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82- ~(1~431~i <br />(1) month prior to its due date the anneal mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds ro pay such premium m the Secretary of Housing artd hrban Development pursuant to the <br />National taus{ng Act. as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder. or <br />(II} If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of housing and <br />F,irban Development, a monthly charge /in lieu oJ' a mortgage insurance premium/ which shall be in an <br />amount equal to one-twelfth (1;'] 2} ui carte-half (1 J2} per centum ref the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments; <br />(b) A sum equal to the grotmd cents, if any, next dur, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged properly, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged property loll as estimated 6t~ ther efivrteagcel irss all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />ntunber of months to elapse before one encode prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />assessments wilt become delinquent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee ut trust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />miums, taxes and specie{assessments; and <br />(d All payments mentioned in .the two preceding subsections oi' this paragraph and all payments to he made under <br />the note secured hereby sfiall be added together, and ihe~aggregate amount thereot shalt he paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single payment to he applied by the Mortgagee to the ioilowing items in the order set forth.: <br />(C} premium charges under the contract of mmrance with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development„ <br />or ntanthly chargz fin lieu o! mnrrgagr Lrsurunce premium J, as the cast may br: - <br />f Itl ground rents, taxes. assessmenu, ilrr and other hazard insurance premiums; <br />(]li) interest an the note srcurcd herr,.by; and <br />(IV j amortization of the prins7pa1 of seed note. <br />Any deticieney im ihr amount of any swell aggregate monthly payment shall, unirss made good by the Mort <br />gagtrr prior to dte-due deer of the next such payment. ca+nstitute an event ui deiautt tender this mortgage. The <br />Mortgagee may collect a "{ate charge" not to rxcerd t:rur ::cots t4it) Eor each dot{ar 15{) of rash payment morn - <br />Aiau fifteen ({'{ da•: s it arrears to ~uvrr the extra cxprnsr tnvoived in handling del{nquent payments. <br />o. That Vf the octal of the payment= mad«• by the \Inrt~*ustur under r•?•' of pur-arraph `3 precedinK shall exceed <br />trot amount of papmrrtt-a aetuulie made by the Nori,aaee hr trmtnd rtatt~, taxes and u->c.,mentri-or insurance pre- <br />mium=. as the ca=a muv 6e, :uch escesn, if the {shin is curtenr, nt the opuim eF the Maxtgagor, shall be credited by <br />the \inrtgit;ter nn .~ubseque•nt pavment> us he mode by the Morir,ugor, or refunded to the \brtgaKor. 1f, however, the <br />~stmsltly payments nt:tdc br the Sfostgagor under ; n( p<rr<igrapkt _' preccdinc that{ not be sufficient to pap ground <br />:rot, raze- and a~rossment- or in-ururice premium, u.~ the t a.e ma} Ire. when the ..-ame =ha{{ become due and pay <br />:sbir, then Ute tkirt~,ai¢ur -hull pay to the 1{oneagee any amount nerecan' to make up the deficiency, on or before <br />the duce taboo payment of -.uch nmund nmt~, tuxr•:=, a~~c,~~mt•nt- nr ta-uranct• pn•miums shalt be due, if at-env <br />time the lkirtga.Gor -halt tender u, etas \Inn-~*:t~•eo, ut areordance with the pnnL-ion= of the note ~erured hereby, <br />full pacmertt of the entire Vndrtrtrdne;s nyare.rnttwi fhemtrc- the lktn>;age r• short- in cnmpul{ne the amount of such <br />inde•btec}ftess^^, errdit to the acc-cntnt of the tilortgagor a!i payments male urxic7 the provisimrs of tu,Pnl paragraph Z <br />hort•,if xhich [hr 4{artt;:tgce hu,= not la•a-ome nb{!>_atr=d tt> {tar to Ate ~.=r€t-run of Housing ..nd Crhun Development <br />and env balattc•c remaininK im etas fwxi~ xrrumutated under the pnsvi-ton- uE ' : r,E pararaph _' herrrrf: {f there <br />shalt be a defuutt under fury of the pnsviirut- of eht- murta:+ca' rr.~uitin_ :;: ;+ pu{tlie >dle of tfte premises colored <br />hereVic; or it the \krrtKa~sre acquirra rho lrruprriy othr•rwl-r after deF,su{t, the lkrttea}!ee =hall apply. at the time of <br />the cnmmencemtvtt of ~urh pnx-r.~din_~~, ur ai the time the pni}s.>nv :~ othrna t,~r aequirt•d- the hala»ce then remain- <br />ing in die tund~ :rccumul atrr{ under ; `- ~ of paragraph :'. prt~cedtn ~r- :t vredit a.ain-i the amount of principui then <br />rcmasning unp::id under -aid notes. rod -:tali pnspi-riv ud iu ~t env pavmrnt-which >hall havs• born made under fa= <br />rd paraKrnp6 _?. <br />.- That the <k,ngugr,r :. di pay pra~arn; ;cot,. eaves. ale,±ntemt,..aateT rir,..:nd ether goeernmenta} nr muninipai <br />chargr~, firtda, c,r nn po,tuens_ fo: uhu-h pro, rssn f:a, not t•re^ tuadr tie2inhefnre.:mil ut default thereuE the Moagagee muv <br />pay rho ,ante: and that the ti{urt;,::gor H ail pt+;rrtotR Jrlr a the u-.~`itrJ rr.e:pt, thrrr[.,t to rite lforiKagre. <br />~. The 3iurtkagor a tit ps} . {V Saar- ;.-hr:h a:ar 'rs.: ?ea-,<v opt+n the ltongagr>*~s ;ntrre,t to +aid real e;W[e and improvr- <br />menu, and which mac hr ievrd trp-tm the. the»7Ka)•.;z .,r [{se drht.ecurnV {terrhyihut .7nt} is=the eaten! that such is notprnhibit- <br />ed by tau and colt to the carrot that ,uch .aiP na; make the, krar: u,udou,!, l±ut exchsdinC any income wx. State or Federate <br />imposed on Mortgagee. and wit) htz the ctderuv--! rr.r:pi ,how-inK lath tasvment wuh the vtortt::y;re. G}ti>n vi.dation ut this under- <br />L•iking, ar it ihr Mortg;tKot r„. pn>htbitrd hr ;,r+} ;,sw ne»-,~r hereafter rxt,ting from paring the whole or any portion of the afixr- <br />said texts. tier upon the re ndentrg a>f any e.<utt :iecree prcrhthitint; the at-netrt by ihr vhirtg;;gur nr any such taxea. nr if such law <br />ar ile.rre praviair, the: any- amount ,v p;nai t+} tttp trot tg,rgi•r eh:d} hr eredried on the ntceiKisgr dzbr, Che \t. ttgugre shall have <br />the nght t,t Kive nirtrt}~ day.` wrinen nuttKC tc• the owner of the matlgageQ prrnusrs, requiring the payment of the rnurtgagr <br />cttbt. if vruh ttotiue hr given, ihr sail debt s{t;t{t become due, payuhk artd culfrciib'k at the cxpirntion of said ninety duvs- <br />6. 1`hat slusuki h< fat{ to pu} any cum ur keep any c=~,rena:a pmvidrd fur ht thi. ~furtpak'e, then the Mort}*ager.:u its op- <br />tion, may par or perform the saner, and air txprriditurrs ,rt :nadr shat{ l+e added ta: the principal sum owing on ihr atuxe note. <br />clew{! br soured herrhv, and =hall V+rar intcre,t ai the rate .r[ forth itt the said aotr, until paid. <br />lhut he heret+y assigtss. trartsfrr+ and xts aver art the \furtgaKer, a, k+e applied toward the payment of the note and all <br />wins secured tetchy in coat of s drfxult in t!rr prrtsrman,:e r+f :env of the terms artd conditions of this Morigagr or ihr sent <br />- notr._ aU the, rents, revenues arui rnCa,rne to ht derived from rite mortgatr~ prpmtare during such time as the mortgage indebtzd- <br />rxa~s strafe remain unpaid: and the hfurtgagrr ,haB ltar•r , owrr u+ app•nm an}• agzrn uc agents it may desire for the purpose of <br />t>rpYtrin>z sued premr;ed and ref renNog the ;.-ame soil esT{{sing the tent>. resertue5 ac~drneome. and it may pay out of said itr <br />r-ottres a{{ exprusts of rcpaitittg s~sid prem6es and n:'=cessarv` 6ctmnrrse wt. an3 ziprmes inr~urrrd in rrttiiug aitd managing the <br />vrue artd of ctt{Ie:Bng tentafs [heroiram_ the hcdrsucr rcmainhrg, tf any. r,> lye applied reward the. discharge at said murtgtige <br />irtdrf?t_~tttrns. <br />R. `Ctuii fir wife keep the mtprcvrmcnh tu.,w exi.tsng or ttertaftet rrectea „n the- mortgaged propert}-, fnxrred av me}' t±r <br />requs4d trnrn Nine h- ame-hy the wftxtgttttpp against lns. {=q fur artd other }ta~ards,{tits and ,omingtrr~irs ut auch <br />umaums a~ fi» auch petixwia as may be rtquece! try the yfurtet anti will p°ay prvmptl} .whrn dur. auy nrrmiums oar such <br />i;i~traau:z p.t>ti-riot- f-:r pnyrucn..rf,: ;t~f:.ta.... r trt-ra made>: - ,A, 4 , ., ,..: shat; hc. = - r ,ru;a • . :psnx•, ;its <br />Pi.fed art the s~,'v~tg:~ee 3.-u3 rht- }wskaers~nd rz;;ru-ate tha-reof st:afi k+r ;.r{il l,p the itiur?gogzr and have att.:, ~ ~, ~T?,.rete lore <br />payB9{r clait!ss zn fxvsx ni_a*td m from acv prank t<, ihr \torip:racrc. {n rvrot r ;c?ra Ricxtgags.,r ui1! gtvt r:,:~~. ~ .otti:e r. <br />rr~sFStt the Mortguy}~e, wko trtay make prsxxF ,t Vas, if ru+t ntadc prsor.pttti by 13ortor, and each sn ar;,ncr . r.:pany con- <br />xrreed-is hprphy an{txirllyd ;ind diserted air tnakc pen rotor flu such {,ass directly a^ the \iartp:agtr :nuracf ,rf tc_ the :lf urtg~agor <br />arm blt.rt~tprcr ~ttirrtiy: ant! tlt,r smrttramr prtu:eed. cx-any part rtterpof. mat .~ applied by the Maxtgagrr ai tt: apikrn either <br />us the rrytftic-txnn ad-the in9rtucdnccs #erthp sea ore.; .u to ihr rc:stcratitm ur ra . it of the i,relurty damakrd {r. r r col of fo€ts:hr- <br />~iire ,d tM. h,tsrrg~age of rata-rttansfrr ai' title n> the mort}t:tgui prz'a}+rrtt~ iu evtaagtus3tmer}t uV the indrhtcdnr„ c=curate hrtrhs-. <br />ill tight, in{r3aa inarre,t ail tear 1.foxta -a u d a;• an} tnsttrsnec eatliCir: i~ktt ~n iUrir ehaiF p,a+ tc the }vn~hs*r; or grn;ncr. <br />v. 'Chat{. sv :idtistsc»ta{ anal t i{sap=a! +avit,ac ! ±r tttp gay:urni ui trio n.,ir-des: rihed. and a?! st+nat t,t !,cri+me dur, under this <br />:u+rt~}s: eke lwf~{~('ltereby_ a«xtytns ta* the ~\{?>#tgrigr:r aik protirv~, rrvtnuc,, re,}aitrr., sights artd hrneitta aaceuusit to the <br />`~-situ t!+>v#rt met aArl~l t±i{-atttJ gas : acass tin solo p€tnsisFC~ aSth rite tittltr tr, roctrrt arx{ retript fiyr the saint twat appPy <br />:item kr_sad icaipttifpdresi`s as wet{ heisvt ++after i4c#'auh ias t1K a.ondutikta tzf tht, triottitagr..mei rix if rirtista}tr. mnv dtmuud. ,ue <br />gar zeal i~ai?e:' env e,t.h 6ar?ttenty vrA~n dve~snJ {K,tpsl+ie, but V qa:d hr;; a',?•qurrri +.<• w d.: 1?7ta,€tssgamaol ,. i-= tr: ntusate <br />a€wi hs i •,Sna'. null and : eHd ui~rrr t r{C:I+t~ i+i ztua rlxritta$r - <br />