace=pan to make up the defieient•y, un ter hefnte <br />the dau when pavmettt nl -uch t;niund rent-, ruc~..t-~+'-,inept- or ui~mvncr premiumx ~haJl he due_ If at any <br />time tbs' 1}oniaKor =haft under m the llvni!atter, ut :a'cnrd:mco with the provi>iun< of the pule =et•ured hetrb}, <br />full payment rrF the totter indehtedne-~ n•}ere=Doted ihenhc, the 11nr1_agtr <hatl. in computing the amount of .vetch <br />tniJebttdncss, cred7t ru the aciuunt of the aongagor .alt payment. manic under die pm+-i•:ious of ; :i at partgrtph <br />hereof which the: l14rlnxtee ha- pert #x'cnmr oh[igx[ed to p;t} ro th+' rt•crrtar~ of lino=in'!, ~nd t'rban Development <br />stmt anz tmJanre n'mainint: m the- fwul~ :u`cumt}atr.c{ ,meter the pro+i~rurt. i,f ; r .rl parsgruph_r hertvrl. IC khtre. <br />-~ha}} ire v default under anu of th+' pro.i~ion> u. itii- mnrtiago m-vit;n_ m a politic -ale ut the premises covered <br />herrhv. uc if the tlarukuec ;tcyuin'a the propertt ut#tt•rwtse after defnul[, the tlun;;:~,ee >haH apply„ stt ilia time uC <br />ihr• commrncz•ment .'f -uch prorr't'd}n,-_ <a' ,n the time the pnipen} r- uth?•rwr,c• :.~gmrud, the 6alunce Chen rcmain- <br />inK in the fund- ascurnuJatrn under'-_, ni p,trt~r.,ph ' jirrr i•Jm;. :an :r r n•rlit again-t' amaum of print-ipal then <br />reniainin~ unpaid corder <aid ^uir..:nri rhaJi };ruperi} arlJu-t :m~ navuent- ++trx h >hait #ra+r ha'en made under tu? <br />of para}raph °. . <br />'ftsit the \iortgagur +vli _,,^as eruunai rent,_ ,axe:..~..c;,:arnt,. Nate•r raccti. ,nd other covrrnmrntai ur numic7pul <br />thargrs_ tinr>. or ern povtmn.. fur :. hth pr+"-ryas sa. t==ai ern tn;nie hxrraut><f: err. nand s: defaatt thereof the 1J urigagrr may <br />pe}- rhr vin+. ,nJ [h r ux'k#-.rtga - ut:, r-r tptty rir+ci ihe,at3tcr.ti re+erpie threat+rrlu hr aJortwgrr <br />^: The iior tg:tk,., nut }.p ..C, rive, ti-hr~c mat. he +:^+reS ut'.,:r flit liurtgagts `> nstc rr~t ua s;nd real evt.tte anti improve'- <br />menis. and wheeh mas t'r ks red tt; on ihi~ ua+rtt;age ~'r the u'rt+[ se~r,nrd hater?} phut {nit+ to the ettrnt iltat wch is nut prohibit- <br />ed by txw nnJ +rnly to the esa•n! that sueit .+r14 not rn:,ier thi+ lean u~urou~t. t~ttt csc;udeng an# in-:nine tat. State err Frtirra:. <br />rmyui,ed un Alougugre, ;at+i u s='! fire the athctai te..eipt .hero mg ~u.°h pad, inept ++tth the ~Alurtgngee !'fwn uulation of thi: undrr- <br />'-.ukmg, or i[ the MoriRSgar is Prohibited by :,rt} kiw rnx+ ,,r fiercaftrt r zronng L on- ps} utg the t+hale or :+n} p+ttuun of the aforr- <br />+aid raves, or upai thc• trnJrsitag of an+ cuua Jeerer ,*aohd+uttttt the }+:.?pent by rhr Mortgagor „r any ,uch razes. of if such law <br />ur decree prucrdes that any ,nrn:runt +a }r;,id by the Si,utgagas ,haR E>e trrdncJ on the ruungage debt. rhr iA~lort~gershail hove <br />the nght to gi.-e moats dcry,' ++-ritirn nutter to the uu art ^+f ehe r?turtgageJ }+rrnti,r,>. rryuiring the paYm¢nt cf the mortg:~r <br />debt. If such corder ter kiven, rite .aid drht shaft hrcumr Jar. pat-ah}r : nJ rv+tirrtihle :i= the expir:-7[ian of .aid nine[y dl<y,. <br />i,_ ~1'lrat ~htluld hr fat{ to p:ry an; sum ur ketp .~n} m.~rmsst provided fee nz thi. ~iortgugr. then the Mortgagee, at its pp- <br />nun, nuat Pay i,r prrforrt the Drina, and a;i rs}rrnditu.r, .o rn:rdc .h:+it he _iddcd to the }'rtnripa} saint ,wing un the ahove purr. <br />;hail rte +r. urrd herebw and shaft bear inure>t at the ri+tr set tarih in the .aid autr, aon} paid. <br />°. 'I~hat he herrFy a~-zigns- transfet+ :+n+i x'i> aver to the Mortgagor. t„ br apatrcd tnw:uJ the pa}'ment :,f rhr note and ul} <br />surnv ,tcureJ hr[rhv ir, ar.e of a Jef,aath m the itirfur rranx of erne ,,€ !ttc reenter aau' cc-ndltiuns of th7v ,"+tottgagr of tht >aid <br />n..ur„all rhr rente. tct rnur+ernu vncr,+mr to ~e ,iztsva~-'. f;i+nt Eiir martgagrJ liter,: i+e~ dunng=uch tune :u the mortgage indcbtea- <br />rxas shalt remain unpaut: .end the l3urtguKte shat[ have puu'r: to ::ppi=int xnc agent ,~t ttvente rt nru} deuce for the purpose of <br />repairing satd ,; truuua and +r=' earning tfre r:;~e ,tnu coliecu~zµ ih.- tents.. r«enur+ anal me+,mc, and iE may p,e# out of sapid in- <br />.~...~- :.}r .erne. of r+;n:,rtrng .aui prr•xti•e~ anti nr,_r.anv armsnnnsiun. anti rztrerrsrs :rttunel ui rrnGng and managing the <br />,a ute•an I of c.,llrc tang rrnthls 7hrrYfrom: tizr ha`sanfie rtmaimng, if any, to he uppiied tx{w and rhr di,chargr df std tnurtgagr <br />rrrdrbtrdrtrs.+. <br />K. ~SltaS #re ui}I aeap tha etnprraorraent± n++u cvt,tin¢..: litres#tet Drat lea ~~n the mortgaged pn+prrip. rnwicd as ;nay be <br />requited frenr timz t+. Gn?s by rhr Sl:xtgtrgrr s}atnet lass 6v fsrr .~na ether hac,aU~. <::hualt:rs a!xi taint{ut•.-~_:,+~+ ~.r su.h <br />;?rzte:rani ~ t.J fs?c u+-h }?e-itiui. ;.-. uta~ f,s c~yur.<d hr ht iui~a±icc .i:c,: 4.t1' n + iitr:.'i _}-. he^u t , .+n~ t` ,~n .u+-H <br />in±at`~c c+r~*stviin +',?t {~;nzrt;.t u( aiti.:b h3:- not ;><^cn r*tade hcteiattsrio[r Ail rmuraute -?tat! Fe rout era:. ,}~„niter syr <br />tit,>vcd by the Mrutgtsper :and the twhcies xnJ rrue~:,i, thereof ah t~: t : hri;l b} rhr Mortr:igoe .met h-- ..Irn:hr.. nc~;rm tin, <br />,a~yat+rr ri3u~s in fats :af and iu fr?ern r<e.eptabie :=, lhr Mortgagee-'snc rot+~f lu+s lfuttgagr7 udi arse in:uttJfate uuircr by <br />mxu to t~~ MaNtpagrr. who ma} makt pti,of of tn~ti if r*t,t mode prumptiy k'} Mortgagar~, and ter: n iu.+u truce companp cuu~ <br />,r<rnad i, fzrtrn}- aut'srriir+': arnJ drte:LeJ iu make paymc.ct fat sv,.h Io., durai. t4' the llurtgagtr [nstcea of ter, the ~lurtg;aget <br />arnt4k~llvat~;r~e},ntni)',atutS.tTeura[tmnc pr,azc,1+.-a an:t+:ut:haruf err ikapphnFFtthr33tn1aiccatu*optiunother <br />t+* the trdu.~icntiii the irieir-htednrsvhtrthy *r.ureu or - he r~stc-auia{at rapai^ r+ ux p- _ errs 6na rged. In rs n, i+f foret.i,,. <br />+nte of tins mtrrt~ypr or Pthar trsma'er of titir t+* rhr n:ortgiged PF ~pertr an euinganhntrea „t rhr ur,#c#rtedne ~, sri utt•J herfi'}. <br />,,Je r[yiet, !rite sad foie#cni Uf the ~fi t ~p}iip.'r e+ anu to any- t {,t,tnc+• , i ! tht.r. ir: €or,,t ±haU p=tip to rbc Pt:[-.' ha+c: {'t gt.inhc <br />') 'J'1wr ,rc aJdtG.rru+l anti t iJxtetal vc.,urih ',it zhc i a,v n±ent '+! tht *=,qr h tF~;i_ jnd aH +rtnz '' ~. ';*,c Jttc under dti, <br />_><r,.g~sr. the Mswsg:ytur lrr:tiL±} ,i;~cifSr#s [e+ ehs Mrrrttrttt .•ils. rc~,cnuz.. ~ ~,. +, rtt;ht, ,,..i x'nai«tt ,icruing +„ ilia <br />bFrac~t.y .rrKhtr :a . xrnJ l: .:r1 amt g~ iea.r.v +a:.aid p•a-.,.~cs~ ~=th tis~. rr~l.. ,. <tcr a a,.i , c,pr t i tf,e ..,ins ..- errata <br />tht~ns ur. vu! in[irktit.4,x~ , ,.. uei€ Gefttc st after defstult tv tha t.xr -drt.urr= "t t#t usrip:ritr cn,y the \t urg,ap;cr roa+ uat~t.f. rat <br />.r gird rca it+-is ~tcy ,k~f,,,-.c-.~t.*rren a°-rse,ria}~gahk.!Nst 4h ,!+t+.i PV: r..~aass.}-.,-., '-.rte,.-.gtayEr;t- otzSUmxci. <br />?rril t'r-.,i dn{ r?t;}[ xr+v S It t t,:n `t. si• r t!~ ~l+e_Ir{'a1LC <br /> <br />