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<br />'Chia form is user! in connec- <br />tion with mortgagee insured <br />MQ~TGAGE under the one- to four-family <br />provisions of the National <br />,$,~` i~ r, A 6' ~ ~ HousinRAr:t. <br />THfS MOR"CGAGE, made and executed this 25th day of October ,A. D. <br />t9 fl2 . by and between - - <br />James D. Roth and Dtynna F. Roth, Husband and Wife <br />rat the County of X11 , :+nd State of Nebraska, party of the first-pars, hereinafter called <br />the Mortgatlnr. and Superior Mortgage, Inc. <br />a corporation nrganized and existing umirr the taws of Nebraska <br />party of the srrnnd part. hereinafter called the Mortgagee, <br />WlTT3ESSETH: Thee the said ~(ortgagor. furand in consideration of the u+m of Twenty four thOUSand six <br />huztdre~d ~,i~tY glut No~l00ths- Dollars t5 24, 650.00 ), Faid by the Mort- <br />gagee. the ,,crept n w se +s htrebs acknnwtetfged. has Granted and Sotd and by these presents does -Grant, Bat- <br />gtein. Sttl. Canvey and Confirm unto the Mortgage,, its svccessnrs and assigns, forever, the foNowing-desctihed- <br />xral estate. situated in the County o[ Ball .and Stale <br />of >wehraska. Fn wile. - <br />East One Half (E~.) of the North One Half (N~) of Lot Five (5), in <br />Vantine's Subdivision of the Northwest Quarter (NW;i) of Section Twenty <br />Two (22), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine f4), West of the-Sixth <br />Pritt~ipal Meridian, Hali County, Nebraska <br />c,t the lath f'rincipai Meridian. ~onta,ning in atf acres accnrdinRtn(iovern- <br />mcntsursev: <br />Tt] HAy`i: ~NI)'I'!) lit_yf_i) the Sxrmi,r; ;hu.c desert( c;t. ,vith aft the ,ppurtenanets thereunto belonging and includittg <br />afl heating. plumhingand lighting; hsturc-. a.rtd vyuq,men[ ar~u or hereafter cntuched r;, or u>rd in connection with did teat estate <br />mm~ the hlortgagrr, and u, its successor and n.t,izret, fore.-er -fhr ylartgagor ret,resems to, ind covenants with. the A#ortga-- <br />get. that the yfnngag x has gea,d nkht to sell and ~~nnsey ,:lid premtsrs, zhtt they are free from encumbrance; and that the <br />Mrtgtagor wilt warrant and ,.(,fend the sans, agents( the Iavfui cVaints of alt persons whomsoever; and the said Mongagor htre- <br />bp rekingtdshe> af{ rights ctf hrtmastead, and al; [nantai nghh, astteer m tau ar ro et{vitg, and aif other contingent interests of the <br />Mun,yr,g::r in ;end tit the abuse-riescrit-+rd pre,nisr>, the mtenvan ixsng tr: eon=et~ hereby are absolute titer, in tar simple, inrlud- <br />ingaitrights ref homestead- mtd other rights rand intrre=ts as aforasaid- <br />PRt?VIDFI) Ai.N`AYS, and (hear presemn an' azecutadand de!icerrd upon the PcRowingconditions, u! wit: <br />The Mortgagor agree. to pay to the Msxtgagtr. ,x ruder, the: pnnctpai sum of Twenty foot thousand six <br />hundred fifty and Noll00ths---------- Ik+ttur>tX 24,650.00 <br />with mtetrst ftotn tiara ai the rite of Twelve and One-half pet <entunt ( 12.50 `~) l;erannum on <br />the unpaid t+afant:e until pant. The seat pnstcipai and mterest shat! ter payable at the otfice of Superior Mtutgage, InC. <br />in Gtansl Island. NE , or .tt such other place as the holder of <br />the (tote logy de>i~rtr in tsritin(}, in month!} inswtlmentn of Tt~ct hundred sixty three and 0811.OOths----- <br />~___, _ Ikrttar, ii 263 Og __ __ 1, cnntmrncittg on the first day of <br />Ik!Celitbet ~~1~~ - !9 fl2 _ arxt in hC first deg of each month tirrraef err until the principal and in- <br />terrst .xe fully paid. except that the final pavntent of prirxipa; :end interest, if not xwner paid, >halt hr due and <br />payable nn the tit.( day a.f November, 2012 .all accrxding to the reruns of a iertain promss- <br />snry real, of even date lretewith rsrcu+rd hg the said ;61orr;.agor <br />~f'hr hfaxtgagtu in order (Wore fuNy to ptotrct thesrcunty of this Morfe, agrees: <br />:. T)tat he .xill pay G4e ittdrbtednrss. a5 hrrantxforr provided. frrivi!tgr is ,,served to pay the debt in whole, ar in an <br />amount 2ajtvu to nett nr more manthiy' Paymani± on the pnncipai th:tl are nru due .,n the ante, un the tint day of any month <br />sxrt a.> r^~furiir:.~esis#rcl., ,'s,w~crt=, That =ritttn rs ,ter ;tf an intent en ;:a eet.:irc =ssc'h, grit-t:rgr is :riven :,a , -, ; thistY t;+t)t <br />days pri+yx to prepay-went <br />That. tvgrihat with, 'end in addisinn tv, rise menthty prirmrnts r+f prinupa! ant! imarest payatzte under the trrtns of the <br />near(, ieeUterf farrehv, the Mnrty~tix wit! prey to ihr ~f.urtpeger. ten the first day of rack mouth until the said nt,te s fatly paid, the <br />fnfkHning sttmM1:. - - <br /><~) :RrvWUtt orfh+<.~nt tv;tFVStt~ the tu,isht hater,}'.Kith timds is pay the neat uxxtgay~. itastatanst prentrant if thts <br />msltugtrxtt and, rho not, eecuted hereby :ate tnsuted. ~~e a ansntthly -~,!tr~tgr (in iscu sxl' a nraart~~r iriwmrtcr Fu~e_ <br />rruuhr~ it dray sea held b} the Seetrrary- of tlausttg and lhha++ tkyaiiytrrunvt, as frlitows. <br />tf S if s+.r t.~ as ~! nrrtr of rrcr. date acrd this uss-t:,rment are itr~rc,i of err rrtnsurad under the !,tt, <br />azx~n rt€ x#r~ htattr~l )fsutstty(t Act. sea arnsnN-t svf+."xtrttt t„ src;vmutsir u, t)cr trends of the l+rildrt rwte <br />tt+pi~eq '•'itA~'d5a;~tM fYfgs9 *pa s.r wrs a^r,i xut+Wr cr unrwstett STA~f'P: iff' \F~IS1iA13KA <br />